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Author Topic: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins  (Read 1089 times)


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2006, 08:36:04 am »
Krindo is getting big...

He is 4 months old now. And he is getting bigger every day. I take him with me as much as possible. In the craft house...everyone flocked to me when I came in to clean out some things. I even let Lance Merrick hold him a moment. Krindo seemed to like it.

Lance. A nice enough sort. Genuinely concerned for me and Krindo I think. I don't know. Maybe he feels a duty to take care of Elgon's...and yes....Elgon's family. But...I'm not ready to have another man in my life yet. I'm still hurt over losing Elgon. I don't think I want to get involved with another warrior just to lose him again. I don't know how to tell Lance this. Better think of something before he gets hurt. I don't want to do that. He is a nice man.

Darn you Merricks. Why do you all have to be nice...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #41 on: November 05, 2006, 03:11:03 pm »
It is said that bad things happen to good people...

The disaster in Hurm has released a new danger. A plague. And almost my whole family has got it. Kyle and Ferrit have it. Ferrit passing through Hurm when the disaster struck and brought the plague to Kyle. Then Omer...Daniel...Jako Stonehill get it. Rain shows no signs...but he is staying away to be sure. Krindo and I have been declared free of I will take Cole and care for him until a cure is found. If there is one. You know how healers can be very secretive about these things.

I feel so helpless. I can't go near them or I run the risk of getting the disease. What I can do is bring food to them and leave them at the door. If there are gods...why don't they help them?

I better get Cole settled. He may be with me a while...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #42 on: November 10, 2006, 12:43:22 pm »
They are cured...

A cure of sorts was found and dispensed to all who contracted the plague. Cole was overjoyed to see Kyle when he came to take Cole to put a happy ending to an otherwise horrible experience. He even gave me a couple of doses of the cure...just in case.

Now...I need to help them scrub down their house so the plague is no longer a threat. I'll have to take one of those cures before going in. Kyle thanked me and said that if it wasn't for my plea in the Wild Surge...this Plen Ashely wouldn't have known to cure them. I'm glad he has such friends that would come to his aid if he needed tham.

I am going to Krandor...clean up needs to start...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #43 on: November 17, 2006, 12:01:49 am »
I must take Krindo back to Vanavar....

It is getting strange around here. Talk of treason. The plague...the colder weather coming south. It is becoming dangerous around here.

I will leave Krindo with Mother and Father and return to Mistone. I love Kyle and Ferrit and little Cole...but I must get Krindo to safety.

I will return...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #44 on: December 05, 2006, 06:18:57 pm »
*Jenna strides into the Wild Surge...Krindo strapped to her back. She flips 7 gold pieces to Yastin and enters her usual room. Once inside she sets Krindo down on the bed. She finds the leather bound journal.*

Well...that was a short homecoming....

While Father was pleased to have a grandchild named after him...Mother looked at me with shame. How I could bear a man's child without marrying him...she wouldn't even listen to me when I told her he died before I even knew...she won't even acknowledge her grandson. What does she wish me to do? Give up my only child to preserve HER reputation? Never...

I can't stay there. Krindo even feels Mother's disdain...and he cries all the time. There was only one thing for me to do. I have returned to Mistone and to the only family who would have me. Maybe Kyle could soften Mother's heart. Then she may accept us again.

I hope so...I dearly hope so...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #45 on: December 26, 2006, 11:48:27 pm »
A lot has happened since I wrote last...

First...Ferrit and Kyle have a new daughter...Aylana. Such a pretty name. And pretty hair. But reddish brown. Like Uncle Tyler's used to be. Well...anyway she's a beautiful baby...and I get to baby sit every now and then.

Krindo and Cole...thay are more like brothers than cousins. Which is good...because Krindo needs someone his own age to be grow close to. And I believe they will be close. It would make my heart glad.

Now...there are rumblings of discord on Alindor...since the declaration of an agreement with Milara. One town....Karthy...I believe is in a state of martial law has doubled the guards. Never been to Karthy...and I don't think I'll be going there anytime soon. Oh well...just some inflated egos at work there.

So many changes around me...and I have been stagnant. Time to get my life together and move on...