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Journal of a traveling monk
« on: January 08, 2006, 09:42:00 am »
Entry I

I hve finally finished the first stage of my monk training. Ten years have passed since I began training here, and my mind still burns with the memories of that day. I've decided to leave the monastery and travel, hoping I can erase this hatred from my mind.

Entry II

I believe I witnessed an omen today. I awoke in a forest, and a huge dragon spoke to me. He called me to help the world, and said other adventurers were on Hlint, and I should join them. I followed a path through the woods and the dark night, and a statue spoke to me as well. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them I was in this small walled town. Hlint, I guess. Maybe I can continue my path from here.

Entry III

I met three adventurers today, after some odd happenings when I was walking. Acacea, a stealthy halfling lady that speaks very fast; Zweck, a strange man with devilish traits; and Brilligimble, a chronomager, he said he controls time with his spells. We chatted for a while and I left to meditate.

Entry IV

I took a walk around the city today, and bought me a few supplies. I also found an interesting training area, down in the sewers. The rats are good exercise, I just have to avoid attracting too many. I heard some tax papers were lost here, maybe I can find this ratman that stole them. After some training and searching, I left for my inn room and meditated over my latest accomplishments. I also developed a fighting technique that will help against ranged attackers. I just hope the noise in the room did not bother anyone.


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« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2006, 08:19:00 am »
Entry V

Today I found the hideout of that Ratman. He was a tough opponent, and the several rats attacking me just made it worse. After a hard battle, I recovered the tax records, and returned them to Florah. I decided to explore the town outskirts after that, but a group of orcs was wandering around, and I'd better avoid them for now. Maybe I can find some other adventurers to help me, would make things easier.


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« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2006, 12:07:00 pm »
Entry VI

I met an elven warrior named Tiden today. He was in the sewers, searching for the Ratman. It seems the bandit didnt learn the lesson and caused more problems. After a quick rest in the Wild Surge, I joined him and we went down to face the Ratman. His companion, a large panther named Storm, made our fights much easier by tearing up rats and spiders. They seem to be very connected to each other, and they fight very effectively together.

After disarming the Ratman's trap the hard way, we bashed the door to his hideout and attacked. As I imagined, he had his rat group with him, but Storm quickly tore them up. The Ratman attached the panther and killed her, moving on to Tiden after. I stunned the bandit, and we finished him and his rats. Tiden was saddened by Storm's death, but he told me she can return after rebuilding her strength. I'm impressed that their connection is strong enough to achieve this, usually bringing someone from the dead requires a great deal of magic.

On our way out, Tiden accidently hit me with a spell, and I fell asleep. This accident made me notice that my mind is not in balance with my body and my soul. I must meditate over this and strengthen my mind, in order to reach a perfect self. Only through this I can serve Toran to the best of my abilities.


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« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2006, 08:25:00 pm »
Entry VII

Met another adventurer today, an elf archer named Ash Willo. She helped me battle through the crypts, searching for the essence of an undead enemy. Another group of adventurers, more experienced than us, joined the search as well. We killed several ghouls and zombies, but we couldn't find the essence. I'll have to explore it again later, maybe the darksoul will be there. It was a good experience to fight alongside this group, sadly I didn't have time to learn their names.

A ghoul scratched me during our search, and the wound is turning sickly yellow by now. I should get this treated before it gets too ugly, and perfect my body to avoid such a happening in the future. I feel I am walking the right path though, and I feel stronger with each passing day. I am confident that self-perfection will allow me to serve the Great Leader better, and I'll strive to reach it with all my strength.


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« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2006, 06:43:30 am »
Entry VIII

A couple of things happened to me in the last few days. I met Micheal Mordicai, the very first polite half-giant I've ever seen. I also met Garnet Stonesmytthy, one of the adventurers that helped in my last incursion into the crypts. After speaking with them for a while, another dwarf joined us, a fighter named Dweten Azak. We chatted for a bit, then I left for meditation.

The next day, I was walking around the outskirts of town, when a group of goblins attacked me. I subestimated their numbers, and this mistake costed my life. I fell, and I felt a strange chill right before everything turned black. Fortunately the bindstone in Hlint could bring me back, though I felt very weak. My soul was still shaken by the recent death, so I meditated for a long time, so I could regain my strength. I must be more careful next time.


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« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2006, 08:16:31 pm »
Entry IX

Great things happened today. I finally found the darksoul essence, after exploring the deeper crypts with the twins Ember and Nar'ra, and Zweck. The undead got in our way a few times, but didn't pose a serious threat. When we were returning, we met Xantara, a cleric of Aeridin. She was a great help with the undead, as her faith tackled groups of them easily.

After splitting what we found in the crypts, and getting the reward for the essence, I learned from Xantara that a temple of Toran can be found on Fort Llast. This is great news, and I will travel there as soon as I can. It will be good to speak to the priests of the Great Leader, and learn more about my faith.


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« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2006, 07:49:58 pm »
Entry X

I've visited the temple of Toran on Fort Llast, and renewed my prayers and oaths. I've binded my soul to the holy place as well, so my soul can be rescued from death, should it happen during my travels. I've also started helping Lieutenant Jursen with his weapon gathering.

Entry XI

I've faced death again today, after a bunch of skeletons overwhelmed me. The bindstone on Frt Llast brought my soul back, and when I returned to face my killers and regain my strength, I was helped by another monk, Kian Silvers. We both managed to defeat the skeletons, and a quick prayer restored my body and soul. I hope we meet again in the future.

I've finished Jursen's assignment, and he rewarded me with a very useful Helm of Armor. This added protection will certainly help much against whatever evil I might find. My next tasks are to continue my monk training, and study more about the gods and Toran. If I can bring evil to justice, or destroy it, even better.



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« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2006, 06:24:20 pm »
Entry XII

Demons are attacking everywhere now. Looks like they lost their leadership and are causing trouble wherever they can. I fought off  few on Hlint, alongside some brave adventurers. We drove them off, and one cleric insisted that we spoke to them. I wonder if she's mad, demons are not beings to be talked with. Specially those that followed Blood's slaughter.

I recently have developed a new ability, and common diseases no longer affect me. With time, this training will help serve the Great Leader better. I believe I've seen a paladin when I last visited the Fort Llast temple. I hope I can see him again, and speak to him about my faith.


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« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2006, 08:32:14 pm »
Entry XIII

Met two paladins of Toran today, sirs Justain and Trenton. We spoke about the church, and Trenton mentioned the name Michaelis, I wonder if he's also a paladin of the Leader. I'm looking forward to speaking to them again, and learning more about the church of Toran.

A thief tried to rob me tonight. He barged into my room in the Wild Surge, armed, and demanded that I gave him my money. I raised my fists and denied, and after a few threats and a short conversation, he left the Inn. I told him he wouldn't have the same luck if I found him robbing again, and I wonder if letting him go was the correct choice. I am certain, however, that resisting his attempt was right, and I'll not give up against any dishonored or evil person, whoever they might be.


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« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2006, 09:15:03 pm »
Entry XIV

Bought a pair of lion leather gloves after several strange incidents. They guide my hands when I attack, making my blows more accurate. The seller was a bit strange, specially her necklace, but theres many stranger people around here.

Two trades still left to complete, I must seek Enzo Reynolt and Daren Valhaikor to sell a few things I retrieved from the undead at the crypts. I believe I've heard the name Daren before, but I cannot remember where or when. When I have some time, I should travel to Leilon and see the Leilon Arms Inn. Sounds like a good place to search for better equipment.


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« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2006, 11:54:02 am »
Entry XV

Excellent things happened lately. I sold the skeleton knuckles to mister Daren, and he offered to take me to Fort Himlad, since I had a letter to deliver there. His wife, madam Jil, joined us and we traveled through Rilara and even a town on Dregar. Beautiful yet dangerous places, it was a great trip.

When we returned, I met madam Brisbane, a druid and friend of master Daren. She has some strange ideas about law and order, but is a great person. She helped me deliver several other letters, and I got to travel around Mistone again. As we delivered the letters and helped people in need, I felt great to be able to do something for others. We finished all the letters for postman Vale, helped farmer Part with his... weird problem, brought will-o-wisp essence to mage Dalton, and even visited Bear Island, with the help of sir Enzo Reynolt. Bugbears hurt.

These long travels were a great addition to my training, and I expect to travel alongside these people many more times in the future.


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« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2006, 08:00:54 pm »
Entry XVI

I met another monk, master Rugo. He seemed to be young, but his skill was amazing. He guided me and two other adventurers (didn't catch their names) through some adventure in the Sielwood forest. We got some boar pelts, and then defeated the goblin leader in the caves. The ogres and pigmies were tough opponents, but we defeated them.

After we split up, I delivered the pelt and the goblin leader's head at Hlint and head to Fort Llast to pray. At the temple, I met sir Michaelis Draego, a paladin of the Great Leader. He taught me much about the war we're fighting, and about our main enemy, Sinthar Bloodstone and his generals. He gave me some words of advice and offered me help should I need it, before leaving to Dregar. I understand the danger the world is in now, and the reason the dragon called me. I look forward to meeting sir Michaelis again, and learn more.


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« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2006, 08:29:55 pm »
Entry XVII

Strange happenings. I decided to take a short break of my monk training, and the rumors of a traveling brewer caught my attention. I ventured to Blackford Castle to seek him, and met a big group there. We all found him at Palden Lake, and he offered us samples of his brews.

It was quite a surprise when the badger beer and its rather weird song turned all who drinked (including the brewer) into badgers. To return them to human, we had to ask the Wolfswood druid, Raven. The remaining people and the badgers traveled from Leilon to Point Harbor, and after a couple of hard fights and help from a Wolfswood ranger we found the druid's home. We barged in quickly, and the druid got irritated when discussions started inside her house. I'm glad she helped the badgers, after the trouble that elf caused inside.

I've met a few dwarves today, masters Gelddrin, Axodeth and Exodus (who didn't speak common very well). Master Gelddrin was worried with some drow that were around town, but most drow that come to Hlint are not evil. As I tried to explain this to Gelddrin, we met Ozymandias, a strange elf. He spoke of Blood and drow, but I felt a bit dizzy before he could continue. When the bad feeling passed, he and Gelddrin were gone. I wonder what happened, maybe I was just tired.


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« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2006, 03:17:04 pm »

I believe I've found a way to help in the war against Blood. I've received a letter, with a calling to serve the Department of Intelligence on very imprtant missions. I attended the selection process, and participated in a short training and a military operation as well.

We raided a mercenary camp near Haven, to free a captured officer. My group organized an ambush, and another group sneaked in to save the man. Our plans worked, the officer was freed and his captors defeated. I'm looking forward to the next missions, and I hope my abilities can be of use in this war.


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« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2006, 10:28:41 am »
Entry XIX

I must atone. While exploring the goblin cave, I saw a small goblin blabbering some prayers to Pyrtechon, and just the thought was enough to drive me mad with fury. I attacked recklessly and killed several of them, some didn't even try to fight back. I only stopped after being overwhelmed by a stronger group, and retreating to town. After the rage left my mind, I noticed the mistake. I let my soul be poisoned, even if for only a moment, and strayed from the teachings of the Great Leader.

I cannot let this happen again, as it goes against everything I believe in. I must pray at Fort Llast's temple, to be forgiven for my acts.


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« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2006, 08:56:16 am »
Entry XX

I have a strange feeling about the past few days. The undead are hunting Aeridinites, and a link between them and the demons is possible, as lady Cal warned. I pray that this island and its pyramid hold answers and clues, so we may stop the restless dead from slaughtering any more innocents.

I was part of a good step in the right direcion lately, as a party of adventurers including two Lucindites and a paladin of the Lifegiver attacked the crypt of Storan. We faced many undead there, as expected, and some could slay with just a gaze. We fought difficult battles, but managed to destroy the vampire, lich, or whatever Storan is. We also journeyed to Lar, a very cold town in the Grey Peaks, defeating many ogres in the way.

Was a good training, and the Aeridinite paladin proved to be a great man, although a bit overconfident. The Lucindites were strong combatents, but they had strange ideas regarding necromancy.

I've purchased new clothes, and they provide me with good defense, and no restriction of movements. I'm learning much with my travels, but I'm still distant from the church of the Great Leader. I'm looking forward to a meeting in the next days, hopefully it will get me closer to the clergy.


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« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2006, 01:54:10 pm »
Entry XXI

I've decided to experiment with crafting in addtion to my martial training. Alchemy improves my concentration, and acid flasks/alchemist fire works pretty good against groups of enemies.

Hlint has gone literally mad. Last night, a book merchant with a pack beetle sold a couple books around Hlint, and master Ozymandias bought the full stock. He must REALLY like books, as he read through all of them in mere minutes. Moments later, a few more friends joined the chatting and a bunch of jogging gnomes passed by. Master Sin'Dolin mentioned their experiences are dangerous, and we overheard one talking about some weird ideas. He mentioned a GnomeNet, I can only wonder what that is. When we tried to follow them, they disappeared.



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« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2006, 08:44:00 am »
Entry XXII

Dealing with a crime lately. A commoner near Hlint found a note with clues, and a party of investigative (or not) adventurers, including me, found clues and finally the assassin. It was a female halfling, that got us in a difficult hostage situation. It turned out that the "hostage" was the one who paid the assassin, and she fled after eliminating the halfling. We must track that witch down and arrest her, she must respond to her crimes.

While we search for her, we must also discover who was this Rull person, the original target of the halfling assassin. Maybe it will reveal more clues about the woman.


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« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2006, 04:16:27 pm »

Finally, the corruption in the Intelligence Directorate was dealt with. After some information from Sargent Major Tal Shan, we tracked the commander to Veapra, and captured him there. Unfortunately, he had already leaked the plans for the islands to Blood's forces. He'll pay for the treachery however, and we avoided an ambush at the Dragon Isles.

I must still talk to Ael about the battle for Stone though, I feel it is a great timing to drive the invaders off the town. Toran will guide us, and under his watchful eye we shall succeed. Let's see how the taste of defeat pleases Bloodstone.


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« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2006, 08:30:07 pm »
Entry XXIV

Found the book with the rituals of unpossessing, deep in the crypts of Krandor. The place had a secret door, which led us to Ragnar's tomb and many undead. We defeated the unholy creatures and got the tome, but I fell on our way out. I was raised some time later, at the temple of Lucinda on Blackford. I'd rather return at the temple of the Great Leader, but I didn't have much choice.

We can soon attempt the ritual, and free the shoemaker from his possession. I can only pray it works.

