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Author Topic: Journal of an intelligent fool:  (Read 216 times)


Journal of an intelligent fool:
« on: August 29, 2008, 11:16:24 pm »
Today I met a small dwarf and a bard. I didn't chance upon their names the dwarf seemed to be suffering from alcohol poisoning constantly, I think he was sneaking alcohol when I wasn't looking.

I barely met the other fellow for more than a few moments but he seemed kind of unusual.

Meetings with these two people will be interesting in the future to say the least. Although I doubt their intellectual capacity is equal to my own.

I start to wonder what I got myself in to...


Re: Journal of an intelligent fool:
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2008, 10:10:20 am »
Today I met a simple man but a strong man. He went by the name of Kendryk. He was a useful asset in a tough situation, along with a human priestess of Az'atta, she was quite friendly and very concerned about anyone being hurt. Even those wishing her harm.


Re: Journal of an intelligent fool:
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2008, 07:04:40 am »
Today a weird woman hailing from the faith of Illsaire attacked a man whom she accused of being a dark elf and ruthlessly finished his life.

Another man whom I had gotten to know to some extent attacked a man by the name of Timulty Keel, myself and Mr. Keel had occasion to talk with one another before and he seemed an amicable fellow however the dwarf Troy Saxonaxe deemed this false and attempted to kill Mr. Keel. I believe I will refrain from future dealings with this dwarf where possible to avoid possible implications on myself from his actions. He is uncontrolled and raw and has mental issues beyond reckoning, he consistently speaks of battle and death....I will keep an eye on him. Less things be disrupted for the greater failure.

Lesarus Telchiness


Re: Journal of an intelligent fool:
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2008, 03:56:26 am »
I write this as of the conclusion of the below mentioned event.

I stood alone upon the battlefield, I had chosen the place I had chosen the time and the means, I was sure of victory, but the nerves before a battle are always the same. The price of death is a high one indeed.

I approached the final cave of my final destination. The overlord was standing there, arrogance, disdain for honour, he stood, as if challenging the air itself. Without warning I struck upon him, setting him ablaze, disapearing as fast as I appeared, in one quick blur, springing forth again and again, sapping his morale until he fled to the corners of the cave fleeing his fate, there was no mercy, I was hired for a job and on my honour I had to achieve it. At the end was at the start, I stood alone on the battlefield, my foes had been vanquished, I returned to the weird man whom requested it.

Honour had once more been sated, I did as I had promised.

