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Author Topic: The Journal of Anderney Addams  (Read 220 times)


The Journal of Anderney Addams
« on: September 10, 2004, 09:24:00 am »
We finally caught the witch Lia, but to no avail.  The elf is very stubborn, I doubt we will get a word from her.  It is unfortunate that they wish her alive, her attitude is getting on my nerves, I had to stop 3 gaurds from killing her today.  I thought we could finally be rid of her when we found her journals, but they hold no information on the circlet as well, still I found them interesting.  I'm beginning to wonder who we are dealing with.  She mentioned in one of her earlier journals an event that happened, a few freinds of hers were playing a little joke, she found it odd though, not the joke itself, but normally she would have laughed, but now, she felt nothing, like she could no longer laugh, then she wondered, life without laughter, wouldn't that sadden a person, but she felt no sadness, she felt nothing, nothing but anger, frustration.  What could leade a person to be void of such emotions, where all there is, is anger and frustration.  She then wrote "No, I am free now, I can do what I wish, I can feel once again, I will feel once again".  Free?  From what?  I have seen her inact other emotions.  I think I understand, from the previous quote, she wants to beleive she can feel, that she has emotions, so she fakes it.  Sometimes I think it would be better off to just put her out of her missery, we will find nothing on her anyways, and it seems the only emotions she feels rubs off on people around her as well.

  I did find something else interesting though.  She spoke of a freind named Kasha, who was pregnant with another freind of hers.  Somehow this brought joy to her, family, children.  Suddenly she realized what this joy was comming from.  Her own family, she somehow completely forgot about her family like they didn't even exist, until this very moment.  10 pages long she wrote about them, so to never forget again, and hopefully feel the same joy everytime she looks at it, but in later recordings, I found out she did not.  Her family, she had 4 brothers and 3 sisters.  She was the youngest in the family and her father loved her dearly, some would say the most, which I found odd, for she never knew her mother for she died giving birth to Lia.  Maybe its because she reminds her father of her mother.  They lived in a community called SunnyDale out on another plane then Layonara.  SunnyDale was a combined town of SunnyGrove and CloverDale after the alliance between man and elf, it became an elven and man community.  Her father was a successful merchant and exported his materials by sea to many cities.  Lia went on many voyages with him and learned much about sailing and navigation.  She became a student in the best school in Sunnydale and learned magic there, she never wanted to harm people so she practiced Enchantments more closely, funny how some people change so quickly.  She also studied fencing with her magical practices, she loved the finesse of the art compared to the brutal tactics used with many of the other weapons.  Something happened though, a civil war was waged and all men sought out to kill every elf in the town.  To protect her, her father had her change her name to her mothers maiden name, dyed her hair red and had her sail off, she hasn't seen them since.  

End story.  Well I'm not the best story writer, but this does what I want it to do, give you some good info about my character, but not too much there are many secrets in this.


RE: The Journal of Anderney Addams
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2004, 10:34:00 am »
very interesting indeed.. perhaps one day she shall find her heart again and be the woman she should and wishes to be.

