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Author Topic: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran  (Read 629 times)


Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« on: February 08, 2005, 07:19:00 pm »
I finally arrived in Hlint. To be honest its not what i expected for a small town, an assortment of races and characters dwell here. But theres a feeling of peace here, of an odd harmony between these warriors and magic-weilders, of these races in which under another circumstance would glady spill the blood of the other for some old hate of pass generations. But for now, i will walk the roads from here to fort Llast, then towards Port Hampshire. Just need to pickup some rations, perhaps even find myself a blacksmith. I feel today will be a good day.


RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2005, 07:24:00 pm »
I met a young boy named Tom today. He was dirty, and well, smelled worst than he looked. After an hour of trying to calm him down, i managed to take him outside hlint and bathe him. I can see he has been through alot, the bruises and scabs on his back and side confirmed this. He healing balm should take care of the scars on the outside, Alas it will not repair the ones he carry deep inside his soul.



RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2005, 07:33:00 pm »
I came across a town called Hope. I have now decided i shall stay here and help the locals deal with the dangers in this region. A fitting name in these bleak times, Hope, the one word to seperate victory over evil and deafeat to chaos.
    My first step is to cull the undead that roam the forest just outside town, these it seem is easier said than done, for no matter how many  i slay, there seems to be abundance more. Perhaps over time we may find the source of this undead scourge.


RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2005, 07:54:00 pm »
Its wonderful to see people enter this area to cull these undead. Ive met a few mighty warriors, and a few odd ones to. There was Liam Blackbeard the ranger, Armon Eartu, a well mannered mage named Rananon, a Gnome by the name of Nalue, and a cheeky little goblin that called itself Grizel. This group invited me to go on a expedition through the berhagen mountains. Giant country i was told. The day went well, many Giants were slayed during our travelling. But things were about to change. On our way back through the mountains, we encountered some sort of creature. It looked similar to a shark, but with legs. This was a hard fight for it seemed not to concerned with the blows of our weapons. But in the end it was put to rest. I dont like the killing of creatures, but sometimes it comes down to them or us, a shame really.
      The next encounted suprised us greatly, we were ambushed by Giants. I knew this to be odd as the Giant leading them was already in the throws of casting a spell. The battle was fierce, he took heavy casualties. Poor Rananon fell hard. Little Grizel and Liam ran towards town with this Giant chasing behind them, swinging his massive maul over his head. It would be an amusing sight, if we werent in dire aid. Alas the giant escaped thou Armon was eager to find him, thou we managed to keep him in restraint. Theres a time and place, and surely this was not it, also we had to take Rananon to a temple. He is fine now, a concussion at worst. I guess he will be resting the next few days till he gets his strenght back. I returned to hope, with the image of that great giant in my mind. Perhaps oneday i will help Armon find this one, then again perhaps not.


RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2005, 07:03:00 pm »
Spellguard has fallen into drow hands! How can this be? I heard that many powerful mages live in this settlement. I went with another two warriors last night to confirm this, alas its true. We were overwhelmed with spiders and the dark elven. Ive even gone a few shades darker, cursed mage *Rubs her neck, the mark of the spider still resides on her neck*. I must find answers....


RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2005, 12:48:00 pm »
Must be weird magics roaming the berhagen area these past few days, and it seems to affect my fellows Golems. Thou mindless at creation, these ones had a mind of their own, even to the point of talking! I must admit it brought a smile to my lips to see a clay and stone golem talk about who was mightier....


RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2005, 06:18:00 pm »
I now possess the key to the crystal Door. And beyond this portal, the land of fey. Why? Because a friend of mine of time pass holds an item of emmense evil. And by the readings on a parchment, this is the place where this item must be destroyed. How it will be destroyed once there, we have no clue. But all i know, I must witness its destruction before i am satisfied.


RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2006, 02:23:27 pm »
.....A sad day it is today. A watched in confindment as a warrior slew the trents of the high forest. and for what? Aloe. I, while hidden tried to deter this action, but he just shrugged it off. With the anger swelling inside me, i confronted him in a form of a Drider. Still this did not deter him. I will now attempt to send a message to the surrounding druids on the desription of this man. Perhaps we can "Balance this out".


RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2006, 09:27:08 pm »
It has been many, many months since ive returned to Hlint. Here i was approached by a fellow druid. Drogo was his name. He talked calmly inside hlints banking building as well talked about nature and the many shapes we had come and love.

   Drogo told me that Rhizome has been around of late and i still wish to find him in regards to his tellings of the Great oak.
   Outside we saw kura with her newborn, and Ozy with his old mouth. I wanted to listen to what tale he was spinning now but the urge of the wilds pulls me. With that i once again left hlint..for how long this time..i do not know.

