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Author Topic: Journal of Lucius Kaiser  (Read 707 times)

Krell Himmler

Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« on: December 30, 2007, 06:37:42 am »
Today I was in some weird guild hall and some vampire was chasing some guy, I acted indifferent and the fool, they suspect nothing, a cunning ploy if I do say so myself.

Lucius Kaiser

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2007, 07:21:38 pm »
Met leaders of the Corath church, they arn't as kind as other members of their order, I will one day destroy them, to protect the family.

Lucius Kaiser

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2008, 11:41:58 pm »
I met another group of do-gooders today, they claimed I am not fit company and that I am evil, maybe, maybe not, I don't concern myself with such philosophical debates. I convinced them i was insane, this serves my needs, if people believe I'm insane they will never know the danger that lurks below.

Lucius Kaiser

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2008, 03:37:33 pm »
I killed Silvia In'Darsus today for the lich. He states he will reward us and I eagerly await this time, I felt some guilt for doing so, but it was my soul or her death so I feel it's a fair deal. I felt some level of humanity today, it has been a long time, I feel the anguish of my fathers death by my hands fading, but as always I do what I must. My sanity returns slowly as time passes and I am starting to see things clearly again.

Lucius Kaiser

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2008, 03:04:47 pm »
I visited my father's grave and added his skull to the top of my staff, through some minor magic I have made a plain white mask to conceal my face this should serve me well in the future. Now he will always be with me. Father in life you may have been cruel, but I found a menial use for you in life yet again.

The Red Wizard

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2008, 12:06:29 am »
Today I was left to reflect upon the death of Silvia. I did not feel guilt over this, to me it was simple her life for my soul. Naturally with a sweetener of gold on top of this but can I even call it a choice, I don't think so. Killing her was hard, I had developed somewhat of an attatchment to the dumb girl, but her spoilt life and rich family didn't afford her any protection or leniancy this time.

Heinrich was captured and killed, the fool. I cannot believe he confessed and the rumours that I have heard state that he told them the location of our temple in the Ire mountains, now comes the time where I must worship Corath in secret and away fromt he temple or not at all, a severance of paths for the purpose of continuing my own life, the priestess was harsh and cruel for nothing, so how will she be for something. Heinrich cracked under pressure and didn't maintain his lies and deceit to defend himself, he won't be forgiven for this and no one who knows him or worked with him will be forgiven. The church's retribution will be quick, harsh and deadly. I wonder when his trial is scheduled to occur and why he revealed so much when we were basically home free.


Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2008, 10:49:49 pm »
I was approached, to use my casual friendship of Brian in order to reveal his location to others. For what purpose I don't know or care to be honest, money is money and this has nothing to do with me beyond the duties I have signed for. I wash my hands of this. Apparently G'ork wants to teach him a lesson for something, he didn't say what.

I saw a symbol of Corath, the assassins section on a cloak G'ork was wearing today, if he truly is a member, his punishment will be harsh and swift for wearing this article of clothing. I can't help but think he is under duress and control in this instance. I will investigate further to find more information, he seems on edge, angry and agressive.

I was lectured by a Lucinite for raising the dead to my bidding, I got a tiresome lecture on how I should see the light and not be corrupted, eventually they left me alone to burn more mushroom men and take their gold.


Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2008, 05:25:35 am »
Lucius slowly opens the book, reflecting on the events of the past few weeks, the viscious manhunt for him and his accomplises, he beathes a sign of relief and wonders if it was really necessary, that doesn't matter now.

He wonders if it was necessary to kill the young girl and if he saved her soul and his own through his actions, damming others, or if it was all part of some greater scheme of the lich. He pushes this to the back of his mind and alone and in the dark, begins to read through the first paragraph of the book the lich had given him, heaving a slow and great sigh as the last word passes from his lips.

He wonders what the Lich's reward will be, he hopes it will be knowledge or one of the secrets of undeath, his weak body barely serves as adequote for daily life, littleown the rigours of adventure and the stress it takes upon one.

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2008, 09:46:11 pm »
The lich says I will get my reward at or near death, I cannot think what this may mean.

Weird happenings on black ice island, it turned out to be nothing but I netted an alexandrite and a saphire, I will keep my eye on the region and check up regulary to see if there are any developments. An angry ice drake killed a few party members today in a burst of ice and death.


Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2008, 07:06:09 am »
My past and deeds haunt me, there is no turning back from the path I've chosen now. I am damned but this is the fate I chose with the actions I made, I can't help but wonder had I another father and had I a mother perhaps things would be different, I will seek my death through battle, but I will not go down without fighting.


Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2008, 06:13:08 pm »
Today a Grey Elf, named Glitch'nich Amthrmil agreed to teach me Elven, in exchange for his services I have agreed to teach him two fourth circle spells. Lessons with him will be starting immediatly covering initially the basics, this prooves of great interest to me in any and all information gathering efforts.


Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2008, 08:58:34 am »
I was taught a few more words and snippets of grammar today from the grey elf, I have yet however to pay him.

*Anirillin Aey* Thank you
*aeym amacnyesa* You're welcome

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2008, 04:23:37 pm »
I am intrigued to my past, I am yet to remember sufficient detail therof, except the death of my father, I must investigate to find out who I am and what my background is.

I tried to help some today, in an investigation, I came with good intentions, to atone for me past. They hated me and attacked me, a man with a bow shot me.

I am become hate, they will pay.

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2008, 01:47:50 am »
Lots has happened since my last entry, I told glitch'nitch of who I was, witholding my name naturally but I have at least  a confidentiant who understands my situation....where to start.

I found some book of many thousands of years old some do-gooders demanded the book from me, during their demands a powerful animated creature of some sort attacked and they began to fight the creature, during this time I used the confusion to quickly escape from them and then hid in some bushes on the clifftops, I managed to make good my escape thankfully. Lex'or gravedigger, Lance Stargazer and Chakar are all looking for me now, I believe I lost them long enough for them to give up, just maybe. On top of that, some powerful drow have decided they wish to acquire this book also, apparently it's some powerful necromantic tome, I havn't devised its purpose as of yet. They offered the poultry sum of only five thousand true.

I also had another event, I stole a gnomish lense from the murderors body as he lay bleeding, Khuren. He knows not that I stole it and I shan't be returning it to him, the  gnome wouldn't offer a reward, claimed it was their lifes work, ha! Twice I havn't been adequotely rewarded for two things I stumbled across, if they had paid me properly perhaps they'd have what they want.

I also hope to continue my Elven lessons with glitchnitch sometime soon, this would be most beneficial to me, I have learnt quite a bit so far but wish to continue these lessons further.

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2008, 09:49:54 am »
I recently travelled to Kraskin to get some saphires, I dream of owning my own home, to support my trade and my temple. I enacted my vengeance on the warlord down there in those caves. I transformed into the demon of tensor and eviscerated the viscious little bastard! I cleared the entire cave and then mined some Saphires, fifteen in total it was an especially generous vein, this should bring me a lot closer to my goal of owning a home. I am also hoping to increase in scribing skill, although the art is painstakingly slow.

I feel someone at one with Kraskin, the freezing cold and ice reminds me of the art of necromancy, which I study so hard and am utterly and completely dedicated to.

I am growing more and more impatient with the church, I posess an incredibly powerful tome, yet none answer me, I may very well sell it to the drow at this rate. Chanda's absence growingly troubles me, perhaps it's for the better that the cruel witch is absent, maybe I will lead the church to victory.


Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2008, 08:41:17 pm »
I put up a notice for a magic school, this will be a great way to attract new applicants to Corath and in addition a great way to increase the True in my coffers, I am eagerly awaiting any applicants however I am aware that this may take some time.

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2008, 01:31:41 am »
I taught Elohanna a few things about counterspelling today, she was a novice but she understood the basics, I will not teach her my greatest secrets of mage duelling, or how to get around a mage who counterspells, this would ruin any chance I have in future confrontations, with her or her like, if they were to find out my aledgience. She is a beautiful and honourable lady, I wish her no harm, but I never know what may happen....I have to survive.

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2008, 09:27:04 am »
This may be my last journal entry, for some time or forever, things have taken a most distressing turn, with enemies everywhere I have resolved to search for a final glorious battle in death, life is no longer worth living for me, I am trapped in a world not of my making or desire or design. There is no way out.

Lucius Kaiser

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2008, 01:59:28 pm »
I find myself falling deeper into insanity, torn between normal morality and the organisation I am a part of though not of my own chosing. I cannot escape, if I leave I would be hounded until the end of my days, if I stay I lose myself. I have killed, too many things and people to ever be forgiven for my crimes, if any ever knew I would be condemned to dance the eternal jig of death at the hangmands noose. I thought of taking my own life, but after all my struggles, this is too easy. There is a woman I loved, but that wasn't to be. I find myself falling deeper and deeper into despair. I am beggining to feel a disdain for the living and a love of the dead, no betrayal, no hate, no love, just simplicity, existence as it was always meant to be. Maybe my lapse to sanity is short lived, perhaps I fall back into insanity I do not know.

I go to meet Fisterion soon and the high priests of Arnax, yet I feel no fear. I may very well meet my own death at the hands of two very different ends, by torture, horribly painful death at the hands of Fisterion's flame, yet I feel no fear. I have resolved myself. If it is to be my end, then let it be the sword of my enemy, not my own that does it.

Krell Himmler

Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2008, 04:45:22 pm »
It has been awhile since my last journal entry, they change constantly, my experiences are so great and varied, I cannot keep a tab on them all.

I met the first kind lady I have ever met in my existence. But even her god seems to hate me. I...cannot do evil to men anymore, but I cannot do good, I just don't care. They are the reson that my existence has been so hard. I hate some people, some I wish no harm to befall but of all the things I hate, are the gods. It is them and their hateful games that cause me and so many others so much hardship. In their sick games they would see all destroyed to their own ethos and pathos, to their own twisted extremist design of what the world should be. I question my devotion to Corath and in essence to every good, all they do is pain me.

I wish to greater pursue a recent avenue that has become open to me. I have been offered a chance to work in the council of hope as a spy against their enemies. I believe that I can work as a double against, bringing down the followers of the god for my own profit, good evil matters not. All that matters is myself, and I am here to stay, I am the agent of balance and destruction, this is a world of men and to men it should belong to. As best I'm able I will play the gods against one another, weakening them all. This is mans world and to him it should belong, no matter the cost. Who are the gods to dictate action, friend or foe based on THEIR beliefs! Freedom for man, freedom for all. We can balance our own existences.

Signed Sincerely,
Lucius Kaiser