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Author Topic: Millie Mooneyes MAPS  (Read 478 times)


Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: January 16, 2006, 11:59:07 pm »
I opened for bussness today.
My maps still need a lot of work but a nce Dwarf Bob Copperhead payed me 500 gold to make him a map
very happy about that. he must be 1st to get one which he will be once its made. I will need to spend
some gold on new inks.

Inks and pens 48g
Parchment 120g
6 days work 50g per day = 300g

cost 468g
profet 32g

I may have to put the price up


Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2006, 11:55:26 am »
My life has been non-stop of late and now I have desided to right down the adventuers I have had of late.

Well I have my home now in Hlint and its a nice town, the talls are happry with me around and I have made some good freands.
Best of all is Mr Ozy and Abi who look after me when we head out into the wilds.

Mr Ozy is very olds and knows so much about the world and history, he tolded me of the Blood wars and the end of the land of the fey.
I fell sad about thats but not long ago I and a lot of others when to a place where the fey of old live.
I met there queen and she told me about there hiding away, I also met a nice fey boy who sang such sweet songs to me.

O how I wish I could lead  the other Quicklings to thos fine land, but I promested the queen I will not tell a soul how to get
to her lands.
It was such A fine place and there skills are so fine the things thay make from there biulding to there tools.
I could go on and on.

My map makeing has been taking much of my time, after the theft of my of stone which I made after my trip there
I have been more carfull with them.

I have mapped out most of the sea roots as well as most of Hlint and Madestone the copper and Iron mines
But I still need more skills in getting to the harder places. Abi has been showing me some I have to try and
feel the night but what do that meen, hear shadow it sound so odd it makes no sence.

any the adventuers I have had, I folowed an amy of dwarfs into the underdark to kill a demon long changed
I have investegated a murdar and then found a body, seen a seal open from another plain and let cratuers
in from the halls of choes. I have fuert Demon Spiders and teviled all over the world.

But my maps are still my gole and im trying so hard to get my work done.

I asked Abi to make for me some lever armer like hers which better bleands into the shadows and will help me.
Abi like pink but I like green better, i have them now and they fit so well.
I have also payed for 2 rings which which have magics that help me hide and move around in my mapping.
It has made such a difarnce as has the new inks I have which are now red and bluse not just back.
Some day ill find a good green one but untill then.



Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2006, 05:14:37 am »
I have had some grate news, I have been told of a place where magic dos not work and where only darkness proviles may be this is the place where thows that use shadows as Abi says live? I must find this place and see it my suspition is true.

Also I have seen Abis shade, hes tall and seems to pull darkness around himself


Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2006, 05:00:39 am »
O what A night I have at last seen what the ways of moving in shadows can do Abi asked me to come with her into the wild woods and there we moved throw into the lands of the grate gaints, I hid as Abi walked up to them seeing her thay at once pulled long a crule looking plades but she seemed to pull the night around her and befor my eyes faided from view, the dump founded gaints fell into fighting them selfs after a bit of help from me, but O such skill if only I could be do the same. I know the ways of the shadows but to be as one of them. I could walk any where unseen even dear I say all the way to the serpent Ileas and my races lost home land then O grate day I will make my last and gratest map for all my kind to use.



Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2006, 05:02:41 am »
Abi has found me a ring a rear thing that aids in the skills of moveing with our sound of form. I have used it all raidy and found that it is of grate help. Next I will look for a belt I need to be stronger to carry more travils.


Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2006, 05:08:58 am »
This day I have complested my 1st trip around the world with the aid of Mr Ozys magic house, thow his books did try to eat me i was abel to get abck to hlint. I have seen such lands the deep woods lakes and hills of 3 worlds, the lear of dragons and grate refts in the land. Mr Oyz has told me of the shadowdances and there skills he showed me a book but would net give it to me, hes so odd some times. I dont under stand his words its as if he knows things but will not tell me.
But the pictuers in the books showed a land of shadows like ours. Mr Ozy says its next door what ever that means I look next to his house but it stands alone.
He says he has walked in that land but there is no roads there but the ones in ones mind. What do that mean?

Ill ask Abi next time I see her, I practice every day the exusaises she has shown me to do, dome are add but I do them they are very hard as well.
Well thats it for now back to work.


Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2006, 10:01:12 am »
Abi is dead she kileld her self over a lost love, I was sad for a long time and could not wright here but now I find thats I can after talking to Zan
Zan has has been showing me what she knows of the Art of moveing in shadows, I now the day as come, I was fighting some hill hounds with Rob and a strange black night, when I got pinned
the huge hounds where getting close and I know I would be dead at any moment it was then when all was lost that I could hear the shadows calling,
Its odd, I know Zan and Abi talked of such a thing even dark child did but to hear them that was odd, then they came to me I could see the hound but
it stopped sniffed It could smell me but not see me at all. I was very scard I could feel its brath on my face buy it could only see the shadows, and then moved
I was no longer there on the cold hill side Iw as in a space of shadows, they moved me and the next time I could see the hound the shadows had pulled away.
Rob and the Black knight looked for me and I came to them, but how could I tell them about the shadows, I could still fell them close there for me to call when I need them
I must find Zan and tell her she will know what i need to larn next.

//OCC 6 mouths ago I asked to have Mille become a SD so she could make better maps, she has been working at this (I have) 1st with Abi (pc) who
killed her self in game, and next Zan with the help of dark chiled, Milles has a new Job working for Bee getting news and selling his scrolls.
Both mean she travils alone a lot, When I had the big chat with the DMs last all thows mouths ago, I did point out that My real life means I am on call
24 7 and so find DM games and booking time for fiexd play inposibel, I have tryed so many time to make DM game just to have work get in the way.
I work in the Film bizz and work UK and US time, from home and in London. Its one of the best things about layo is that its 24/4/365 and I can drop in when I have an hour here and there.
So I have worked as hard as I could in game to get Mille Mooneyes as close as I can to a SD as I can.
I was told back then that if I did that I would be Ok to level lexst 8th to 9th and have her Milti to SD. I feel I have put the time in what as its taken
1/2 year to get her one level up and ingame have her do as much training and trips with SDs as she could.

What Im asking is that she be alowed to have this level if SD at teh rate I play she will bever make 10th befor NWN2 comes so this will be her last level.
I hope you will let me as I hope I add to the RP in the world yours
Spugly Mille, MAx Rosa


Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2006, 06:05:40 am »
Dear Journal
The work is going well Be as been away some time now an Im worred, I haeded out to Port Haber to see if I could get news of him, Im trying to get the hand of mind set I need to shift my self into shadows
and do as Abu said but im still failing. They say there is a place where the dark kills magic may be if I go there I can know more, I must find out abot this place.
Ozy and Baren help but its still so hard, Zan I know will give me gidence.

I will keep at it, I know I can do this, The cold is getting bad now, even the south lands show no sign of getting betters, every one is worred and now plage
what next.


Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2006, 08:14:12 am »
Dear Journal
I had a long talk with Ferrit today and she says she knows how to make things that will help me once i get better and hidding, Zan has been showing me more of the skills she uses and has shown me how to "pull shadows" I know see thats how she moves into the relam of shadows, I asked i was done with the shadow weave but Zan says now its not magic and move a feeling, a craft as it was more like my feeling for making others cofuzed. Bees not been around for some time so Im worred more than ever, I did see another Quicking in town today but they where playing tricks on a sleeping Gaint so I did not go and introduce my self.
Im heading out into the goblin wasts and see if Zans help has worked, the camp is still up there Im going to see if I can get past.

Last week I got all the way to the bottem of the Hevean mines and met a group there fighting the Ougeys, it was a blood bath and most of them where killed, I did as Zan showed and hid untill the fight was over, then walkd all the way back, I could help im to small, I do feel bad but what would one more body mean.

Note to self: gte some red ink


Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2006, 08:16:35 am »
Dear Journal
I need to find out who the Blue Elf is who was in town a few days ago, she was very good at hidding and I looked on as a big meeting was talking place.
Ill ask Ozy when I see him next abvout her


Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2006, 12:10:19 am »
Dear Journal
Thast was close, the gray peacks is a hard place to get throw with out being seen but at the end there i was seen but found that my skills are getting better Im going to try again today, I have bond my soul to hilint so if they do spot me I may at least come back closes, but I know I get get throw fine


Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2006, 05:56:04 am »
Dear Journal
I met a Drow today who was in hidding hes says the the Hilint fowk tryed to linch him, We had a long talk about the underdark and how evil it is down there, I said I will tell Zan about him. Hes a very good shot and usis tyhe weaive with magics I have never seen befor. I helped him find some things and showed him some of my skills, its good to see new faces in twon once more.


Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2006, 01:28:35 am »
Dear Journal
what a day, it all started with a meeting with Barion, I know he's  been down in the dumps of late, but he was with a party od new adventure er and asked me if I would scout for them down heven mines. so after getting our self ready we headed down that dreaded plave of ogurs.
Well there I was taking point in each fight, using all my skill and arts, all the tricks that Zan had showed me pulling the shadows in and shifting past the bruerts. The fights where hard and remineded me of the war, seeing barion once more standing tall surounded by enimys, it reminded me why I stared on the path of the shadow dancer, if ever such times should come again...

that time when I scouted on the hill top over looking stone for a week, thows where the days.

well in know at lost my skills are of use once more its time I headed out and made my garat map.

