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Author Topic: Only Time will Tell  (Read 219 times)


Only Time will Tell
« on: November 25, 2006, 10:15:00 pm »
The streets of Hlint are a far cry from the streets of Tiven or Arabel.  A safe Haven I guess.  No famine or disease are evident, clean too.  I wasnt surprised when the gates beckoned me to leave the town.  I had heard that some quartermaster would pay for the ears of goblins.  I needed money so I set out to collect ears of the goblins in the outskirts of Hlint.  It wasnt long before the sounds of suffering found me.  At least I was feeling less homesick now.  Unfortunately for me the goblins had been slaughtered and their ears taken.  I followed the trail and soon found those who were stealing the ears for themselves.  

The Dark Lord moves in mysterious ways it seems. The very one responsible for denying me my prize was one who also worshiped Corath.  Sipher.  Even now his name grates on my very being.  He stood there staff in hand mocking me.  His guard, I can't remember his name at his side.  He weilded a great axe and used it well.  A silent servant he appears to be.  Sipher's power although limited is greater than mine at this stage.  He offered for me to follow him into the Grey Peak mountains to recover the Oil of Vukas.  A woman in Fort Llast pays handsomely for it.  I do not doubt that my meeting Sipher is no accident.  I will be able to use him as I increase my own skills and powers until I am able to go to the places needed to discover the information to take back to Arabel.  I know I am right.  In the mountains the Dark Lord found me and whispered to me in death that this was the path intended for me.


Re: Only Time will Tell
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 03:12:51 am »
The coldness of the Winter that grips Hlint has become increasingly so.  The snow falls continuously but still the goblins insist on trying to claim the wastelands that are to the West. Their urge to guard their simple cavern is fortunate for me.  The quartermaster is paying for their ears.  They are easy pickings.  Before I completed this task though I spent time by the fire outside the gates of Hlint.  A man.. a cleric was there and followed me as I left.  I dont recall him telling me his name only that he insisted on following me.  I humoured him for a time by stopping to speak with him and coersing him into using his spells to aide me on my plight to slaughter the goblins.  How easily he obliged.  It was only when one of his so called prayer spells caused me to flinch with its touch did he question my intentions.  He is of no consequence and one whom I am unlikely to see again so I left him to his musings and ponderings to complete the Quartermaster's task.

Sipher found me not long after I had returned to Hlint.  I guess I shouldnt be surprised that he finds me.  It is the Dark Lord's way to ensure that we work together as servants to Him.  He lead me this time into the forest to search for a necklace that some silly little bard had lost in a mine.  A trivial task I know but one that pays even more than what Quartermaster pays for the ears of the goblins.  Of course I followed.  The kobolds that guard the cave were little threat.  What was of interest though was a cleric by the name of Surt.  He too was in the mine that day.  He serves Mist and I feel that is no accident that our paths have crossed.  I am not sure what the Dark Master has in mind for us his servents however I know that by increasing our numbers we can be better prepared for whatever lays before us.


Re: Only Time will Tell
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2007, 06:16:45 pm »
I have remained hidden for some time since the admonition of the priest Sipher by the Dread priestess Chanda. Biding my time in the shadows of the halls of the temple. Recently I have made several forays once again out amongst those who live within the city of both Fort Vehl and Port Hempstead.  

I have tried to contact Dr Vensk in order to collude with him on his experiments. While he resided here in the temple I worked with him on a number of occassions and found his processes very intriguing and informative. His thoughts too are more my taste for the work of the dark lord and I find his approach more refreshing than the paradoxical ramblings of the dread priestess. I feel Alandric is truly in the dark lords favour at present and as such I will watch and follow him for now.

