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Author Topic: Journal of Phyress Sylphide  (Read 3424 times)


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2008, 09:15:29 am »
*Heavily wounded Phyress sits down behind a building and curses slightly. After she cleaned several wounds and cuts and bandaged them with her remaining bandages, she sighs and takes out her journal, writing a new entry.*

-Wedlar, Febra 25, 1437-

Sometimes things simply do not go as planned. Well I did not expect all this injuries from my last battle, to be honest. It is not like I wasn’t prepared to face my opponents, some giants in this case, I just was somehow unfocused. Being elsewhere with my mind I was not really able to focus on the movements of the giants and therefore was not really able to evade their attacks, not to mention I was not really able to attack them effectively and I don’t even want to mention knocking them down. Everything seemed to go wrong on my little trip to the desert. In these situations it is always good to have friends around, friends you can rely on and trust your life in their hands. I really needed them this time but in the end I had to fight this battle alone and barely survived.

The last trip with Ell and Trouble was a bit odd though. Naturally Ell and I were teasing Trouble yet again and it seemed we crossed the line where he simply ignored us. If he wanted it this way then sure, I can play such games as well and knocked him down, just to see if he would still ignore me afterwards. As predicted he did not ignore me anymore and casted his stone spell all over the group, then he stormed off. But then things just really messed up. Ell tried to mend things and got between Trouble and me and Trouble was shouting at her, simply as she was got in the way and he was ticked off by me. After Trouble and I were even again, Ell was mad at Trouble and left; Lance running after her to talk to her. Trouble agreed on not ignoring me anymore, or to give me the feeling of being ignored and I won’t knock him down again, well not while I am myself. I cannot guarantee for anything while I am possessed or confused, like in the one cave where I almost killed him once or twice, according to him. I still don’t know whether that is true or not. However, Ell returned because of me which made me a little proud. I told Ell that Trouble was not mad at her and she just got between the fronts and then she and Trouble must have talked about it. However, things seem to be fine between the three of us again; well for now that is. You never know what will happen next.

Before this hiatus happened, Ell, Oma and I were venturing through the Forest of Fogs and we did quite fine. We proved that we did not need any male support to make it to the bottom of the cave. First there were a few doubts as Trouble was not without and therefore we missed his really handy cloud spell to stop our opponents. We worked great together as a team and no one of us fell and we easily made it. Every one of us knew about the abilities, strengths and weaknesses of our comrades and with joined effort and skills we were able to defeat them. In the battles we fought down there I got more and more confident with my blade and I make very little steps towards to mastering the new technique to foresee their movements to dodge them right in time.

So well, for now I should take care of my injuries and make sure they won’t get infected. I don’t know how long I will stay absent from any trips with Ell and Trouble, But I am no use when I am more dead than alive. I’d be just a burden for them. In the meantime I can practice even more though, as long as it won’t be too exhausting. When I am all set again I will seek out Trouble and Ell again to plan even more adventures. And I should send letters to the ladies again so we can do another ladies-out-night and prove that we are not as weak as some men always tend to think and that we need their protection. Pathetic!

*with a snicker Phyress shuts her journal again and immediately has to stop it again, covering a wound on her hide with her left hand. She curses and carefully stuffs everything into her bag again and dozes off.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2008, 10:18:06 am »
*At night Phyress arrives in Audira and enters the inn. After dinner she heads to her room, takes off her boots and starts writing a new entry into her journal while she lies on her bed, sipping from her wine from time to time.*

-Wedlar, Mar 25, 1437-

After my wounds more or less were healed I decided to head back to Fort Wayfare on Mistone because I still had to sell Chakar two boxes of aloe. This reminds me that Sallaron and Tegan both want to buy some aloe from me as well. As far as I know Sallaron wanted two boxes and Tegan just one. It might have been the other way round as well, I am not too sure anymore; I only know that I need three boxes of aloe. Gathering aloe is always nice when I am taking a walk on either Mistone or Dregar. It always allows me to be alone and think about thinks, like when I reviewed the incident with Trouble a few days later. However, after a long journey I arrived in Fort Wayfare, where Chakar was already waiting for me. Together we walked to Port Hempstead as Chakar had to visit the bank first. I was really happy to hold 4000 True in my hands again as I am planning to buy a new enchantment. I already contacted Galathea about an enchantment for my weapon and she told me that she is going to work on it and will contact me once my enchantment is ready for delivery so I can pick it up. This enchantment will be stronger than the current one I poured over my blade.

After I stored the True on the bank I headed out of Port Hempstead and towards Hlint. Right outside the gates of Port Hempstead I met Ell again who was missing me. It has only been a month since me met lat though. She asked me about my plans and I told her that I was going to hunt down some Bodaks as I still need to hand over one box to Sallaron. Ell was quite glad that I asked her if she wanted to accompany me and together we headed towards Hlint. Ell and I worked just fine as a team and watched the other’s back. I have to admit, Ell became very powerful. Aragen surely puts a lot of faith into her, seeing how many blessings and wards he offers to her. I still think that if we go undead-hunting I am more or less a burden to her. In a fight I usually take advantage of their weak spots. Unfortunately I cannot find any weak spots on them; might have something to do with the circumstance that they are not alive anymore and don’t feel pain. Do they? The next time I have the opportunity to ask one I surely will, though I guess I already know the answer. And naturally we were attacked by mummies again. They scared me as well so I kept on running around, screaming and Ell had to take care of them and then calmed me down. On that occasion Trouble showed up as well and together we found another key which should open the door to another chamber. Unfortunately the lever was trapped and each time I pushed it, the trap triggered and sent a lightning after us. Oddly I could not open the door without disarming the trap first. Even with limber fingers I was not able to take care of the trap and after many more lightings we eventually decided to head out of that crypt again and come back later.

Afterwards we headed over to Dregar, the desert to be more precise. I suggested to head there simply because I forgot some of my stuff in North Fort where I took care of my injuries. In North Fort our ways departed and I grabbed my stuff I hid in town. I spent the night in a tent with some other mercenaries and in the morning they were leaving North Fort again. I asked them if I could tag along for some time as they did not mind me around. While most of them were heavily armed and therefore reminded me more or less of Arngrim, one was only wearing reinforced clothing and was wielding a rather fine weapon, namely a rapier like I do. Well I have to correct myself here; it was a rapier but way finer and more elegant than my weapon. She told me the name of such a fine weapon was “Silver Foil” and allowed me to wield it for a short time. I was really stunned by the elegance and balance of the blade. I must have looked extremely funny as she started to chuckle all of a sudden and I started blushing which made her chuckle even more. She introduced herself as Richelle. She and I really got along just fine and she offered me some help to master my weapon. In the battles we fought she was always very nimble and it seemed she was dancing on the battlefield, spinning around and dodging every blow when the giants were trying to hit her. Richelle told me she was only so gracefully in our fights as she did not use a shield either. The less armor you wear the more you have to take care you don’t get hit and if you are nimble you don’t need a shield anyway as it is just in the way when you try to dodge a blow or try to hold balance in a jump.

When our group took a rest Richelle took her time to help me with my ways of battle and we were training duels. The practice with her was very exhausting but I learned a lot from her. She even showed me how to land more accurate and more critical attacks. Thinking about it now it is quite simple, though timing matters as well to hurt them pretty bad. First it looks like just a normal attack but once you cut into the flesh you spin your blade a little, pierce into the flesh and move it fast outwards again. That way it leaves a bigger, more painful wound which you can take as an advantage in battle. Richelle and I were training this technique for like a week since I eventually got my timing right. Of course I was able to land critical attacks on them before but with this technique it will be easier to launch such an attack. I really loved the time with Richelle but eventually our ways departed again. It was quite sad after the weeks we travelled together among the other mercenaries and we surely had our fun. Before our ways departed she handed me a rapier and told me that I should try to master it in order to become a real duelist. It is a swashbuckler’s sabre and comes with a larger cross guard than ordinary rapiers so I should be able to parry better than with a usual blade and to fend off my opponent’s blow. I am very happy about this little gift but feel that I cannot really make use of it just yet. Anyway, the time with Richelle almost felt like with Celes; I really miss her. One day I should really stop by the Wolfswood Rangers Corps Headquarter and visit her. Maybe we could even travel around like we did when we were young. I am sure I will meet Richelle again one day and show her the progression I made and I am eager to see how good she really is. Besides I can fight some duels with her just to prepare myself to face Lydia one day.

But well, now I am back in Audira and I need to seek Trouble and Ell out again to tell them about Richelle. I won’t tell Trouble any details about Richelle though as he will just start hitting on her. I am sure that when he does, Richelle will start hitting on him as well, with her rapier. However, we will see.

*With a slight grin she closes her journal and glances sideways to her new rapier. She stands up and fondly runs a finger over the engraved lily on the blade with a slight smile.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2008, 10:53:52 am »
*Phyress sighs and sits down under a tree in Orcs Watch and starts writing a new entry into her journal.*

-Wedlar, Seplar 11, 1437-

Life is something we always should keep honored as it is our very own life after all. Sometimes things happen which should never have happened though but then we cannot change them and some say it is fate. I don’t care much about destiny, nor do I think there’s any fate. If I meet my fate then I am not free at all and I want to keep my freedom, even if I have to fight for it. What I believe in though are ways or call them paths. I walk a path called my life and my choices and actions might force me to go one direction of a crossroad but in the end I made the decision myself and it was not ruled down by fate or the like. I only know that at some point in this mortal world my path will end. I don’t know exactly when it will be or how it will happen. Will I fall in one of all these battles I fight or will I die of old age? Will I get poisoned or die of disease? No one knows what the future might bring; I just have to keep on living even if it is hard from time to time. On a recent trip with Ell and Oma to a cave in the Forest of Fogs things went really bad and resulted in the death of Ell and Oma. I managed to slip away unseen, badly injured that there was more of my blood on the ground than in my veins. It took me some time to take care of all these deep cuts and nasty injuries but I finally managed to stop at least the bleeding and was about to leave the cave and tried to seek out Oma and Ell again. As I tried to get out of the cave again I ran into Trouble who was apparently roaming in the caves as well. He saw my miserable constitution and took care of my wounds and in the meantime I told him what went wrong and that the result was that Ell and Oma were defeated. Trouble simply stormed ahead, not even fully prepared and I could not help it but I had to take care of him. Needless to say Trouble got pretty much kicked around by the same giants which blades already tasted the blood of Ell and Oma. I tried to protect Trouble but I ended up with being stuck in Troubles nasty cloud and the giants had their fun in simply killing me while I could not move in any way. If it was not even bad enough, I lost a piece of my very soul to the Soul Mother. I cannot really describe how it was, it was just horrible and not a pleasant feeling in any way. And now where she got something from me, I know that she will be there waiting for me, trying to consume my very own soul till nothing will be left anymore and this frightens me. A higher being living from our souls is just wrong if you ask me. It is like a small overture to the destiny which reminds us about our life as well. It shows us that nothing lasts forever and that we are mortal to the core. Every time we get closer to our final death, to the end of the path we all walk, the more and more we will remind what life really means and what we are. I don’t regret my attempt to save Trouble’s life at all and I’d do it again as this is my way of showing I care for others, especially my comrades and friends and I know they would do the same for me.

Sometimes my view about things differs from others though who travel with our little group from time to time. I was curious about how Lance, a toranite paladin, justifies us killing all these giants while we were in the desert. We rushed into their cave, slaughtered our way through them and headed out again, their blood all over us. Lance gave me to know that all those giants were considered evil in the eye of Toran and that this would justify their death, or how I prefer: Our murder on them. Anyway, I would try to defend myself or my family as well when a group of adventurers invades the place I call home and kill everything and everyone. And then he gave me something along the lines that we have to kill them before they kill us, turn evil or they attack caravans passing by. I simply gave him to know that he should consider me evil then as well as in this case I am like a giant. While I actually don’t care about their death as it is either them or me, I hate that some people trying to seek justification on telling them evil and us good. That is just not right in my eyes. For a Toranite it might be easy to stop thinking and simply follow blindly and say oh the giants are so evil and follow an evil god but I don’t. If you listen to him there are good and evil humans as well so why doesn’t he say all humans are either all good or all are evil? Why are there good and evil humans but only evil giants? And then he told me I have no idea and told me his mentor was a dark elf. I know that most people see dark elves as evil, but then why was that one good and all those giants in the cave evil? Lance has no right to say all giants we slaughtered were evil by heart. Some might have been like his dark elf mentor and tried to break out and start a new life? Even though I am a mercenary and offer my service for Trues, I am still better than them as I don’t justify my actions by law and an odd view about black and white and I don’t even dare to chose either side.

One thing I don’t get about Lance either is why he is in love with an aragenite priestess. As far as I know Toran is not in the best terms with Aragen, or so I heard. As far as I know paladins have a strict code so why would one chose love before one’s god? Personally I somehow doubt Lance’s words. He told me that they are free to love and marry anyone they want to. I somehow doubt Toran would allow such a thing without any consequences. I always thought his paladins would fall from grace by loving someone their god doesn’t like at all. But what do I know? I am simply a swordswoman and have no idea about the ways of the gods and the motives of their holy warriors. I think I will see if something happens to Lance about this whole love thing. He would not be the first who is falling from grace after all.

Besides all this chosen confusion I trained hard again to become a duelist like Lydia and Richelle are. After a trip with Trouble, Ell and Jaelle to the desert on the continent of Dregar, Jaelle asked me for a duel as she needed some practice with her weapon, a rapier as well. I agreed to it and promised to be gentle with her and I focused mainly on parrying her blows and using counter attacks when she took her defense. We battled two rounds and it was very good training, even though Jaelle got injured pretty badly. I was able to block most of her strikes but some I just did not evade right in time and was left with some minor injuries. Focusing on blocks was good training and helped me a lot with examining her movements and move away right in time or simply to block them. I know I am close to master this technique.

I even started to focus on a new technique. This is actually rather hard to learn and takes a lot of my concentration. During our trips we often had to fight invisible creatures or some who hid themselves in the shadows or some even blinded us by bright light. And no, Trouble did that to me as well on several situations but those were accidents and not aimed at me, I was simply in the wrong place at the false time; our timing is not the best from time to time. However, if I cannot really see my opponent I have to rely more on my other senses and experience to imagine where they are and simply strike in the direction I think they are. This will still take me some time but I know I will master it in the end and use this advantage in farther battles. It is pretty mean to know they feel save and then you simply strike at them and see blood dripping from nowhere. I am sure Trouble and Ell will be impressed when I master all these techniques. I know I am very close to master them both. But to finally master them I should seek them out again and practice a little with them on one trip or the other.

But for now I should head to the inn and get some rest. Maybe I will drink the one or other glass of wine as well before heading to bed. We will see.

*With a slight smile on her lips she puts her journal back into her bag and heads to the inn in Orcs Watch.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2008, 08:48:21 am »
*Phyress sits in a chair in Ell’s living-room, writing a new entry into her journal. From time to time she looks around as if she was looking for someone or something.*

-Freas, Mar 6, 1438-

A lot has happened from my latest entry. Somehow I did not really find any time to sit down and write a new one, even though a lot has happened in the past months. Most of my time I’ve been busy with my training to become a duelist, in fact I already was one before. I actually was a duelist for the time I left Alindor and sailed to Port Hempstead. I just never was good enough to be called one and still I am not. Well of course I could call myself one but Lydia would kill me for doing so. She told me to come back and show her my skills in a duel, given I feel ready for it. Even though I made a huge progress during these years after I left my old mentor, I’d still lose against her. Her knee will never fully recover again but she would still kick me around in the arena like I just started my training. However, I learned a lot from my journey together with Richelle and practiced what she told me.

I eventually figured out how to foresee some of their movements and therefore to improve my defense. It is still hard to jump away right in time as I still need to focus on the ongoing battles and then taking care of their movements is hard. Trouble was kind enough to help me with this problem. He casts some sort of spell that makes me smarter so it is easier to get and therefore I can dodge their blows in time. It is still harder than with my old shield, but in the end I am more agile and nimble on the battlefield and it will surely aid my reflexes. Carrying a shield around is so encumbering when your advantage in battle is your dexterity and reflexes. I practiced this technique along the one I mentioned in my former entry. I wanted to hit them more accurate when I am blinded so I can still stand a chance against my opponents. The advantage of my opponents is that I cannot see them with my own eyes or only hardly. This way I cannot really strike any blows at them, nor can I see their movements so I could dodge them. It took me quite some time and effort to improve my ways when I am blinded but I think I finally managed it. The experience was rather painful. Try fighting a weak opponent while being blindfolded! When your vision is gone you have to rely on your other senses, mostly your hearing. But now I trained enough and mastered this technique and battles already confirmed me that it is way easier to fight concealed opponents now. I also managed to figure how to launch more precise strikes at my opponents. The technique is rather hard to learn and I just managed to make use of it but I would not say I have mastered it at all. I will still have to train hard to eventually master this technique. But for now I am just glad that I finally figured it out after quite some years of hard training. During all the battles I fought along with Ell and Trouble I also improved my attack itself. I aim way more accurate these days and also managed to improve the rate of my attacks. As I started my training I was very slow but during the years I grew more and more confident with my weapons and my training itself so I was able to speed up my attacks a little.

I also thought about focusing my training on a new attack which looks rather acrobatic; given you have the grace to perform such an attack which clearly not everyone possessed. I still know this technique from Dylan and he showed it to me several times during my training with him. Sometimes you are surrounded and you’d be too slow to take them all down one by one. Sometimes it is simply better to launch an attack at all of those who stand close around you and threaten your life. In such time it is always useful to perform a so called “Whirlwind Attack” and try to make a gap between you and your opponents. The coordinating and balancing is the easy part for me, seeing I perform somersaults and backflips anyway. It would be easier if Arngrim would be around now to show me how to use this technique but I don’t feel ready yet. Of course he is not Lydia but if I see him then Lydia will show up as well and I promised her the next time we see each other we will have our duel. Maybe I should seek Richelle out again and ask her about some assistance for my training.

The past few months have been odd as well. Not the months itself, but our little group as well. Even though we are well trained and disciplined, and Trouble says we are one of the best well working teams in battle he has seen, we tend to disagree on many terms and end up in arguing about them and sometimes we are close to stop working as a team all together. I have to admit, sometimes I was not innocent and stirred up the flames a little and those things come back to me sooner or later. I cannot help it, but it seems the more power they are granted, the less they care about others. It would not be the first time Trouble came to me, just to tell me he could take care of a band of giants on his own and would not need my help. Ell acts different as well. She’s quieter these days. I think it has something to do with this Lance. Personally I don’t get why she’s with him but then I am preoccupied as he is a Toranite and I cannot really stand their teachings. Actually he is a nice guy and I can get along just fine with him, till he is going to mention Toran. But after all this is none of my business. As long as he makes Ell happy I won’t interfere.

This reminds me I haven’t seen Jaelle around for some months now. I still need to see if Trouble really talked to her after he simply ignored her. Well at least now I know why he freaked out about our little prank. Both of us were invisible as we spotted Trouble standing around close to Dalanthar. Jaelle kissed him which looked quite funny as she was still invisible and Trouble clearly surprised. Then Jaelle yelled that I should stop kissing him as he was with her and not me. Of course I joined Jaelle in this little prank and was pouting about why I was not allowed to kiss him as he belonged to me. Oddly Trouble did not really like our little show and stormed off. I already had an idea about why he freaked out and showed us his cold shoulder, but later Ell confirmed it and I had a little talk with Trouble. Even though I told him more than once that I don’t want anything from him, he still seems to have feelings for me, so therefore we were playing with his feelings. I just hope everything works out with Jaelle and Trouble.

During our trips we gave ourselves titles. Well I already had my title but Ell and Trouble did not. Trouble is now called “Commander” as he loved to boss us around and Ell is now called “Flame Angel” due to all her fire spells she loves to cast. And I? I am still “Maiden of Battle”. Ell thinks it really suits me.

I should seek the two of them out again and plan a few more trips. I heard that Moraken might have a little job for me to do. Well, we will see.

*Phyress stretches while she shuts her journal again and stuffs it back into her bag. Unseen she sneaks out of Ell’s house again.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2008, 04:29:52 am »
*with a sigh sigh Phyress sits down under a palm in Audira close to the coast and starts writing a new entry into her journal. From time to time she looks up and stares into the distance, not really focusing on anything.*

-Tunar, Seplar 10, 1439-

I have been back for like two weeks now, yet it seems nothing has really changed it all. Shortly after I travelled back to Prantz on Dregar I bumped into Trouble. Seems like he is usually somewhere around me. Maybe he is even stalking me, I would not know. However, it was nice to see him again and still alive of course. We walked in the direction of Corax Lake where we bumped into Ell and Oma. It seemed like they really missed me and were glad to see me still alive. Trouble of course thought me as dead and that I was gone forever and would not return as I did not let him know when I left like a year ago. Really he should know better as I am not an easy kill. I have to admit I missed all of them as well as we work just fine as a team. Everyone knows what the other one is capable of and where everyone’s limit is, more or less. We went through the Forest of Fogs and headed towards the Sinister Forest and everything was like when I left, although Trouble mentioned that now where I am back the teasing and making fun of him increased rapidly. Am I really such a bad influence? Nah, I don’t really think so but sometimes he should better keep his mouth shut; but then it is always good entertainment and if he wants me to stop then he should simply say so.

I already made some good trades since I am back among my friends. Tegan had enough time to finish my new suit which was already handed over to me by Sallaron. Now I simply need to seek her out to fulfill my part of the trade. Sallaron himself offered me a trade as well. I have to gather quite a load of ore for him so he will hand me over a fine amulet which will clearly help me in my way of battle. It will help me to become even more limber in battle. First I hesitated when he offered me the trade as I am no dwarf and not used to mining. I am not very strong at all and prefer the graceful way but however, I agreed. Together with Trouble, Ell and Oma I went a little mining and I already regret the deal a little, but just a little. My hands are still hurting a little from all mining and I am really slow at the progress itself but I already got a third of what he requested me to mine for him. Trouble naturally groaned about that all his friends are working for his parents, more or less but I cannot help it, a job is a job. Reminds me that I have to ask him about a mining trip for some amethyst which I need for another trade.

A few days later he took me and some others over to Belinara, where we travelled a bit around. I have to admit Arnax looks somewhat nice. Well at least I like it more than Port Hempstead of Prantz but to be honest, I don’t really care at all in which town I am as long as I can find the one or other job. We decided to travel to the Sharawood but when we had to face some of the people who live in there we had to turn back again. Their archers a pretty good and it took us some effort to keep everything in line but we made it. Nonetheless it was a good choice to head back to Dregar at all. At least I know most of Dregar these days and know what we can face or not, even though I am curious about Belinara now but that can wait for now. I should rather focus on my training to become better than Lydia. When we were back on Dregar we went to Storold’s house as Trouble had to do some babysitting on his golem or so. Storold’s golem was apparently broken and he found it somewhere. He also told me that he has another golem as well which is supposed to have a soul and I don’t really buy that. I never heard of a golem with a soul; they are merely constructs. It is just some metal and wires but having a very own a soul? Anyway, a gnome showed up to help as well and fixed the speech of the golem a little. It mumbled something about portals and a The’thalus or so. I did not really keep the name in mind but it seemed that the one or the other in the room knew about that person were a bit shocked and frightened. Maybe I should ask around for this guy and find out more about what is going on.

I really wonder when I will see Richelle again. We travelled around together for a year and now she is gone again or rather I left her new mercenary group when we got close to Prantz again and I decided it was time to say farewell for now again, as much as I enjoyed the time around her and the group. The good thing about the group was that all of us seven were women but each of us had her very own way to defeat our opponents. Tyrith was a more brute woman and fought like a berserker, relying more on her strength and fighting with a greatsword. Lywn, a half-elven maiden, preferred her daggers, may that be when facing an opponent or from a longer distance, when she threw some daggers at her opponents. She used to poison her daggers and attacked them from behind, just like I use to do. She pretty quick on her feet and was hard to keep pace with her and she was always twirling around somewhere. Even though everyone was different we fought well together, like a unit and honestly, we were in our hearts. I really miss the six as it was a great time and we had a lot of adventures together and grew very strong. I had enough time to watch the others practicing and learn the one or other thing from them, not only battle related. I just hope Richelle will let me know when she is organizing a trip somewhere as I will follow her anyway.

But as I already said, for now I should focus on my duel with Lydia. I know I will have to face her sooner or later and I better be prepared. I just hope I can practice hard enough to even stand a chance against her in a duel. Well, we will see.

*With a slight smile Phyress closes her journal and takes out a small dagger she got from Lywn, playing around with it a little.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2008, 01:19:10 pm »
*Phyress leans against a tree close to the shoreline of Audira, flipping through the pages of her journal while Richelle and Tyrith are taking a swim in the sea. She watches them for a moment with a slight smile on her lips before she turns her attention back to her journal and starts writing a new entry.*

-Threas, Novlar 19, 1439-

I am glad I ran into Richelle and Tyrith on my way back from my latest trip with Trouble, Ell, Oma, Aerimor and Amanda. Actually I was merely standing around close to the Bay of Carocsa and took final preparations for some practice as Aerimor showed up from the direction of the Ore Hills. We chatted a little and he asked if he could join me somewhere and naturally I agreed. I don’t know why, but he is very nice and his pointy-ears look funny. Well all elven ears look funny, yet cute. Not to mention their agile build and dexterous movements. But do I even know the elven form is really him? He changes a lot into various creatures. So far I have seen him changing to a lizard, a kobold and a fairy-dragon. No, not a fairy-dragon, it was more like a drake.

However, just before we were about to head out, Trouble, Ell, Oma and Amanda showed up and the bunch of us headed into the Sinister Forest to a dungeon of some sorts. The place is filled with powerful undead and according to some rumors I heard there once lived the dragon which attacked Hurm some years ago. I have no idea if it still resides somewhere in this dungeon and the dungeon is huge and somewhat haunted so we were not able to find any peace to rest for a moment. At one point we had to pass through a corridor with two doors. I found the first one unlocked as I approached it, the second one was not locked at all, I think. However, a few of us already passed the first door and were attacked by the undead. Amanda found herself in front of a locked door and everyone was shouting for me to open it again. Funny as it was not locked in the first place or someone must have unlocked it before I even saw the door. As far as I know no one else of the group is able to pick a lock anyway, besides Oma’s pixy. I saw the pixy down there but doubt it picked the lock as I still think there was no lock at all. However, the pixy was already gone so it was my duty to open the door whilst the battle was still going on and it took me quite some effort as I hardly was able to concentrate on my task with the battle going on behind my back. Some were shouting to wait for the others but honestly, while the battle is still going on? In the next room we gathered again and immediately some of us were hit by a sunbeam Ell obviously casted because some of us did not wait for the others. Right! And no, she was not sorry for hitting others as well who actually waited. This already made me yell around why in the name of the gods we were hit with a blinding spell. However, no real explanation was given to us. If it was not enough at all, Oma thought it would be fun to throw her Great Thunderclap at us just to knock us down on our behinds or simply to stun us and me really got mad. She didn’t say a word at all and I simply stopped fighting for the rest of the trip. Why should I risk my life and as thank I’ll be stunned, blinded or whatever? Trouble stopped fighting as well, even though he only stopped fighting for the time we were in the crypt. After we got out of the woods and found a safe place to take a rest, our group disbanded quickly and I was still ticked off. Oma whispered to me that she was sorry for knocking me down while she gave me my share of the coin we found on our little misadventure. I did not forgive her yet, neither Ell. First of all they have to come up openly with it and secondly I cannot trust them for now in battles.
I don’t mind being knocked down in the heat of battle, such things can simply happen but you don’t simply throw spells at people. I only know if it happens I will knock them down as well, even if it will hurt them more than their spells hurt me. I just cannot stand this. If they said sorry immediately after it would not have been all too bad and I would have cheered up a few moments later ago and did not stop fighting at all. Not saying anything leaves the impression that they do not care about their comrades or friends at all, even less those who were uninvolved and not really the targets of their moods. Right, I am just collateral damage.

I stormed off and gladly ran into Richelle and Tyrith who were able to understand me and calm me down a little. Naturally Tyrith knocked me down as well but I did not mind at all as it is her way of greeting a close friend so I felt honored. Richelle was more reserved though. Well alright, she always is. The three of us then went to blow off some steam on some poor giants which got in our way to Audira. I fought more like a berserk than the usual me but then I was pretty much ed anyway and did not care. I have to admit I felt good slaughtering my way through them and slowly I calmed down until I collapsed due to exhaustion and Richelle and Tyrith were worried about me. I gathered that Tyrith carried me the whole way to Audira where Richelle rented a room for the three of us to spend the night.

On the next day I asked them for some assistance with a technique I wanted to learn for long now. Actually I started my training more than one year ago, yet I did not figure it out so far. The technique is called 'Whirlwind Attack’. I have seen Tyrith using such a technique earlier by using her greatsword when she was surrounded by several opponents. You spin into the air, trying to hit all opponents close to you. The spinning part is somewhat easy if one is able to hold the balance, even in midair. It is even harder to hold the balance when you hit someone and that was it involves a lot of focus and concentration. However I figured this technique out with Tyrith’s help. It will be very useful when I am surrounded by several opponents but I won’t really make use of it, it is just to make some room. I am still faster by defeating them one by one than to spin around the whole time. While the technique is nice I cannot find their weak spots and therefore I am not able to hurt them seriously. When Richelle and Tyrith are back from their swim they wanted to practice a little with me so I can improve my technique to knock my opponents down. My technique is fine, but more and more of my opponents resist my attempts to knock them down lately. I have to figure out a way where this is not the case. It will take me quite some time as I cannot do it by brute force. This is why I rather train it with Richelle than Tyrith. I also want to improve my reflexes a little as lately it became hard to get away from Trouble’s fire spells.

Lately I have been thinking about Trouble a lot anyway. He is not any longer with Jaelle and I wonder why they aren’t a couple anymore. I don’t know why I am thinking such things but Trouble still promised me a dinner and a night out at a ball, dancing. Maybe I should test a little on Trouble, seeing what his way is going to be now. If he wants another relationship, would it be just like with Jaelle or does he want a relation because he loves someone? I cannot explain, but when Trouble is around I feel safe. Anyway, I should waste my time on this issue; it is his life, not mine. I should rather join Richelle and Tyrith for now and relax a little while we are here and swim a little as well. I just hope Tyrith won’t pull me under and I drown. However, we will see.

*Phyress giggles a little as she closes her journal and jumps into into the water to join Richelle and Tyrith who are splashing water at each other.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #26 on: October 23, 2008, 04:20:19 am »
*With a slight smirk playing around her lips Phyress sits down at the table in the room she rented at the local inn in Leringard and eyes the old journal laying on it, as well as several ancient looking letters. She flips through the pages before she starts writing a new entry into her own journal.*

-Threas, Febra 5, 1440-

It seems like Trouble is not interested in a date with me after all. I waited at the Tempest’s house in Prantz as I wanted to drop some ore for Sallaron and some sapphires for Tegan as I collected some of it with an interesting elven maiden. Trouble showed up so I could enter as neither his father nor mother were around at the time and while I was already there I asked Trouble about the ball we still want to visit and about the progress with his dancing lessons. Well he did not take any more dancing lessons but he promised to continue when he sees Ell again. However, I called it a date and he felt a bit uncomfortable about it, at least this was the impression I got. It seems like I have to push him a little more and see where this goes. I cannot help it; he made me even more curious by the way he reacted.

Before I met Trouble I headed out to gather some sapphires. I knew they would be somewhere on the one isle but I never exactly knew in which cave I would find them. At the port I saw a woman sitting in the snow, warming up at a fire she lighted. She introduced herself as Aryanna and told me that I would not survive the trip without her help and so she accompanied me. Her Common is not very fluently and she is a little bossy, poking me with her staff the whole time. I did not mind at all as I was already used to being bossed around by the Commander and she is a guardian of nature as well, just like Trouble. We had to face goblins on their mounts and really, they were pretty tough and it took us quite some effort to defeat them. It was not like they did not die quick but their attacks were pretty precise and our wounds deep. It took us likely more than just one day to get to the bottom of the cave where we found some deposits of sapphires and I happily mined them. Aryanna was not that pleased as I did not give anything in return. Well I did give something in return actually, the blood of the goblins we defeated. However, half frozen we reached the surface again and its bright sun which blinded me immediately. After we got back to the port our ways departed and I headed straight to the Tempest’s house. It was good training to fight against goblins on mounts as I ordinarily do not do such things.

However, my recent trip was very interesting, even if I did not travel with Trouble this time. Oma was around though but I am still slightly mad at her. The same goes for Ell but I did not see her around yet. Trouble told me she was very sorry about what happened back in the crypt but I told him that she has to come up with it herself. Well, besides some known faces like Aerimor, Amanda, Oma and Chakar, there were some other adventurers on board I did not know yet, like Hjalmar and another woman I did not see a lot of times, always hiding somewhere. I think she was called Alatriel or something similar. Besides us there were some other passengers on board as well. On the journey the passengers were in their cabins as it was foggy and rainy outside. I like such storms and rain so I did not mind the weather at all, besides it gave me some time to chat a little with the captain about him and his crew. His crew reminded me a little of Trouble, Ell, Oma and me. We used to work great together as well. However, at some point the lookout reported pirates which headed to us and tried to take over the ship. With joint forces we were able to defeat two of their attacks. Sadly it took some tribute of our vessel as we were hardly able to take the fires out and water already filled the inside of the boat. Luckily we saw an island not too far away and our ship tried to reach the shore. Well we more or less made it, even though I almost drowned as we had to swim the last part to the island. I am glad Tyrith did not see me as she would be rolling on the floor laughing about me.

The island was not on any of the captain’s maps and we had to fix his vessel again so we could leave this abandoned island again. So we had to search for some spring for fresh water, metal for nails and the like, as well as wood for the ship, naturally. We found a spring and a little later a flooded cave where we had to face some giants. We were able to use the clubs of the giants as tools for the repair and we also found some veins in there. However the men forgot to take some picks with them so we had to leave the cave for now. Back at the boat I described the way to the spring as well as to the deposit to the captain and he sent some of his men after it as they could not start the repairs anyway as they were still lacking the wood. While we explored the island a little more we met a native tribe. Naturally they did not speak common, nor did anyone of us understand their language so gestures and drawings had to help communication. They gestured us to follow them and guided us to a grove of some sorts with very sturdy trees. It would have been perfect for the repairs if the men did not mess it up at all. The tribe was asking for one woman for one tree which of course we did not agree to, even though Alatriel wanted me to leave with them. Their leaded stormed off after spitting in front of Hjal’s feet and looked rather ed. I somehow doubt it was just about the trade but something else as well. However, now we were their enemies and they attacked us. If the fighting was not enough already, Hjal and Alatriel were ing around again and I could not stand it any longer. I told the captain that I would take care of it and simply left. Being a woman they did not attack me and I gestured them that I would come with them. They then guided me through the woods to their leader.

I was quite surprised when I saw a man, probably from Mistone himself. He was also surprised to see one of the invaders in his basement as well and was curious about why I wanted to see him. I told him that I did not want the bloodshed any longer and were trying to come to an agreement with him. He was curious about the other women of our group as well so he left to check on them. He told me not to run away as it would create a mess given I would have touched the door. Besides that I had no desire to flee. His hideout was quite comfy and I just arrived. Before he vanished he caressed my cheek. I was alone. I could not help it but search through his things. I found some ancient letters as well as his journal. While I was waiting for his return I flipped through the pages a little. I did not really read it yet but I am sure there are some interesting things written down in it. What makes me still wonder is why he lived for more than 50 years with the tribe. I think I will find an answer in the journal or in the ancient looking letters. Then all of a sudden the door opened and a little pouch was dropped on the ground. Next to it someone started to write on the ground to pick it up and to head back to the ship. I used the stardust and vanished from everyone’s sight. It was Galathea who came after me and together we ran back to the boat while the others were still defending it. All of us hurried and our boat just hit the water again as the tribe came to a stop at the shore. I saw the man standing beside them and could not help to blow him a kiss and wave his journal in the other hand. Too bad I was not able to see the expression on his face but I am sure he paled when he saw the book in my hands. I am sure this was not the last time I met him. I am sure he will come after his book, or just to see me again.

However, we returned safely to Leringard again. On the way Alatriel told me she holds more respect for me now, seeing I took his journal with me. It will surely give us some conclusions after all. All I can say is that it was a very interesting trip, even though I did not really make any new friends on the boat. I cannot wait to see Trouble’s reaction when I tell him this story. But anyway, in the morning I should leave and continue my training. Where? We will see.

*With a slight smile on her lips Phyress shuts her journal and guides her attention back to the other journal laying on her desk.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2008, 05:51:41 pm »
*With reddened eyes Phyress takes out her journal and lights a candle in the tent. Woken up from the light Celes turns around to face Phyress for a moment and looks at her for a moment, her expression saddened before she falls back asleep. Watching her sleeping friend Phyress takes out her quill and ink and starts writing a new entry into her journal. Some of the words are almost not readable, washed away by the tears whilst she writes.*

-Tunar, Augra 3, 1441-

Some promises will never be fulfilled. Sometimes it is just too late. I will never be able to head to a ball and dance with Trouble, nor will I be able to have dinner with him at his parents. It is too late now; he is gone, forever. I still cannot realize he is already dead, nor do I even want to realize it. How can he be dead already? Why did the Soulmother take the last remaining pieces of his soul? Why cannot he come back to dance with me? So many questions and most of them will stay unanswered. I only know he is with the Longstrider now and looking down on us. And this all happened like half a year ago now. How could I miss such a thing? Maybe I did not really miss it but did not want to hear about it and simply overheard it? I cannot say, not right now in my current situation.

Actually my day was going to be great. The day before I teased Storold among some others in Port Hempstead about me being his girl or that at least we have an affair. However, the next day I sat down there with him and we simply chatted. He asked me about my training with Angela. A month ago Angela was willing to be my mentor and show me the way of a duelist to improve my way with the rapier. She did not want Storold to teach me. I guess I could rather teach him the one or other thing than the other way 'round. Angela seems to be a nice person and like me she loves to tease others, especially Storold it seems. Her blade is like the finest I have ever seen with my own eyes, although I wasn’t keen on touching it due to my respect for it.

While I was sitting around the memorial in Port Hempstead Snagnor showed up again after quite some time. I did not see him around in ages and it is usually always nice to talk with him or to exchange the latest gossip. The information he held for me was not what I expected though and I told him he should stop fooling me by saying Trouble passed on. Apparently he did not know I didn’t know about his death, yet. What followed after was almost a breakdown. It seemed like the world was about to crash on me. It could not be. He could not be dead. It took Snagnor several attempts to persuade me that he was really dead. I still don’t want to believe it. I remember I started to cry my heart out and me resting my head in his lap. This couldn’t be true at all. It was like a bad dream, just that this one was real and there was no way to wake up from it, seeing it was reality. My heart is still bleeding and I am thankful Snagnor was there to comfort me. I did not see myself like this. I was not myself or maybe I was? I never felt such emotions for anyone, not this intense. How do people say? You tend to realize when things are too late? I wish I’ve seen it earlier but I think I loved him. I cannot help but I felt happy when he was around and I enjoyed his presence, even when we were fighting about the one or other meaningless thing. And all this came to an end now? I don’t want him dead, I want my Trouble back! Run around with him in the woods and simply laugh about his bad jokes.

I don’t know how many time passed when I laid on Snagnor’s lap. It could have been hours or days. I did not care at that moment. Snagnor made sure I was alright before I left and headed towards the harbor. I cannot really recall how I got here into this forest. I surmise I sailed to Mariners Hold and headed this way where I passed out somewhere in the woods, according to Celes. I did not really realized what was going on around me; all my thoughts were about Trouble. I loved him and I did not want to realize when he was still alive, unsure about my feelings were not responded by him. I should have told him and I should have been with him. If I was there I could have saved him! I always did! He saved my life and I saved his. We were only strong together; every one of us needed the other one to survive and I was not there to save him this time. His passing is entirely my fault. I was not there for him when he needed me most. I was not there to bury him, or to hold his hand when he let out his last breath. He’s gone, forever.

As Celes found me I had bruises and scratches all over my body and from the look of it I was caught in a battle. Whether I lost or not does not matter. I probably charged blind into a band of mercenaries. Seeing I have all my belongings still with me I probably defeated them before I passed out farther away from them. I am glad she found me there and took care of my wounds. She really made progress within the Corps. The bandages were well made and the wound skillfully bandaged. I just wish the circumstances we met were better than this. She carried me to a safe place in the woods and made camp. We talked for hours about Trouble and she comforted me by just being there for me and holding me. I really needed that. I am still terribly confused by all this. It hit me really hard. I thought I could deal with the death but now? Killing is one thing but losing someone you are very close to is another.

I should be really sleeping but I simply cannot! I have to think about Trouble the whole time. Yes, I loved him and that is probably the reason it hits me that hard. Why? Just why did he have to die? It is unfair! Unfair after all the great times we had together. We could have ruled the world, just him and I. Together we were strong and fought many battles we were about to lose but we never gave up. Our will was strong together. Together we could have defeated everyone who got in our way. I remember times where I defeated him almost dead myself from some giants in the Forest of Fogs on Dregar. I died in the process but it was totally worth it. Now I even realize why I acted so selfless. That’s not my way. He was always there for him and I did not care to sacrifice myself just to save him from certain death. I was his Maiden of Battle after all and he was my Commander. I just don’t know how to live on from here. I am just a Maiden and lost without him.

Even though you are dead now, Trouble, I know you will guide my steps and that you will be with me. I know you’re taking care of me and you will always stay in my heart. It is yours after all. You will always be with me. Gods, it hurts so much to know we will not be able to fight battles together anymore. No, that is not right. We will fight battles together as you are with me, even though I won’t see you. You always wanted me to improve myself in the ways of battle, Trouble. You wanted me to be strong and I am trying to fulfill one of those things you always wanted me to do. I am trying to master my blade for you, Trouble. I need to jump over my own shadow. I did not believe in myself, but you did. I thought my blade was the only thing that kept me alive but now I see how wrong I was about it. What kept me alive was my love to you. You gave me something that was worth fighting for. I will find the place you fell even if it will cost my life. There is one more thing to do for you besides your wish for me to master my weapon. I am going to find the place you fell and plant a tree. It shall have sturdy roots, just like you were yourself and reach up high in the skies, up to the gods. You were a great person after all, Trouble. It should be a place for all those who seek wisdom and guidance as you offered to me. You shall not be forgotten, Trouble. You have your very own tale to tell.

I will always love you, Trouble. Be my guide and guide me through the dark eternal night I have to go through now. I need you more than ever now. Please don’t leave me alone...

*Under tears Phyress shuts her journal and cuddles under the fur next to Celes, slowly falling asleep with her hands around her journal like she is holding the very last thing that will remind her of Trouble.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2008, 08:49:42 am »
*Phyress sits under a tree in Audira, watching the sailing ships from the shore. After silent moments in the setting sun she sighs and starts writing a new entry into her journal.*

-Wedlar, Novlar 4, 1441-

Trouble’s passing still hurts my very soul. It has been like two month already and I don’t really feel any better. I am trying to hold up the masquerade as good as I can but I know that at some point, a weak moment in example, it will fall down and everyone will know how I really feel. Jaelle knows how I feel, seeing she had to go the same way I did. She just had more time already but I can see she’s still filled with grief when Trouble’s death is mentioned. This just cannot be true! I am still not accepting his death my any means. I never wanted this to happen. I somehow feel a little bad for Maran as well. On a recent trip with Fleur he poked me about my mood over and over again, almost pestering me about what is wrong with me and I frankly told him to shut up as I just got to know that a close friend of mine died. He felt sorry and told me he did not know. I gave him to know he could not as I never talked with him about it. It only increased his curiosity about the relation of my friend and me. Seeing he does not tell me anything like that when I asked him several times back in the past I simply refused to answer. People should stop worrying about me; I am better than that. I won’t do anything stupid; at least that’s what I am saying myself.

Maybe I am doing something stupid these days anyway as it seems Del Alo’rion is on the move again. As I feared he showed up in Hurm, as expected to be honest, seeing he still had a hideout around Hurm which I never found. A retired Overseer hired some mercenaries to find the ones who kidnapped his daughter a few weeks ago. They wanted him to retire from his position so they’d release his daughter. The exchange has already been made and a new one, called Marcus, already holds his old position within the merchant guild. I found some links to Del Alo’rion, even as the retired Overseer introduced us to our task which was plain simple. Meet the bandits at the place where the exchange took place and find out the one who blackmailed him to retire. It should be just outside Hurm and we were given the map. However, it seemed that Del infiltrated the guild, made good word of him, hired mercenaries, kidnapped the daughter, and blackmailed him to retire in order to take his position. Knowing how he worked in the past, it was easy to assume Del was behind this. Especially in Hurm, seeing it is a good place for Trading and he has a hidden base somewhere around already. Probably he bribed his way up or he blackmailed people to get this position. It is not like he did not do it in the past already.

After we gathered more information we needed from the Overseer, we headed out to find said place. It did not take us long to find it outside Hurm and some mercenaries were guarding it. We decided to talk them into giving us what we wanted to and I took over the “negotiations”. My idea was to offer them a merge. I told him I came on behalf of the White Lily and that my guild was willing to merge with the Del Alo’rion’s. I did not mention the retired Overseer sent us as we were not allowed to. Everything went according to plan until I made a slight mistake and mentioned Del’s name. I should have seen it coming that mentioning his name was a mistake as no one in a position as Del would send someone to those little mercenaries in order to guide us to his basement and he shouted commands to his friends about attacking us. Right in time G’ork showed up behind him with a dagger around his throat and, who wonders, he told us everything we wanted to know. I promised him not to kill him and that every one of us could walk back home unharmed, given he told us what we wanted. We had to dig in a little deeper from time to time but in the end we did not kill him, just threatened him with his life. It worked wonders and I was not in my best mood after all. G’ork then asked if he should kill him just in case and I denied. Not because I promised the poor mercenary to spare his life, just because he’d be dead if he told anyone, anyway and he probably knew better not to tell anyone. I did not allow cutting off his tongue either, just not my way. We already had him where we wanted and we got the location of Del’s hideout. Not to mention he confirmed we were dealing with Del Alo’rion.

To reach the hideout we had to enter the sewers out of town and passed a worker down in the sewers. I bet he got a story to tell when he finished work and went back home. However, the way was full of traps and most doors or gates were locked. Most were pretty easy to disarm or to pick. Just with one I had problems but then it was very good work. Together with a dwarf I decided to handle it the rough way and destroyed the door. Maybe I should mention that most of the mercenaries we had to face on our way to the hideout were women. I have no idea why they are fighting for them or if they were forced to do. We made our way through and finally got into a house of some sorts, the windows all barred. In the lower level we found a little boy and Galathea and I decided to free him. Well it was Galathea who took care of him and had the idea after all but it took her my skills to free him from prison. We searched through the house and found a crystal of some sorts. According to Sein it holds some healing properties or something like that. I am not too sure with all the magic. I leave that to the spellcasters.

While we all were gathered Del Alo’rion showed up and I noticed that he bought himself more suitable clothes and robes. Naturally some of us attacked him immediately which almost got us killed, despite me shouting to stop this insanity. But no, why bother listening to poor little Phyress? After all she has no idea at all. Well finally they stopped fighting and we got to talk a little to Del. It seems he’s after becoming a king now. I always knew he was after governmental power but I never imagined such a position. But king of where? I have no idea yet. I somehow doubt he has connections near to any crown but I cannot rely my thinking on that. From time to time he is unpredictable. I cannot help but think that I somehow will meet him again and that I am part of a plan to him. I just don’t know which. After some time of more of this friendly chatter with him he decided to disappear again and leave us with the mess we created in the house to the local guards. We somehow persuaded the guards we were not really responsible for all this and explained we merely were here to free a kidnapped boy, which was actually true. Maybe it was not the whole truth but true after all. The retired Overseer handed us over our payment and the job was done. Maybe for some it is just a job but I am meeting this Del over and over again and it gives me creeps as I cannot figure out what his true intentions and goals really are. And right now I am still an easy target to influence. We will see what future might hold on the whole matter with Del Alo’rion.

A week after I sailed back from Hurm to Port Hempstead I met Snagnor again in Wayfare and talked a little about recent happenings. I did not want to talk about Trouble by all means. The wound is still too deep and fresh to talk about it. While we were chatting about the advantages of a bow made of mahogany, Maran showed up, all excited about a cave he found in the Silkwood Forest. The cave was infested with spiders and he did not fully explore it. Curiosity beating the two of us we decided to follow Maran to his cave and making jokes about a name for the cave. We called it 'Mighty Maran’s cave of nasty spiders’. The cave was indeed filled with little and large spiders and I did not really find it really thrilling but it was nice enough stop thinking about Trouble for now ... I thought. We found a way which led us deeper into the cave. The whole cave was very dark and I heard the sound of spider-legs tipping over the floor the whole time. However, the spiders were very tough, much harder than those on the first level. Together we managed to defeat them and reached the end of the cave. Just as we were about to head out again the ground started shaking and I had to hold my balance not to fall down. Having no clue about what caused this we tried to make our way out of the cave as fast as possible. We were not keen on the idea to be crashed by falling rocks from the ceiling. But it seemed like someone or something did not want us to leave. We fought our way out through many spiders and it seemed like they were eager to end our life, attacking us from both sides. We were almost out of the second level as a large spider almost rolled over us and attacked us immediately. It took us quite some time to defeat this spider but in the end Snagnor, Maran and I managed to finally kill it with joint forces. During the fight I tried to knock it down several times, using a slightly new technique. I did not have had any success yet but I am still looking for a way to improve my technique to knock my opponents down. After the spider was no more the passage was clear again and we easily made it out again. Before we left we heard some hissing north of us and it gave me creeps, as I only saw darkness crawling in there. Do I even want to know what lurked in there? Probably not. I only know that the cave still gives me creeps and I won’t head back there for now, although it is still a very interesting place. Maybe Maran will take me to the cave again, I don’t know. I only know that Trouble would have loved exploring this cave and it makes me sad.

The trip into the desert so Trouble could search around for topaz did not do me any good either. All these places bear memories with Trouble. We have been through so many things, why did he have to die? It’s not fair...

*With tears in her eyes Phyress tosses her journal back into her back and covers her face in her hands, clearly not wanting anyone next to her while the sun sends the last rays of sunlight over Audira and finally fades, leaving only a shadow of a woman, crying for the very soul of the one she loved.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #29 on: December 04, 2008, 07:01:15 am »
*With a weak smile Phyress sits down against a tree at the Corax Lake and stares over the water. She then looks at the flower in her lap she got from Maran some time ago, somehow still blossoming. With a sigh she takes out her journal, quill and ink and starts writing a new entry into her journal.*

-Freas, Decilar 20, 1441-

I am quite glad that Del Alo’rion did not show up again as I have other things to deal with now. This time it is about me and not some insane mage who wants to become king. Like that I was captured on an island by natives. Apparently some were bending the truth a little but Snagnor could not know when he told me. He was concerned about me and asked for the why and how of my capture. I told him that I was not captured nor held against my will and that it happened like two years ago. I don’t know about any recent captures of me. I might be still terribly confused but I guess I would still know about a capture, wouldn’t I? And then he mentioned something about me becoming queen. I had to tell him it was just a joke. Actually it was not really a joke, just a lie. I just wanted to stop him and play my little games with Del Alo’rion. I have no real intentions to become his bride, nor queen. But then I have to admit he is cute in his own ways. But maybe I am just still confused or I love the thrill.

It has been some time but I finally spoke with Ell again. Of course she wanted to tell me something about Trouble and I only got to know about it because I went to refill my canteens on a stream while Ell, Jaelle and some others were gathered around a campfire here at Corax Lake. As I came back I heard Ell saying that she wanted to tell me something while she was talking to Jaelle about something. Probably it was about me and Trouble’s death. However, I asked her to tell me. It seems like she and Trouble had a longer lasting talk shortly before his passing and obviously she wanted to talk about me about his death. I almost started crying and told her that I am not ready for it, yet. Despite it was not the right place or time to talk about such things. I mean there were like eight others gathered around us? Do I want them all to know my misery? Not really. I know Ell and Jaelle, among my other friends care for me and will help me if necessary and I really appreciate it. But there are some I don’t want to talk about such things, nor want them to even know about my relation to Trouble.

Shortly after we all headed into the woods as apparently giants were attacking a small village within the Wolfswood Forest and the citizens were asking for help. I already forgot the name of that settlement, not as it will matter anymore, but more about it later. However, we agreed on helping them and went for a two day march from Vale further north. I think it was north; I was elsewhere with my thoughts so I did not really pay attention. It was odd that we saw less giants than usual around and I pointed out that it is quite natural when they all gather somewhere else or leading an attack on a little settlement. We soon met their troops though. As the ranger already mentioned they were well organized and equipped. I cannot really compare them to the giants I usually face in the desert of in the woods. These were way stronger and their shamans were capable of handling powerful spells, like calling burning rocks from the sky. I was among some who charged one of these and fell. I managed to evade all falling rocks but then another spell hit me with full force. Heavily wounded I tried to retreat as fast as possible from it but the last thing I saw was a crushing hand pacing down to me, then blackness.

I don’t know how many time passed but all of a sudden I found myself gasping for air as I suddenly started living again. My vision came back and I saw Jaelle and Ell over me. Ell apparently brought me back from the death and I thank her for it. Ell and Jaelle were clearly worried about me and helped me getting up again. I asked Ell if she had another soul stone but she shook her head but gave me to know she would raise me regardless as she cared for me. I know it is more than I’d ever ask from her. I know she will be there if I need her. We had to face more giants before we finally approached a bridge. The local militia used the bridge to hold the giants back. I already doubted the gate on the bridge would not hold long if the giants unleashed their joined strength. We had time enough to recover from the long journey and after some time we heard them coming for us. The gate fell in an instant, but we held the bridge. Soon they were building rafts to come across the river as well. All of us knew we could not hold this spot forever. There were just too many of them so we fell back and headed to the settlement. The fortifications there were rather bad. I mean wooden barricades won’t really stop any giant in rage. They’d just jump over it. I asked the one in charge for some traps and started placing traps all over the area before the barricades. It would not really stop them, but maybe slow down their attack a little and cause confusion. And we needed time so the citizens could flee out of town and towards the shore on the east.

There were two roads leading out of town and the giants were attacking both when their attack on the settlement finally started. Everyone but G’ork and I decided to guard the main road into the settlement. No one else cared to guard the other, smaller passage into town so we did it. G’ork and I worked well together. It was almost like he watched my back and I his. Luckily the giants decided to focus their attack on the main road but they still kept us busy. While we were not fighting we talked a little about tactics and the like and it was a refreshing talk. Then the first big wave of the giants stopped and apparently one citizen of the settlement approached. I did not get everything as we were still taking care of the small passage but from what I heard the giants were after revenge. It seems like he or someone else slaughtered giant women and children in a cave. I’d go berserk as well if someone decided to kill my family, despite the fact that I don’t have a family. The second wave came and we managed to defeat them all. Blood was everywhere. I think I still smell slightly after it. It is not that I was really involved in this battle as I had a hard time to even find a spot where I could hit them. However, a big giant showed up, probably their leader, and just looked down at us. Grohin said something to him but I have no idea if he even understood. Their leader then walked away and with him the giants left. It was over and we made our way back to Corax Lake where we departed again. I sat down on the cliffs above the lake and was lost in my thoughts, thinking about Trouble, as G’ork approached and asked me who taught me how to fight as he did not see many small ones to face giants and can stand them. I told him my old mentor back on Alindor did, along with her friend. I asked him why and he just gave me to know that he wanted to know just because he was curious. G’ork is a nice guy after all and he told me that I should simply contact him when I need a hand. I felt a bit flattered as G’ork does not seem to be one to make friends easily but I like him and we work well together. I will contact him when I need a hand; you bet!

Ell approached me as well and we were talking a bit about Trouble. It seems like she has the same problems as I. Everywhere she walks she finds the places filled with memories about him. I don’t know but I am sure he is watching us. She offered me to show his grave. It should be somewhere around Dun Lake. His parents decided to busy him there. When I feel ready for it I will head there with her. I just need time...

*With a sigh Phyress shuts her journal again and stretches a little, rubbing her back against the stem. She remains at the lake for several more hours before she finally stands up again, grabs her stuff and heads toward Prantz. A tear rolls down her cheek while she slowly makes her way to the capitol of the Rael Kingdom.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #30 on: December 08, 2008, 01:46:20 pm »
*Phyress sits down at the lake in Hlint with a soft, yet weak smile on her lips. Her eyes are not that reddened anymore, yet a red smear still remains around her pupils. With a hearty sigh she takes out her journal and starts writing a new entry into it.*

-Wedlar, Febra 18, 1442-

Trouble’s passing still hits me hard when I remind myself about the joyful moments we used to have in the past. All his teasing is gone, but our adventures together will always remain in my memories and heart. It still hurts my very soul that he won’t travel around with me, nor that we will fight about something silly, like whose tomatoes is he trying to steal or making fun about Sallaron’s pink shirt. I bet his father has a pink skirt somewhere as well. Maybe I should ask him about such a skirt. Just thinking about Trouble still leaves me all sad and filled with grief and tears. I don’t want him dead! I need him! Everywhere I go I get reminded of past adventures and journeys we made. If I explore new places we never heard about before it hurts my very soul that he cannot see it with his own eyes. I knew he loved to see new places, just as I did.

Last week I received a task that would have made him all curious as well. Actually I was merely passing through Haven as some adventurers or mercenaries were blocking the road towards Silkwood Forest. I bet some of them were, but they made it clear they were no mercenaries at all. Being a mercenary is nothing bad after all. I just travel around, see a lot of places, have several adventures during my tasks and get around. However, they planned on heading down the mines for some explorations. I let them know that it would be a quite dangerous trip as the gnolls down there are quite ferocious and attack any intruder at sight. I could not help it but to follow them into the mines. I did not really know half of our group, just Fleur, Aesthir and Daniella. Well I knew Mor as well. But then I did not see Daniella in ages and I somehow doubt she remembered me at all. Well, needless to say the exploration went pretty nasty. First of all, someone did not like Fleur comments on some things and turned around to leave. Daniella headed out with him and we never saw her again. So well, we ventured down the mines and someone, I think it was one of the dwarves, decided we should try our luck and opened the first door we saw. Needless to say there were gnolls hiding behind it, just waiting for us to open the door in order to attack us. Some of us tried to hold the door but I thought it was pretty senseless, seeing we lacked someone a good fighter who could stand his ground against the gnolls. Besides that everyone was rushing to the door and therefore were blocking my way so I could not interfere at all. As one gnoll broke through our lines I simply sneaked up behind and killed it. As everyone was still blocking my way I decided to just stay in the shadows and watch. One after one of us fell and they just defeated 2 gnolls or so. In the end there were just Fleur and me left. Fleur managed to escape by casting invisibility and I simply stayed hidden in the shadows. Well it was really a disaster as like six or seven of us fell. Thinking about it we would have done better by simply using tactics and not rushing ahead blind. Most of us left after the suicide-exploration and just Mor, Fleur, Aesthir and I remained in Haven.

While we were discussing our defeat and lack of tactics, G’ork passed through Haven, apparently about to head down into the cave to mind his own business. G’ork asked me what I was doing around here and I told him about the trip to the mines that went all nasty. While we were still chatting a Halfling showed up, apparently a blacksmith. Abdul was looking for some help to get him some iron nuggets. He had a map with the location of an old abandoned mine deep within the desert called the Spirit Dunes. We agreed payment and then headed off. It was a very long and exhausting trip through the desert and the desert did not really welcome us. On our way we had to fight manticores, ants and giants as well. I was glad for G’ork’s blades. Actually he surprised me by using two shortswords. Apparently he has a lot weapons on him. We fought well and we finally made our way to the entrance of the mine. Well it was a hole of some sorts and therefore we had to climb down. G’ork and I made our way down easily. Aesthir and Mor had some problems, somehow. Maybe because they still had their armor on? But what do I know? I don’t even wear any armor. My armor are my reflexes and grace. Armors just encumber me way too much. However, we had to fight some giants and ants but we eventually found some veins of iron running through the abandoned mine. At one vein we actually found the remains of a miner. It seemed old but we found a drawing o a man on a horse on him. Probably his son or daughter drew it and he kept it with him the whole time. I cannot help but think it was very lovely, well that he carried it around with him the whole time, not his death. G’ork and I worked well down in the mine and he always took care of my back. On the battles we fought I focused on new ways to knock them down as my current technique just does not want to work as I want it any longer. They just don’t want to fall down before me! But well, we finally made our way out again and back to Haven where we met the Halfling again. He was pleased with the eight nuggets we handed him over and he gave us our payment.

On the exploration I learned quite a lot. I got to know that there used to live ogres in the Haven Mines before the gnolls moved in and took their place. It seems they even keep some of them as their slaves. Second, manticores can be quite deadly as they shoot little needles after you to defend themselves. They hurt a lot. Besides that I got to know a few details about G’ork’s past. Seems he had a hard and rough childhood. I am just glad I had a good childhood and a loving family and Celes. I really miss her. Probably I should go visit her again. I promised her to return when I feel better again. But then I want to see Richelle and her band of mercenaries again as well. It has been some time we travelled together.

But then I would give my life to just travel around with Trouble again; even if It was just for a day. But this will remain a dream. A dream I am fighting for...

*With a heavy sigh and tears in her eyes Phyress closes her journal again and watches into the night sky, looking for the Longstrider’s constellation. As she finds it a soft smile can be seen on her lips and she whispers Trouble’s name in awe.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2008, 01:34:50 pm »
*With a sigh Phyress takes out her journal again and slumps down against a tree in Katherian. She eyes her rapier lying on the ground next to her and runs a finger about the back of its blade. Glancing to her journal she takes out her quill and ink and starts writing a new entry on a blank page.*

-Threas, Mar 26, 1442-

The past few weeks have been very confusing. Not only because I still suffer from Trouble’s death, but because some things happened I did not really expect to happen. Maybe it is Katherian itself, I don’t really know but on one day I had two rather odd encounters. The first one was about Maran. Apparently Maran was about to visit the temple of Xeen in Katherian and was very surprised when I sneaked up behind him and my hand slid around his waist. What makes me wonder is that his head did not explode. It was just redder than anything I’ve ever seen before in my life. It was as red as the red on my armor. He was very surprised by me being there and he stammered like every word, trying to find excuses why he was inside the temple. I don’t know his true intentions behind it and to be honest, I don’t care. I only know that girls avoided him in the past because of his bad leg. Maybe something else happened in his past as well but I never really bothered to ask him about it. I don’t but I don’t see any problems with him visiting the temple. Many do. Therefore I don’t really understand why he is trying to hide it. However, I agreed on not telling anyone about it. I will only tell if he gives my little secret away. Maran thought that Trouble and I were a couple. I told him that I refused him once as he did not love me. What made things more interesting is that Snagnor saw us talking in front of the temple and as we reached the docks again he started teasing Maran about visiting the temple and Maran already started blushing again. I told Snagnor that Maran was with me and therefore did not visit the temple. I know, it is a blatant lie but then he really was with me.

However, recently rumors were spreading around about a captured ship by some pirates close to the shore of Katherian. The ship carried loads of grain. The owner, someone called Arkolio, offered 20.000 for bringing the pirates to justice. At the docks we saw a mercenary who was going to hand us over 10.000 True. He would keep the other 10.000 and hand us over the information we’d need to get to their hideout. Mor, Maran, Snagnor, Mel and some others were there as well. Among them were three Toranites. They called themselves “Road Wardens”. I don’t know but I had a bad feeling about them from the beginning. Always saluting their commander or however they call the one in charge of their little group of just three. To be honest, I would not even let them guard a dead rat. The captain wanted to make one of us the sergeant and therefore leader of the little investigation. My name shortly fell, but it seems I have to work on my reputation. One heard my name and was like “Phyress? Hell no!” However, the captain decided to make me responsible for this mission. I was in command and I felt flattered. It is good to know that there are some who trust me enough to hear my orders and want me as their sergeant. Those who know me know that I am not a bad person at all and are capable of leading a little group. However, the Toranites did not agree on the vote and if the captain made one of them the spokesperson the trip would have ended nasty and with a failure.

We soon left Katherian and sailed to the Dragon Chain. I briefed a little with the captain and gave commands to my team. We were going to sail to the shore in cover of the night with just a rowboat. Apparently there was going to be a meeting of pirates to trade the grain for True. While I was still waiting for the right moment to let the rowboat down and sail to the shore, bubbles were seen on one side of the ship and immediately after we found ourselves in a battle fighting odd creatures of the sea. It was a tough fight but the two of us did well. Luckily the captain had a priest aboard so we were able to raise them again. Shortly after we made our way to the island.

On the island the Toranites started to become our greatest worry, despite snakes and pirates. It felt like they wanted to blow up our cover or were even working together with the pirates. I was in charge of the exploration and they did not seem to bother ignoring my tactics and explorations. I sent Snagnor to scout ahead. All of a sudden I saw three Toranites running around, “securing” the area and shouting “area secured” to each other. I mean why bother scouting the island while you have three Toranites in your team who were about to blow up everything? Most of us simply ignored them and I wished them dead. Or arrange a trade. Grain for those three Toranites. I fear we’d have had to pay them for taking them tough. They were just a burden. Snagnor found out that there were two pirates agreeing on the exchange and we went after them. I tried to be all diplomatic and offer them a great trade but they simply attacked. We managed to defeat them, though. We managed to capture and tie one pirate up before he left with a ship. It was senseless arguing with him as I already had a headache from the three Toranites so I let Mor talk to them. As a follower of Rofirein he’s better at all this law-stuff anyways. The pirate demanded on his high-seas-right or something like that so I ordered to untie him. He tried to flee and Snagnor simply shot him. I did not care if he was dead or alive at that moment. I only thought about getting rid of the Toranites and do us all a huge favor. I’d have gotten a monument by doing it. However, we soon found another group or pirates and I sneaked up on their ship to secure it. In the meantime someone opened the battle. I found the ship empty but after we successfully defeated the pirates we found the first sacks of grain and also some tracks of sacks leading farther in. I ordered the three Toranites to secure the ship and stay there so it stays that way. Shortly after we had the burden with us again. Someone of us if the ship was secure and it was reported that our crew on the ship secured the other ship. Farther on the island we found another small hideout of the pirates. Actually there were three groups so I divided my team into three. Everyone taking care of one group. The Toranites were responsible for the archers in the middle. Seeing everything was settled, I launched attack. As I feared it did not go smoothly. No wonder when no one was attacking the archers and joined battle after we were more or less done with them all. Because of their ignorance some of us might have died and that I cannot stand. I was their leader and they had to obey my orders. They simply acted like saboteurs or like they were working in line with the pirates. However, we found more sacks of grain and dragged it all to the small pirate ship we secured and made our way back to Katherian where we handed the grain over to its rightful owner, along with the ship. I really should have left the Toranites on the isle. Not that it is really the effort but maybe I will report the actions of these three Toranites to their church. They don’t really act like Toranites. Their actions are even more chaotic than mine.
I am just glad that the trip is over and won’t see the burden again for some time. Well, I hope I won’t have another encounter with them at all. And if I do, then G’ork will be with me. I really wished G’ork would have been with us. He knows how to deal with such a burden. Besides that I really love to travel around with him.

Speaking about it, I met G’ork prior to this little chaotic exploration at Corax Lake again. The sneaky bugger simply showed up right behind me and surprised me. G’ork was just passing through and on his search for some herbs. He asked me if I want to tag along and I did not mind at all and told him that I would love to. I cannot help it but I like fighting with him back to back. I know he’s way better with his double-axe than I am with my rapier. He truly mastered his chosen weapon which is apparently the double-axe. He swings it very skillful and sometimes his opponents make the mistake and run right into one of the axes. Well, it is their own fault and it is either them or him. And I don’t want anyone to kill G’ork. I already lost Trouble; I don’t want to lose G’ork as well now as we get along just great. He just takes me as I am and doesn’t curse my name like some others do. I asked him if he was willing to show me some tricks and tactics along our journeys and he agreed to it. I got my first lesson when I had to practice some sword-techniques against a colossal scorpion. It took me quite some effort and time to eventually defeat it, but I lived. Even though I am a weakling compared to him he doesn’t mind me around at all and I love him being around him. All in all it was a very interesting journey and I had a little more insight to his past and also learned something about orcs and dwarves. Unfortunately he had to leave as soon as we reached Dalanthar. I would have loved to travel with him a little further but I know we will in near future and I am really looking forward to it.

I don’t know, but right now I am very confused again. If I just knew why?

*With a heavy sigh Phyress shuts her journal and wraps her arms around herself, staring into the sky with tears in her eyes as the night falls over Katherian.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2008, 08:51:15 am »
*With a slight smile on her lips Phyress sits down on a bench in Dalanthar, takes out her journal and starts writing a new entry into it.*

-Wedlar, Jular 18, 1442-

The past few months have been very eventful, indeed. And I am just lucky I did not meet any more road wardens so far, although Maran mentioned he saw them around recently. Just thinking about the task I had to fulfill with three of those in my team still gives me a slight headache. But at least now I know how to handle such a situation. Thanks to Storold in this case. I was merely walking around Port Hempstead the other day in my beautiful dress when I met him at the monument, as usual. It seems his hearing went well. I would not know as I was over on Dregar when I heard about his hearing in Spellgard and there was no way I’d have made it to Spellgard in time. We then talked about his taste for dwarven lasses while working hard as blacksmiths. I don’t know but I thought he’s prefer human women and not doing such hard labor at all. But well, everyone got its own taste. I only know that I am not dreaming about dwarves crafting armor! He then told me something interesting about apples around the rusty river. Apparently they hold some very strong poison and make you very ill. Storold said that he wouldn’t even give them to his enemies, knowing what they’d have to endure. Actually he tasted one of these apples. It gave me the idea to pick some of those apples and hand them over to the road wardens if they are going to annoy me and the group again. The rightful protector of the Al’noth told me I could not do that and I frankly told him that I see no difference between poison and the wave. He uses the weave and I use poison, it is not much of a big deal. He uses the weave to weaken his opponents and I’d do the same with poison. And as well as the Al’noth poison can be used for cures as well. He simply did not want to agree to such facts. Well, our views simply differ on many things and he was avoiding an answer when I asked him if the use of poison is justified if used for something good like weakening the arch-enemy of Alindor, given it would show any effect. He simply avoided the question. I think it is a touchy issue for him. I don’t care if I use poison as long as I can take my advantage out of it in battles or the like.

Shortly after I left Port Hempstead and was on my way to Hlint as I bumped into G’ork between Fort Wayfare and Port Hempstead. G’ork was actually heading towards Haven. He wanted to drop something into his house and then head out for a mining-trip somewhere. While we were at his house he showed me some interesting things he found during his travels over the whole world. I have to admit, some were very nice. Lie, everything he showed me was nice. However, I finally got my key and can now hand Sallaron the iron over G’ork and I mined for him the other day so I can eventually settle for the trade. I just need to contact Sall first and let him know I got everything he’s asking for. I just hope he’s alright. I still suffer from Trouble’s passing and I was merely in love with him but for Sallaron? Well it was his son. It must have hurt badly. Some wounds just never seem to heal.

The trip with G’ork went very well. I assisted G’ork a little; not that he really was in need of my help down there, but I love travelling around with G’ork and apparently he likes me travelling with him as well, besides we share the same opinion about most issues. However, I managed to help him and did well. I knocked down our opponents and launched attacks at their weak spots. After we got back to his house I bought a very nice and useful helmet of him. It was rather expensive to me but then I needed it dearly. It will protect me better than the one I used to wear before so I simply sold it to a pawn-shop afterwards.

I had a lot of good practice lately together with G’ork or with Maran and Fleur. During all our explorations I finally figured out how to improve my knocking-down and how to evade certain spells casters throw after me, mostly in the desert. It took me quite some effort to sharpen my reflexes that way so I could easily evade any incoming fireballs or flame-arrows in the desert on Dregar. It took me even more effort to find a way to knock my opponents down more effectively but I finally managed. G’ork helped me a little with it as well which I am quite proud of. I think G’ork has many enemies or those who want to see him dead and therefore keeps mostly to himself. It might be a result of his past as well but without it he wouldn’t be who is now though. I am just glad I got to know G’ork. The talk we had up in the mountains certainly helped me to understand his views as well. It is good to know about his past and I freely shared mine as well. I cannot help it but I enjoy travelling around with him and I know he cares for me as well. He is like the big brother I never had in my entire life.

It fills me with joy and grief if I travel around with Maran these days, seeing he becomes more and more like Trouble with his skills. He managed to figure out how to cast a Stonehold and warded me just like Trouble did earlier and then we stormed a camp of giants in the Forest of Fogs. I am not entirely sure whether to like or hate it. I sometimes don’t see Maran in front of me but Trouble. As much as I like travelling around with him, I just hate that he is like Trouble more or less. I just don’t know, but it is confusing as I only see Maran as a friend and am not in love with him as I was with Trouble. Someone must really hate me for torturing me this way.

Anyways, I just came back from a very interesting exploration with G’ork. Actually I was just buying some supplies in Dalanthar when a disguised G’ork showed up and motioned me to follow him and naturally I did. I still have to giggle when I think about him in his disguise. White doesn’t suit him at all. It looks ugly on him. Well it would look ugly on me as well but I had to agree with him that it is a perfect color for a disguise. Someone headed over a head to the Authorities in Western Gate and they thought it was him. When I heard about the rumors I had to snicker. No one beheads G’ork easily. He’s too strong for this to happen and I somehow knew someone was playing a prank to the authorities or so. So in no way it was surprising to see G’ork around and still breathing, with his head where it belonged. Together with G’ork I explored a hideout of some bandits in a valley close to the Thunder Peaks. I have to admit they were very tough and not easy to defeat. It was easy to aim for the half-orcs and bigger bandits but the Halflings were pretty limber and hart to hit, not to mention I never succeeded in knocking them down. I proved that I could handle it though when I had to face them one by one. With G’ork I continued by training there as well. He helped me by knocking them down and left the rest to me. Naturally they clambered back to their feet before I defeated them. It was a nice and entertaining exploration and I am already looking forward to explore even more places with G’ork. G’ork told me I should work on my timing and speed though. Well I won’t learn anything over night and therefore make slow steps but eventually I’ll manage to improve myself. Right now I am looking for a way to leap to my opponent and strike him down, using a moment of surprise. The thing is that I am not that good at hiding and they usually see me so I cannot use that moment anymore. Sneaking up on them got hard over the years as I did not focus on being more stealthy but more deadly with my rapier. I am already practicing on this new technique and I should better ask Angela, my mentor, for some tricks how to manage something like that, given she knows such a technique but I am pretty sure about it. It’ll probably a rough training but I’ll live. I already survived Arngrim’s training and that was hard but hey, I still live, don’t I?

I just wish I had some more True in my pockets so I could purchase a fine rapier made out of adamantium. It is such a balanced and deadly blade but sadly I cannot afford one at the moment. I need to save some money and ask G’ork if he has one for sale. Else I will simply ask one of the guilds which reside in Port Hempstead.

Anyway, I should be on my way to Port Hempstead again and look out for Sallaron. After all G’ork wanted me to leave him a message. Reminds me that G’ork might have a task for me. He did not tell me what it was about but I will certainly do it. Well, we will see...

*With a wicked grin Phyress grabs her stuff and heads out of Dalanthar, towards Hurm.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #33 on: December 23, 2008, 07:54:58 pm »
*With a heavy sigh Phyress enters Port Hempstead and slumps down in a quiet corner where no one will disturb her. She is somewhat pale as she takes out her journal and starts writing a new entry into it.*

-Freas, Novlar 6, 1442-

Before I am writing anything about the rather bad moments in the past few months I want to enlighten myself about a cute elven priest in service of Ilsare. I was merely walking around Port Hempstead in search for any new rumors and gossip while a almost shy looking elven man approached me and ask for some help, after we introduces ourselves. It seemed there was some trouble down in the sewers and despite the stench I agreed helping him. I cannot help it but he was cute so why not be a good girl and help the poor priest of Ilsare? He was no Toranite after all but then I doubt one of those would ever ask for my help. I am probably marked already as a bad person. Anyway, I loved helping the elf called Julius and will help him again if he ever requests my assistance again. Well he got to know I am a mercenary and he doesn’t need to pay for my help. Together we managed to solve the trouble down in the sewers and I had to be on my way again, after saying farewell. I hope he is doing alright. I haven’t heard from him in ages now.

Maybe that’s due to the fact that I have been travelling around with Richelle and her band of mercenaries again for months. I left an expedition on Dregar just to meet Richelle again and then they dragged me off with them. It was a very nice and interesting trip and it was good to see them all again, not to mention to fight beside them. Richelle was very pleased with the progress I made in the meantime we did not see each other and helped me to understand the way of a duelist a bit more. I know I still have to learn quite a lot to become as good as Richelle or Lydia but I know I can do it. I just need more time. After months of travelling around with the band again I left them again as soon as we arrived back in Dalanthar. I hope I will see them all again, as soon as possible. There is still so much I can learn from them all.

Sometimes I ask myself what I am even doing here. Lately I think I am doing a pretty good job screwing my life up. I don’t feel any urge to act certain ways but in the end I simply do what I feel like and in the past few months it never ended in anything good. I am known as a free and independent mercenary. Well maybe not independent as I heavily rely on my friends. Most times there’s one of them around to save my life. I should honor it and return the favor.

However, it all started with an expedition to a cave in the desert on Dregar. I went there all alone and actually it should run smoothly. My tactics were well defined and I knew what to expect in that cave. I wasn’t in the cave for long when I had sight of my enemy, giants in this case. One of them ran towards me, trying to overwhelm me. Everything went fine, until I found myself surrounded by giants and there was no way to escape, or to fight them all at the same time. I cannot really remember but I think I managed to defeat one or two of them until I was heavily wounded, pain aching everywhere. Waiting for the right opportunity I used some stardust which should make me invisible and tried to use the breach I fought to retreat a back and heal my wounds. Even though I was invisible they kept swinging their clubs around aimlessly for me, aiming for the noises I made why I tried to escape their circle. I managed to dodge the one or other blow, until I got heavily hit in my back. A gasp of surprise escaped me as I felt it hit my spine and everything around me turned black. As I woke up again I felt like I lost something very dear to me; something that only belongs to me and defines who I am. I fell and apparently the Soul Mother ripped something off of me. I felt terrible and disorientated when I woke up back on Orcs Watch. I don’t even want to think about how Trouble must have felt when he finally passed away, the feeling that there is no way out anymore. Cruel! I don’t want to think about it. I wouldn’t be able to bear with it. Not yet and I doubt I ever will. I loved him with my soul and someone or something ripped him apart.

The other day started actually nice. While I was around Port Hempstead again I saw Sallaron in front of the bank and I reminded myself that we still had a deal going on. I told him I got everything he requested for the trade and he told me he forgot my necklace somewhere in his house over on Dregar. It was very disappointing but then he showed me a rapier which he wanted to trade. At first I thought he was kidding me when I saw the blade. It was a Silver Foil! I was about to faint, knowing what I saw in front of me and poor Sallaron had no idea what he just offered me. He saw me about to faint and asked me about the blade. Really, he did not know about the Silver Foil. He had it all along and never used it. Certainly, he uses his longswords but he never heard about the Silver Foil. I briefly told him some details about the blade and in the end we settled for a trade. There was no way to refuse that trade. It was a Silver Foil! A very fine and well defined weapon and only masters of said art can make any use of it. Sadly I did not master that blade yet. It takes one quite some training to use such a fine blade. I know Richelle has one of those rapiers as well, even though those are quite rare but then not many are skilled enough to wield them. I don’t either. Such a blade would surely help me to defeat Lydia, yet I doubt I will be able to wield the Silver Foil when I am finally going to face her. Mastering the training with the Silver Foil will take me years from now. The only thing I can do is travelling around and practicing and learning from others about how to wield this blade. For now I should ask G’ork to make and sell me a rapier made of adamantium. I am sure I can train more with that weapon than with my current iron one. Of course, it still works great, yet rapiers made out of adamantium have a better handling and are more balanced. That way I will be able to hit my opponents more accurate.

However, while Sallaron and I were in the bank and I handed him over the first part of his requested goods, shadows flipped from the wall behind us and attacked everyone in the bank. I drew my rapier and together with him I managed to defeat the shadows. The banker called us demon practitioners and rushed out, screaming for the guards. In all this chaos Sallaron managed to escape and left me alone. He really owes me an explanation when I see him again! However, I refused to answer the banker about who he and I were and therefore the he sent the guards after me. Even though I wanted to cooperate they tossed me into jail to my dislike and mumbled something about hanging me for good. Do I really enjoy such a good reputation? Anyway, I managed to get myself out of jail by telling them Sallaron’s name. Did I have any choice? I had nothing to do with all the shadows attacking us and then I don’t like being called a demon practitioner, despite the fact that Sallaron left me all alone in the chaos. Well, I got him all the time he wanted to leave the Port Hempstead. Word now spreads around that Sallaron is wanted for questioning in Port Hempstead. Well really, it was his fault. Don’t deal with demons! Lesson learned! We’ll see how this will turn out in the end.

The other thing which happened just a few days ago is rather sad but I could not help it when it occurred. Maran and I were actually heading down to that spider infested cave in the Silkwood. Naturally we met Fleur on our way down there and we teamed up, like we always do. Despite the poison it was a rather easy trip with no big surprises on our end of the blade, or paws on Maran’s side. My training to improve my knocking down clearly helped us when we had to face those dark and creepy spiders and we did fine. They almost did not have any chance to get to their eight feet again once knocked down. That way I could take advantage of their weak spots and therefore it was easy for Maran and me to defeat them. Naturally I was breathing heavily when we were surrounded by like 15 spiders but in the end we did fine and managed to defeat them all. Somehow it does not seem like the poison affects Maran at all, just like Trouble. I had some real problems with their poison and almost dropped my blade several times, due to a sudden weakness and some cramps I was able to control though. Lesson learned. Poison is bad, unless it serves me and is not used against me.

However, the tragedy started when we were exploring a cave on an isle up on Krashin. I cannot really remember on which isle we were but I know it was like the second trip to that cave for me. From the previous expedition Maran and I knew about the strength of the goblins. Some of them are even riding on spiders, wolves or worgs. We did way better than last time though and they were hardly able to even hit me. I managed to evade almost all of their attacks and landed quite some good hits on them, thanks to G’ork. However I had a hard time to know them down and many times I had to fight them on top of their mounts. It wasn’t all too complicated but the battles surely lasted longer that way. While we were exploring the cave I got to know that Maran and Fleur have a rather odd relationship. I don’t even want to think about what I got to know earlier and just want to forget about it at all. One thing though, it is about dressing up like a caveman or so and I don’t even want to imagine what is happening behind closed doors. I am disgusted at Fleur and Maran. They should keep such things for themselves. Maran would have never said such things but Fleur freely did. That’s not what turned this trip into a total misery though.

We were already on our way back up to the surface when I complained about the spell which makes me even more limber. Maran handed over Fleur a bunch of scrolls to Fleur so she could cast them on me. One of them was Cat’s Grace. The thing is that spells invoked from scrolls don’t last as long as those directly casted from the Al’Noth and therefore left me without grace in most battles down in that cold cave. In such cold regions that spell is very important to me as it keeps me living, seeing my advantage is my dexterity and I can hardly move when I am all frozen, not to mention fighting. It makes me an easy target for any opponent. Apparently telling him to cast a spell on me next time is Maran’s weak point and he was almost at my throat and compared me to a dwarf. Somehow I cannot really stand dwarves right now, seeing how they threaten G’ork with their lies. I trust G’ork and not those dwarves, even though at least one of them is a Rofireinite. The two of us had a heated discussion and it ended with both of us being upset. He said when I am not pleased with what he offers he sees no use to protect me with his spells at all. I told him that would be fine and I won’t take the frontline then. While I love all his wards I cannot live without any grace. I don’t need any strength, seeing my advantage and training heavily rely on my mobility and reflexes. I therefore followed after them and we got attacked. Well not we, but them as I hid myself in the shadows and simply watched them die. Ordinarily I would not do such a thing, especially not to friends or comrades but I felt pushed. He made his point and I made mine. He was not going to give me that spell and I was not holding the frontline. I managed to get out of the cave while I stayed in the shadows. It did not feel alright to just let them die there and I already regret that I just stood around there in the shadows and watched their demise. It was even harder to pass their lifeless bodies and move out on the surface just by myself.

In the end it was the wrong way to show how we depend on each other. They have a hard time without me and I do without them. I should have stepped up and saved them and settle this argument with Maran. But I did not; I am a fool. Maran is probably searching for me already. I can only imagine he will shout the nine hells on me and wish me dead or suffer. I would do the same and already did the same in the past. I am not even sure if Maran will ever forgive me. I don’t really care about Fleur but about Maran. When I asked Fleur about a flame-spell for my blade as we headed down to the spider invested cave she frankly gave me to know that she’s no wandering spell-book. I only asked because Maran got one but I did not and it wasn’t the first time. I frankly gave her to know that I am not able to wield a blade then and simply rolled my eyes. How shall we survive when we don’t work together? If she doesn’t share her wards why should I share my blade? Everyone has a responsibility in a team and there is no “I” in team, after all. The key to survive is to work together. If you don’t want it this way then you are already dead. Trouble always shared his blessings with me, knowing we need each other. He needs my blade and I need his blessings he freely shares with me. I cannot help it but when there is just me and Maran we work way better. As soon as Fleur is around as well things somehow change and not for good. She is not a bad person at all but I just cannot work with her as I do with Maran. Not to mention I hardly know anything about her, nor do we really talk during an exploration or task. She just keeps herself to Maran.

The only thing I know right now is that it will be hard to approach Maran now as I can understand him being pretty much ed about me right now. Well, I am responsible for my actions and I have to live with the consequences, whether I love or hate them. My only hope is that he will forgive me at some point but it will be a very long and hard way to walk. I just hope that at some point he will trust me again. I care for him.

*With a heavy sigh Phyress shuts her journal again and looks up into the darkening sky. While the leans back against the wall the mouths 'I am sorry, Maran’ towards the sky, looking miserable.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2009, 11:19:23 am »
*With a slight smile Phyress slumps against a wall and eyes some travelers around the Caesin Docks before she takes out her journal and starts writing a new entry. Actually she starts reading her last one though, seeing she did not write any in ages.*

-Threas, Seplar 5, 1443-

I really should have written this entry so much earlier. It has been almost a full year since the latest entry and so much has happened in the meantime. Not only personal issues, but also things that may affect the world had happened. I managed to screw up my life a few more times but also managed to solve some of my major screw-ups.

I think I better start with the meeting that was held above Haven. While I was wandering around in Port Hempstead I met Storold. While we chatted along he asked me if I wanted to head to Haven as well. Apparently there was some kind of meeting in Haven to discuss an upcoming war. Naturally, seeing I am way too curious from time to time, I came along with Storold. In Haven I saw some old faces but also many new ones. Some I knew from hearing but most were fairly unknown to me. What really was amazing that the Bird Lord of Katia herself, Plenarius, showed up and held the discussion and shared his knowledge about the upcoming war. Before the meeting really started he looked around and said he knew many faces already but some were new to him so naturally I introduced myself to him. Besides me someone else did as well. Either the other ones were asleep or they all met Plenarius before it seems. However, the meeting dealt with the Drachs, some kind of crazy creatures, who are led to march against Mistone sooner or later. This all seems to be related to what happened around Kuhl or so I heard. I have to admit, it was hard for me to understand a thing but of course I am interested about it all. It already affects Belinara and when they come over to Mistone it will affect me as well and I somehow doubt they will be pleased with just parts of Belinara and Mistone. So there were two main things we had to discuss. First was how to deal with the Drachs. We still need to dig for some more information as fighting them will be insane. From what I heard they are very tough opponents and I doubt I could even stand a few seconds against one of them. I’d probably be dead in like one or two hits, given I could dodge or parry any of their blows. The second was about how to prepare our defenses and search for more allies. Rael Kingdom over on Dregar was suggested but frowned up upon some of us. Personally I have no idea about Rael. I only heard from Arngrim that he took over Prantz or so in the Blood-War. Just when we were about to finish our meeting the dark unicorn showed itself up again. First I could not believe my eyes when I saw it but it really exists! First I thought it as just rumors but now I have seen it with my own eyes. Plenarius flew up the cliff and casted some spells on it but from what I got it had like no effect on it. What I got to know about that creature though is that it seems to be powerful evil, or so I heard. However, some of us will go and plan our defenses and some will try to find out more about these Drachs and how to stop them. I will do whatever I can to help them with our defense and tactics. Seeing I don’t know all too much about the Drachs and what is behind them that’s the only thing I can really do to help. I know they will come over by ship. The western coast if I recall right. Maybe I can do something about it. I only know I am all eyes and ears now and pay even more attention to rumors now. There’s got to be something to do after all, doesn’t it? Maybe I will even find some new allies along the way who are willing to support us in the upcoming war. And there will be a war!

After we talked business Plenarius offered those who still stayed  above Haven to share the tale about Eon’s betrayal on Katia. It is an old tale and I did not hear it before so I stayed willingly. More than a thousand years ago the one we now know as a goddess, Katia, still travelled across Belinara with her friends. Seems like Belinara never was such a great place but in the end there now blossom some forests which would not without Katia’s efforts in the past. Without Katia there would not be the Kuhl Forest or the Great Forest by now. However, she was betrayed by one of her friends who teamed up with Bloodstone because he promised him all so great power. Really, mages! Seems they all go mad sooner or later and are power obsessed. I would never betray my friends just because of power. That would not be like me, really. Of course I already had some screw ups with Maran which almost made it look like a betrayal as well but that’s another story. However, Katia later travelled around with Rofirein who was already a god and travelled around with her, using a disguise. Too bad I did not get to know how Katia finally became a goddess. But I am sure that’s another story that will be shared by someone sooner or later. Maybe I should ask a priestess of Katia or around her temples. I am sure some of them will freely share the story of her goddess. No one can deny the truth she once walked the lands as a mortal being. But really, it was quite a night and my head hurt afterwards due to all these information I got and then we still need to improve our defenses. Not to mention we still need to find out exactly where they will land when the war begins. I just hope I will have enough time to prepare myself for battle.

Speaking about battle; I was about to drop some things in Haven when I met G’ork in his house. I did not see him for quite some time but he seems to be doing just great. He asked me for another expedition to improve my ways of battle, but he wanted to offer me a job first. Well, his offer was about two jobs in the end. Seeing G’ork does not hold the best reputation around he needs a trustworthy salesperson with a pretty face and he thought about me. I of course accepted as I really owe G’ork something and would have done it anyway because he is a real friend to me. He takes me as I am and we can talk just about everything; or we simply  about Toranites. I cannot help it but they still dislike me for their own reasons. I don’t know but I am a nice girl, well most times. Anyway, I accepted his conditions. For every sale I get 25% from the True. I will mainly deal in armors and weapons but I am sure there are some other things lying around in his house which will be for sale as well. I think I really should place a poster in the major market halls and advertise his fine armors and blades. For me being his salesperson I get a better price than others, seeing I work for him and we are business partners. I therefore already places an order for a blade made from adamantium and I am really ready for a new blade and while my old iron one still works fine, the adamantium one has a better balance and handling so I can hit my opponents with more accuracy than now. The second job he offered me is about dealing with information. If I get to know anything about the upcoming war that might be of interest I have to tell him. Depending on how good the information is he will pay me. Seeing I need the information as well it is a great deal and then I love working together with G’ork.

However, after we talked business he asked me about my progress with my training. I told him that I have been quite busy and therefore did not travel around much lately. Therefore he headed to that misted village again in the peaks where he taught me some more things and advised me what to do better. And really, this time I fought way better than last time. Of course I am still no match for G’ork but I proved myself worthy this time. I took down many of our opponents. The dwarfs we faced were pretty silly and ran blindly into my blade. Seeing I improved my technique it was easy for me to knock them down on their behind and hit them where it hurt. And it really did! Well, for them that is. Just the rogues still give me creeps. They use poison as well which pretty much slows me down and makes me an easy target. Luckily G’ork took care about them so I could take care of the others. We worked way better than last time and we finally made our way to the bottom of their hideout. On our way we were once ambushed from behind but we managed. Our ambushers were mainly dwarves so we pretty much knocked them down to the ground and ended their lives. Pretty fast and simple, just the way it should be.  As I wrote after the latest trip into their hideout we were almost beaten down. Knowing how it ended last time we knew their tactics and worked something out to defeat them. This time it went all smoothly and we hardly were hit. If course they hit us from time to time but this time I did not think about running for the sake of surviving. G’ork and I both knew what I was capable of and on which of the bandits I should focus. After we took them all down we made our way out again and G’ork went to sleep at the crossroads while I continued my way to Dalanthar. I cannot help it but I enjoy travelling around with G’ork more and more. I am all curious about to which places he will take me next.

A few days later I met Maran again. Maran and two others were just preparing to head into the Ore Hills and he did not mind me along. I did not expect him to even allow me to accompany them but then I am quite skilled with my blade and am a help in any battle, given I don’t pull such a stunt again and abandon my friends and let them die because I was upset. However, the trip went well and after we were out again Maran and I left the dwarves so we could talk and we really had to talk. We both wanted this settled after all. I led Maran to the place where I talked with G’ork a few times as not many head there these days and no one could hear us shouting, if we were going to, seeing the place is in the mountains. Most important to Maran was to know what I really did. If I just left them or if I was watching them dying. As I really care for Maran and Fleur I frankly told him the truth even if it hurt my very soul but I cannot deny the fact that I just stood in a corner and heard how they took their last breath and screams before they died. Yes I betrayed my friends and like Katia Maran and Fleur did not want to believe what happened, but it was the truth. Unlike Eon I cared for my friendship and fought for it and Maran did not want it gone forever as well but then he could not trust me again; not after what I did to him and Fleur. While we were talking it came out it was not so much about him but Fleur. During our talk I found out that at least Maran fell in love with her. Well they really seem to get along just fine and fit together in my opinion. However, Maran gave me a second chance to prove myself. Maran will cast some minor blessings on me so I can work on what I destroyed. Knowing what I did to him I’d die just to show them I still care for them. I only know I will ever abandon them again just because I was upset about a silly scroll! He also told me Fleur was probably to blow me up for what I did but a few weeks after my talk with Maran I met her again and she was all friendly again. She probably still hates me for what I did or maybe Maran talked to her already; I don’t know. But everything seems to be alright for now. Maran and I fought many battles together already and we did fine, even though I did not enjoy all of his blessings but then he is quite skilled and I trust him. I hope he will trust me again in time. I just don’t want to throw away my second chance. I talked about my latest screw-ups with Richelle as well and she told me that if it happens once it is a mistake but if it happens several times then you are seeking for it. I am not such a person, I care for my friends.

While we travelled around in the desert on Dregar we met Julius and Emry. Julius I knew and he is someone I like. Emry though is well, odd if you want to put it that way. While we had a rest in Audira she asked if someone had some scrolls he or she did not need. On my travels I gathered some odds and ends and therefore had some scrolls in a scroll-box which I was willing to trade for or to sell. While I showed her the scrolls Emry got all excited about some boots we found along the way and wanted them so dearly, so dearly she all forgot my scrolls I still showed her. Seeing she was busy otherwise I stuffed my scrolls back into the box and took care of my blade. While we were already on the move again she all of a sudden asked me about my scrolls again. I told her she could have them, depending on the price. I cannot help her but she really thought I was giving her the scrolls for free. I simply showed her the scrolls so she could make her mind up about them. No one ever said anything about handing them over for free. Emry then got all y and called me names and wanted True for her spells. Really, someone get mages. So during the whole trip she was making me bad and calling me names. She even started to annoy Julius at some point. But no, she wanted it her way and I was about to pierce my rapier through her throat for the sake of the whole group so she would shut up. G’ork would have already chopped off her head. I should have done it as well but I played all nice. Ah well she was so proud about countering spells of the shamans that she forgot the others were going to hurt us as well and besides that I told her that I already took care of the shaman and in no way any of those could cast a single spell while I know them down to the sand. She called me names again and I simply ignored her. Seeing she took care about the shamans I thought I should worry more about the other giants while we were invading one of their caves. Therefore the shaman was all hers. Honestly, I did not care much as I can easily dodge any of their spells. Well most of us were burned during the fight and I simply said that I though Emry took care of it. She then had to admit she could not counter their spells every times while I would have been able to “countering” like all of their spells. I made a suggestion about how to proceed with the shamans but she simply ignored it for now. Later she had to admit it was a great idea and was all nice to me again. I frankly told her I do not dislike her or hold any grudge against her but for the sake of the group she should stop her antics and work together. Well, needless to say we all died when we were attacked by another group of giants. It was not our fault but all of our blessings ran out just after we charged ahead and started the fight. Every one of us died and we all returned to Highpass Fort where our journey started. Maran decided to stay in the inn and enjoy the good beds but Julius, Emry and I made our long and exhausting way back to the desert where we got our revenge. Emry can be either a pain or you get along just fine with her and that I do now. Well Maran and Julius thank me for it. I did not start it at all but seeing Emry was in no way going to change anything I stepped forward and did so. It only shows I am better than her anyway. I can behave and play by the rules. Well she did not even notice I slipped the three scrolls into her bag.

On my travels I continued practicing around with the technique I want to master. It still takes me quite some effort to time of leaping towards my opponent, hold the balance in midair and finally knock my opponent down. I only make slow progress there but in the end it will pay off, I am sure. Maran is already impressed by the tricks I do. He just tells me to be careful and not break an ankle or the like but hey, it is me and I love the thrill. I just hope I won’t break anything before I finally master this technique but I will be fine but then there is still so much to learn and it will surely help me if I become more agile and limber. But this also takes some huge effort. Besides that I am waiting for my new blade G’ork is going to craft for me and I am also looking around for a necklace that makes my movements even more graceful.

Some other things also occurred lately in my life. This is also why I should have written at least one new entry a few months ago but then I was too focused on my training and screw-ups so I completely forgot about my journal. However, I bought a license so I could use all the tools in the Crafting Halls. I decided to focus mainly on two things. For one I now make my own poisons. I already told Storold earlier that I don’t shun the use of poison in battle and one can pretty much take advantage of using such tricks. Wizards use the Al’Noth and I use poison and everyone is pleased the way it is, simple as that! Making the poison is actually not that easy and I have to be very careful as I don’t want to poison myself when I extract the poison from venom sacks of some spiders. I don’t craft the poison openly though as it is frowned upon by some others and seeing I already have quite some reputation it won’t benefit me in any way. Really, I sometimes ask myself what is wrong with those Toranites and why they don’t like me at all, especially those Road Wardens I almost reported to their authorities. All I can say is, I make good progress with making those poisons, although I hate getting my ingredients from those cursed spiders. It is tough but I will manage. I always did.

The other thing I started is some tinkering. Mainly I started it so I can make my own tools and traps. Not many craft them and it is also frowned upon by some others, seeing one could break into their houses and steal something. I am no thief after all though. I know some of their tricks and actually I could make my living by stealing things and being a thief but I decided not to. I am a nice girl after all. I don’t steal for a living but sometimes you have to pick a lock or set a trap. However, I thought it was very hard but apparently it is not, seeing I have dexterous fingers and having a smart mind certainly helps as well. Well I told Maran I started tinkering and he was all happy and asked me if I can make him some ring molds as he practices in making rings and jewelry in general. I naturally agreed to and already received a very fine ring which will aid me in hiding from others when I to sneak my way past them. Maran also asked me about some crystal rods as he is becoming more and more skilled in the way of an enchanter. I agreed to that as well, seeing it will aid me with my traps and tools later as well. Besides given both of us become more skilled we could sell the better ones later as enhancements and earn quite some coin with it. I just need some glass and coal so I can try my luck with those crystal rods. Glass is pretty easy for me to make, but then I still need coal for those rods and I cannot mine on my own. Maran already offered his help in making me stronger so I could chop the one or other chunk of coal and then make his rods. It sounds like a great plan and I could really become a merchant after all. A creepy thought but then I am already G’ork’s salesperson.

On another day I found myself traveling in the desert together with Julius. Julius is going to be married to Emry and I already found out that Maran is going to be his best man and he will make everyone laugh. Julius thinks he might slip on his way to hold his speech or so. Anyway, it seems Emry is pregnant already and Julius now has to go through like 2 years of hell caused by a moody Emry. According to my sources she is even more moody these days; poor Julius, really. However, while we travelled along he asked me why I was not bound to anyone and I told him that most men are scared of me or think I am too self-dependant, according to Storold. I cannot help it but I prefer to be independent and do whatever I have to do and I don’t need a man who tells me what to do and obey him. And then I am looking for someone hot. Just most I travel around with are not really pretty. Well most of them are mercenaries or the like so go figure. Just like one day later I agreed to go on a date with Snagnor. I don’t know how it happened but I said yes. Well he had to answer me two questions first. First was about if he is already in a relation. The second was if he is looking for something serious or just having his fun and then saying good-bye. He is not bound to anyone at the moment and looking for something serious. Good for him and he is hot, no doubt about that. I just don’t know if I am ready for a relationship just yet. Trouble’s death was just a few years ago and I still have feelings for him. So well, so much for my misery. Sometimes I ask myself why my life is screwed up most of the time and I don’t really find an answer. It cannot be only my fault, can it? However, there are already rumors about us being a couple and the like and as much as I enjoy rumors, I hate any rumors about me! Well, I bought a new dress already and I am all curious about what locations he chooses for our first date. I just hope I don’t throw everything up. After all Snagnor was there for me when Trouble died but then it was his own fault. Why did he have to tell me about his passing? So well, I don’t know what to expect and right now I am unsure about my feelings towards him. Only future will tell and love always is very unpredictable.

For now I should focus more on my training. I already screwed up too much lately and I don’t want to destroy anything between me and any of my friends. Anyway, we will see.

*Phyress stretches as she drops her quill and ink back into her back and looks at the entry a few more moments before she stuffs it back into her bag and gets ready to leave for Fort Vehl.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2009, 12:42:56 pm »
*Phyress enters her room with some wine and bread in the Flaming Phoenix in Audira. With a slight smile she opens her journal which already lies on her table and after sipping on the wine she takes out her quill and ink and starts writing a new entry.*

-Mulnari, Decilar 9, 1443-

My tinkering comes along just fine. A month ago I headed into the desert on Mistone to dig up some sand. I need quite an amount of sand for what I have in my mind. Maran gets better and better in enhancing and I can supply him with crystal rods. What I need for those rods though is a lot of sand and some coal. Actually the sand is easy to dig up, but some scorpion actually had a firebomb and they attacked us. I survived, yet my ox had to die with several bags of sand on it already. I decided I could not simply leave without the bags I already filled with sand, seeing I worked several hours for it already. I just had to get out of this desert first. So while I headed out of the desert and towards Haven, Snagnor showed up around the Gulf of Bagira. Together with his help I made it safely to Haven and from there we took the portal to Fort Wayfare. First of all I had to purchase a new ox and after some debating he sold me one for 80 True. Relieved to put the burden back on an ox I went to the craft hall while Snagnor met some friends in Port Hempstead. Knowing the recipe I figured it out pretty fast how to melt the sand to glass. The next thing I needed was coal though. There’s a cave on Alindor where one can find some of it, but it is heavily guarded by some elementals and I did not know if I could head there all alone. Snagnor asked me what my plans were and I told him about a mining trip for coal and he agreed to assist me. Together we easily fought the elementals. When we first faced them I was a little afraid. You don’t see such colossal things every day and I was not too sure if I could even hurt it with my blade. It might have been easier with an axe or some hammer but I only had my rapier and while I am trained with many weapons I still prefer my rapier, my beloved blade. I cannot help it but without me knocking it down I wouldn’t live any longer. The things hit me with a sheer enormity of strength. Together with Snagnor, who encouraged me while I fought, I defeated them though and we were able to start mining. So when we finished we headed for Leringard. Apparently Snagnor is about to open an inn there and therefore he showed me the rooms. It is quite nice but it still needs some women’s touch. I am sure it will become a nice place though. We sat down at one of the fireplaces and we chatted a little and I have to admit he asked me some embarrassing questions like what I thought when he asked me out and the like. Anyway, after our long talk we headed back to Port Hempstead where I made two crystal rods for Maran. At some point he showed up in Port Hempstead and I delivered him the two rods among another box full of molds for his rings. While I waited for him Snagnor already left. He had business to attend to or something similar.

The other day I helped Julius getting some fire opals. I actually met him around Vale and he needed a hand and I happily offered him my help. After all he is hot and a good friend of me. I never headed down into the cave alone but then I love the thrill and I still had Julius with me who could heal and aid me. Besides this is a good way to show him some techniques he might want to learn and maybe it will also help him to improve his technique to knock these giants down. Watching him fighting reminds me a little of myself when I was still young and rather inexperienced with my blade. He misses them a lot when he goes to knock them down, seeing it takes more effort than to simply attack them. But it is worth all the effort because when they are knocked down they are at my height and it is easy for me to reach their weak or softer spots which make it easier to actually defeat them. However, we fared very good and fought the battles easily. I have to admit it took us more than when we travel with Maran as well but we still managed just fine. After we just defeated some giants farther inside the cave, Richelle showed up. Yeah I really mean Richelle, leader of the small band of mercenaries and mentor of me. We hugged each other and were all happy. Of course we were making fun of each other like we usually do and Julius just had to watch us chatting, probably not having a clue what was going on. While we talked we were actually disturbed by a giant but I quickly took care about him. Richelle also admitted that Julius is hot and he really is. So we started teasing him as well and apparently Richelle thought us as a couple. I told her that he was already taken. Richelle did not show up without any reason. She was actually looking for me and there was something she was concerned about. Richelle got word of Tyrith who seems to be around Nel right now. She was in Nel, the town in the northern parts of Alindor where I grew up and spent the first 16 years of my life before I left home together with Celes. Richelle either has no clue what Tyrith is doing there but she asked Richelle for help and when Tyrith asks for help then she is really in deep trouble. She’s tough but she cannot take the world on her own. Maybe she simply got drunk and did something stupid, you never know with her. Right now Richelle is sending word to everyone in our small mercenary group and soon we will head out and see what is going on in Nel. If time permits I am also going to visit my parents if they are still alive and kicking. My father will probably not be around, earning True as a merchant somewhere on Alindor, but my mother should be still around. Anyway, I promised Richelle to be around when we head out to Nel and she told me to bring the cute elf with me as well. She obviously meant Julius and of course I asked him to come along and I know he will help me in this matter even though no one of us has any clue what is going on at all. Richelle will let me know when we head out and I still have to prepare something before I am all set to go. I still need to ask some friends for their help. But just who?

Anyway, I travelled around with G’ork again. The trip was quite interesting again and I certainly learned a lot from him. While we travelled and fought together I tried to leap an attack at my opponent from time to time. Needless to say I failed but I made good progress down there and G’ork was pleased with me. Before we headed down he actually had something for me, covered in cloth. I curiously looked at it but I did not see a thing which was quite annoying as I wanted to know what was hidden in there. He then loosened the cloth on a certain part and guided my hand around it. What I felt was cold metal and leather. I beamed when I realized it had to be the hilt of a blade. Then G’ork unwrapped the something from its cover and now I saw it in all its beauty. It was a rapier made out of adamantium and I thankfully hugged G’ork for making me such a well defined blade. All happy I made some swings and you bet it was a great feeling to wield and even more to swing it around a little, testing the balance and handling of the blade. G’ork truly did a great job on my new rapier and I really owe him now. So while we travelled along I asked him what I owe him for the blade and he simply grinned at me and told me I owe him a favor now. While we fought some bandits in their misted village he told me that he will actually go to the trial for killing that dwarf who threatened him. He only does so because Ami told him to. G’ork also told me that he might need the favor if everything goes bad for him. I nodded and he grunted. I would even help him without the favor, knowing he would do the same for me. I just hope they won’t lock him up or the like. The thing is though while G’ork actually only killed one they made a scene out of it and it now says he killed several. I just hope everything turns out good for G’ork. It not, well then it will be on me to do him a favor and bail him out somehow. Maybe I can request some help from a new “ally”, but more about that later. G’ork also knows about my encounter with Richelle now and he asked me many questions about it. If Tyrith asks us for help then she really got deep into trouble and I am going to help her after all the times we fought together in the small band of mercenaries we are. G’ork offered his help and I said I will let him know when we will leave. Richelle is tough and if G’ork joins us as well nothing can go wrong. At least that’s what I hope. But then Tyrith is pretty strong and she will live until we arrive in Nel.

The other day I travelled around with Maran and Julius again. I actually met them while I was strolling through the desert on Dregar. Of course Maran started teasing me about my upcoming date again and I simply ignored most of it and told him to shut up already. The trip itself went very good and I trained hard to finally manage the new technique but I still had to figure certain things out. I knew I almost had it and only a little piece was missing there. I actually found out that I will succeed in learning such a technique when I don’t focus on knocking them down at the same time. It only made things more and more complicated. Therefore I tried it with the alternations in the desert after Maran and Julius had to attend their own business and I was on my own again. I cannot really recall but I leapt an attack at like five giants and then I finally got it. Actually it was quite easy and had to do with how I wield my blade and leap to my opponent. When I leap at my opponents I am now pretty much defenseless, seeing I can hardly dodge anything in midair and am an easy target that way. But well, mastering that technique is worth all this effort it took me to eventually figure out how to do it right. Even if I cannot knock them down at the same time, I have still an advantage.

Proud with myself I headed back to Mistone. I still had a ring on me G’ork wanted to drop me in his house in Haven. I did as I was told to and went for a walk around Haven afterwards. Usually I don’t see that many adventurers gathering around Haven. Just sometimes when someone plans an expedition into the mines and apparently it was time for another expedition again. Among them was Snagnor. He told me they were heading down for some iron and asked me if I was going to join them as well and of course I wanted to. I just figured out an acrobatic attack and I still have to practice it a lot so I eventually become better and more used to it. Being midair still gives me creeps. If I land I could break an ankle or someone could easily hit me with an axe or the like. One participant of the group was an elf called Razeriem. He also uses a rapier and is very skilled with it, yet he does not know as many tricks as I do and he asked me for some lessons and I told him that I could give him some lessons. Well I saw him fighting later. It is not all too bad but he certainly lacks something. He did not go for their weak spots and got hit many times, although he is very accurate with his aiming but it certainly lacks going for their weak spots. This way he could also defeat his opponents more easily and seeing gnolls are tough and hard to knock down he should have better learned to. I am just glad Lydia taught me such things when she still was my mentor and before she got her knee injured. But then everyone prefers its own way of battle and apparently Razeriem and I fight our battles differently. He seems to be smart so he will probably be more about defense if he learns to foresee their movements and dodge under their blows. It would surely lengthen his lifespan and would save him many bandages. However, he started hitting on me and therefore Snagnor glared over to him from time to time, obviously not liking the situation. Why does everyone think I am hot? I am just your average girl. I am not really good looking but maybe they like me because I differ from your usual girl? But then I scare most men away because I can stand on my own and don’t really need their protection and I am quite capable with my rapier which might add to it. Snagnor is not scared of me though and he actually loves me for being how I am. I only know I won’t change my behavior so others like me more. It simply wouldn’t be me anymore. The trip went just fine and I was able to practice my new technique several times, always ending with the death of my opponents, in this case gnolls.

However, the trip was fine and we made good progress. No one besides Razeriem got hurt a lot and therefore we made our way up to the surface again. Now begins the interesting part about the whole trip. While we ascended we met a stranger. His face was hidden behind a mask and he wielded a greatsword. All in all he did not look like your holy warrior and he was capable of casting powerful spells. If he really wanted to then we would be dead. However, he said something about him using the gnolls for something so they could give him something but now where he saw us he was about to ask us instead. He whole manipulating gnolls and his look made some of us attack him, judging him as evil and whatsoever. I simply stood there and watch them running into his spells which immediately knocked them down. Seeing they could not best him they wanted to listen to him. Apparently he was looking for some crystal which wielded something to ease the pain his master suffered. Needless to say the word master got Daniella and some others again as they thought only evil guys served a master. I tend to disagree there, but then it is just me. Anyway, the crystal was somewhere in the mines and he wanted us to retrieve it. He promised us 5000 True each for its retrieval. Well, I am a mercenary and I did not have anything against helping him. After all 5000 True might be worth a shot. I could still turn around and let it be. Well, like everyone of our group was against helping him had a bad feeling about him and had doubts about his goals. Daniella convinced most of us who still had in mind helping him to let it be. Seeing as I did not say much in the argumentation no one really knew what I was about to do and I simply followed them out. I waited for us to disband and then I sneaked down into the mines again. I knew the gnolls were though so I simply stayed in the shadows and headed to the bottom of the mines. There I had to face the gnolls, seeing they hid it somewhere. It took me quite some effort to take them out as I was hardly able to knock any of them down. In the end I defeated them though and searched for the crystal. I finally found it on a little pedestal and made sure it was not trapped. It was not so I carefully tugged it away and made my way out again.

It did not take him long and the stranger showed up when I reached the surface again. He had a name but I already forgot about it again and I am not too sure it was even his real name. He probably made it up after all. Anyway, he asked me for the crystal and I told him that I found it of course. I handed the crystal over to him and he gave me my reward in return. He also told me that they might consider me for more tasks in the future but then I have no idea who they are and what their motives are. I only know they offered me a job and I fulfilled my contract and retrieved the crystal and I somehow doubt that I will see him ever again. He was about to leave and told me that when I want to get rid of those Toranites then I should simply contact them or if I have another problem. They’d help me but I don’t even want to know what they want in return; probably retrieving something else for the sake of his master. Not that I really care anyway, seeing he won’t show up again. However, I asked him how to even contact me and he handed my over a ring. I was told that I simply need to wear it and they could hear me. It is kind of creepy so for now I don’t wear it but keep it in a small pouch. I am not going to make use of it. Maybe I will need their help though when G’ork’s trial goes bad but that’s another story. Maran knows about my creepy encounter but I did not tell him all the details. He simply told me to stay away from dubious people but hey, it was just a job, wasn’t it? End of story, really! It is not like I have a contract with them and have to take another job from them.

Anyway, right now I am looking for a new dress I can wear on my date with Snagnor or wear it in public, I don’t know yet. Black and red suit me just great but for the date I wanted to try something completely different. I hope such a dress even exists. Reminds me I need to seek Snagnor out again. I asked him if I could purchase some things from him and he made me a good price. I need a necklace which makes me even more limber and an enhancement for the lovely blade G’ork made for me. Also I will attach a new visual to it so it fits my armor. I just hope he is alright and doesn’t ask me about this dubious stranger we met in Haven. I’d hate to lie to him.

*With a slight sigh Phyress leans back into her chair and stretches her arms. She takes another sip from the wine and stuffs her journal back into her back, getting ready for the night.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2009, 04:43:42 pm »
*Phyress sits at her desk in her old room back in her parent’s house, sipping on her wine Essa made her earlier. With a slight smile she looks around, seeing not much has changed in her years of absence. Phyress takes another slip of wine and starts writing a new entry into her same old journal.*

-Mulnari, Decilar 16, 1444-

It feels strange to be finally home again, or I better say the place I used to call home when I was still young and lived together with my parents. Now it just feels odd to be home again and not much has changed during all these years. My father has to leave in a bit again and my mother is still taking care of the household. Just like me they got older but still restless as always. It is lovely to be back at home but I wish the circumstances would have been better but one cannot always walk the easy way and usually something screws up when I try to. And seeing my father was affected in this trouble around Nel as well it hurts me even more.

But alas, I better start from the beginning. Richelle finally contacted me a few months ago and told me to grab some friends and meet her and Lywn in the inn in Mariner’s Hold. Naturally I asked some of my closest friends to accompany me, seeing Tyrith has a thing for getting herself into deep trouble. Therefore I asked G’ork, Snagnor, Galatea, Iellwen and Julius for their assistance. Well Maran was hiding somewhere in the woods and Julius had to take care of Emry who was still pregnant. So well, the five of us met in the inn and waited for Lywn and Richelle to show up. Actually I did not know Lywn would show up but in the end she did and started hitting on Snagnor as soon as I introduced everyone. I cannot blame her for that as he is hot and quite a temptation. Anyway, a few moments later Richelle showed up and the two of them told us what they got to know in the past few weeks and Lywn did not want to dig too deep into the mud. She probably did something in Nel already and was afraid of landing in a cell next to Tyrith. However, I am quite familiar with Nel and therefore it was on me to find out more about why she was locked up and bail her out, somehow.

As soon as we got to Nel we were questioned by a guard about our desire to enter Nel. Apparently there have been a lot of assaults on incoming and outgoing caravans so people are careful. The attacks seemed to be very well organized and planned, just like all mercenaries and thieves in the surrounding areas teamed up under a leader. From the guard we also got to know that they caught one of the bandits and I am pretty sure that one bandit is actually Tyrith. I have no idea how she could team up with them or if she only was at the wrong place in the wrong time. But they were all happy that they caught her. Being not suspicious in any way we headed straight to the inn, well after Galatea bought some pie from a local farmer. I think I remember her face but I am not all too sure. As soon as we were in the inn I started to listen to all the gossip and rumors which was passed by and it seems like everyone was talking about Tyrith. It has to be Tyrith! What makes things more interesting is that we got to know that Tyrith did not flee with the rest of the bandits but defended a little girl from town from the thieves. So I have no idea what exactly is going on. All I know is that even if Tyrith acts a little headless from time to time, she won’t get herself in such a struggle. All I know is that I came here to bail her out. It does not matter what it might take but we are comrades and Richelle, Lywn and I won’t leave her rot in prison, even less when I heard that she will be moved over to Fort Homestead.

Walking in and talking to her was considered as a bad idea, seeing we just arrived and would have simply attracted others and I did not want that either. So as much as I wanted to get in touch with Tyrith and hear the story from her, it had to wait, unfortunately. I wanted to bail her out and even more only wanted to see her but the others were right; Talking with her would have been too suspicious and the guards could have locked us in as well, think of us as her comrades with the intent to bail her out.

We thought about another option and soon we were thinking about a fake caravan. It is pretty simple actually. We spread rumors about something precious and an outgoing caravan and they will sure jump on us and take our belongings. Snagnor happily started rumors about him as a wealthy man travelling around with an emerald. To be honest, I added that it is my wedding ring, seeing such a thing might be better than a raw emerald. Why else do you show an emerald around? A ring is less suspicious. So well, we were pretty much were topic of the day and soon one of the local merchant company showed up and asked if we were nuts. Maybe we were a little but I was not able to bail Tyrith out at that point so we could at least get rid of the bandits and maybe prove Tyrith’s innocence that way. I wouldn’t know. What made things interesting is that the merchant offered us a caravan for our task, seeing as if we get rid of the bandits we also help him and his business. I added that we need some lesser goods as well as else they will call it a trap and don’t go straight to their hideout but guide is into certain death.

Soon the caravan was set and we made our way out of town. G’ork and I stayed in the shadows while the rest of us guarded the caravan. Guards made sense at that time as like all the caravans were attacked and merchants certainly try not to get their belongings stolen. Galatea, Ell and Snagnor were instructed to fake death after they tried to defend the caravan. It did not take them long and some bandits showed up. The three of them did a great job and I fear Snagnor overdid it. And it hurt to watch him die. It was not a fake death, even though Snagnor is certainly a great actor. There was too much blood around him and he looked way too pale for a fake, not to mention it did not seem like he was breathing anymore. However, G’ork and I followed the remaining mercenaries to their hideout; The other three were right behind us, just in a safe distance as they were not as good as G’ork and I in sneaking after them and if they heard us they’d know they’re being followed and won’t head right back to their hideout. To reach their hideout we had to pass several giants and finally found their hideout, following the river upstream. I tell you we almost got spotted by the giants which would have ended badly for us. They were huge in numbers and we would have attracted too much attention anyway. Anyway, we followed their raft and eventually found an entrance somewhere at the edge of the Wolfswood Forest which let us into a cave.

The cave was dark and filled with traps and locks, just the way I like it. Actually some locks were behind my skills but Galatea did just fine and picked them open. I am just glad that no one had a pixie with them. They might come in handy but think about us who learned such a thing the hard way and by summoning one to pick a lock you give us the feeling we are not needed and not worth the time, especially when they simply summon it and don’t coordinate it with the group. And it is a pity that it did not happen only once. It seems be a mage-thing. I don’t care about their oh-so-useful pixies when someone is around who can pick a lock as well. If I cannot lock it then fine, any help is appreciated but just summoning it if they actually know there is someone skilled in the group is just wrong, at least to me. Anyway, we explored the cave and made our way through several traps and locks until we found the first bandits. I think they felt pretty safe in their hideout, seeing there were not many guards around, just like two at the entrance. Well, at some point Richelle and Lywn showed up and took care of our backs so we could precede our task. I listened to one door and after making sure it would not shriek when we open it I heard some kind of roaring coming from behind it. First I thought there might be some nasty behind it so I told everyone to get ready and made my way in. What I saw in front of me though was nothing the like. It was a wall of fire and behind it we could see a lever. The thing was how to get past it? While the others were discussing use of magic I took a closer look at the wall of fire. It was lighted by oil and the level behind it probably stopped the oil from flowing into the rim. While the others discussed how to get past the fire to the lever and the two doors in the wall behind it I moved back a little, waited for the right moment and ran towards the fire. I know it was a crazy idea but I could manage! At least I hoped so. With all my effort I leaped towards the fire, jumping up into the air, performing a somersault which did not make it any easier and tried to jump high over the burning fire. Under me was certain death but I made it past the wall! Yeah I know it was a crazy idea but I had a lot of practice with such things. Of course I got some burning marks but I did just fine. With pulling the lever the flames slowly faded and the way was free for my comrades. I cannot help it but I love the thrill and then I made it alive. I live and everything is fine. I got past the fire and that’s what was important in this situation, not to mention I could show-off in front of Snagnor. I bet he was clearly impressed. My agility also impressed Maran after all.

However, we now had to face several guards and among them were some mages as well who made it all even trickier with all their spells and I was not able to dodge all of them. But then we managed just fine and defeated our opponents. By the time we did so I tried to figure out how to cause them even more pain with just one hit by landing a precise strike. It is pretty hard but I already know the basics. I just have to try to find a better balance and concentration to land more and even more precise strikes on my opponents. The more we defeated the closer we got to who was behind it all. From one of the bandits we got to know that a so-called Sashka is going to kill us all and what not. Most of what we got was just senseless blabber as he was clearly afraid of death as he had to face us and seeing it was on us whether he lived or died. Well, he died in the end as G’ork took care of him.

Then we headed into a large hall where we finally saw the woman they called Sashka. I did a quick check with Richelle and she never heard about her before. So she pretty much got into this position somehow and was not a well known bandit. Well she might be later. But for now we had to face her and her elite guards. It took us quite some effort to take them down and still heavily breathing we turned to face Sashka who clearly underestimated us and did not think we would make it that far. Well, her mistake. Never underestimate your opponent, even if your opponent is called Phyress Sylphide! It was a tough battle but I learned a lot from her movements. Just like Richelle or me she is some sort of dancer, dodging every single blow, just way better than I am. After some moments we finally managed to take her down and tied her up. Well she broke free when Galatea tried to hold her and went for me but I easily jumped out of her way, spun around and got her in her back.

It turned out that Sashka had nothing to offer in exchange for her freedom so we simply took her with us. Well she offered us her hideout but Richelle and Lywn were already making plans about it. However, together with a tied up Sashka we made our way back to Nel. While we were going for a rest most of our group disbanded. There were only Richelle, Lywn, Sashka and I left. Naturally Sashka was slime and tried to buy her freedom out of our situation, seeing we wanted to bail Tyrith out of jail somehow. Her idea was to let her be taken over to Fort Homestead and assault them on the one bridge they have to pass to get over from Nel to Fort Homestead. She also wanted to show us the best way to leave the Sun Kingdom and the bridge itself. I was tempted to consider her offer but then all of us would be wanted around Nel and I wouldn’t be able to see my parents again and some day they would catch and lock us up. No, thank you. I am not interested to rot some years in jail. There had to be another way, plus Sashka only wanted her own freedom again. If she was free she would harass my family or my friends just to show me she was smarter than I was; and of course as revenge for tracking her down and tying her up. It was an idea if every other plan failed but I was not going to release Sashka to freedom again. Not after the entire struggle we had to get a hold on her. I had an idea but it highly depended on some others as well. I did not have the influence, or contacts to bribe the Rofireinites.

Therefore I told Richelle and Lywn to wait with our prisoner around town and wait for me to show up again. I would manage somehow; I had to. My plan was about to ask the leader of the Purple Moon, the merchant guild which helped us with the fake caravan, for a small favor. But first of all I had to talk with Tyrith. I had to know what exactly she had done and the reasons for her being in jail. But then try to get in touch with Tyrith! They first did not want to go into jail, asking me for my business and the like. I told them kind of the truth, telling them that those bandits hurts one of my dear friends, which was true, seeing as what they did with Snagnor, and I wanted to find out who was behind it at all. That part was a blatant lie but I did not know how else to get past the guard and talk with Tyrith.

It seems she got talked into something silly and they lied to her about their true reasons. Tyrith simply thought it was an exchange of goods but then they attacked the caravan. I have to admit Tyrith is not the brightest but she should have smelled the lie all over it. However, as she saw what was going on she defended a little girl which was going to be hurt by some of the bandits. When reinforcements showed up they left Tyrith alone and fled to their hideout. That’s it. I told Tyrith that I was going to get her out somehow and she had to play along. I told her that she might have to lie about being an investigator for the Purple Moon and she was sent to find out about their leader and location of their hideout. She agreed to that and wished me luck before I had to leave again. It was already late afternoon and she was going to be taken over to Fort Homestead in the next morning so I hurried over to the inn where the guild is located and I quickly found the one in charge. As I met him he was talking with the owner of the inn and asked about how it fared. I told him that I found out about their hideout and also headed inside which made him all curious about whether the mission was successful or not. I frankly told him that it might have been successful and I might have caught the one who was responsible for the attacks on his caravans. He knew I was going for a deal of some sorts and therefore dismissed the other man so we were able to talk in private. The hard thing was to let him benefit from all this. Plan was to trade Tyrith for Sashka, more or less. I was going to hand her over to the guards and he told them that Tyrith worked for him as an investigator. Of course he did not make it easy for me but in the end I persuaded him that he would only benefit from it as everything was well planned. He did not tell the guards about Tyrith earlier as it would have only alarmed the bandits and it would have been hard to track down their hideout and leader. As exchange for his word, seeing he had to lie to authorities, he wanted some kind of contract. Seeing I had no other choice to bail Tyrith out without any struggle we settled down for a contract. Tyrith and I are going to walk as his guards for his caravans or himself for like four to five years.

It was the best thing I could pull out of this situation and he took his time to consider my offer. After moments of waiting we finally settled for the deal. If I cannot make it Richelle and Lywn will take in my position. If we don’t show up he is free to break the contract and send mercenaries after us. This won’t happen though and I already involved Richelle, Lywn and Tyrith into this contract and everything is settled for now. After all we get to see the world and travel for free with the caravan and I might have to visit a ball together with him. So all in all it is all fine for now. I am just curious when he will actually request our “service”.

Anyway, the past few days have been indeed very eventful and I am glad that my parents still have my own bed. It feels good to be home again, even though it feels odd and I won’t stay here for long. I will leave again in a few days and head back to Mistone. I don’t know when I will return to Nel but I know that I will, sooner or later. What is going to happen with me and the Crimson Lily? Honestly, I don’t know yet and I am too tired to think about it right now. Anyway, we will see...

*Phyress giggles slightly as she drops her quill and stretches on her old chair. Moments later she takes her glass of wine and walks out of her room, heading for her mother who is busy preparing dinner for her family.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #37 on: February 12, 2009, 09:22:55 am »
*Phyress taps her lower lip thoughtfully before she starts writing a new entry into her journal.*

-Wedlar, Febra 4, 1445-

Sometimes things screw up majorly just to fix itself in the end again. I did not hear anything from Del Alo’rion in a very long time but now I did. Actually the circumstances were rather odd and the outcome is not the best either but still worth a shot. Well, right now I am still in Bilkan Castle on Tilmar and wearing my robes of the old roldemian style just because they fit me nicely and everyone else is running around in a kimono anyway; not to mention I have a thing for their dress code anyway. However, what am I even doing here and how did I get here?

It all started in Hurm. I was looking for an opportunity to earn some True as I heard some rumors about an expedition at the docks. Curious as I am I went there of course and found myself among some friends who wanted to join the expedition as well. Everyone was in hurry and a few moments later I already found myself pushed on the small but fast vessel and we set sails. I asked a bit around and I gathered that we were going to meet up with another ship. Well, at least not your typical journey through the rough sea. We made good pace and soon we caught up with the other ship and were pushed over to it, abandoning our small vessel. I was quite confused and even more so when I saw familiar faces on the boat we were pushed over to. Among them were G’ork, Snagnor, Galatea, Sophia, Oma, Ni, Sophia, Ell and some others who I already forgot. It was quite chaotic on deck like they were persecuted or the like. I moved over to G’ork, seeing the casters among us were busy with blowing wind into our sails. He told me that they freed an old man from Del Alo’rion and that they were after them now or something like that. My memory is a little blurry and it was a little chaotic anyway. However, we yet had to escape the ship that was in hot pursuit of us. Well the man was in a bad constitution but was going to talk to us later. In the meantime we had to somehow fasten our vessel and get rid of our persecutors. Seeing the spellcasters were still busy I made my way up to the lookout by climbing up the mast. With all the rain and wind it was kind of hard to do but in the end I managed to climb up and not to fall down. It was pretty rough and I almost slipped and lost balance several times but then it is me. I don’t fall down all too easily and not even on a rough sea under bad conditions. Despite the weather I was able to see the grey silhouette of our persecutors and they were catching up with us; slow but steady.

However, a few moments later the old man, Ebon, wanted to talk to us, seeing he recovered enough to at least brief us into what is going on. I slid down the mast and we all went under deck to hear what is going on. Ebon was clearly in a bad constitution and was steadied by one of his men. He introduced himself as Ebon and had a task for us after he told his story. It turned out that he now is in charge of Del’s merchant guild and that they worked together in the past, before Del got on his little island. Actually they both stranded on the island as they lost their ship in the rough sea and made it to the island more dead than alive. Not that it really matters. Soon they were found by the natives who were curious about the two of them. And while they worked on a raft to leave the isle again, Del spent more and more time with the natives and learned their language. Nothing all too serious but then Del found out that there were two different kinds of crystals on the island. The one had some sort of healing properties and was able to lengthen one’s life while the other one caused one to age. Seems like the natives were all more than hundred years old and that’s pretty old for human beings.

Del being a mage naturally started his research about these two sources. One half of the island, where the natives lived was affected with the extended lifespan and health while the other half was normal. The second crystal dampened its powers somehow or something like that. Del then destroyed the crystals and tossed the shards away. Obsessed about it he tried to bind himself to the life-giving one. Well his ritual failed which resulted in the women on the island were not fertile anymore and their still unborn babies died as well. Pretty nasty stuff and everyone please thank the mage. They always screw up. I mean I screw up my life as well but not in that way! What he has done is unforgiveable and he now tries to get captured women to his island for more children, seeing the women over there are not fertile anymore. While Ebon finally left the island Del stayed with the natives, after he showed off his magic so they would not touch him, and continued his research and it seems that he is now after the shards of the crystal he once smashed. He tracked Ebon down because he had another shard on him. We got to know that Del sent one shard into the Deep and the other one somewhere around the Brech Mountains. He then wanted us to descend into the Great Rift and retrieve the one shard he gave to the dark elves. The Great Rift, I have never been there before and while some of us bargained for a reward I told G’ork that Del will probably pay us more for the shard. I never had the intention to actually hand it over to Del, but to get in touch with him and kick him in his behind. What I find still amusing is that even though Ebon and Del are around the same age, Ebon looks old and grumpy while Del looks like in his twenties. Neat little crystal, really.

We prepared ourselves and soon reached the shore just to ascend to the Darkland Mountains, only to descend into the Great Rift; a creepy place filled with filthy dark elves and other creatures of the Deep. But naturally we first had to fight our way to the Great Rift, seeing we were still persecuted by Del’s men and they reached the shore shortly after us. Therefore we pressed on and made up our way. His men swarmed out and soon we had then behind and in front of us, a fight was so going to come up. It was just a matter of time. His forces were tough but with combined efforts we took them down. G’ork and I were holding the frontline. Well we were like the only fighters in the group. Of course there were others capable of fighting melee like Galatea, Iellwen and Snagnor, but G’ork and I were especially trained for close combat and don’t rely on spells like others do. Of course I love my blessings Maran and others cast on me and I don’t mind their gift to heal my wounds or get rid of poison, but I can still kick my opponents around even without any blessings. I just need my rapier and I am fine. Del’s men attacked in little groups and pretty much kept us busy until we entered the Great Rift. What makes the Rift even trickier is that no magic at all can be casted down there, hence the name Rift. However, also potions don’t seem to work down there which makes it pretty icky, seeing one has to face spiders on descending deeper into the Great Rift. Did we even have a choice? Not really, seeing we were still being persecuted and we could hardly turn around now and therefore we entered the rift. It was pretty much creepy down there and had to face spiders, giants, beetles, umberhulks, beholders and some squishy creatures. Not to mention the deeper we got the tougher it got.

We pressed on and even had to defeat some of our followed who went after us in the Deep. Past those squishy things we had to face deep dwarves and tried to free some of their slaves, gnomes. They were not the brightest and also alarmed the dwarves so we had to continue fighting our way through their lines. How did we even know the way? Well, seems like the shards are able to communicate or something like that so Sophia knew which direction we had to head. If the deep dwarves were not even enough we had to face some very strange creatures, half spiders, half dark elves. I think someone mentioned the name 'Driders’ but I wouldn’t know. All I know is they were tough and it took me quite some effort to defeat even one. Together with G’ork I made good progress though, seeing I could leap at my opponents from behind his back and take advantage of the moment of surprise. G’ork and I did very well, almost working together as a unit. Well we fought many battles together so we already knew what we were capable of and guarded each other’s back. We soon got to face the dark elves and we defeated them as well until we got to a ferry which was guarded by a dark elf as well. Several gnomish slaves were around him as well. He saw Galatea and me and told us that we were early. It took me a moment to realize that it were my amulet and something that Galatea wore that made them recognize us as one of Del’s men. I wish we could have ended it without a fight but Galatea was all ticked and touchy about those deep gnomes that she more or less killed the ferryman in cold rage. At least that’s how it looked like. Later G’ork and I were the same opinion that we might better tie her up as we had to focus on our task and not to run around like mad in the Deep and seek an open conflict with the dark elves. He did not attack us so well.

We sailed farther and finally got to a shore somewhere down in the Deep where we were able to see a tower. Sophia could already say that the shard would be found up there. She looked pretty much drained and whatnot but she was not willing to share what was wrong with her. In front of the tower were two guards and upon seeing Del Alo’rion’s symbol they recognized us and went in to call their superior, researcher, whatever. However, I was all hoping for a nice chat as we could have gotten quite some information of him, seeing he mentioned something like he wasn’t done with the research yet so Del has to wait a little more with the results of the research. Well, I can see he did not like Galatea’s aggressive stand and long story short, in the end we did not get any information about the research of the shard and were attacked by them and their reinforcements. Personally I’d have preferred to get some information if him and also tried to talk him into but he was too focused on Galatea and G’ork who was standing next to her. Seeing how it would end I got ready to leap forward at the researcher and jump on his head. It was a tough fight but in the end we managed and rushed into the tower, just to face even more dark elves. We searched the tower and I found a journal of some sorts. It is all written in their language so I have no idea what it is about. I assume it is about the research more or less, seeing I had to pick a lock to get it. No one else really cared I found a book so I simply stuffed it into my bag. On top of the tower we then found the shard on some kind of an altar and glyphs and whatever fancy mages like was placed and drawn around the altar. Needless to say we defeated them in a long and exhausting battle. Before everyone could even react Snagnor rushed to the altar and grabbed the shard on it. I bet he heard G’ork and me on the ship and really thought we would hand over the shard to Del.

Having everything we were after we only had to make our way out of the rift again. Easier said than done as they were already waiting for us outside and we had to fight our way through them to ascend to the surface again. And the Deep is deep and huge! It is like a world on its own. Once we were out again we ran right into Del’s men who simply waited at the Entrance to the Great Rift for us. One was a fool if you did not expect them waiting there for us. After all we only knew one way out. G’ork and I approached them and I have to mention we were clearly outnumbered. There was no way we were going to make it past them alive. The only possibility was a deal of some sorts and therefore G’ork and I wanted to trade the shard for our lives and naturally some True. I left the talking to G’ork, seeing he is way more threatening than a fragile, innocent looking woman like me. We settled down for our lives and thirty thousand True. A nice sum, plus we were going to stay alive. It was a win-win situation for us. Like hell we were going to give Del this shard. We only wanted to take an advantage out of it. We would have got double pay and also an advantage if we set up an ambush for them, killed them and got the shard back. Given the mage did not teleport out and right to Del, but then it is useless without knowing how the research fared. Snagnor though mistrusted us and was not going to hand it over. The mage casted something at him and Snagnor passed the shard over to Sophia who ported away with it. As soon as she was gone they attacked us with no mercy. I think I don’t need to mention that we all were pretty much dead. I made it somehow though and stopped bleeding to death. When I opened my eyes again I could see with my blurry vision that others taking care of our successors.

I was so ticked off and mad when I was conscious again, cursing loud and vehemently the whole time. It took us quite some effort not to get slaughtered and safe the shard more or less and then Snagnor passed it over to Sophia and neither G’ork nor I knew if she was even trustable or not. Not to mention that everyone besides Snagnor died. He was the one who should have died for this stupidity, not us. Well I did not die as well but I was just lucky. Maybe we should have involved them but they would have never agreed to our plan. In no way they were going to risk the shard over us but we thought our lives as more important as this silly piece of crystal. It did not matter at the moment anyway as they introduced themselves as Ebon’s men and were here to pick us up. Seeing Sophia had the shard and we left with nothing we followed him and I was cursing a little more here and there. They had their ship somewhere at the coast and we also got to know that we had to rescue a woman of Del. Seems she went against him and her men were going after her. It’s not like we had anything else to do so we went after her. Of course we met some of Del’s forces on the way and G’ork didn’t do anything else than watching us fight and I have to admit, I should have done it as well, seeing they let us fall before, not caring about our lives so why should we? I should have done the same thing but then I was too ticked and had to kick someone’s behind. We eventually found her, although all beaten up and it wasn’t me this time. I untied her and told Ebon’s man to carry her to the ship. Task fulfilled.

We sailed over to Bilkan Castle, over on Tilmar. And guess who was waiting the whole time in Bilkan? Sophia. While we died, she simply teleported herself over to Bilkan and enjoyed her life, more or less. Anyway, we still had to retrieve the shard and have a word with Ebon. We found him in the castle and told him what happened and also handed him the shard over. To my surprise Sophia had some parchments about the research or so it seems, written in dark elfish, naturally. With the knowledge in the parchments the next steps for the Bido and Ebon were clear. With joint forces they were going to launch an attack on his island. I told them that they should send in a second, way smaller group who shall go after the crystal or Del himself. Going right after Del might prove difficult as it seems he managed to bind himself to the shard so he is kind of immortal. So first of all we need to destroy the crystal and then go after him. According to what I got to know it is hidden in a cave on the island and probably heavily guarded. I bet by very strong magic. The crystal itself should be easily breakable, knowing G’ork will be with me and if he won’t be around then I will simply bring a hammer, simple as that! The woman I untied will lead us to the cave and accompany me. I am really curious about how this all will end. Well in the end we all received our payment for retrieving the shard and we will get more if we successfully destroy the crystal and turn in Del Alo’rion, preferably alive and not dead.

So that’s why I am still on Tilmar and stroll through the city, looking for something to do while my mind is pacing restlessly. Snagnor’s choice not to hand the shard over and risk all our lives wasn’t the best thing a man can pull on me and G’ork was about to make him one head shorter already. Maybe it is me being selfish but I choose my life over a silly piece of crystal which can also drain your strength! Right now I am still too ed that for now I won’t head with him on our date. Right now I am clearly not in the mood. But at least now I know how Maran and Fleur must have felt when I abandoned them and chose me being upset over their lives. But hey they have nice dresses here and I might buy myself a new one.

Maybe I should better travel around with G’ork and try to forget what happened as we came out of the Great Rift again. Why did you have to pull such a stunt, Snagnor? Why?

*With a miserable sigh Phyress closes her journal and a single tear rolls down her cheek.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #38 on: February 18, 2009, 06:36:59 pm »
*Phyress sits on a tree while she looks at the distant horizon into a warm evening. With a slight smile she takes out her journal and stars writing a new entry into it, whilst sitting in the treetop.*

-Tunar, Apreal 17, 1445-

Sometimes I ask myself whether life loves or hates me. Maybe I only survive all these incidents so life can torture me again. Well, I wouldn’t know, would I? It has been some time after the incident in the Great Rift and I still did not hear any word from Snagnor. I did not know anything from anyone anyway and I am simply trying to improve my skills so I won’t die on Del Alo’rion’s isle which will be filled with natives and some places probably warded by epic spells and traps. Besides that I had to travel back to Nel for some duties. It was not much. I simply had to dress up and look pretty. I had to accompany my business partner of the Purple Moon to some kind of meeting. It was boring and they talked about the recent events which I took care of. He ensured the other merchant that the routes around Nel were safe for now again. Don’t even ask me how I hid my dagger. I’d be embarrassed myself and I am lucky that I did not have to use it. At least I got a drink for free from my most generous business partner. And he only wanted one of us to attend and seeing Tyrith just got out of jail it might not have looked all too good, even though we all lived a lie but we could happily live it and no one cares anyway. Sashka was locked up and I bailed Tyrith out of jail.

After the meeting I headed back to Haven. I still had to check on G’ork’s house and check if there were any orders. Reminds me Julius wanted an iron full-plate later when he had the funds. I already have one or him and he only needs to pick it up. However, I was only passing through Haven as I was headed for Dalanthar and its surroundings. I had to take a walk and think about some things. I headed up to the crossroads at the Thunder Valley where I sometimes sit with G’ork and talk. Unfortunately I did not see him around and reminds me I did not see him around for quite some time now. Well, not since we left Tilmar. However, I caught some fish with my bare hands and it is pretty easy too, actually. I caught two fishes at all and went over to the campfire and roasted them over the fire. While I was still busy with the fish Maran showed up at the crossroad as well and I could not help but grin at him and offer him a fish. He thankfully took the fish and while both of us were munching fish, Mor showed up as well. Maran then had a plan to explore our surroundings and asked whether we preferred trollorcs or bandits. I gave him to know that the bandits were not all too bad, seeing they helped with the defeat of Essrantor. How do I know? Well G’ork led them and he told me of course. However, Fleur showed up as well and Maran was about to test ourselves on the trollorcs. I never saw them before so I did not know what to expect at all. The bandits we could handle but Maran thought the trollorcs as less threatening and so we headed that way. They are truly odd creatures and look like some kind of a crossbreed to me, hence the name trollorcs. All I know is that they hit hard. It was amusing to watch them try to hit Maran who now can change into elementals which quite surprised me, before it saddened me. Trouble used to change into an elemental as well and I miss him so dearly. I know years have passed already but I really should seek Iellwen and her about his death. I think I am ready to hear it, eventually. Anyway, we did fine, despite their brute force and tough skin. Together with Maran I can take almost every opponent, as long as they focus on him and I can sneak up on them. We soon had to head back to the crossroads though, seeing they threw some things at us, like firebombs and some acid stuff. I did not really care as I easily evaded the grenade but the others got hit badly.

I never went without G’ork to the Misted Village. I don’t head here much anyway as they are pretty tough, especially their rogues who go after your tendons and muscles. The dwarves I don’t really mind as they are easy to knock down and then it is going to be easy. The four of us fought well together, even if Mor wasn’t here before and I doubt Fleur was here before either. Maybe with Maran but I somehow doubt it, seeing she is stripped off her magic in the mountains and therefore can only bandage ones wounds and shoot her bolts. We did not head into their hideout so we were only on the surface. It would have been suicide anyway with their masses and narrow places. If they set up a trap and attack you from both sides then well, say your last prayer and tonight. I can hold a few of them but they will slowly get me. Only one has to slip past me and attack me from behind or go after those I guard. Not something I want to think about but it happens from time to time. Anyway, we did fine so far but then one of these cursed rogues got me bad. I lost a lot of blood and my leg hurt badly. I couldn’t really use it anymore and was an easy target for them and of course they got to know it and flanked me. I defeated them though, even though I was bleeding heavily afterwards as they gave me a hard time. I was cursing heavily and it did not help that in a few battles later they got my leg again. I so needed a rest, seeing I was hardly able to walk anymore. I stood upright though and continued fighting even though it took me a lot of discipline. I finally got my rest and I managed to bandage the deep wound properly. I felt better after the rest already and we headed back to the crossroads.

Maran then told us about a place he heard about, called Ruins of Madness. First I laughed about the name but then I did not know what to expect there yet. We only knew the Ruins were somewhere located in the Singing Woods and while we passed through Willows Weep I tried to gather information about the exact location. The only thing I got to know was that we had to make our way past some fairies or the like and then descend somewhere. We saw the fairies and pressed on, looking around for the ruins which we eventually found, too. It is a strange place and all of a sudden we saw the Minotaurs which were living down in the ruins. First I thought this was going to be easy as I fought them before and did not even get like a single scratch. These were different though. Maran casted his stonehold and we charged in. To our surprise their shaman was able to cast quite some powerful spells. We managed to take the other minotaurs down. The problem was the spell it then casted. We found ourselves in a storm of vengeance and I ran out of it. It was pretty darn close and I managed to dodge the lighting and was more or less safe. The others were not all too lucky. The spell got Maran and Mor bad and they died. I managed to rescue Fleur though. We ran out and headed back to Willows Weep where we met Maran and Mor again. Mor decided to take some rest so we accompanied Maran back to the ruins so he could pray at his grave.

After this we headed into the mountains. On our way we met someone I did not see in ages. It was Eslar and well, he was his usual self. I cannot really say I really like him. He is somehow odd. But then he is a wizard and that might explain it. I never feel all too good around them for my very own reasons. However, it was a nice and refreshing trip and way better than those icky ruins. While we were there we also gathered some cherries and I suggested to head to Frindahl and see if the orcs were as tough as G’ork described me them. We soon found the way to Frindahl and prepared ourselves. We had to face two of them; an archer and a fighter. The fighter did not seem to care about Maran’s stonehold and charged ahead. The archer was hold by his spell though. They hit really hard and it took is quite some effort to take it down. It was hard to hit and even I had my problems, not to mention I had to focus on evading its attacks as if it hit, then it hit hard and with brute force. We headed a bit farther the way and faced some more, but in the end we had to turn around and leave. No one of us had a death-wish. Well at least not just yet. To face these we will have to practice way more. These were just the guards. I don’t want to know what to expect in their fortress!

We then decided to head through the Sinister Forest to the old mine which is guarded by trolls, seeing Fleur was in need of some gems.  I never was in this cavern before so it was thrilling and exciting. The trolls were not much of a problem for a team like us, but we had to take care of their shamans, seeing they knew some nasty spells and freely wished to hit us hard with these. We did fine though and headed out again. While we were about to rest Eslar killed a boar right in front of Maran’s eyes and you bet, he was not pleased about it at all. They were arguing about it and I did not really care, I’d side with Maran regardless and I have to agree, the death of the boar was senseless in this case. We all were stocked up with food for weeks and the boar was still young and in no way injured or the like.

So well, here I am and reflect the past weeks of my life which were really eventful. I have seen many new places, like the Ruins of Madness or Frindahl and the cave at the river with its vampires, snakes and spiders. The snakes still give me creeps though and I cannot look into their eyes for a long time; it drives me crazy and makes me all confused. But from all these failed expeditions I got to know that I still have a lot to learn. Maybe I should ask Richelle about mentoring me a little so I finally figure out how to improve my precise strikes. If I do it on my own it will be pretty tough and would take too long. I know I am on a good way already but there is still something missing and I don’t know what!

Anyway, we will see. For now I should get off this tree and head into an inn or the like. Oh well, think I will simply rest under the tree. It is warm already and I brought my fur with me. And about Snagnor? I still have no idea, seeing I was interrupted in my thinking at the crossroads. Maybe he wants to talk about it. I will see if he says anything about it the next time we see each other again. Reminds me to seek out Ni. G’ork told me he could help me with translating the journal I found in the Deep into common. What I wonder now though is whether he is a Dark Elf himself or only learned their language. Not that it really matters. We fought together down in the Deep so I can at least trust him enough not to backstab me and G’ork would get to know about it and then he’d be dead anyway.

That’s it! I am done for today. I just hope the next days will be uneventful. I need to stretch my legs a little.

*With a smile on her lips Phyress shuts her journal and looks into the set of the sun from her seat high up in the canopy of the tree.*


Re: Journal of Phyress Sylphide
« Reply #39 on: February 25, 2009, 10:00:52 am »
*Phyress frowns slightly as she opens her journal again, clearly thinking about something. A few moments later she shrugs slightly, opens the journal in her lap and starts writing a new entry.*

-Tunar, Jular 17, 1445-

There are four major things worth mentioning this time. A few things might be good, but then at least one of the news certainly is not. To be honest, it is the only one as two are about latest explorations and adventures while one is about my rapier and ways of battle. Therefore there is only one left and this of course deals with Snagnor.

I just came back from an expedition with Maran from the spider invested cave in the Silkwood Forest. While we headed out Maran had to leave and faded into a tree. Packed with some venom sacks I made my way to Port Hempstead so I could make them into useful poison. I am still trying hard to learn from it but it is not an easy job after all and I have to be very careful not to poison myself. Besides lately I screw the poison up a lot of times when I try to extract it from the venom sacks. I am just glad I am not working with acidic stuff as my tools plus clothing would be so damaged already. Anyway, I entered Port Hempstead and I found Snagnor and some others standing nearby it, chatting. I simply nodded and went inside. Soon Snagnor came in as well and went crafting something. After he was finished, and only then he paid any attention to me. He asked me how I was and I told him I was fine in general. Well in general. Actually after we finished talking my mood turned sour. Snagnor thought that we could pretty much handle them and I gave him to know that we just got out of the Great Rift, were exhausted, and had no magical protection from the Al’Noth, it was very unlikely we could stand them. And I know one thing for sure. If G’ork and I bargain for our lives then a fight is pretty much useless. To us it was a win-win situation. We’d have gotten some money and the crystal back at some point as well. But no, Snagnor had to sacrifice all our very lives for that silly crystal! However, he did not see my point and told me that he died as well, well it was in Nel actually and his only task was to play dead there, not to be dead actually and he was aware of the risk. This time was different though. I don’t know how he sees it but to me it feels like betrayal and that’s something I cannot stand. What he did was silly and overestimating G’ork and me might be charming but silly. I don’t know, but lately a lot people are overestimating me. I am not that good with my blade, really.

This already leads me to the other thing being worth mentioning here in my journal. I finally managed to improve my already precise strikes and therefore hurt my enemies even more. It took me quite some time to figure out how to, but in the end all my training and also Richelle helped me a lot. She did not hesitate to kick me around in the arena for my own sake. I am just glad she did not launch such precise attacks at me directly. We more or less had some dummies. Mind you, our arena is actually the Wolfswood Forest and our dummies just some giants which roam within these woods. Anyway, Richelle showed me more or less my own mistakes I made and told me to practice and improve these so I’d figure out how to land even more precise strikes at my opponents. This being said be disbanded again and I headed out to the Misted Village together with Dan, Fleur and Maran. Everything went quite alright and we made good progress. Maran, Dan and I work just great in the front, as long as Maran stays in his air-elemental form and Dan goes over to hold his stance against the bandits. But hey, I am quite fragile and therefore I prefer to dodge under their attacks. If I get hit then well, it hurts a lot. I simply prefer not to get hit at all and focus more on attacking them while the others keep them occupied. The thing is though that I always pull their attention with the hits I land on them. I cannot help it but my technique is pretty good even though I am not strong, but then I am limber and aim for their weak spots. And this combined with some precise strikes. I think I don’t have to elaborate it even more.

Anyway, we soon left the place again as Dan had business to attend elsewhere and therefore we three of us decided to try the trollorcs yet again. This time we worked a little different. I had to play bait so they’d tossed their little grenades at me. At first it was easy and we managed to take several of them out. They are easy to knock down, mind you. We got in trouble though when we had to face one with long claws attached to it. It was harder to knock down, not to mention tough and it hit us bad. We managed to defeat it though, me still focusing on my precise strikes. Fully bandaged we proceeded and soon found ourselves in deep trouble. And if I say deep trouble then I really mean it! The thing was that we had to face one more of these trollorcs with claws, but when we attacked it, two other helped it. It was a tough battle and in the end we had to flee. Only one we could handle. Two, well maybe if we are lucky but three of them were just suicide! With joined forces we managed them to get loose of our tails and leave that place for now. I am just glad they were not the fastest. One was after me and one after Maran. Maran did not make it though and I was nowhere close to help him. I only got to know from Fleur he did not make it. It took me quite some time and effort to get rid of my persecutor but a few well placed knockdowns did the trick in the end and it gave up. We gathered ourselves and roamed across Dregar and then I finally figured out how to improve my precise strikes. I am just glad I did in the end and after we got to Orcs Watch I fell into a bed in the local inn. I probably slept for more than a full day but it was worth it. While I recovered all my wounds and exhaustion I trained my precise strikes a little more so I don’t do it wrong and I think I mastered it now.

Two more things I have to mention here in my journal. Let me start with an exploration into the Forest of Fogs. Some of us were gathered around Corax Lake and planned our next trip when a druid came out of the woods and asked for our help. Even though there was no payment involved we could keep what we found on our mission so I did not mind at all. It reminds me of the old days with Lydia when we were hunting for treasure on Alindor. However, the druid led us deep into the woods to a hidden grove. In this grove was a huge tree, covered in mists. He told us that it was cursed, seeing a mage once performed a ritual and took a piece of it. Fleur and Mor almost got lulled into sleep by the cursed tree. Our task now was to retrieve the missing branch so the druids could reverse the curse. They could heal those lulled by the tree, but could not lift the curse itself, at least not without the missing branch. He told us that the mage used to live in a keep somewhere in the woods and we headed for it. For the lock we needed a specific key and I never got to see it. Somewhere around the keep we had to face constructs. I might add that the mage was experimenting with constructs and golems and wanted the shard for a living construct or so. While the others were looking for the key, Unther and I headed for the keep itself. Well, one had to get over to it first, seeing one had to cross a deep and wide river first. I jumped over it and almost made it. I jumped too short, got wet but pulled myself to the other side in the end. Unther though fell like a rock into the river, while Dan jumped over easily. Well, Snagnor and I dived after Unther but I somehow lost orientation in the wild waters and was pulled away, until I managed to get up again. Snagnor though did not have it that easy and was later pulled out of the water by Dan, unconscious. Despite a suggestion to wake him up with dwarven farts we managed to get him back to the living without such immense methods and made our way into the keep, which was filled with the remaining guardians of the mage, constructs and golems. Deep inside the keep we found the keep, along with some other things, like a scale of a dragon. Back at the tree we handed the branch over to the druid and he lifted the curse, thanking and blessing us naturally. All in all it was a nice trip and not all too dangerous. Well it actually once was for me, when some golems were firing at us from a lower level and we were up on the wall and no easy way down. I know it was insane but I jumped off the wall and onto the closest golem to dampen my fall. It worked, but then I was surrounded by several constructs and it took me quite some effort to defeat them.

This leads me straightly to my other more creepy expedition. There have been some murders recently in Mariners Hold and Ashley was looking for some help. We had no clue what was going on but we did not have to wait long to hear some a scream from a back alley. The odd thing about these murders was that the inner organs always went missing. Well if it was not odd enough already, some of our group were odd as well, like Marko or justice. Actually I like him though. Seems like a Rofireinite half-giant and not the brightest one but that only adds to his cuteness-factor. I cannot help it but sometimes I am a strange cat. However, we found ring under the body of the working girl which seemed to belong to a local gang here in Mariner’s Hold.  Before we actually found the ring we were thinking about how to get more information about the murderers and who is behind it. Seeing all were female I suggested one of us to dress up as a working girl and make some contacts. Bad idea, really bad idea, seeing I was the only woman around, besides Ashley and Argali. Argali is a dwarven lass and Ashley is a local guard so it pretty much left me as the only available woman around and I know some already saw me in a skimpy dress, flirting the hell out of me. It would have been hilarious if I had Justice talked into it but he was sniffing about something and not with us at that time. However, due to the ring we asked around and we soon found one at the docks who of course tried to flee. Our two halflings got him though and from him we got the location of their hideout. I have to admit, I somehow liked their camp or at least they way they guarded it and they attacked us all at once which made things really interesting. They did not make it all too hard for me and I managed to defeat those who faced me easily. Well, Marko died while we attacked them but I don’t really like him anyway. He seems very odd. I bet he’s a Corathite. What was odd about one of the corpses is the simple fact that even though we certainly killed it, it was still living, somehow. At least Ni said so and I trust him enough. Anyway, after a long discussion we burned their camp and took the living corpse with us and handed it over to Ashley who paled at the sight of the body and mumbled something about a cult. Well, we offered our help and she will let us know when she is in need of our help, regarding the cult. Must be some kind of undead or vampire cult I guess. I have no idea what it is all about though. Only time will tell, that’s for sure.

Now where I just mentioned Ni. Earlier I helped him and a friend down in the cave in the Forest of Fogs because his friend died down there. With their help it was easy to reach the location where he fell and they thanked me for it. I also got a fine sapphire which I gave to Maran who will hand it over to Fleur in the end. However, I managed to poke Ni about translating the journal for G’ork and me and he promised me to do so. Later he wanted to talk to me in private. Our talk was about him being a dark elf and I keeping my mouth shut about it. Well, I don’t care about his heritage as long he translates the journal for us. And I also know he won’t backstab me, seeing as G’ork would behead him then and I somehow doubt he is willing to lose his head. We fought together in the Deep already and that is enough trust for now. You never know with dark elves though so I have to keep an eye out on him.

This being said, I still don’t have my copy and now have to leave again to meet the others. We’re going to leave soon to Del Alo’rion’s isle and I still have to arrange some preparations before I head there. This might be my last entry though, depending on how the mission fares. If the next page is blood smeared, well, then happy reading, lucky finder of this note!

*Phyress snickers before she stuffs her journal back into her bag, pats lovingly the hilt of her blades and leaves for Dalanthar to meet up with the others.*

