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Author Topic: Journal of Rachel Atrasia  (Read 300 times)


Journal of Rachel Atrasia
« on: February 25, 2009, 02:46:03 am »
*This book is bound in black leathers and is about average size for a book. The book itself bears the title 'Journal', written in elaborate blood-red letters. The pages reveal an elegant handwriting, mostly written by black ink on the rather grey and old looking pages.*

-Sunra, Augra 22, 1445-

Where to start? Well I best start from the beginning. I was born as an only-child by my lovely mother Jessica Atrasia in 1420. I always had my mother but I never had a father, to be honest; at least not a birth-father, but that’s another story I am going to mention later. According to my mother my father died shortly after getting her pregnant but I somehow doubt it. I think there’s more than she wanted to tell me at that point but I did not ask, nor I really cared about it. I always had my mother who cared about me and I did not need anyone else to. I only know that due to him I am now am what I am and shunned by most people. What I am? Well I am a Tiefling of Tiefer how some call us. Somewhere in my bloodline there once has been a fiendish influence, although it is not very strong. The only signs of my heritage are my distinctive canines and maybe my slightly pale skin. Besides from that you could consider me pretty much human. I am just glad that I got most of my features from my mother. Without her I’d probably look a lot more fiendish and I can easily hide my fangs. The slightly pale skin, well this can be explained by lack of sun.

However, I never really had an easy childhood and my whole life never was really easy in any way, to be honest. I was born and raised in a small village close to Holar which is located close to the Sharawood on Belinara. Belinara; one could almost call it a cursed continent, seeing all the struggle happened here. However, I was still young and I had no idea why I was different and other children were therefore avoiding me. I did not really think that my canines and piercing eyes were feared by them. They often called me names and called me a demon-breed. Naturally, being a child, I cried and my mother took care about me. No matter what they said about me, I was still her child and she loved me the way I was. From my mother I never got to know why I looked different and not like your typical child. I only know I hated the other children for calling me names and of course I played my little games with them when I was a little older. I never was really strong but I was able to see in the darkness and move around silently. Once I sneaked up on this one guy, Trenton. Trenton was a mean boy for his age and had a pleasure for harassing me. First I did not care about him but then he started spreading rumors about me. They may have been minor ones but all this constant bickering. At some point I simply had enough and sneaked up on him. I waited till it was midnight and the rain and skies being all cloudy helped me in my task as well. If I got Trenton to shut up about me the other children were going to be afraid. What I did? Well, I knew he was afraid of demons, seeing they roamed these lands with the army of Sinthar Bloodstone. I waited in the shrubbery. It was cold and rainy and I cursed the rain, even though it certainly helped me to hide myself and damped any noises I made. Hours passed and he finally passed by with some of his friends. They were laughing about something and not focused on their surroundings. I quickly moved around in the darkness, making noises they could clearly hear. I was able to see them and they were already scared. I waited a moment, cowered in the shrubbery right in front of them but invisible for their eyes. Then I leaped forward at Trenton and took him down. It was hilarious as he screamed like a little baby and in this moment he really was. In the confusion I chuckled and ran away.

I thought I had ended all this harassing but I only just started it. Trenton and his friends never really tried to kill me but to beat me up. They knew it was me and I cannot blame them for knowing it. No one else would have stepped up against him. Most children did not want to mess around with him but I still did. Anyway, the years passed and we all grew up and my mother older. The hard labor for our daily bread really got her and I was mostly busy with Trenton anyway. He clearly had something against me. Thinking about it I should have helped my mother, although she never complained about me not helping her.

A few days before my 15th birthday Trenton was strangely all nice to me and I thought he might drop all the bullying at all. When I was finally 15 he came to me and told me that he wanted to show me something. I have no idea why I even followed him and it changed a lot of things. He led me into the Sharawood. A lovely piece of forest and we ventured pretty deep in before he all of a sudden leaped at me and knocked me down on my behind, hitting my face. I tried to get him off me and punched him in his stomach. I tried to fight him back vehemently but he was way stronger than me and I did not stand a chance, especially not when he was surrounded by his friends soon after my nose and lips were already bleeding. They were laughing about me and I began to cry. I cried and tried to block his blows. I managed some and lost my consciousness when he hit me hard on my chest. I yelped and everything turned to black.

When I woke up my head hurt badly and I could smell my own dried blood. First my vision was all blurry and did not feel a thing. I wanted to move, stretch myself but I was not able to move. I tried to move my arms which were behind my back without any success until I realized I was tied up. Shock hit me. Where was I? I furiously looked around. There were trees all around me and I was able to hear the distant sounds of the woods. I was still in Sharawood or any other forest around Holar. At least I thought so. For now I was alone so I tried to focus on the situation: I followed Trenton into these woods as I thought it as a birthday surprise for me and he tricked me bad. Then I got all beaten up by him and his friends and now I am tied up and rest against a tree. Swell!

I don’t really know how much time passed but I slowly felt my whole body again and my vision was back again. Well it was almost, just a slight red blur remained but I’d live. My whole body was aching badly and there was nothing I could do. Movement, I clearly heard it and soon Trenton showed up right in front of me, grinning mischievously. He was clearly pleased to have me all tied up here and did not mind to run his foot into my stomach again and I yelped, gasping for air. He then told me right into my face that he is going to sell me. Yeah he was about to freaking sell me! I spit right into his face as he bent down to face me when he told me about his face and he slapped me. Moments passed where I simply glared at him and he clearly enjoyed me being helpless. Well, at some points three men showed up, all geared up and wielded weapons. The one who was in charge of them had a rapier, the other one had a broadsword and the third one had an axe over his back. From what I was able to see they were scarred, probably from several battles they fought and all well trained. One of them grinned to me while the one in charge bargained with Trenton about me. I heard an amount of True here and there and they finally settled for a sum and Trenton was not pleased at all. What did he expect? A great deal with his 17 years against three armed mercenaries? Pathetic! He shot me an evil glare and then vanished back into the woods.

One of them gestured me to stand up but I did not. I was still pretty weak and beaten up, mind you and I was no way going to accept being their slave and at their mercy. The one with the axe grunted and lifted me up with ease and he only used his left arm, mind you. I did not make it myself easy and was pushed around a lot but then I was used worse from what Trenton pulled on me. This was so going to be a great birthday.

When the sun set and it got darker we stopped somewhere in the woods and the one in charge asked me if I was able to cook. I did not care and did not reply to him and got a kick in the back from one of the other two. I winced and nodded slightly. He smirked amused and told me to cook for them. I blankly looked down at my ties and he snickered, making a small gesture and before I realized my ties were gone and in front of me stood a fourth person, a dagger in his hand. I shrieked and backpedaled and bumped into someone. Everyone but me was laughing and I was confused. He then told me that they were simply looking for a cook and they introduced themselves. The one in charge was Gerald, the sneaky one Aaron, the one with the broadsword was Jonathan and the one with the axe was called Ehrde. I was slightly confused. I thought I was some sort of slave for them but they were all kind while we talked about adventures from their former expeditions and I listened to many tales that night. They did not seem to care about my heritage and I know they have seen my distinctive canines more than once. They just took me as I was and I did not mind at all. Everyone in the village shunned me but these four were different. Maybe it was because they were mercenaries and did not ask many questions. For them I was just their cook ... for now.

I hesitated for a moment when I realized that my mother was still in the village and was probably worried about me missing. Naturally I was away the one or other night but we wanted to spend the evening together. Gerald must have seen me frowning and he offered me to visit my mother. I was not free but they were going to respect my past. I nodded slightly and together with Aaron I made my way back to the village. We arrived just as the sun was about to rise. We moved in through a window and were standing in front of my sleeping mother, Jessica. I looked from my sleeping mother to Aaron and he nodded in silent understanding. I moved forward and softly ran my hand over her cheek. She mumbled something but I was not able to get what exactly it was about. This was the last time I was about to see my mother and I sobbed silently. Aaron softly put an arm around me and we stood there for some more moments before we left again. I looked over my shoulder and wished my mother farewell while I was silently crying. I was only 15 and my mother was the only person in my life who accepted me and cared for me, despite me being a Tiefling.

Months passed and I grew bored about being their cook. While I enjoyed travelling around with them it was still boring to only cook. This wasn’t really me and I started to follow them on their trips in a safe distance even though they told me not to and I promised I would not. Yeah well like I care what I said. Even though they owned me they couldn’t forbid me my thinking and acting. I still had my own will and that was unbreakable and I somehow doubt they ever had such an idea. Anyway, their task was to retrieve a collar of some sorts another band of mercenaries stole. It should have been an easy task and Gerald said that they would take advantage of the night. They did not see me and I could see three men sitting around a campfire, obviously not taking care about their surroundings. Aaron led the four of them closer to their camp, still not taking notice of me in the shrubbery. I glanced past into the woods over their heads and it was like there were shadows moving behind them and coming closer while my mercenaries did not pay any attention on what was going on behind them. I saw a blade and an archer. It was a bloody trap and the archer was about to shoot its arrow into Ehrde’s direction. Thoughts were pacing in my head and I shouted to watch out behind them. I was too far away to warn them otherwise and in no way I was going to attack them. I couldn’t even wield a weapon properly! Everything happened very fast and we were attacked. One of the mercenaries at the campfire ran towards me while the arches shot his arrow and five other dark figures stormed from the woods towards Gerald and his men. I ran right into the woods, trying to get rid of my persecutor and I had to be fast. All I had was a knife for cooking on me. Even though I was able to see in the darkness I got some bruises and fell from time to time. I had to survive; I did not want to die here! Behind me were the sounds of battle and heavy footsteps. Swell, he was still right behind me and caught up slowly. Swell. Turning around would have been a mistake and here I was and had no clue about what to do. Here I was and my only friend was my darkness. I was home in the darkness and my eyes used to it. I had to confuse my persecutor somehow and take it as an advantage. I increased my speed and my heart was already beating insanely. I managed to confuse him by hiding in the shadows, making a noise when I started to move again just to run into the opposite direction. I was like I was everywhere around him and he came to a halt and looked around confused. I still could not make my way back as the battle should be still ongoing and therefore I decided to be silly and sneak up on him. Let’s see how he loved the idea of me being right behind him and about to force my knife into his throat. Needless to say I missed it badly and while cursing he started beating me up. I fought back tears of pain and was about to lose it again. While I tried to fight him off me his eyes widened all of a sudden and he fell over me, burying me with his weight. With effort I pushed his lifeless body off me and was about to clamber up to my feet again when a hand lowered and I looked up and saw Aaron standing over me, the other hand on his hip and grinning widely down to me. He had several cuts but all in all he looked great.

It turned out I saved their lived by warning them about the trap. Jonathan was badly wounded but he would make it. He’s a tough one, just like all the others. What made me wonder is that I had no idea Aaron was going to look after me and I did not take any notice of him until he helped me up to my feet. Even though Gerald was upset about not obeying his order to stay at our camp he thanked me for warning them about the ambush as they had clearly not expected it. Aaron gave Gerald to know that he wouldn’t mind showing me a little around so I might be even more helpful for them. Gerald took his time but in the end he agreed on Aaron’s plan. Fine enough, I was sick of only cooking for them anyway.

If I had a clue about the training itself I’d have been happy with only the cooking. Seeing I was in a more or less bad constitution I had to work even harder to please them and make any progress. Ehrde took care about the basic training and I got to know a lot about several weapons and armors. He told me that he will be my mentor for now and will show me the way of battles. I swear his training was hell. Not only that he stuffed me into heavy armors, I also had to wield and practice with heavy blades. And always when I almost passed out from exhaustion he somehow managed to get me upright again, calling me names and the like. As I said it was a rough training but then I saw a use in all this torture as well. At some point I’d be stronger than Trenton who sold me to Gerald for a little True. Ehrde’s opinion was that I’d learn best if I learn the hard way and after I was familiar with a longsword and a light plate I was allowed to accompany him and Jonathan to a job. It was a fairly easy job. We only had to kidnap some man and hand him over. It was an easy job but I had to use my weapon as well, seeing his guards did not want to hand him over to us without any battle. I did well. I parried several blows and landed a few good ones. I no way it was comparable to Jonathan and Ehrde but I was pleased with myself, for now.

Seeing I was able to wield a blade and armor I practiced even harder with Ehrde and soon Jonathan joined him so I could learn from both. Aaron always watched me practicing while he usually sharpened his daggers. When I hit the floor he giggled and told me not to give up already. I bared my teeth and hissed, clearly showing him my fangs. He usually frowned when I bared my teeth but didn’t say a thing. However, after years of learning the basics from Ehrde and Jonathan and several jobs together with them Aaron was going to introduce me to the more finesse ways of battle. He knew I was able to see well in the dark and also was good at hiding. I soon found out that I worked way better with light and finesse weapons. I never was very strong but I was good at dodging and my reflexes were already good.

Aaron showed me around his ways and he showed me to hide in the shadows or how to get information from others, even if they are not willing to hand them out freely. I didn’t really care how we got them as long as we got valuable information. Sometimes one has to be a little rougher and sometimes good with words. One never knows. What took me years is how to figure out to sneak behind my opponents and use their weak spots as my advantage. Aaron told me that if one is not that strong like him or me, then one has to rely on tricks and weaknesses of the opponent in order to survive.

To practice what I learned from him, we usually did a scouting mission before a job so we knew what to expect and knew best how to prepare. Gerald did not say much about my training but he was truly impressed by my progress and my new usefulness. But there was still a lot to learn from Aaron and also Ehrde was eager to show me some more tricks of a warrior. Even though his training was rough and exhausting I did not mind it at all, seeing I learned a lot about tactics as well and was able to wear any kind of armor and most weapons while with Aaron I focused on lighter weapons but it never hurts to have knowledge about weapons and how to make use of them in a battle.

Sometimes I also had to break into a building and therefore Aaron handed me over some tools so I could pick them easier. The same goes for traps. I learned how to set them but also to spot and disable them. Traps are nice, as long as they are not used against me.

Even if it was very interesting and I certainly learned a lot from them. I did not feel home, even though Aaron was almost like a father to me, a father I never had. After a heated discussion I made a decision. I was going to leave the four and head somewhere else. I did not feel home in these lands and was not going to head back into my village, yet. While I was away Trenton probably trained as well and if I face him again then it is me who will beat him up and not the other way 'round. Aaron did not want me to leave though. Like he was going to stop me. Of course he could, but then I was still sinister to him due to my heritage and I still had my own will. He simply reminded me though that I am still property of Gerald and have to obey him. I simply shrugged at him and left. I had some serious thinking to do and come up with a plan. They were not going to let me leave. Not after all the efforts they had put on me and I already was someone valuable in battle for them, not to mention a good scout.

Even though it wasn’t my best idea I decided to bail out in a battle and make my way to a harbor so I could sail somewhere else. That was the plan. A few months passed and then I finally found an opportunity. It was midnight when we launched an attack and we were in the woods, too. This was going to work, I knew it! I defeated the mercenary who attacked me and looked around. Everyone was busy fighting and did not pay attention. I scanned my surroundings but I was not able to spot Aaron. Therefore I hid in the shadows which surrounded me and made moved away. Behind me the sounds of battle faded into distance and I was alone. A sigh of relief escaped me and I closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened them again I looked right into Aaron’s green eyes. He had his arms crosses over his chest and asked me if I really wanted to leave them alone. I told him that I would. He hesitated a moment and then hugged me. He whispered that he would not tell Gerald that I fled but that I had died in battle. He cursed me for my decision to leave him and the band of mercenaries alone and told me not to come back again. If I leave now then it will be forever and I patted him on the shoulder before I moved past him. While I walked away I heard him saying: “You are something special, Rachel. Never forget who you are. You may be cursed but it won’t change you. Take care...”

Aaron was wrong on this one. I am not something special; I am tainted and marked for my very whole life. I cannot deny my heritage and it is a burden to my very soul. Sometimes I ask myself if I can still consider myself human anymore. There are some things that give me the creeps. One of them are my fangs. I hate them and people run away from me if I bare my teeth and am called demon-breed. The sad thing is that they are right. I cannot deny the fact that I have a fiendish heritage. Take my slightly pale skin and fangs as an example. I can never fully hide my heritage and I am afraid I will change at some point. I never really had any friends. They all shunned me and also harassed me. Even if they accepted me which they will never ever do, I’d not anyone get close to me. I don’t know if some of my actions are because of my will or subconscious of my heritage. Who am I? I wish I’d know, really. But can I change anything? Not really and I cannot hide my heritage. Some say I am cursed or tainted and maybe they are right. All think I am a bad person so if they all think that way, does it make me one? I don’t really care what the others think about me as it is something personal. Sometimes I wake perspiring up from a nightmare. In my dreams I see myself, just with even more distinctive canines and horns, torturing others. Is this who I really am? I hope not. I am a mortal being and no fiend at all! At least that is what I say to myself. All I know is that once in my bloodline there was a fiend, demon or whatever creature and I am now tainted forever with their blood and there is no way out.

Is this why I don’t feel home anywhere? Is this why I shun most people as well and prefer solitude? Maybe. I can only slightly tell you who I am. Well, I am Rachel Atrasia and this is my story. And right now I am on a vessel to Fort Vehl. Maybe I find a place to call home there but I already know what will await me there. People will shun me again. They did in the past, do now and will in the future as well. But then I cannot say what exactly will expect me there.

*With a heavy sigh Rachel shuts her journal and goes under deck, wrapped in dark clothes, hiding who she really is.*