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Author Topic: On the path to perfection  (Read 63 times)


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    On the path to perfection
    « on: May 30, 2006, 06:45:05 pm »
    *sitting in tailor position ,his back against a tree in Hlint*
    *Written in a childish fashion in a brand new journal*

    Me now think it is time for rest and do cleanup in head,so me put down writes like Master Feng taught Varguk...
    Me member be on road ,watching smoke from dead fire where Master Feng lies for ever.Me sad but me also happy. Sad that Master Feng dead but happy cause Master Feng said "Varguk today will be your first step to perfection". Me member fallin on my behind but that ok.Got back up and walked away.
    Me will always member Master Feng. Him follow like Varguk shadow but in Varguk head instead.
    Me walked for long time and then me got tired.So me go in forest to make fire and sleep.

    Me woke up in front of big Gold Lizard.Me got scared but no scared long,Big Gold Lizard say "Varguk i need you...."
    Me listen.Me knows not very bright but good listen,Master Feng always say" to listen is to learn and to learn is to grow" Me don't always understand what Master feng say but me will work hard for Big Gold Lizard cause him makes me think of Master Feng.
    Him told me to go to Hlint and Varguk will find friends to help Varguk.So Varguk go


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      On the path to perfection
      « Reply #1 on: May 31, 2006, 12:02:54 pm »
      DAY TO

      Me got close to village of Hlint.Me scared a little.Me member litle ones in village close to Master Feng house make fun and throw rocks at Varguk.Them say "Go away you dirty Orc" mo no Orc..well not all Orc. Me mother is nice ,beautiful human .Master Feng say "your mother had hair the color a wildfire" so me know her was beautiful,guess  me don't have a lot of mother in me...

      Hlint is nice place with lot of nice people.Me met lady in front of big house.Her say "you look like a capable young man even if you look a bit "green"". Me say to her this is Varguk skin..Her laff but asked if me could get book lost under Hlint.Me wanted to show me could do good me go.
      Me found stink in here and fought nasty little furries things and bats.Me fought good like Master Feng taught Varguk.Me can hear Master Feng in head."Lower kick followed by circle sweep..breathe Varguk...breathe that's the secret..." So me breed and fought but them little furries too think Varguk will join Master Feng soon. But little metal skin man show and help Varguk beat little furries.Meatal skin man very strong and us beat nasty furries boss.Varguk found book and gave back to little lady in front of big house. Her went to rest and meet other nice people. Me said good-bie to little metal skin man.Me tired now so me writes more later


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        on the path to perfection
        « Reply #2 on: May 31, 2006, 12:03:57 pm »
        DAY TREE

        Varguk happy! Varguk found new friend..her little people..not little people like in Varguk village...Little peole like big people when talk but small people when walk...Her nam is Maple.Her pristesss. Me don't know what that means but me know this good cause Maple knows Magik.Maple help Varguk in find other little people gift lost in cavern.Her was with friends and them help Varguk. So us all go to cave and beat nasty monsters.Us did good and Maple did magiks .Changed Varguk into tree...Me no lie me was "tough as bark" like friend Maple say. Her sure laff a lot but her laff from heart. Varguk laff too.Master Feng say " Laughter is the spring that quenches all the bad in this world". Me don't understand but me think is good.Varguk feels better now, feels stronger Me think Master Feng teached started to get in Varguk head,so Varguk go fight some more and get better.

        Oh well time to go to sleep


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          RE: on the path to perfection
          « Reply #3 on: May 31, 2006, 12:03:57 pm »
          DAY FOR

          Varguk found work! Man in Hlint ask Varguk to find "ears of these red goblin scum" Me ok me don't like Little uglies.Them  nasty with arrows and aleays try to hit Varguk in back.But Varguk found new friends and us go all the way down in little uglies nest and got more ears.We even got head of chief.Me brought back ears and even found man with house on wheels who wanted head. Master Feng say "Never waste the opportunity to do good even if it is only for yourself".Varguk happy today. Got hurt bad but still happy .Was good fight and Varguk beat odds.

          Varguk feels him getting better.Now Varguk tries to be better at "sneaky". *Very wide smile with lower tusks showing*
          Me always like "sneaky". Me member Master Feng put scarf in front of Varguk eyes and then try to find Master Feng with his nose instead of eyes.Then Master Feng turn and Varguk try to hide but Master Feng always find Varguk.

          Master Feng say "don't think like a shadow one" Promise will practiss hard and me one day will be master of shadows.

          Missing friend Maple not see her today...oh well me knows her feels it. got to go

