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Author Topic: Spugly Fuglet Letters home  (Read 70 times)


Spugly Fuglet Letters home
« on: July 25, 2005, 06:53:00 am »
Dear Mum
After ya packed me bag and kissed me byby I left, I walked down the hills until I came to some trees then on bast water to a town. Da funny foke here all sizes and colours some nice some reat bleeders but most nice. Best bit is I find other half gaints like me. Klogger and Frofsnote are me mates here mum they good lads been fighting and drinking with them not to much mind. Twon has shops and stuff Iv never seen befor I wish you was here you would have loved some of da things ya can gets.

I have sent 50 shinys with this letter

Love your
son Spugly


Spugly Fuglet Letters home 2
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2005, 06:58:00 am »
Dear Mum
I got some bad news I got into a bit of bover last week
See I got in with some wrongens and lost me shinys. I was also beet up bad all cuz of goblines and some mine job that fell throw. after that I was thinging of comin home and the Shame that would mean but I met this nice Human called Alya she lent me some shinys so i could get some food and things. Ill never for get this, what she did for me mum
I payed her back and some like you told me to when some one lends ya stuff but I still ow her. She always happy to meat Spugky and I would say she my best mate so for or my be FrogSnot

Any way you look after your self and thanks for the socks

Der is 100 shinys in the letter for ya

Your Son
Spugly Fuglet


RE: Spugly Fuglet Letters home
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2005, 09:09:00 am »
Dear mummy
Spuggly very up set to day, his pet cow Rosay missing, no ones seen her any where she was with the ox man and then gone. In town they say bad things have been snecking into town from the east gat if they have Im going to smash them. Me so unhappy mum no rosay missing will wrignt soon
love your son Spugly


RE: Spugly Fuglet Letters home
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2005, 04:09:00 am »
Dear mummy
Spugly writes to say hope you are well and the sheep are all well, I has been out with others into the gray hills very bad fokes there mum
bad caves as well but good to be in hills again. I found some nice eats Cuger and the lake and me and some mates got jumpet by Orcs
Dem bad ens they kill some of my mates so i SMASH Them with new sword. I have Shinys now and will send more. I have put 200 in with this letter and I nice copper ring i found.
Look after your self and thanks mummy ofr the Rcok cake you sent me last week.

Your Loving son Spugly


RE: Spugly Fuglet Letters home
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2005, 09:19:00 am »
Dear Mummy
I got back to Hlint well and still have the rock cakes been looking into a house here but very expencive,
That job has come up as a bouncer in da new pub so I should be starting soon. Have the new scafe you made me on and
been looking after may self and not eatin any of the foren muck day have here. FrogSnots doing well and Klogger openin a shop
so my have work there to. Well all the best

I have inclosed some gems I found down a cave and made in the draft house for you

Your Lovein son Spugly Fuglet


RE: Spugly Fuglet Letters home
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2005, 06:11:00 am »
Dear Mummy

Me now have job, me works as body Gaurd to thows who need big smashing when out looking for things to make, Me works for Ayla some time a
Nice singer of songs which i likes and others who need strong gaint to help carry copper and da like. It hard work and very long hours mum
but me likes it. Last week I finds a Diemon gem on dis big tree thing me gets lot of coins for that. So me send some with this letters for
your new hat. Me thinking of tyrings to make things cus me strong but dont know what yet. Me just happy work as body garud for nows.

Thanks you mums for the rock cakes
You son


RE: Spugly Fuglet Letters home
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2005, 06:02:00 am »
Derr mummy
Sorry mes not wright long time have have lot to do here in Hlilt with all de others getting ready for wars with
bad man Blood. Me have found work hard but get coin but dear are some bad ones here who try trick
me to do lot of work for free or bad pay me knows dem now so me stop worin for dem.

Here is some coins and some nice honnys