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Author Topic: Kerberan  (Read 71 times)


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    « on: October 05, 2005, 12:02:00 pm »
    Full: Kerberan
    Age: 21
    Class: Fighter
    Race: Human
    Alignment: True neutral

    Kerberan grew up with his grandfather. His mother and father had deserted him when he was young.  His grandfather taught him how to fight like a true warrior. His grandfather was a fierce warrior. Wielding a great axe, his grandfather was able to use it with swift swings. Kerberan followed in his grandfather’s ways and became not only his grandson but his pupil as well.

    Many years past and when he turned 16 his grandfather could no longer train him. He had fallen ill and was bed ridden. His grandfather told him that he was once a pirate and served on a ship called ‘Sturmwind’. On the day his grandfather died he had promised him that he would serve on the ‘Sturmwind’ and do him proud.

    He searched the oceans for months looking for the ‘Sturmwind’ and when he did finally find it; he was told to go back to his mummy. To the captains surprise Kerberan grabbed his Great axe and all hell broke lose. He was able to injure 40% of the ships crew before the captain knocked him to his knees. Although strong, he was no match for the ships captain, Arkhan Treneas. The captain looked at him, and then suddenly began to laugh. “I like you kid”, Kerberan still remembers those words, and that is how he came about serving on the ‘Sturmwind’

    On his 19th birthday, a man called Trysk join the crew. He was the leader of many landing parties. Kerberan was able to join him one time.
    ‘The Tiger’. That’s what he was known as. Kerberan was ambushed by a huge group of trolls. He had been told to go find some fruit and was ambushed. He fought fiercely but it was no use. He wore himself out, and had fallen to one knee. Just as he thought it was the end, Trysk came flying through the tree’s, like a mighty tiger and slaughtered the remaining trolls.
    Kerberan owes Trysk his life and vowed to repay the favour.
    On Zelqeo’s 21st birthday, Trysk left the ship, and Kerberan followed, although he was too slow to keep up with him. He heard word a few months later that Trysk had been seen around Hlint.

    After leaving the ship he had spent his time in a small village, which to this day he has no idea what it was called. He helped out around the village, asking every new traveller that entered town if he had heard of a man called Trysk and if he knew where he could find him. He spent a lot of time practising his combat skills.
    He slayed a great wolf which had entered town to search for food and had cornered some kids. He was named a hero by the people and his heroic deeds did not end there.
    For the few months he was there, he had become known as there protector, and the night before he left, the towns folks held a huge party to pay him back for his good deeds as he had never accepted any rewards from the towns people.
    It was during his trip back to Hlint that it happened. As he made his way past Port Hampshire he bumped into a group of bandits.After afew moments of glaring at each other, a fight broke out. Bodies were flying from left to right, right to left. All was going well until...a kid playing around decided to chuck a stone at Kerberan. CRACK! it hit him straight in the back of the head and he collapsed to the floor.
    Upon waking up, he felt a cold breeze and looked down. He was shocked to find that the bandits had stole everything, even his underwear. He stood there stark naked pondering what to do. He sat there for awhile then saw a young fellow, around 18 walking past, and jumped on him and knocked him out, stealing every last bit of clothes on him. He entered Port Hampshire in search of the bandits that took his stuff, and went straight for the inn, and sure enough he found the bandits. They began by taunting him and swearing, but one of them put their face alittle to close and his face is now a whole lot prettier.
    Kerberan asked the man "Where is my axe!?"
    This went on for awhile as the bandit leader wouldn't give a clear reply.
    Kerberan grabbed him by the throat and smashed him against the wall, breaking the bandits spine in the process.
    "where is my  axe!?" he said again in a voice of authority.
    The bandit gave in and said he had given it to his boss as a gift.
    Upon arrival of the caves, of which the nice bandit gave him directions to, he noticed that the door was impervious to any attack and couldn't be opened without using the key.
    Kerberan was stumped. He knew there was no chance those foolish bandits back at town would have key, so although hard, he decided that he would just head to Hlint, and would come back to the cave when he could find away around the door.
    He travelled for a week straight before he reached Hlint, where he had been told Trysk could be found....


    RE: Kerberan
    « Reply #1 on: October 06, 2005, 10:20:00 am »

