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Author Topic: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land  (Read 16058 times)


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #260 on: December 13, 2009, 11:05:14 am »
The ways of the Weapon Master are spreading...

Fehreil has told me he has trained one Vrebel in the ways of a Master of the Greatsword. I have held that no matter the is how that weapon becomes one with its wielder that makes one a Master.

It heartens me to see the ways being revived. However...we still need a place where all Masters of Weapons can come to hone our skills...and keep the ways of Karrak Diamondback from fading into history.

But for Master at a time will have to do...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #261 on: January 29, 2010, 01:22:23 pm »
So much has happened...

Our guild hall has been remodeled. A secondary customer entrance has been made and the general layout has been changed. We even put a statue of Daniel Poetr up in the ballroom. We started moving some of our wares back from Haft Lake. I will keep some there for ease if any on Dregar needs goods. The new hall will serve us well.

14 years in the making...

The search for the dragon cure still goes forth. Slowly ever since a pair of Jhemina have been relocated under the care of the Great Emerald. Only one reagent remains. I won't write here...too unsecure. Suffice it to say we need to enlist the help of people who aren't too trusting of us. Us being a general term. I hope we could convince them to help us.

And time marches on...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #262 on: February 12, 2010, 07:31:09 pm »
*The writing on this page is more illegible scribble than anything else...a shaky hand wrote it...but three words stand out...*

Ben Poetr dead...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #263 on: February 24, 2010, 08:50:24 pm »
They say things happen in three's...

First...Ben has died...

Just slipped away and got himself killed. Just like him to do that. A Toranite guard found his remains and buried him. Poor Lana...she and the kids will have a hard time of it. Luckily Grandpa Kyle is here. Zira has been appointed as Ben's replacement as Guild Captain. Replacement...doesn't sound right...successor...that's better...

Second...Sonya's gone too...

Got killed gathering spotted 'shrooms near Stort. Apparently...her invisibility wasn't up to snuff and she got killed. She...Rain...myself...and Ferrit are the founding four of the guild. We miss her.

Third...a surprise...a letter from Rain...

Our brother...has gone to tend Folian's forest. Which means one thing...the illness that he left the guild over is close to taking him. I will make sure his memory lives in all of us. May he be re-united with Sonya when he goes on his final hunt...

Statues will be put in the Hall of the Fallen in the Guild Hall. Their memories will ever be present then...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #264 on: June 21, 2010, 06:56:16 pm »
I have made a decision...

I have decided to step down as Guild Master of the Angels. I am not able to devote the time as I used to when Rain left to tend Folian's forests. I appointed Alazira as Guild Mistress until the guild decides on a permanent replacement. Hells...she was practically running the place anyway.

I'll still be a member of the Angels...just not its Master. And to be feels as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can now  devote time to reviving the Guild of Power...that school of Weapon  Masters Karrak Diamondback started many years ago. I hope I am  successful.

It is what needs to be done...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #265 on: September 25, 2010, 01:10:50 am »
War is brewing on Dregar...

The armies of Rael are massing along the border of the Rael Kingdom. The build up is said to be in response to Dark Elf incursions on towns in Rael. Right...and I am Ozlo reborn. Don't believe a word of it. Especially since about 11,000 or more troops are along the southern border with Lor.

I even heard that the Mayors and Diet have granted 'requests' made by Lord Rael. That leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And this is just the start.
Lor will become an extension of Prantz where the state controls what is said...done...thought.

I hope they come to their senses in Lor and tell Rael where to go with his 'requests' before it's too late...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #266 on: December 28, 2010, 03:14:29 pm »
Rael has been sent reeling...

First...war did come to Lor. It started when Rael's armies occupied Castle Mask and held one of Lor's representatives. A clear act of war. The Lor army answered by routing the larger Rael Southern Army. The Raelians were forced to retreat back to Prantz. Good on Lor!!!

Second...Prantz was attacked and was set ablaze. Part of the reason the remaining troops went back to Rael. The rumor is the Green Dragon Cult is responsible. Maybe...

I'd be lying if I say I'm am totally sorry Prantz is burning...Jil's orphanage is there as is our Dregar warehouse. But..this shows for once that Rael is not infallable...that he can be dealt with. I've walked Prantz' streets...seen the 'happiness' around...if that is what it can be called. It is for the people of Prantz I am sorry for...sorry that this will displace a lot of them.

As for 'Lord' Rael...well...I'll not write it here...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #267 on: January 11, 2011, 07:25:23 pm »
A price on my head...just for being me...

The Lord of Ash...Lester Tremaine of Kuhl...has put a bounty on any and all adventurers and their families. Already dozens have been killed for the trues.

They just want those who have the ability and the will to stand up to Kuhl and their Cult masters out of the way...for what...I don't know.

In the meantime...let them come. Any mercenary or assassin who tries to collect on me will have his head shipped to Tremaine.

That message will be clear...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #268 on: October 14, 2011, 09:28:45 pm »
*Blows dust off his journal*

The war is just about over....but if I learned anything...nothing is truly over. The Cult has been driven back to's plague cured. Now they plan to oust this Molvaren and reclaim Kuhl. So...the war still goes on I guess. And I begrudgingly respect the Kingdom of Rael for their part on Dregar. They pushed them out of Audira and back to Belinara and great cost in casualties. Still don't trust them...but they earned some respect...for now.

There is a ball in Erylin at the Fort of Kings for past and present heroes of the realm. I joined one of the competitions...but wasn't allowed a katana. Still...did well to gain the respect of my opponent. Then I hear that our old friend...Honora...the once illiterate poor half-orc girl who became a proud Erylin noble...died in her home.

I can remember when Ferrit and I first met her. Dirty...disheveled and barely spoke Common...she grew to become a dear friend. I will miss her deeply. I await any word on a state funeral in which I'm sure to attend.

More to write about later...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #269 on: January 02, 2012, 11:32:01 am »
Life's path takes many twists and turns...

This one is a good one...and unexpected. The ball itself was a grand gathering of Erylin's society. Her nobles and commoners was a bit overwhelming at first.

It was at the ball that the surprise had come. After mingling with the many guests and dances with Ferrit...Her majesty the Queen addressed the crowd. She praised those who serve the crown today...and solemnly remembered Erylin's fallen. She also eulogized Honora for her service to the crown.

She then announced the formation of a new branch of the Knights of Erylin. They will embody the spirit of co-opertation in people from all over for the common good. I was surprised when I saw that Ferrit and I were named as honorary Knights.

This is a high honor. Honorary or not...I'll try to live up to the ideals the Knights represent. Quite a twist in my path.

Honora would have been be proud of us...


Re: Kyle Pandorn: Stranger in a Strange Land
« Reply #270 on: April 07, 2012, 10:46:44 am »
One lesson always reminds me on my path...

One must know his limits. Unfortunately...finding those limits comes with a high price.

The...Wyrmsbane Ordeal I'll call it...was just such a limit. That it was presumed to be a simple journey to recover some ancient artwork was arrogant  so say the least...deadly to say the worse.

Magics that played on emotions...angry undead...and elven statues on a inaccessable atoll proved to be more that we can handle. We lost Amgine to the undead...almost lost Elly to them...Jil cast into an inconsolable depression...too high a price to ensure a sponsor in the Council for a building project. Way too high. But Andrew says we will re-group and better prepare to try it again...we Ilsarians are always optimistic...almost to the point of hubris.

Maybe my limit has been reached as well...maybe the Path of a Master is coming to an end...Maybe I was not meant to walk this path to begin with...


I need guidance...My life has
« Reply #271 on: October 31, 2013, 11:48:24 am »

I need guidance...

My life has stopped. I don't go to the guild hall much anymore. At home...Ferrit and I barely say two words to each other. I find myself just wandering listlessly around Port Hempstead or rhyme or reason. My blacksmithing has suffered. It even has been a while since I wrote anything in here. Life just...stopped.

I don't know why. Don't remember when I last felt good about anything. I need help sorting things out. Maybe some time at the Breath will sort me out.

Maybe life will start again...



Ok...the gods are getting
« Reply #272 on: October 10, 2014, 10:55:39 pm »

Ok...the gods are getting mischeivous...

The constellations and stars that are attributed to Deliar, Dorand, Goran, Lucinda, Prunilla and Shindelaria have all moved into a circle around the one attributed to Aragen. This has formented a general concern in some...panic in others. Tried to get to Erylin but the ships won't leave port because they say the can't navigate without the stars in their usual positions. Can't say I blame is disconcerting.

Something is going on with them. Something that my Lady Muse sees fit to not join them. After all...Ilsare does not like Aragen much and chooses to stay away. I am ill equipped or very knowledgeable about such things. First I am going to speak to the clerics at the Deliar temple here in Port Hempstead.

But I will need some guidance from the Heartsong. Some inspiration to why this is happening. Couldn't hurt...



The gods were giving us a
« Reply #273 on: August 04, 2015, 10:57:00 pm »

The gods were giving us a warning...

The shift in constellations was a warning from the gods themselves. The other incidents of missing people and the disease 'Fastrot' was all the doings of Milara and his latest attempt to become a god.

He was using a device called The Conduit to try and syphon off divine magics from people who were inclined to have such magic. This was...I think..was causing the 'Fastrot' as it was making people dissolve into gory puddles.  Didn't have a chance to see this and not sure I wanted to.

Anyway...using a device called the Failsafe...we tracked the Conduit to the Mountains of Madness where we disrupted Milara doing something...couldn't tell what. He fled and we killed his undead soldiers and his Triumph and vaunted Pet. Big time blow to him. He has vanished to lick his wounds and plot again. We haven't heard the last of him.

The Conduit is being returned to its rightful place with some gnomes we encountered in the woods near Leringard. They were a little dismayed at the tinkering Milara did to it...but they're gnomes...they can probably undo what he did to it. Crafty little buggers they are.

All is well again...until the next crisis strikes. Wait till I tell Ferrit I helped defeat Milara somewhat...


