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Author Topic: Fr. Logan's Journal  (Read 212 times)

Skabot Redwolf

Fr. Logan's Journal
« on: June 22, 2010, 05:44:02 pm »
*Father Logan has put in many years in the service to the church of Lucinda.  His views were not always popular, or well accepted.  His proposal that the Lucindite church start a holy order of undead hunters was met with reproach by the general council; his volunteering to head said order met with amusement and best and was scorned by some as shameless self promotion.  His continual warnings of some unforeseen threat from necromancy were initially simply scoffed at and then met with icy stares, and finally most of his peers in the clergy took to simply trying to avoid him. He has heard from friends still loyal to him that he is commonly referred to as 'the Toranite' by many of the Lucindite clergy.  He considered trying to pledge to the order of Protectors of the Weave, but he feared he was too old, and possibly not pure enough of heart.  And so after much reflection, Fr. Logan has decided to retire as an active member of the clergy.  After his many years of faithful service, and and his steady decline in popularity, he believes his retirement will not be met with much resistance from his superiors.*

After much thought on the matter, I have decided to retire from active service in the Church of Lucinda.  I believe I have reminded the faithful to be ever-vigilant to the threat of undead attack enough times that some of it must have sunk in.  I have decided to spend my golden years learning music from my friend Ferros, helping tend the plants of Hempstead, and swapping tales at the Inn.  I recall many fine times at the Tavern, singing telling tales, a cold ale in my hand and a warm fire at my back.  

I also want to further my research into hymns of the various deities; of course, of Our Lady of Spells in particular.  Ferros gave me an excellent hymnal that is cleverly bound in carved Mahogany which when tapped can give one the pitch note for the hymns it contains.  I wish to learn the process of manufacturing these books, I think such books would be a boon to traveling clergy.  

Finally, I am intrigued by the interaction of the Weave and song.  The casting is arcane, yet they can heal... fascinating.  The interaction with the Weave is almost like a divine blessing from Lucinda her self.  I have formally studied magic, I wonder if I could learn to cast bardic magic?  The idea fills me with a vigor that I haven't felt since I was a lad.  

Father Logan


Re: Fr. Logan's Journal
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 12:45:11 pm »

Farros & Warsinger teaching Logan musical theory in game.

