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Author Topic: Thoughts Behind the Mask  (Read 65 times)

Black Raven

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    Thoughts Behind the Mask
    « on: August 30, 2006, 03:22:44 pm »
    I've been in this town for the past few weeks now. The back alleys and sideways are becoming more and more known to me by the passing days. This town holds much oddness in it; I've seen wizards casting harmful spells as mere tricks, but a wizard is always the same no matter where - selfish and cruel. No different here. Also seen others with skin as black as mine! It’s...odd...they do not fear of being turned away, or worse - stoned to death by the town folks. I find this puzzling; I will have to investigate it when given time.

    I've also met several folks in my first days around. The first would be Roy. He calls himself a ranger and hunter of sorts; he is skilled with the bow and sword, along with the company of forest creatures. Two to be exact - a panther and an oversized brown bear. Still trying to get used to them, as much as one can with wild animals. In any case, I met him near Hilnt's pond, while I was fishing, or trying to fish. He saw it was my first time and so he took the time to teach me the trade. He showed me around the town and outside for fishing sites, and even gave me his shovel to catch baits with for free. The humans here are nice and naive.
    I met an elven girl named Nyyana the other day. She seems to be a chef in training. She is quite popular in this land I noticed. She works in a tavern called "the freelancers tavern" as a bartender and as a chef. She was kind enough to teach me the ways of the kitchen and where to find food supplies in nature so I could live off food other than fish and dry rations.
    My times in Hilnt grow old, and my training with the sword is progressing well. I've been able to become wiser with each step I take closer to my faith. My time is now divided between cooking and training and trips back and forth to the temple of Toran in Fort Llast. I've been able to use the fishing’s and cooking I learned to offer donation food to the needy that visit the temple.