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Author Topic: Letters  (Read 597 times)


« on: July 20, 2008, 11:07:27 am »
Dear Father,
I hope that I am able to make you proud.  I have recieved orders that the Temple of Toran in Ft. Llast.  Toran seems to be guiding me to where I need to go, and I have found people along the way that have been a blessing at each turn.  I was fortunate enough to see the Beacon in the town square in Hempstead, however, there were a pair of Mistites that were causing trouble.  The Beacon charged me to keep an eye on one of them, who I have later learned is the one called Jaelle Thornwood, who apparently associates with undead.  I have been spending much of my time clearing out undead from a crypt in Ft. Vehl.  The town seems to be lost as a whole, and inside and surrounding the town there is a curse that seems to be neverending where the undead need a regular cleaning.  Don't worry for me, Toran has spared me again and again, and my body and soul are whole.

I have met a knight who seems to embody the true message of the church and lives by example as well as by the sword.  I have spent a good deal of time with him and I see him as a good example to have in addition to the Beacon Ravenwind as to what I could become someday in the service of our god.

I hope things are well at home.  Give my love to mother and to Samuel and Jacob.  I know that they have probably grown so much since the last time I saw them.  I'm sure by now they are learning to pick up swords already.  I hope to be able to come home soon even if only for a short time, but for now I am needed here.  I know you understand.  Peace of the All Watching be with you.

My love always,
your daughter.


Re: Letters
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2008, 11:12:53 am »
To the Beacon Ravenwind,

I have learned that Jaelle Thornwood may be in danger from someone named Brian.  This man, who I had recently met briefly, has apparently killed his own brother in cold blood and intends to also kill Miss Thornwood.  Since I know of your interest in her, I felt it prudent to let you know.  

In His name,
Daniella Stormhaven,


Re: Letters
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2008, 02:34:13 pm »
Dear Mother,
I hope all is well with you.  I am well, and don't worry, I am not injured and I have been able to find plenty of food and shelter, and I am safe.  

I met a Knight named Lance Stargazer and we have been spending time together doing Toran's work.  He is a good man and has helped me a great deal in getting aclimated here.  I just wanted to ask you a few things though.  He gave me a necklace.  A very beautiful holy symbol that he said was his very first consecrated holy symbol and said he'd be honored if I wore it.  I accepted it, and I'm very proud to have it, but, do you think it was just a gift, or do you think he meant it as something more?  I don't want him to have the wrong impression of me, and I have obeyed all of the rules of decorum I think, so I hope he hasn't.  I also found a strange piece of art, which I'm not sure I was meant to find.  I think it dropped out of his pack.  It was a drawing of him, and below it it said something about he was looking for a Toranite lady... It made me a bit uncomfortable... there aren't a whole lot of active female followers other than those at the temple.  He's never said anything about it to me though, so I'm hoping that there really is no cause for feeling strange about it.  He has never made any advances that I know of... I have so much work still to be done in His name.  I am afraid a personal attachment might distract me from doing the work of the All Watching.  What do you think, Mother?  You've always been able to do His work and raise your family, but I am trying the kind of work that Father did... and well, he was not the one raising the family.  I am still young, right?  Please tell me I don't have to worry about this yet?

In His Light,


Re: Letters
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2008, 12:01:02 pm »
Beacon Ravenwind,

I witnessed an event at Port Hempstead.  A half orc named Muhk was kicked out of the city by the guards where after a long argument the half orc pulled a weapon and he and the guards engaged in battle and one of the guards was killed along with the half orc.  I am writing to you because the reaction of the people there was disturbing to me.  The guards were doing their job and defending the city, yet those around seemed to be upset that this Muhk was punished for his actions.  THe guards did not use violence until Muhk pulled out his weapon.  They used a show of force in numbers, but even when the gate guard was trying to usher him out, he was fairly gentle, and yet this half orc struck the guard down.  To me, it is clear, he was a lawbreaker and a tresspasser, and now he is a murderer.  So why is it that the people around seem to think that he is a victim?  Someone I do not know, but I believe someone called him Tim, decided to chastise me for my inaction in letting the guards handle their own territory, calling me a coward and a bully.  Yet, he had done nothing but stand there as well.  

I am beginning to feel deeply disturbed about some of the people in the city of Port Hempstead.  The constant inaction and lack of desire for consequences to evil actions is seeming more and more like the city is as lacking in their morals and consciences as Ft. Vehl.  If it is true that they allowed a vampire to walk amongst them, perhaps they are not that far off from Ft. Vehl in truth.

Lance has advised me that everyone deserves redemption, but I still believe that there are those that may be beyond redemption, and there are those that do not seek it, or do not feel that they need it.  So shouldn't the evil actions of those be punished so that they learn the error of their ways?  I know I am still young and learning, and I know that our church no longer has the power of the laws, but it seems to me that the Rofirenites are too lax in their judgements if these actions are allowed without recourse.

I would appreciate any advice you can offer me.

In His service,
Daniella Stormhaven


Re: Letters
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2008, 12:36:20 pm »
Dear Father,
The Beacon allowed me to go with her to put two shades to rest near Port Hempstead.  She has told me that I need to learn to be able to sense them when they are near.  I am thrilled with the opportunity to learn under one so knowledged.  I sense that she is not well recieved in town, and I don't really understand why, given the good that she does for the people everywhere.  I believe she is trully misunderstood, though I am glad that she does not seem to take notice of it, and I am proud to have her as a mentor.

I am investigating a guild inside the city of Port Hempstead by the name of the Angels Guild.  Recently a half-orc violated the laws of the city, and was escorted outside the city, even though with the apparent number of warnings he recieved, the guards could have killed him on site.  He murdered two of the city's guards, and yet for some reason this guild seems convinced of his innocence, saying that the guards attacked first, and that he was a good and honorable person.  But, father, I witnessed it.  He was not innocent in his actions, yet, whatever lies this guild has been told, or lies they tell themselves, they have decided to support this murderer.  From what I have learned from talking to their members is that they seem to take all kinds, with all kinds of paths and histories.  They also seem either very disorganized, or they honestly have no idea of the half-orcs lack of the necessary paperwork and waiver to enter the city.  I am leaning more towards either disorganization or willfull neglect, or even that they trully did not feel the need to follow the law.

I am honored to be given such a task, father, and I hope that I am able to do a good job.  I feel so badly for the families of the two fallen guards.  I am still appalled by the attitudes of some of the citizens and wandering so-called-heroes that travel here.  Rather than supporting the guards and the laws, they defend the murderer, and chastise the guards, and mock those who would see that justice be done and order be reestablished.

Please send my love to mother, and the boys.  

My love,


Re: Letters
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2008, 03:10:39 pm »
Initiate Stormhaven,

Allow the Az'attans to continue preaching redemption.  It is our mission to shine the Light of Toran into the darkest corners of society and the hearts of those who choose the path of evil.  There is no compromising our faith and our mission.  You are on the correct course, do not stray and keep strong even under the scrutiny of those who attempt to divert your attentions.

I shall speak with Paladin Stargazer on his misconceptions of the faith.

Toran's Light Guide You,
Anne Ravenwind
Beacon, Order of the Shining Hand


Re: Letters
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2008, 02:14:53 pm »
I have interviewed several members of the Angels guild, and while I do believe that some trully do not know what has happened with the half-orc, it seems that the head of the organization, Mr. Rain Darsus, and his second, Mrs. Ferritt Pandorn, not only understand the laws that were broken, but also in their refusal to comment on the issue, and their hostility towards not only myself, but to you and the church as well, they are hiding something, and know full well of their guilt in the matter.  Other members of the guild, a priestess of Beryl, Galathea Arnaduillae, and Mrs. Elohanna Dawnstar have tried to blame disorganization for the infraction, stating that Mr. Darsus and Mrs. Pandorn did not mean to break the law, but instead failed by misunderstanding to check that the paperwork was in order and that the half-orc had the proper authorization to enter the city.  But upon speaking with Mr. Darsus and Mrs. Pandorn, it does not appear as such, and from the hostility on the part of Mr. Darsus I can only believe that the law was knowingly ignored.  Mr. Darsus then went on to say that he would only speak to the Shining Hand himself if there was to be further investigation into the guild, as he is a close personal friend of his.  Mrs. Dawnstar also stated that she was a close personal friend to the Hand.

Another member of the guild, Mr. Ben Poetr tried to lie and say that when the half-orc was admitted into the guild before the laws were posted on the sign outside of Port Hempstead, but upon speaking to other citizens and other members of the guild itself, that has been refuted.

The guild members all also try to state that the half-orc was being held injustly and that the only reason he killed the guards was out of self-defense, but being a witness myself, and after reconfirming the events with Lance Stargazer, another witness of the event, I know that to be false.  

I will continue to attempt to find out more information if possible, but given the refusal to cooperate by the head of the guild, I am not sure as to how much more information can be obtained except through lesser members of the group who are more willing to give information, but may not be as accurate as to actual guild procedure.

In His Light,
Daniella Stormhaven

PS:  They also seem to think for some reason that you have attacked members of their guild.  I have assured them that it must be a misunderstanding.


Re: Letters
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2008, 04:29:19 pm »
My Daughter Daniella,

I do not know what to tell you except that even ones on the path that you have chosen deserve to be loved.  I still hope that some day you will come home to us, it has been too far since we have seen you.  Your brothers are growing like weeds and it will not be long until they too join the path of your father in one way or another.  Be safe, please, for I pray daily that Toran watches over you that you will not be harmed.  Follow your heart, my daughter, and may Toran lead it to the right decisions.

My love always,
your mother


Re: Letters
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2008, 04:56:26 pm »
Initiate Stormhaven,

I am saddened to hear that you have run into an all too typical situation in the course of your investigation as a Initiate Justicer of Toran.  Let this be a lesson in the great lengths people choose to deceive and lie about situations in order to maintain their darkness vice face the Light of Toran.  This guild is no exception to the evil hidden within the hearts of man which must be sought out and cleansed from their very souls.

The mere fact that the guild leader will only speak to the Shining Hand is another facet of evidence I can add to my already long file of charges against the man himself.  There is a corruption at hand, a vile one, that must be banished from our church, lest it become a scar on the beauty which is the faith of Toran.

Continue the course.  Do not fall victim to the pitfalls and untruths spread by those against our faith and our cause.  You are doing well, Initiate, and I am proud of the work and ethics you display.  Someday I believe you shall be a very fine addition to our gauntlet and the greater causes of Toran.

Also, know that I would never attack an innocent.  Their lies do nothing to tarnish my name or my reputation in the church.  Dimiss or ignore further accusations against us, as together we stand as one in Toran's Light.

Justice and Faith,
Annemarie Ravenwind
Beacon, 2nd Gauntlet
Order of the Shining Hand


Re: Letters
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2008, 01:19:06 pm »
Dear Father,

Something happened recently that didn't sit right with my soul.  I have been charged to find a dark elf that has been running around Mistone and bring him in to be dealt with.  From his behaviors that I had witnessed, he always seemed like he was sneaking around, possibly to find his next victim, I suppose.  The first time I saw him was in some crypts in Ft. Vehl, and I gave him a warning.  I told him to go back to his underground, and leave the cities and the surface, or he would be dealt with.  He ran then, at least I think he did, because I didn't see him again.  But then apparently he didn't go away, he kept skulking around in places and for some reason some of the local adventurers thought that he was harmless.  I've never met a dark elf that was harmless.  

Well, I guess I'll get down to it.  Beacon Ravenwind told me to either kill him or drive him back underground if I saw him again.  I hadn't seen him again until I was actually with her.  We chased him, and tried to get him to stop.  I was actually unarmed for a part of it.  He cast darkness on me, and when I stepped out of the darkness he was gone.  Or so I thought.  He kept coming back.  If he had really wanted to just simply escape, why didn't he keep running?  He came back again and he cast darkness on the Beacon, and then at some point, which I confess I wasn't near enough to see exactly what happened, the Beacon was injured by him, and she then swiftly struck him down.  She mended his wounds enough for him to stand again and asked him to Halt, and instead he ran away, but then turned and again attacked, and was again struck down to unconsciousness.  I carried his body, and the Beacon carried his things, and we brought him to Port Hempstead and put him in a cage with another dark elf that had recently been apprehended for sneaking into the city.  None of that I had a problem with.  

But the dark elf continued to not help his cause.  He spit several times in the Beacon's face, and for no apparent reason he attacked and killed the other dark elf.  The Beacon said that he would now be charged with murder as well, but at least it saved her a second execution to perform.  

The part that I had a problem with, I guess, is that she said that the dark elf would be executed at sundown.  No trial, no official judgement.  And the way that she spoke to him and she grabbed him and bashed his head against the bars because he wouldn't stop spitting at her... it was unnecessary.  He was captured, he was defeated.  There was no reason to be cruel and to humiliate him.  She wanted me to be the one to execute him.  She said it would be an honor for me to be able to do it.  But I felt sick over it.  Like I was working outside of the law instead of within it.  She insisted though, even when I implored her to let him be tried.  She made a mockery of it though.  She asked him how he would plead and listed his charges, and then when he didn't understand common or just didn't answer, she said that his silence was an admission of guilt and he would be executed.  I know that the evidence would speak for itself against the dark elf, but I still thought that he should've had a trial.  But, I also didn't want to go against her.  

I resigned, and I thought if I had to execute this dark elf, I would at least make it as swift and painless as I could.  She told me to escort him outside the city, and she followed. When we got outside the city, the Beacon told the dark elf to kneel, and an elf I know translated it for him.  But instead of kneeling honorably, he took off running.  Now he is loose again, and if someone is harmed by him before I can bring him in, that guilt will rest with me as well.  He should've still been in custody, or he should be dead.  But I still think he should've been treated fairly.  Razeriem, the elf I just told you about, the one that translated.  He said that if he had attacked me I would have killed him without a second thought in self defense.  And that is true, but with the situation being what it was... it just didn't feel like that was the way things were supposed to be.  It didn't feel like something Toran would want.  

Father, please let me know what is the right thing to do?  Should I have kept my mouth shut and done as I was told, or should I have protested further for the fair treatment of a captured foe?  I trust your judgement.

In Toran's light,
your daughter


Re: Letters
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2008, 02:05:27 pm »
Dear Daniella,

  As a paladin of His Light we are often beset with difficult situations.  Ones without clear cut right and wrongs.  Now with that said, there is always right and wrong actions.  You have been raised with your own moral compass and know our faith to the letter.  You have always done yourself, Toran and your parents proud.  I could give you the answers you seek, but this is a test of your faith and abilities.  So I will instead only offer advice and an ear to your troubles.

First, in a situation that requires immediate action, do not hesitate and always go with your instincts.  If you were to have killed the dark elf in battle.  We both know that would have been justice dealt out.  Never give yours and Toran's enemies power over you by assigning them attributes they do not or might not possess.  If you are beset by the one good dark elf in the world and he is about to strike down a human, you, of course, protect the human and slay the dark elf if the situation presents itself.  If you later find out that the human was a murderer and the dark elf a hero. You have commited no wrong.  You have acted as you must in a combat situation.  Now, if you approach the same situation but the dark elf is only brow beating the human or even dragging him, then mayhaps you can question the event as you draw your sword.  And lastly, if you came into the same situation but the dark elf was wounded and the human standing over him prepared to deliver the killing blow.  It would be up to your instincts to wether or not you try to spare the dark elf the killing blow so you can take him to trial or not.  You are not a commoner, people look up to us my daughter.  We have a higher code and standards to live up to.  You should always evaulate your actions when time permits so you can act with more faith and heart to a similiar scenario in the future.  And we make mistakes.  We are human.  But to repeat a mistake would be a true crime against Toran's Light.  

As for following your commander.  In time of action or combat you will always do as you are ordered and as you are expected.  But in other situations you will follow you understandings of our doctrine and you own moral compass.  Do not question your supperiors in a public forum as the masses must be able to look to us for guidance.  But that does not mean you can not ask for guidance and their wisdom in a private audiance.

As for your words of Ravenwind striking out against a caged prisoner.  I am sorry to hear so.  As I said we all make mistakes.  I believe she just overreacted to the creatures disrespect, and putting your life at risk with his attack.  I have full confidence that when she reflects on the days event's that is one of the actions she would like to have to do again.  And as for a lack of trial, she is entrusted with more power and freedom due to her position.  You however do not have that freedom and as you know are fully expected to see to the letter of the law.  If it would have been your prisoner instead of hers, I would expect you to see to it that it found its trial.  But as it was her prisoner and attacked her specifically, she has her rights to see to its execution.

As for blaming yourself for the creature's escape, this is one area I can offer you a true answer to.  The creature was under Ravenwind's care and custody.  It made its escape.  You are not responible for any crimes it commits unless you fail to try to locate and apprehend it.  As long as you continue to work to find it, you are free from the guilt of its actions.  But since you are involved you have a responsibility to capture or kill it.  I am sure Ravenwind will capture it soon enough anyway.

With all of my love my daughter, and with Toran's Light always upon you,

Kendrick Stormhaven,


Re: Letters
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2008, 09:58:42 am »
Dear Father,
The Shining Hand has been abducted, I don't know if you have heard.  He was taken by undead.  There is a lot of turmoil around this area, as can be expected.  But a lot of people seem to want to believe that Beacon Ravenwind is responsible.  While I do not believe it, some other things that have been said, and other things that I have witnessed do worry me.  When I told her what happened to Master Quantum, she smiled.  She said it was terrible... but she smiled.  I've been thinking and praying a lot about it, and I'm not so sure she wants to find him.  She seemed to be more concerned with replacing him than finding him.  There were a lot of accusations by people around here also.  That she tried to strangle a local woman, that she attempted to stab someone else.  I've spoken to the Beacon about these things before, and she assured me she would never attack an innocent.  So I have to believe that she has her reasoning.  But something isn't right, father, and I'm not sure what to do about it.  I know that you will not give me the answer I am looking for, but I hope you do not mind me telling you of my concerns.  As another in the Order, even retired, I still think you should know what is happening.  

I hope all is well at home.  I've enclosed a couple loaves of oat bread that I made.  I hope that you enjoy them.

All my love,


Re: Letters
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2008, 10:02:21 am »
There have been some serious allegations made against you.  I understand that things are busy dealing with the search for the Shining Hand, but if you have time, I would like to discuss them with you.  Perhaps you can shed some light on things.  Thank you.

In His Light and Service,
Daniella Stormhaven
Paladin of Toran


Re: Letters
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2008, 10:06:49 am »
*written to Balazar*
Dear sir,
I have heard reports from a guard of Mistone now stationed at Ft. Llast that Master Quantum has been kidnapped by undead. He said that as of now they do not have any leads, but that the Undead Slayers from across the world are being notified. I have not seen you in some time, and I thought you should be notified. If you know of anything that I can do in order to help return the Hand, I am at the service of the Temple, and Toran. Please let me know. I would like to see him returned safely and the undead and person behind the undead dealt with.

In his Light,
Daniella Stormhaven


Re: Letters
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2008, 10:07:27 am »
*reply from Balazar*


Your letter reaches me with a heavy heart during dark times.for it is times like this that we are to remain strong and standing, for the dark forces seek to gather unto themselves that which is good and destroy it. He is a powerful one master Q. sadly all our lives must end even someone as great as him. He was the Hand, as you know but know this also. He was first my friend. gain strength in knowing that darkness will never prevail and I am sure that he would not want us to fall in these dark times should he fall his last time..
Daniella, what I spoke to you before keep close in your heart. dont let what you feel sway your judgement on those that seek our demise, but seek out there demise during these times. I am trying to understand these times as well as you. seeking prayer and consultation from priests and friends alike. but it all comes down to knowing that evil will never prevail no matter the cost, no matter the fight, even no matter the loss....
keep true daniella..
and I shall do likewise..


Re: Letters
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2008, 03:18:37 pm »
*Daniella writes a letter, and with a sad heart, gives it to the falconer in the vain hopes that it reach its recipient*

Dear Anne,

My heart is burdened with the knowledge that you have left us.  I hope in time you will be able to return, that Toran shows you the way home.  You taught me so much, and I owe you more than I'm sure I will ever be able to return to you for your kindness and your guidance.  

I spoke with Kashi who told me a little about how you once were when you first came to the temple.  She said that you changed over time, growing distant, but never losing faith.  I hope that your faith in Toran is still strong.  It is something that I have always admired about you.  

My time is devoted right now to searching for the Hand, but as you mean so much to me, I am torn because I wish to find you as well.  To hopefully give you someone to talk to, perhaps air out your grievances and even find the strength to return to us, whatever the circumstances may be.  I am torn because I fear for the Hand's life, but even worse, I fear for your soul.

If this letter reaches you, I pray that you will send me word of your whereabouts.  Even if you do not, I pray that eventually Toran will lead me to you, or that He will lead you to me.  

Your student, ever faithful.

In His Light,


Re: Letters
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2008, 03:25:13 am »
Dear Samuel,
I heard that you are training at the Citadel.  I hope things are going well.  I know that you will make our family and Toran proud in what you do.  Come see me if you have any spare time, or I will try to make a trip to Huangjin soon to see you.  Take care little brother, and study hard.  We need those strong in the faith with the times ahead of us.  Be careful, and be mindful of the world around you.  Remember who you serve, and in His example, be ever watchful.

In Toran's Holy Light,


Re: Letters
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2008, 11:43:33 pm »
I hope that you are home and safe and that you please do not do anything else foolish to try to keep me safe.

Please lock him up if he tries.

All my love,


Re: Letters
« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2008, 09:41:33 pm »
Beacon Dubois,

After recent events, and especially after speaking with the woman who arrived at Huangjin I must speak with you regarding your investigation.  I hope that you will wait before you act hastily in regards to former Beacon Anne Ravenwind.  Please contact me as soon as possible or let me know when I may meet with you, I would prefer this not to be in writing.  

In His Light,
Daniella Stormhaven.


Re: Letters
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2008, 10:36:28 pm »
*in a letter addressed to Michaelis Draego*

Dear Sir,
I apologize for the urgent sound of this letter, but I feel that you may be the only one within the church who can help with this.  

I'm sure you know of my mentor, former Beacon Anne Ravenwind.  About a year ago, she left the temple, after Master Quantum's abduction.  She approached me and informed me that she was going on an unsanctioned mission under cover into what she believed was the heart of the Corathite operation near Arnax on Belinara.  She turned away from the church, but Toran still was in her heart.  

Recently, I was approached by Beacon Dubois, informing me of Beacon Wainright's recent murder, and that they believed that Anne was directly responsible for his death.  Beacon Dubois stated that there had been an order to have her put down, that they felt that she knew too much about the church and that if she had truly turned away from us, she was a dangerous threat.  I asked for permission to seek her out, but I made known from the beginning that my goal was not to have her killed, but instead to find the truth of the matter and to bring her back to us in tact, body and soul.  

Before we left for Belinara, I learned that my father, Kendrick Stormhaven, having learned of the mission, had taken matters in his own hands hoping to keep me safe, and left on his own unsanctioned mission to find Anne.  He hadn't been heard from, but our people apparently saw him talking with an elf in Ft. Thunder, and his armor and sword were left in an inn.  He hadn't been heard from since then.

Lance Stargazer and I immediately set off for Ft. Thunder knowing that our mission was now to find my father in addition to finding Anne, and with luck bringing them both back safely.  I found out that the elf that my father had spoken to was an old friend of mine, I had thought dead, and he was able to get us into the Corathite holdings.  We were thrown into cages and told that we would be sacrificed to sate the Black Sun, but at one point, one of the guards slipped and mentioned that we would be sacrificed to Corath.

There was another woman there, and she was taken and as far as I know, she was sacrificed.  I knew the priestess there immediately, it was Anne Ravenwind.  

It turned out that my father was also in the cells with us, and when he learned I was there, he gave us away, which alerted the guards.  

Anne came in, without the guards, and gave me a key to get us all out safely while she kept them away from us.  She saved our lives and now I feel it is our duty to help her.  I think that her dealings with the Corathites and her involvement in her cover have touched her too deeply.  I think the darkness is creeping in on her, but even with the evil I sensed, I still sensed good in her.  She may or may not be responsible for the death of Beacon Wainright, but she saved the lives of three paladins of Toran that day.  

The woman who was sacrificed that day recently arrived in Huangjin and is currently recovering at the Citadel.  She said she was returned to life after her death by the "dread priestess" which I can only believe to be Anne.  If Toran has not withdrawn his power from her, I cannot believe that she is a servant of Corath.  

Beacon Dubois has now informed me that they are considering my mission to find Anne Ravenwind a failure and that they will strike on the Corathite temple and Anne will be taken dead or alive.  He said that her efforts to save our lives will be taken into account at her sentencing.  

And he also insisted that he take my father along to help in the effort in my stead.

Sir, I feel that the Order of the Shining Hand is acting upon vengeance for the loss of Beacon Wainright, and they are not thinking in the true spirit of Toran.  I ask for your help and intervention in this.  

As you said to me recently, Mercy is what separates us from the Rofireinites.  While we should not suffer the evil and corruption of Corath to survive, can we allow ourselves to be driven by vengeance and kill or harm one of our own, however misguided?

I will await your response, sir.  I fear that they will move swiftly, and I do think that I will need to find a way to warn Anne before it is too late, not to mention my friend Razeriem, who I feel is there out of fear of punishment now more than anything.

Thank you for your time, and may Toran guide us all.

In His Light,
Daniella Stormhaven

