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Author Topic: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard  (Read 454 times)


Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« on: June 29, 2005, 02:48:00 pm »
*in this journal are dwarvish scribblings*


RE: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2005, 02:57:00 pm »
This is my first time writing in this journal. During a purge of undeath for the grey circle, a fellow guildmate fell. We were fighting with all of our strength against the shapechangers and undead and the cleric named rolf fell to the hands of vampires fighting at my side. In a blur i was rushing to the remains of Rolf and began praying to Vorax. Usually this work would be done by a cleric but Vorax refused Hargrannar a blessing. During my prayers another servant sent from directly from the halls of vorax came to me. He said that vorax was watching over me and that he was proud. I am deeply humbled even being able to speak to one such as this servant. The servant of vorax raised rolf and dissapeared. After that moment, ive felt a renewed sense of determination and prowess. I hope to be able to serve vorax more than i do now later in the future.


RE: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2005, 06:19:00 pm »
*this entry is written in ogre blood*
"me and celgar are celebrating "Doogan Mc'kreed day" today. Bloody fun stuff, had half the Wild Surge's stock of ale. After celgar had his stomach full and i was just beginning to feel drunk we set off to haven mines to bash ogres. We bashed down everything in the mines from mineral deposits to doors to ogres. We cut straight down into the bottom of the cave and killed the leader. I think we got to the bottom faster than anyone we know. After killing every ogre at the bottom of the mines i tacked a flag of vorax in honor of Doogan Mc'kreed to the center hut's door. Both of us came back up not leaving 1 ogree left alive. We even took out the ogres that we could of easily avoided. I hope I made Doogan and Vorax proud and I hope Doogan has many good drinks for his life in the halls of Vorax."


RE: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2005, 04:15:00 pm »
"Oh by vorax why...why did I let myself be overcome by the umberhulks. I have slain 2 of my fellow Grey Circle guildmates because i was simply not strong of will. *pauses and looks to his axe that has the caked blood of Bido and Rolf mixed together* I will never allow this to happen again. I will never be surprised again and i will ALWAYS be ready. I spit on Vorax for letting myself be so weak of mind. I am not sure if i am worthy enough to even think of the great god. Alas, We stumbled upon a summoning circle, the 2nd one that i have seen. After i destroyed the circle we decided it was best to head back up and come back down another day."


RE: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2005, 09:42:00 pm »
"peaceful night, Vorax has blessed me this day as I helped my friend and very young adventurers into the krandor crypts. I have set aside what happened at the nameless dungeons, I know now that it was the umber hulks that made me act like a murdering fiend of Pyrtechon. Vorax..I hope you forgive me for my weakness, I did my best and I always will do my best and never give up in the purging of all who stand in your way even if one day a act in your name will cost me my very life! I swear to you my god, I will make you proud, more proud than you have ever been of me. One day if my soul is called to your great and magnificent halls I will not hesitate, I know my rightful place is under your guidance and not any other god or path. One day I hope i will serve you as a champion and not just a kuldjargh. You guide my life great god of war, please, do not lose faith in me. If my life means nothing to you then I am nothing."


RE: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2005, 12:05:00 pm »
"So much happening in these times. Retrieving the heart of water with the smallest group ever,bashing through the nameless dungeon with demons and undead watching us,me teaching Tathnolu dwarvish,Tathnolu teaching me drow. I met a fiesty dwarvish lass thats not to be trifled with. Finally a lass that can stand up for herself. I bloody ruined adamantium nuggets when i was trying to make a ingot.....grr..I ruined it at the very last step!. My luck seems to be worsening with Rhizome obviously not taking a liking to me....though i could careless....Vin trying to threaten me, and alas....the soul mother has tasted my soul for the 5th time. Much happening...most not to my favor."


RE: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2005, 02:33:00 pm »
"I traveled to the berhagen mountain range last 2 or three weeks. I met undead there not golems or giants. My group and i pushed through them into shoufal and met a dwarvish kuldjargh like myself. He without reluctance gathered his gear and helped us purge the undead in berhagen north of shoufal. It got worse and worse every step, oh how i loved being a kuldjargh. Skeletons,vampires,and demons were scattered back to the 9 hells by our blades. We were looking for my captured kinsbrothers and we did find them at the very last room and we also found someone else. We found a human or a Rivval as a drow would say *stops to make sure he spelt it the right way as tathnolu told him to* standing in a pentagram. After confronting him he slaid my kinsbrothers in a instant and began a story about freeing his master. After we chased him off the lad dropped a staff as he teleported. I picked it up unknowingly and I was nearly blown apart as the staff exploded with enough force to rip off my helmet and cut through my adamantium gauntlet. This experience left me aged....according to Rurik....i have aged 20 years and i now have grey hair. After returning to shoufal i found a healer of vorax....the kinsbrothers that were slain in the cave were his sons. The cleric was enraged and punished both me and my fellow kuldjargh. Vorax has denounced my faith , i am no longer worthy to call myself a kuldjargh. Without vorax i am nothing, i have covered the magnificent red and silver colors on my armor with a shadowy black dye to represent what i am now. I am only a shadow of my former self and i will do whatever it takes to once again serve vorax. But for now...i am no longer able to call upon the great god for he will not answer me and i am most of all not worthy. I await word of the healer for my task to regain the favor of the god of war,battle,vigilance, and bravery"


RE: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2005, 04:17:00 pm »
"Damned hand, damned negative energy poisoning. When i picked up the exploding staff shards cut into my hand and arm slowly destroying my arm turning it into a limp,useless and dying limb. I was forced to have it bandadged and secured to my side and was un able to use my shield. However, that did not stop me one bit! I adapted to my crippled condition and developed a certain stance that involved taking hits on certain places so that the blows skipped off my armor. I still take more hits than I did when I had the shield but i am fond of this stance. Nerves of steel serve me well in battle and they have saved many of my party members from an untimely death. I have given my life in a battle more than once after my denoucement to save the life of as many party members as I could. One day I met with Ozymandias and he removed the shards in my arm and gave me the required spells to heal my arm. I found Rhizome nights after that and he healed my arm after Plen flew off without another word other than "I will study your ailement". Few listen to me but i could careless. I strive only to prove myself to one being and no one or nothing else. I have my shield arm back but my hand is badly mutilated. I cannot close it all the way and it is severely disfigured but it gets the job done. Sand returns from his scouting mission soon and I hope we can meet up and get out of this boring continent for a few weeks and find some real danger. "


RE: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2005, 03:24:00 pm »
" i have recived word my lost clan. This is the last entry that will be found in the book and whoever finds this book i hope they can read dwarvish"


Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2008, 02:31:10 pm »
*This excerpt was apparently ripped from another journal and placed into order for this journal*

Bruenor growls and begins to scribble away in his sloppy dwarvish text*
Bloody ungrateful people all of them except for a certain few. -I- bled for the safety of my friends and ones who I hardly even knew names of. -I- threw my life onto the line carelessly to buy my friends and others time to flee death while -I- look at death in the eye fearlessly and acceptingly. -I- was the mithril wall enemies had to penetrate to cause harm to my friends and others. Now that I have returned I have noticed many have become arrogant,forgetful, and ungrateful. The men and women that I and my other friends raised from whelp to a seasoned adventurer think they dont need me anymore. Ive even been threatened by a whelp traveler... Obviously I have lost my reputation. Men and women have forgotten Bruenor Wildbeard but I shall soon remind them. I will become better and stronger than before and I will become the pinacle of hope for the hopeless. People like Reventage crusade around with that damned smug look on their face but whenever they incur danger, who is the first to flee!! Inside the gates of doom I stand and I stand alone. I have lost my strength, my ability to hold my own and back up my words...but I WILL become Bruenor Wildbeard once again. I am now curious if Vorax has forgotten my name for I have not heard a word from the priest in Shoufal since my incident with the negative energy which has twisted and gnarled my shield hand almost useless and left me too appear a old dwarf on his dying breath. I...however am not the achient dwarf I look like. I dare anyone to ask to prove my youth. I, Bruenor Wildbeard will become the legendary dwarf I once was. My name will be feared among my enemies and will bring hope to my friends and comrades.


Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2008, 02:32:02 pm »
*After countless years, Bruenor Wildbeard has returned to his writings*

Im back...., and there will be pain


Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2008, 02:25:09 pm »
BAH! *the space needed to continue any further rantings was made void by brue's hand pressing into the parchment with the quilt and scribbling too hard, he begins on the next page* EVEN THE DAMNED GOBLINS MAKE ME THINK TWICE ABOUT CHARGING IN!? IVE LOST EVERYTHING, I EVEN GOT MY ARSE KICKED BY SOME ELFIE BOY! AND NOT TO MENTION PEOPLE THINK IM OLD! CURSE THAT NEGATIVE ENERGY! ILL SHOW PEOPLE THAT IM STILL IN MY PRIME WHEN I SHOVE MY AXE UP THEIR ARSE! I WILL BECOME WHAT I WAS ONCE AGAIN!.


Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2008, 07:32:06 pm »
HAH!!  today was definately one of my better days in my older age! but as ive said before i am far away from losing the fire before i left this realm. Ive brushed blades with death, and spat in the soul mothers face! i charged into waves of creatures wishing to take my head, but i took their instead! even if for the few who were able to beat me, i recovered my ground and was able to nurse myself to full health. HAH! Mistone and the other continents will soon remember the name of Bruenor Wildbeard!


Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2008, 01:05:48 pm »
MY HOUSE!! MY BLOODY HOUSE!! ITS BEEN BOARDED UP AND PUT UP FOR SALE! *the next line is nothing but harshly scribbled curse words in dwarvish so harsh that it would impress a veteran criminal.* I WILL GET MY HOUSE BACK! They had no right to take it away from me! i purchased that house! me! my name was on the door! and they took it off! BLOODY PEOPLE! I SHOULD VISIT CASTLE HAVEN AGAIN AND REMIND THEM OF MY AXE! THOSE CORRUPT BASTARDS! I nearly crippled the castleguard with just my friend sand krows at my back because they were trying to arrest me! BUT THEY COULDNT! they know my fury, so they steal my house away from me when im gone!? THEY WILL PAY. Every one of those corrupt guards will know not to come within 100 feet from my house when i take it back, they think they can bully anyone and everyone because they wear colours of authority!?!? ILL SHOW THEM AUTHORITY WHEN I SEND THEM TO THE SOUL MOTHER!


Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2008, 03:52:04 pm »
HAR! I GOT HIM! THAT BLOODY ELF BOY TASTED MY AXE! AND I HOPE HE LIKED IT!, aye...aye...he got me in the end but hahaha!! he actually thought after almost killing me that i would stop!? HAHAHAHAHAHA! A duel to the death is something i will never NEVER deny! and i WILL FINISH IT! Death does not scare me! I harbor death just how i harbor my axe! My life will be a short one, BUT IT WILL BE GLORIOUS! AND THATS JUST BLOODY FINE! *punches himself in the head with a gauntleted fist*


Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2008, 11:15:42 pm »
HAR! AHHH THE ADRENALINE! haahahahaha those moors were one hell of an adventure! smackin out a few deposits of tin to smelt down, smacking down some lizardmen, and ofcourse CHARGING DEAD INTO THE WARLORDS MAIN ROOM! HAHAH! ohh if only more people were there to see it! TO BE THERE! As i rushed into the room, Arkenon took a barrage of arrows into his chest, dieing instantly, I leapt over his freshly expired corspe as the large man collapsed and tackled a lizardman, using my armor as a weapon, the spikes of my right arm piercing the lizardmans chest, as i straighted my back, i lifted the lizardman up, still attached to my shoulder by the large spikes he served as a good enough bodyguard for right and top side while my kite shield and left pauldron completed the inpenetrable wall, my axe struck home on another lizardman, cleaving his skull into two pieces, at that moment i felt a slight pain in my back but i ignored it, PAIN MEANT IM ALIVE HAHAHAHAH, i went on for the third lizardman while the rest of my party was at my flank, atleast i thought, i felt another sting in my back, this time not so ignorable. I looked over my shoulder and realized i was the only one alive in the room, my arse was a pincushion for crossbow bolts. I punched out the lizardman in the groin and cut off his head as he bent over , exposing his fragile neck. I turned and begun to retreat to more covered area but all i remember was hot....REALLY HOT....then i awoke in a dark place, a feminine voice whispering to me for my soul...wishing for me to stay. I told the  that ill do what i want and i awoke near the wild surge inn. HAHAHAHAHA this night needs to happen again, except... well i really didnt want to see my party mates die, but whats done is done. *Farts and closes the journal*


Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2008, 08:02:46 pm »
Well, lesson learned tonight, Arke packs a punch! haha well... him...and his little bloody friend who was poking at my back while i fended off arkes huge halberd thingy. He ran off to go heal but i dont know if he was gonna heal himself and come back at me, so i chopped at his leg. The poor lad fell to the floor and as i warded off the mephit i told his partymembers to heal arke before he bled out fully, they were too late, and so arke died. He died honorably, and with my respect*


Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2008, 03:46:40 pm »
GIANT KILLINGS THE BUSINESS AND BUSINESS IS GOOD! HAHAHAHAH!! I remember that place, me and Sand Krows laid waste to that forest of mist, atleast thats what it was called back in the day, now its Forest of Fog.... morons changing the names of forests for no reason. NOT THAT THE NAMES MATTER! HAHAH! We killed so many giants I felt like i was in my younger days again, ofcourse in my younger days i killed as many giants as we did not too long ago by my bloody self. Not to worry, Ill become what i was once again, and BETTER i'll look back in time at myself and scoff at wanting to just become what i was, i will become better, I -will- the one who charges first into battle, i will be the one who inspires others in battle, I will have my enemies dread the first sight of me as my spiked armor shines in the sun! THEY WILL KNOW BRUENOR WILDBEARD


Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2008, 02:15:28 pm »
once a kuldjargh ALWAYS a kuldjargh is what Grenna says, HAR me and that lass were the only two in the frontline with  4 times the amount of people behind us trying to keep up! NO ONE IS BETTER THAN KULDJARGHS WHEN IT COMES TO TRUE PROWESS. Me and Grenna were unstoppable! The two of us were weapons ! Even our shields smashed into the gnoll's faces, sending them to the floor to be finished off by the slowpokes behind us. We cleared the entire haven mine, even with enough time to get some ore. Which i have yet to have smelted and sold. *makes a mental note*. HAH and today! was by far the best! damned insects buzzin' about, when it first began all i remember was running, fighting, then i got poked at till i woke up at some temple of mist. I guess she liked me fer bein more  destructive than any one of her servants. So, we continued the search for some crazy lass, and we did pretty well enough till we found some house. I have a slight problem with being mocked at though, so i kicked open the door and the house exploded. I lost my eyebrows, beard, and damaged my armor......alot. My companions took abit of hits but theyll be fine. hahahahah, Blowing up a house with my boot! HAH now that is what i call STRENGTH!


Re: Life of Bruenor Wildbeard
« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2008, 05:49:39 pm »
BAH!, bloody investigation missions.....NOT MY STYLE, had to spice some things up by throwing the furniture around, that was the only excitement there at the bloody castle, *sighs* ah well, atleast now it seems like were gonna be able to kill this Oskill guy,...i call first bashing!

