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Author Topic: Kurn's Clinic: Czukay  (Read 166 times)


Kurn's Clinic: Czukay
« on: March 31, 2011, 07:26:13 pm »
"Heh, that's it lad!  Yer gettin the hang of tha stick-n-twist thar!" Bellowed the blackbearded one-eye with rotty teeth as he watched Czukay's movements in the midst of battle.  Howling beastmen advanced upon the Dark One's blades, sides split and heads lopped in glistening anguish.  Still they charged.  Witless and wild were the Trolloc waves, marching to death on wicked blades.

Czukay's scimitar hit the bearman's torso powerfully to the unmistakable crack of bones breaking, ribs shattered by the sheer force of his blow.  Sensing the damage done, the mad one pushed his arms further to bring the edge across it's belly in a long slicing motion.  Bewildered, the beast reached down to find its entrails dangling and its eyes knew true horror.  And then all went black.

The two anti-heroes trudged on through the massacred, chopping and lopping and slicing and dicing whatever poor monster should stand in their way.  Beasts, Ettins, Fiends or Bandits, it mattered not.  Only the blade was true.  The one Sword Dojo, long ago the term coined by the late Cassius One-Eye (or "Sword Master Bastard" as Kurn would call him)

"Ye gotta BE the blade, ye buggart!  Every mornin' sharpen it, every time ye feed it, ye strengthen the blade and ye live fer it!  Ain't none of us gonna live forever, lad.  All of this! Flesh it rots, it withers and sloths off.  Or maybe some young whipper-snapper git lucky and take yer head fer a prize, it dun matter.  All that matters be the blade in your hand and feedin its legacy.  We just be the bearers of the ultimate truth, this blade in our hand and the inevitable death that it brings.  The blade will keep on swingin long after we're dead, and long after we be drinkin with Cassius in the battle beyond the blade will remain and continue its job.  It has but one... KILLIN!" Instructed the dwarf by the campfire.  

"HOW ter weild it better be yer only concern.  All matters of wealth, vengeance, rage, fortune n glory, they all just icing on the cake.  Sometimes yer poor and hated, enemy at yer back and nowhere ter run, then who will save ye?  The GODS?!  HAR!  They're too busy playing Creature Cards with our souls ter give a hoot bout any of us.  No lad, that blade in yer hand be yer only savior.  It spreads a message of greatness for all unworthy to die by its bite and feed its flame.  Sacrifice these beasts and burdens of the land ter its glory, MAKE the people know its name fear it rightly, friend or foe!  Even those enemies you make that curse its name bring it power, use it!  Do it lad! And let EVERYBODY KNOW the GLORY of tha scimitar!"

And with that they began their training...

//Getting the ball rolling for Czukay and I to do a joint-CDT for his Weapon Master training.  Will be posting back and forth here as evidence of RP training.
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