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Author Topic: Soft leather and golden thoughts  (Read 99 times)


Soft leather and golden thoughts
« on: December 04, 2009, 05:58:47 pm »
The Diary of Edron Mardrais:

It is almost with some trepidation that I begin my mission on behalf of the Faith and the Church. I said goodbye to many of my friends yesterday and am now aboard ship bound for Port Hempstead. As the ship slowly mves further and further from Fort Vehl I feel pangs of sadness to be leaving the only home I have known for the last 19 years behind. I know I shall return, probably regularly but the first parting is hard. Harder than I imagined anyway.

I pause and wonder what Rofirien has in store for me, my lifes journey lies before me. I have already been asked by some of my instructors to see if I can aid in any way in Port Hempstead when I arrive and will endeavour to do so. At the same time I will need to find my feet and try to determine the path Rofirein wishes me to follow. For now I thank the benefactor who gave me the opportunity to have the chance at a new life and pray that I will be able to do the same for someone else one day.


Re: Soft leather and golden thoughts
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2009, 04:09:38 pm »
What is for me literally a lifetime of training and in the last four years intensive training to enter the priesthood of Rofirein has been tested fully in my first venture forth into the wider world.

Having arrived in Port Hempstead I endeavoured to do what I could as I had been bid. I met a lovely young lady who was in the city with her brother who happened to be in the militia and was working hard. We helped out ni what ways we were able for a few days and she approached me saying she had heard of a task to complete for the Lucindites. Being our Brothers and Sisters in Faith I agreed and we travelled by ship to Leringard.

Literally stepping off the ship I was confronted with a scene of angst. A Dark Elf of all things was standing, clear as daylight on the pier being accosted by a dwarf and the animosity of the surrounding crowd was not condusive to a pleasant outcome. I stood in the crowd at first wishing to get some idea of what was going on. The Dark Elf was plainly antagonishing everyone just by openly being seen in the city and the dwarf was making everyone sure how he felt. The smooth sureness of the Dark Elf came undone when the dwarf tired of his insults and leapt at him with his staff beating it about the head repeatedly. At this point I could no longer stand by and as no one else moved to stop the dwarf I did.

The dwarf was ready to turn on me for interfering and I could see the crowd was on his side. Its a difficult decision at times to stand up for the law objectively. I understood the dwarfs feelings but could not stand by and let an unprovoked serious assault happen. When a nearby ships captain rallied the crowd to the dwarfs side of things I feared for the worst. That was just when some of the local guards arrived to take control of the scene.

Unhappy with the guards decision Gart, the dwarf, tried to incite a riot amongst those gathered which thankfully the guards put an end to relatively quickly. The Guards dispersed the crowd and rightfully in the circumstances told the Dark Elf to cover up himself or face more assaults or more serious injury. While I am not as naive to assume that the past histories and records about the Dark Elf race speak volumes for their capabilities and motivations, I did however feel some pang of pity for the Dark Elf. I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt before making judgement. I calmed things over as best I could and we travlled across to Krashin to begin our journey to where the Lucindites had a research mission. I had to maintain a watchful eye on Gart who persisted in trying to provoke or harrass Aunlyn, the Dark Elf, at every opportunity.

Travel was not that easy, what with the knee deep snow and hungry kobolds seemingly everywhere. We had a few chance encounters before stopping at some sort of haven then on advice from the woman living there proceeded the forest path to Wolverine camp.

When we eventually arrived at Wolvering Camp my Faith was tested. Within moments of entering the place Gart denounced Aunlyn to the barbarians. They promptly set about executing him to my vehement protest. I am so glad part of our initiations involves intense debating if not for that I would have crumbled in the face of such hostility and anger. My Faith and adherence to the Law was sorely tested and I found my self willing to stand beside the Dark Elf to defend my beliefs even if it meant my death.

I could not believe my life was to end so quickly but I resolved to be strong and trust in Rofirein to deliver me. As it came to pass he heard my prayers, the barbarian leader relented in the execution thanks to the negotiation skills of a young man called Vincent and an elf called Shadowleaf who travelled with us. The barbarian leader demanded a high price for the boon but they did as he asked and both Aunlyn and myself were released to continue on our way, quickly.

As I left the lawless place behind me I thanked Rofirein for sparing me and for such a valuable lesson so early in my trials as a member of the Faith.


Re: Soft leather and golden thoughts
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2009, 03:37:53 am »
Currently I sit in a small tent while outside frigid cold winds blow and piled snow gathers. I am in the camp of a group of Lucindite archaeologists with my current travelling companions. We came here to bring them some important missives and now find ourselves caught up in events that are unfolding as we speak. The Lucindites led by a man called Apath have found an ancient ruin that matches with one found beneath Nel in the Sun kingdom. They believed that the key to those ruins lay within the ones we currently sit outside of high in the mountains of Krashin. To honour our alliance with the Lucindites I offered to explore the ruins and find the key. Thankfully my comrades elected to do the same and together we journeyed inside.

The place had become infested by yeti and deeper within with undead. We battled our way through and with Rofireins grace we succeeded, reaching the guardian of the key. Through wisdom we prevailed and entered a sacred valley where the key had lain at rest for what must have been a very long time. Once we claimed the key we were set upon by a giant winged creature. It took all of our combined strength to defeat it and we got the sense that it was very old and weakened with time.

So now we wait in the camp while Apath makes decisions about the fate of the key. If in obtaining it some ancient creatures have been released then it cannot remain here, our services may be required again very soon.
(Lord Coves ~ Dawn of Heroes quests)


Re: Soft leather and golden thoughts
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2009, 03:52:02 am »


Re: Soft leather and golden thoughts
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2009, 04:24:04 am »
I find myself drawn to old Lore and knowledge of the past, expecially in relation to my own faith. The lessons in history of our Faith were ever my best ones and yet the ones that brought me the most questions. I envisage myself in the future becoming a member of the Lorekeepers, I am sure there is a great deal of knowledge buried in the forbidden archives that holds a greater picture and from it I can glean a greater understanding about our past and who this Great Dragon Rofirein truly is. It is said that once he walked upon the earth of Layonara as a man or in a mans form and yet the records on this are virtually non-existant.

I have so many questions I would see answered that cannot be with the knowledge of those I have learn't from so far. Thus I must go deeper.

I have started trying to dicipher the runic language used on the keys from the ruins that Apath asked us to investigate. I pray that with understanding those I can further use such knowledge on the runes palced in the ruins themselves and perhaps the matching ones in Nel.