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Author Topic: Buddy  (Read 125 times)


« on: March 15, 2008, 07:10:34 am »
// I did not intend for Buddy to have a development thread. He was to be a pass time for when I did not feel like playing my main character Beli. I find that he has developed into something more then I expected. I will not sum up his life up to now, mainly because I forget most of it. He is currently level 10 almost 11.

Here is his creation thread:

Some points of interest in Buddies life:

His friend Katrina whom he shared a house with has gone missing and the house that was in her name got taken back by the city for back taxes. He is now homeless.

He is an inactive member of Shieldbreaker Shipping and Ore. //mainly because we play at different times. Not because I'm not interested.

Before Varka turned to stone, Varka sold Buddy his old helm. Not his Warlord Helm but the one he used to wear before he became warlord.  Buddy treasures this helm greatly and does not feel worthy to wear it yet. //level 14  req

People of interest to Buddy are:

Aryanna, Cute pushy, elf druid who likes to poke people with her stick
Sallaron Tempest, Good friend to his cousin Beli
Jacrum Shieldbreaker
Varka Cleaveson, Hero, Idol, rolemodel
Nye, elf druid/shifter who likes to shift into Kolbolds. AKA Coyote
Dalan Stoneaxe
Emwonk, linguistically challenged mage and electrically charged flailing sack of potatoes *grins*
Tod Fellow, prankster and teacher of the shadier arts
Vanther Koehmus, monk and lover of dwarves
Trouble Tempest, Sallaron's son
Azk'a, Part owner of 109 Hempstead. Gets to have the big corner room.


Re: Buddy
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2008, 07:52:00 am »
*copy of my first lesson on how to be a rogue.*

Buddy Tenker: Eh..Tod *grins* I nay saw yea come in
Tod  Fellow: I...snuck in?
Tod  Fellow: *chuckles*
Tod  Fellow: I'm gettin' good at it
Buddy Tenker: Bloody hell..yea sure are quiet
Tod  Fellow: *pulls down his hood and unstraps his leathers*
Buddy Tenker: yea need teh teach how yea do it..
Tod  Fellow: I don't know if dwarves actually "sneak" around but hitting where it hurt, sure
Tod  Fellow: I could try t' teach ya sneakin' too
Tod  Fellow: It's mostly common sense eh?
Buddy Tenker: Well I can learn teh make less noise..dat be best
Buddy Tenker: Well if I nay know it ..dehn it nay be common
Tod  Fellow: *rubs his cheek looking into the fire thinking* I reckon I could try
Tod  Fellow: *looks at Buddy than back at the fire* I could try, sure...why not? *grins*
Tod  Fellow: Well...we won't do anything just yet...I'll have t' tell ya what to search for when sneakin'
Vanther Koehmus: *bows*
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] Well, I haven't been as glad to see you short fellahs in over a month
Tod  Fellow: *grins at Vanther* hey there, I'm teachin' Buddy here how t' do some things I do, you can probably learn somethin' *grins*
Buddy Tenker: shh..Tod is teachin me somethin
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] speaking of teaching, I need to ask you something afterwards, Buddy
Vanther Koehmus: *sits down*
Buddy Tenker: Sure
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] *takes his hat off*
Vanther Koehmus: *sits down*
Buddy Tenker: I need teh learn how teh search first?
Tod  Fellow: *sits thinking quickly and uses his hands to illustrate what his talking about*
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] *smiles*
Tod  Fellow: A'righty then...
Buddy Tenker: *sits watching Tod*
Tod  Fellow: Searchin' for things, look for obvious htings for traps an' such
Tod  Fellow: Like for traps...see? Look for wires or and leaves that are not in place a'right?
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] I always look for halflings like Tod. I try not to trip
Vanther Koehmus: *Laughs*
Tod  Fellow: Say you're in a forest and there are not leaves around see?
Buddy Tenker: ahh **nods slowly*
Buddy Tenker: uhuh
Tod  Fellow: Say it is right in spring...and theres green leaves littered everywhere, it's probably coverin' somethin'

Tod  Fellow: Let's see...
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] *listens intently, hoping to pick up some good information he doesn't know yet*
Tod  Fellow: You get what I'm gettin' at?
Buddy Tenker: Yeah
Buddy Tenker: Look fer things out a place loike
Buddy Tenker: Gold in a copper mine type stuf
Tod  Fellow: Okie-dokie *repositions his legs* Yep common sense comes int' play most of the time..
Tod  Fellow: People would use valuable to lure ya int' a trap, definiate possiblitly
Mastiff of Liv2 has joined as a player..
Buddy Tenker: Aye ..good idea *writes down some notes*
Tod  Fellow: Now in urban areas people will place traps inside of chests on chests,  inside doors an' on interesting items
Buddy Tenker: *rolls eyes* yep found dat out deh hard way
Tod  Fellow: Open a chest, it could pulls on some string triggerin' a trap that sends spikes flyin' down on ya or gas leakin' out
Tod  Fellow: I've had nets drop on me and spikes comin' out of walls an' such
Buddy Tenker: Sounds tough
Tod  Fellow: Doors...same hting as well, usually a string pulling on somethin' and triggerin' gases, spikes, nets, an' such
Tod  Fellow: I got a couple traps on me actually
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] *smiles*
Buddy Tenker: Really can yea set em up so I can watch and learn
Tod  Fellow: *pulls out one with spikes*
Buddy Tenker: *stands*
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] you know, I have a trap that I'd like you to examine, Tod
You have left a safe rest area.
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] I can't determine exactly what it does
Tod  Fellow: *stands holding the trap carefully*
Tod  Fellow: Okay then...*thinking*
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] when you're free, maybe you can figure it out
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] *pats Buddy on the shoulder*
Tod  Fellow: Okie-dokie then
Tod  Fellow: This calls for a bit a diggin'
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] what would the word trap be in Dwarven?
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] sorry, I'm interrupting
Buddy Tenker: khazrh
Tod  Fellow: *looks up at Vanther and grins* It's fine, it's givin' me time t' think
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] khazrh...
Buddy Tenker: and dig *grins*
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] if he needs time setting up that khazrh, what is friend then?
Tod  Fellow: *bends down and digs a shallow pit*
[Tod  Fellow: *walks around the trees gathering leaves*
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] what would friend be, friend?
Tod  Fellow: *holds the leaves to his chest and walsk over to the pit*

Buddy Tenker: Wahaart
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] Wahaart, eh
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] I hope our wahaart hurries up!
Vanther Koehmus: *Laughs*
Buddy Tenker: I see yea cover deh spike wit deh leaves
Buddy Tenker: *spot check*
Buddy Tenker: Spot Check:  17 + 0 = 17
Buddy Tenker: *shakes head* I can bearly see it
Tod Fellow has left as a player..
Buddy Tenker: Tod?
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] *listen check*
Buddy Tenker: Bloody hell..quit hiding on us
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] I can hear him setting it all up...
Buddy Tenker: wow he's good
Buddy Tenker: *blinks*
Buddy Tenker: *spot check*
Buddy Tenker: Spot Check:  2 + 0 = 2
Tod Fellow has joined as a player..
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] *spot check*
Buddy Tenker: Der yea be!
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] ah, I can kind of see the trap a bit
Tod  Fellow: *holds the leaves cluthing them to his chest*
Buddy Tenker: Yea was hiding on me while I was looin at yea
Tod  Fellow: Can't yet, I'm goin' t' ask for someone t' teach me how t' hide in plain sight...
Buddy Tenker: How yea do dat
Tod  Fellow: Anyway...
Buddy Tenker: Well yea did it just now..somehow
Buddy Tenker: Could be me eyes
Buddy Tenker: *rubs eyes*
Tod  Fellow: Your loosin' your sight then *chuckles and keeps looking down at the pit covering it with twiges to hold up the leaves*
Tod  Fellow: *carefully sets the spikes down in the bottom and continues making a twig grid*
Tod  Fellow: *lays the leaves over the grid* This ain' a good spot...
Tod  Fellow: Who's walk over a pile of leaves this far form the trees?
Tod  Fellow: That's common sense
Tod  Fellow: Anyway...
Buddy Tenker: ahh I see how common sence comes inteh play
Tod  Fellow: *picks up a rock and drops it down onto the leaves and watching it go through*
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] yeah, you really want to choose the best spot to catch that type of person
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] or animal
Tod  Fellow: I'm just setting it to show him how it'd would look
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] yup, I know
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] unless you want to catch weary travellers
Vanther Koehmus: *Laughs*
Tod  Fellow: Shall we go try it on a goblin?
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] I think we shall
Buddy Tenker: *eyes go wide* that would be great
Buddy Tenker: *straps on armour*
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] There's an archer that posts by himself
Tod  Fellow: I'll sneak up strike it and come back down..since I know where it is it won't hurt me
Tod  Fellow: *bends and gathers the spikes and fills in the hole*
Tod  Fellow: Don't wan' t' leave that here *chuckles*
Vanther Koehmus: *Laughs*
Buddy Tenker: *sighs*
Tod  Fellow: Teachin' ain't my thing so bear with me eh?
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] I'm quick on my feet
Buddy Tenker: I got an idea
[Buddy Tenker: over here
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] badgers?
Buddy Tenker: Set one here
Tod  Fellow: Way t' think
Tod  Fellow: *quickly sets the trap*
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] *hands Tod a gas trap*
Buddy Tenker: dehn we get a gobby teh chase us
Tod  Fellow: See it?
Buddy Tenker: Yep
Tod  Fellow: I'
Tod  Fellow: I'll draw one

*A quick fight ensues*

Buddy Tenker: Dat worked fine
Tod  Fellow: That trap ain' the strongest so he saw it right when he got to it
Tod  Fellow: He did trigger but dodged in time
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] he saved himself a bit...just quickly enough
Tod  Fellow: Shall we try 'nother?
Vanther Koehmus: [Party] sure
Buddy Tenker: aye..but deh idea is still der
Buddy Tenker: aye..dis is fun *grins*
Vanther Koehmus: *bows*
Tod  Fellow: This be a gas one so stay clear
Tod  Fellow: Now t' get one

*Another fight ensues*

Buddy Tenker: That is soo amazing
Tod  Fellow: These are basic traps..these goblisn are a bit t' crafty
Buddy Tenker: I never knew it was so easy
Buddy Tenker: Deh still trigger dehm
Buddy Tenker: was fun teh watch
Vanther Koehmus: *Laughs*
Tod  Fellow: Lets go rest now


Re: Buddy
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2008, 04:33:29 pm »
Well I just spent the last few month  watching and learning from Tod. I never knew how much there was to learn. I can not wait to use my new skills. The lock picking is the best. It's like a game, you verses the lock. It works my mind and I like that.

*a copy oh his last and final lesson*

Tod  Fellow: I got a few things that I need t' tell you nothin' much
Buddy Tenker: That's a fine idea.
Tod  Fellow: What was we on last time?
Tod  Fellow: Traps right?
Buddy Tenker: did traps and the goose neck *grins*
Tod  Fellow: *grins his rubs hands together* Well..t'day we can start on sneakin'
Buddy Tenker: That also crossed over inteh spot and search
Buddy Tenker: Sneak * smile widely*
Tod  Fellow: After that, if we still have time, we can start on hittin' hard and then the spottin'
Tod  Fellow: *holds his hands out to warm them* Sneakin'...has t' do 'lot with the area sometimes
Buddy Tenker: *nods*
Tod  Fellow: If you ever see any shadows...head for 'em an' best t' stay up 'long the walls too
Tod  Fellow: Don't go knockin' 'round pebbles an' if oyur in the forest, make sure you don't step on twigs
Tod  Fellow: Best to go slowly an
Tod  Fellow: An
Tod  Fellow: an' smoothly
Buddy Tenker: Let meh try
Buddy Tenker: see if yea can spot meh
Tod  Fellow: Go on 'head, see how ya do
You have entered a safe rest area.
Buddy Tenker: Boo!
Tod  Fellow: *pats his shoulder* It'll take some practise
Buddy Tenker: Bah..yea saw meh?
Tod  Fellow: 'course, this your first time tryin' t' sneak up on someone?
Tod  Fellow: Left some signs too
Buddy Tenker: Loike what?
Tod  Fellow: *points down to the grass and lightly touches imprints* You left foot prints, best t' stay on your toes
Tod  Fellow: *left a trial right up 'long here
Buddy Tenker: *shakes head*
Buddy Tenker: Bloody hell!
Buddy Tenker: Dat was bad
Buddy Tenker: let meh try again
Tod  Fellow: If ya go on flat footed, the whole sole of your foot makes the print...if you're on your toes..that's less t' put on the grass t' leave imprints
Buddy Tenker: ahh
Tod  Fellow: *turns his head*
Tod  Fellow: Okie-dokie then
Buddy Tenker: Hide Check:  10 + 2 = 12
Buddy Tenker: Move Silently Check:  2 + 2 = 4
Buddy Tenker: boo!

Tod  Fellow: *jumps* That was better
Buddy Tenker: Yes!
Tod  Fellow: 'xpectin' ya t come the same way
Tod  Fellow: I heard twigs a snappin' watch out for 'em
Tod  Fellow: I'll show ya
Buddy Tenker: Aye..that one thing I know..nay teh be predictable
Tod  Fellow: When hidin
Tod  Fellow: Hide Check:  2 + 21 = 23
Tod  Fellow: Move Silently Check:  9 + 23 = 32
Buddy Tenker: Spot Check:  9 + 0 = 9
Buddy Tenker: Listen Check:  1 + 0 = 1
Tod  Fellow: *taps him on the shoulder
Buddy Tenker: *jumps*
Buddy Tenker: Bloody Hell
Tod  Fellow: There we go *grins proudly* Did ya here anything?
Buddy Tenker: Not a thing..saw nothig either
Tod  Fellow: I 'tend t' look at the ground t' see if anything's movin' too
Tod  Fellow: I was on m' toes the whole time too
Buddy Tenker: I was watchin deh corner
Buddy Tenker: show meh yer trail..see if I can spot it
Tod  Fellow: *touches the side of his eye* Takes a trained eye t' spot me *chuckles*
Tod  Fellow: Well I started 'bout here
Tod  Fellow: I came up 'long here *points to the ground as he walks*
 Buddy Tenker: Search Check:  17 + 2 = 19
Buddy Tenker: I can see it now
Buddy Tenker: Hard teh see
Tod  Fellow: *points to one area and and circles it in the air with a finger*
Tod  Fellow: An' that was where I ended up
Buddy Tenker:
Buddy Tenker: roight
Buddy Tenker: So it beh mer practise dehn anything
Tod  Fellow: Yep
Tod  Fellow: Shall we try it one more time?
Buddy Tenker: I'll practise on deh badgers later
Tod  Fellow: *holds up a finger* One more time t' see what you've learn this last few mintues or so *looks up at the sky to figure the time*
Buddy Tenker: aye
Tod  Fellow: *grins* Okie-dokie
Buddy Tenker: Hide Check:  17 + 2 = 19
Buddy Tenker: Move Silently Check:  9 + 2 = 11
Buddy Tenker: Spot Check:  14 + 0 = 14
Tod  Fellow: Hmm...doin' good...lil' slips here an 'there
Tod  Fellow: you're gettin' hold of the idea, just need practice
Buddy Tenker: just beh practise
Tod  Fellow: Well..we basicaly went over the basics of hidin'' spottin' in the process
Tod  Fellow: Traps an'...searchin' for 'em
Buddy Tenker: lock pickin..dats what I need
Tod  Fellow: That's it! Forgot 'bout it
Tod  Fellow: We need a door or somethin'...
Tod  Fellow: Got any ideas where we can practice without gettin' in trouble?
Buddy Tenker: Hmm
Buddy Tenker: Storans
Tod  Fellow: Hmm...*nervous look*
Tod  Fellow: We can go an' try..
Tod  Fellow: No bodak there a tthe moment is there?
Buddy Tenker: I was der earlier teh meh some bodak teeth too
Buddy Tenker: Nah..not near deh door
Tod  Fellow: Ah , good point
Buddy Tenker: *straps on armour*
Tod  Fellow: *pulls off his jacket*
Tod  Fellow: *pulls on his hood*
Buddy Tenker uses Helmet of Armor II
Tod  Fellow uses Helmet of Armor II

THEY RUN TO STORANS, Fight the undead outside and enter

Tod  Fellow: So...*bends and looks at the lock*
Tod  Fellow: It's quite simple
Tod  Fellow: *pulls a couple picks out of a side pocket of his leg*
Buddy Tenker: Bloody hell it's not
Buddy Tenker: ahh..yea have tools fer it
Tod  Fellow: *places two in his teeth and inserts the first one in*
Tod  Fellow: *moves his head closer to inserts the second one in*
Tod  Fellow: *hear slight noise of metal on metal and a click*
[Tod  Fellow: Well..there we go
Tod  Fellow: I don't...really want t' open it..
Tod  Fellow: *pushes lightly to show that it's unlocked*
Buddy Tenker: ahh..well done
Tod  Fellow: You want t' try?
Tod  Fellow: *hands him two lock picks*
Buddy Tenker: nahh..I get deh drift of deh idea
Buddy Tenker: Well if yea insist
Buddy Tenker: *grabs deh picks an removes his armour*
Tod  Fellow: Just have t; feel 'round inside can't really 'xplain it
Buddy Tenker: *stick the picks into the lock*
Buddy Tenker: *rolls 1d20*
Buddy Tenker: *rolls 1d20 and receives: 16 *
Tod  Fellow: Don't put t' much force...jam up the lock
Tod  Fellow: Ya get it?
Buddy Tenker: Oh I feel the inside
Tod  Fellow: you'll hear a slight click
Buddy Tenker: one mer
Buddy Tenker: Listen Check:  8 + 0 = 8
Buddy Tenker: *figets with the lock a bit more*
Tod  Fellow: Listen Check:  17 + 10 = 27
Buddy Tenker: *rolls 1d20*
Buddy Tenker: *rolls 1d20 and receives: 4 *
Buddy Tenker: Listen Check:  1 + 0 = 1
Buddy Tenker: bah..I can nay tell
Buddy Tenker: *tries again*
Tod  Fellow: Hmm...
Buddy Tenker: *rolls 1d20 and receives: 20 *
Tod  Fellow: *listen check*
Buddy Tenker: dats it!
Tod  Fellow: Listen Check:  2 + 10 = 12
Tod  Fellow: Heard it?
Buddy Tenker: *listen check*
Buddy Tenker: Listen Check:  2 + 0 = 2
Buddy Tenker: I think I got it
Tod  Fellow: Did you feel it give a bit?
Buddy Tenker: yep
Buddy Tenker: *Opens door a bit*
Tod  Fellow: The pick gets caught a bit an' then it's free when oyu get it unlocked
Buddy Tenker: Now how do I lock it back up?
Tod  Fellow: Great job...I don't know *shrugs*
Tod  Fellow: I never locked the doors behind me *laughs*
Buddy Tenker: The I suggest we RUN! because I think deh heard meh

They run out of Storans back to the camp site outside Hlint

Tod  Fellow: *looks back*
Tod  Fellow: *grins and tries to catc hhis breath*
Buddy Tenker: *laughs* dat was fun
Tod  Fellow: That was done well
Buddy Tenker: I just need teh watch yea more and pracise alot
Tod  Fellow: Mostly random movement inside the lock
Tod  Fellow: But you'll start t' recognize the locks more an' you'll automaticly know where the locking device inside the casing is
Tod  Fellow: What else i s there...*rubs his chin*
Buddy Tenker: I think dats it
Tod  Fellow: We got the basics on traps, sneakin, spottin', lock pickin'...
Tod  Fellow: Well on hitting where it does most damage basicaly the head, neck, throat, spine, an' artery areas
Buddy Tenker: I've been watchin how yea hit in deh roight spot
Buddy Tenker: it beh toiming as well as deh area
Tod  Fellow: Just what keeps the body alive an' it'll work
Tod  Fellow: Ah, the lungs an' heart since the give the body air an' the heart that tranfers the blood
Tod  Fellow: Head since it controls the body, throat because that's passageway t' the lungs with the air..
Buddy Tenker: yea make it sound liek a house wit it passage ways and all
Tod  Fellow: *nods* That's what a bein' a "scamp" is...they use all this for good an' for don't want ya t' use it for bad
Buddy Tenker: Oh aye ..nay problem der
Tod  Fellow: Okay..*grins* I don't want t' be teachin' a future 'ssasin..
Tod  Fellow: That'd be...bad an' I wouldn't be able t' forgive m'self
Buddy Tenker: aye..dat would beh
Tod  Fellow: Eh..I'm soundin' liek a Toranite.


Re: Buddy
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2008, 12:36:04 am »
Bloody hell that was tough! Tod saved the day over and over again. I kept watching mesmerized as he kept picking lock after lock, disarming trap after trap.  I tried my best to watch how he did all those things. He made it look so easy. One thing I did learn is that it's quicker to trip a trap then disarm it.


Re: Buddy
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2008, 03:26:46 pm »
*Buddy pauses for a bit and reflects the past 5 years*

Man why did my Uncle have to pull the family card on me? I like helping out family now and then but to mine for 5 years just to stock pile ore. I do not get it. I mean almost all of my work to start against Rael is all for nothing now. At least I have had time to work on the skills that Tod taught me. I'm going to need them if I'm to continue on this path.

Beli (my monk cousin) has been teaching me to be lighter on my feet. I find the full plate hinders my movements, but I like the protection it provides. My cousins Semli and Ronus have been helping me out as well. They have allowed me to try and sneak up on them and give them a kidney shot with my fists. Only when they are in the mine though. I sure keep them on their toes, I'm getting good at it now too. Their was this one time when Semli and Ronus where discussing how best to get at a vein Iron. I snuck up and hit them both in the kidneys.

That teaching that Beli was giving me about being lighter on my feet sure helped too. I was in an older part of the mine checking the integrity of the supports when one just gave way. Before I could think my body reacted by jumping out of the way of the falling rock. I took a few hits but definitely not as many I should have.


Re: Buddy
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2009, 10:11:04 am »
Stopped by the mine today. I can not believe how much they have changed the mine. It is starting to look like a small town. Semli and Ronus are both married with little ones. Beli's wife Vensa is here with his gaggle. The stock pile of materials is getting huge. Lucky for them Beli was able to take a bunch or useless rock to Hempstead for the rebuilding efforts. That made more room for the good stuff.

