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Author Topic: From the Journal of Shrowd Umbra  (Read 535 times)

Shrowd Umbra

From the Journal of Shrowd Umbra
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2009, 02:47:51 am »
Bards often sing of ambition as a wicked trait. The ambitious prince that slays his father for the crown is a classic example. The ambitious necromancer is often the villain in many an adventure. I find their folly is not ambition's abundance but wisdom's scarcity. The prince gambles on the short run of things not planning for the longer run as does the wizard. I find no sin in ambition, though I will admit to lacking wisdom.

Terringar will not relent any season soon I fear. I attempted to cast one of the famed fireballs, a spell he insisted I was not yet ready to attempt. I need the additional power if I am to survive. He would hear nothing of it so I made the attempt on my own in secret.

I awoke some weeks later in the wizard's cabin to a very stern lecture and a rather irate Pixie. I think my familiar is only concerned, that thought alone allows me to forgive the words used by her. Tanal has never liked magic. Though loyal to the end, this incident only reinforces his arguments. Lorn must surely think me dead by now.

Ni'haer, my drow friend, accompanied me into the Brach mountains to dispatch one of the denizens. I thought his caution to hold myself back overprotective, especially after spending so long in Terringar's care. What I saw him unleash was incredible, power beyond my imagination. He turned into some form of devil with a sword of flame. Though giant, spirit, and yeti all collided on him, he dropped them one after anther until all were fallen. Never have I seen a simple caster of spells do such a thing, and I know I shall need power like that to survive the coming storm.

I will admit my ambition has brought me hardship and even set me back at times, but it keeps me strong for my pack. It moves me ahead when all else says to turn back. If nothing else I want my name remembered when I pass on. I will not be another nameless tiefling.

My pack hunts again.

Shrowd Umbra

From the Journal of Shrowd Umbra
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2009, 05:54:40 pm »
I have made friends of Toranites and fought alongside Rofereinites, an oddity given my heritage. My opinion of the later though has waned as of late. In Hlint Tanal and I were challenged by a pair of Rofereinites, claiming Tanal's presance was against the law. I have yet to hear of such law, especially given I have taken Tanal to town in the presence of other Rofereinites and we frequent Hlint often.

They would not listen to reason, they would not relent. They drew steel against me when  I drew nothing. They persued me into the bank when I tried to vanish. I sent Tanal away then, not wanting harm to come to him. They took it for a yeild. I corrected them with a ray of frost. I doubt the paladin was expecting my second darkness, I managed to escape then, and found Lorn of all people.

Our hunt of the Goblins was amusing but not as much as a fight Lorn got into for fun. A humna was giving a pair of elves a hard time, with swords brandished. We didn't take kindly to that but Lorn seemed to have a run of bad luck going fist to fist with the human.

Shrowd Umbra

From the Journal of Shrowd Umbra
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2009, 02:47:41 am »
Dregar was worth the trip. I have only begun to walk the roads outside of Hurm and already I have seen sights to take my breath away. Twin towers atop thundering falls, a rift so deep one might drop a city inside, and North Point. Here I have found a new home. A smal town suitably wild and free with all the facilities my crafting requires. The best point is the local Diety, Aeridin. Here Tanal and I can walk a little more freely for the pacifist god dictates all life is precious, even that of a Tiefling and wolf.

The Tomb of Lost Heroes is quite a sight. A great tower upon a hill to house the bodies of those whom went before. I only stopped to read one inscription, a story about a barbarian nearly slain by dark elves only to die later under a giant's club. It gives pause to contemplate the soul mother and our mortality, especially given how much room they have yet to fill.

I have vivid recollections of the giants in the Hammerfell mountains. They were brutish and many, the range had been fortified for their own brand of defense. The Giants of the Mountains of Storms do not boast the same level of sophistication, but they are none the less frightening. I was nearly cut off when one began to wander about the only pass leading from the mountains. Fortunately giants do not have lengthy attention spans. Still given their size it does lead to wonder just how the half-giants were possible.

There is nothing so surreal as watching a halfling defeat a mountain of rock four times her size.

New lion leather gloves fit like their namesake. Now if that blasted stag armor would come together as easily. Still working on new boots, need to kill off more Ettercaps. Ought to make my old home a little safer in the process.

Shrowd Umbra

From the Journal of Shrowd Umbra
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2009, 01:31:03 am »
Disaster. Utter disaster.

The day had started out well enough. After being kindly asked to leave Toranite matters in Toranite hands (I think credit for not simply sneaking along is due on this point) I came across Tod Fellow, an old friend with a charming humor about him. He agreed to help me enter the Haven mines, a feat I had attempted with some success before in the company of Xavier and Tyra. We both agreed to try stealth over force, and found it much to our liking. We not only disposed of the tribe's leader and his warrior guardsmen, but mined a good portion of iron ore, something I need desperately. The trip went so well we even spread out my cloak to have a picnic at the bottom of the mine.

My elation lasted through the Silkwoods on a trip to gather silk for my latest ambition. It turned foul when one of those dratted cockatrices trailed me unnoticed. I had the pleasure of not only being turned to stone but ravaged by one of the great beasts of the forest. The spell ended just as it was losing interest. I dragged myself away in terrible shape, only to have it chase me down and finish its work. Then I felt something rip at my very soul.

I have heard stories of the soul mother and her reaper. Heard whispers among adventurers of those gone on to face her one last time. No words can describe the feeling. Dread does not seem sufficient a word. After this my path is clear.

I am going to pluck every cockatrice in the forest bald and sell the meat to gnolls.

Shrowd Umbra

From the Journal of Shrowd Umbra
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2009, 02:36:28 pm »
Much has happened and much leaves me questioning old things I had thought settled. I have come to even wonder if I am perhaps not too hard in my approach to life.

It began with Emry. We were walking another tour of Dregar together, a chance for me to see the area around Vale. We came across the hidden path to Folian's temple, a wondrous place. The animals were at peace, the wolves howled their serenade in the distance, and all the world seemed at peace. The temple was breath taking in its own way, a secluded glade with free running water and a wild berry orchard. I may yet visit again.

From there we traveled to the deserts, made fools of the giant watchmen. Though we parted ways in civilization I pressed on, and even discovered a cave I have long heard of but never seen. It holds everything I expected and more. Now I need only devise a means to safely mine it.

My return to Mistone reaquainted me with Ash, a monk of growing skill, and introduced me to Rodlin, a ranger of considerable experience. Together we traveled from the Black Dog moors to the temple of Elements. It gave me a chance to gather the last few panther pelts, and to learn of Folian and the history of Rodlin somewhat. He is the one of the few I know that has seen a dragon face to face, and he has the scars to prove it. He says they are near impossible to kill, like fighting a scaled mountain with wisdom and intelligence beyond compare. I still feel compelled to prepare for the coming battle.

We talked of Folian as well, even after Ash departed to study in the temple of elements. I must admit, Aeridin is not my calling and I would wish to know what it is to walk with faith. I see it in Lyr and others like him. Clerics and druids do more than call upon magic, they almost seem to have another presence with them inspiring them. I told Rodlin I wanted my life to carry on more than just my pack, not that I begrudge Tanal and the wolves. I want to do something lasting in this world, for this world.

The next day I caught up with Unther Hardhammer, and joined him and his friends in a quest through the Village of Mists. Dan Hardhammer was there as were Maran and Fleur. I had the chance to meet a new face, an assasin I expect by the way she moved. I know now to be respectful of the woman with the fox medalion, she fights with grace where Dan fights with dwarven ferocity. The bandits were a force to be reckoned with, I only managed to strike killing shots on two out of hundreds. Fleur was kind enough to give me a Cloak of the Watchers and a book on ranger magic for my share.

Though our numbers dwindled to the lovers and the Hardhammers, we delved into the great rift. Like the village, this place was devoid of magic and filled with danger. Giants, spiders, beetles and in the very deepest parts where magic once again thrived we met the Dark Elves. The venture required making camp at least once but we each came away with a diamond.

My armors were soon finished. Lion leathers, Leopard leathers, and even some panther leathers all came out wonderfully. It will be another season before I can wear such things but the wait will be worth every bit I think. My dilemma is the White Stage armors, two of them. One was made of hide but too awkward to wear without more training so I made a more supple leather variant. The armors glow softly with an almost holy radiance. The magic invested into them protects against disease and lessens venoms, both qualities one wants in magical armor in my line of work. Yet I look at them and wonder if the White Stags are more than simply deer of a wintry color.

I came across Dan once more, and Caerwyn the druid(Editor's Note: Shrowd has trouble telling the diferance between high level druid and high level Ranger/Wiz though the not shapeshifting should have been a clue). The hunting was difficult but nothing that was not overcome with nature's aid. It gave me a chance to ask Caerwyn about the White Stag problem, though I did not admit to making the armors myself. He said the story about them involves Xeen. One of her lovers she reincarnates as the White Stag. I doubt this very much as I have very real numbers as to how many Stags there are in Mistone, more than one but less than many. Still, I would not want Xeen's wrath upon me. He suggested I ask Sophia myself, as I recall she owes me no favors and with good reason. We did not meet well.

My usual routines continued. I sold off my cougar hide armor cheaply to a thief by the name of Sekko. I needed the money to fill an offer from Lance as to some jewelry of a magical nature. I should not have sold so low, my armor was worth well more than that but still, he had no more to give and I got what I needed for the time. My rounds of knocking over bandits and goblins for true brought me across three others of note. A cleric of Katia, another of Aeridin, and a dwarf with a wonderfully endearing violent streak. Together we put down a number of monsters and bandits. We even ventured into the Haven mines a bit. It gave me another chance to again ask about the White Stag. I think Victoria, the cleric of Aeridin, about fainted. Cardan of Katia seemed sick. Both agreed anyone who would do such a thing was evil.

And here I am now, wondering where to tread from here. I would love to live in peace as Aeridin teaches us to live but that is so impractical. Someone has to invoke violence if nothing else to defend life. Goblins do not respond well to peace offerings, dark elves seldom bother with the meaning of the word. My own kind while capable of doing good never go about it in a peaceful manner. Toran and Roferien are hardly pacifistic about pursuing what they feel is good. Doing what is good and doing what is right seldom seem to come together for me. A harder edge is needed for dealing with some things.

While delving again into the Haven mines as part of a quest, I came across an elven prisoner and ogre prisoners. Freed the elf and shot the ogre, to Maran's disgust. He berated me as doing something wicked but what am I to do? Let the Ogre wander free and hurt someone before I kill it? It was not Grovel cheerfully introducing itself, it was a prisoner of the war between Gnoll and Ogre. It very much wanted to beat the bars down and throttle us even before I shot it. Instead we left it to the mercy of the Gnolls, something I am certain is a worse fate than a few arrows.

I very much wish I had someone to tell me where to go from here. Someone whom had stood where I stand and knew the course to take. Then again knowing myself as I do, I think I will be happier choosing my own course. I am not merciful like Aeridin and Az'atta. I do not take the world in black and white like Roferien and Toran. I will just take it as it comes, and I think I will make use of the armor. The meat fed my pack so why give the hides to waste?


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Re: From the Journal of Shrowd Umbra
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2009, 05:28:43 pm »
Sekko's first mention in an others journal ...
*gets misty eyed*

Shrowd Umbra

From the Journal of Shrowd Umbra
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2009, 01:03:57 am »
Success. I spoke briefly with Alatriel today and for whatever reason she has given me the name I need. A performance group by the name of the Veiled Dancers taught her to blend with shadows. She suggested I seek the same. She also said I have no skills and to tell them Alatriel sent me. She also told me to quit calling her Sensei and to call her Anailnyiram. I think my pronunciation of it offended her. I am going to pester Emry for Elvish lessons now.

Let's see, it's been a while since my last lesson. I know shadows are needed for the power to work, that's why Tod always has such an easy time dancing about the Gnolls in the mine. They love the dark almost as much as the halfling. Light is problematic. I've seen Tod briefly appear directly beneath torches. I was hounded by two of the black gnolls when I made the mistake of being too well lit once.

Hiding, keeping silent, and moving with acrobatic grace are part of the Shadow Dancer's calling. The ability to dodge well, especially when caught awkwardly, are requirements. The last I still have not mastered, too much time spent upon my rapier. Blasted thing. But still needed. I will redouble my efforts and spend the extra seasons to learn it.

Alatriel seemed ready to tell me no this time. Perhaps she wanted to be sure of my dedication? I can never tell with her. I offered her the enchanted amethyst I'd crafted, it took a bit to sneak into the haven mine and cut it out without being killed. She asked me if I was bribing her. All in all I think my sincerity was proven. She is a hard teacher, though she does not let me call her such. I cannot help but admire her.

Tod is here trying to look over my shoulder. I will pen more after we finish our games. I think Desert Giants today.

Shrowd Umbra

From the Journal of Shrowd Umbra
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2009, 08:04:19 pm »
A new generation of adventurers has arrived in Hempstead it would seem. I met three though only a Rann McClow stayed. A tiefling like myself, he made the same mistake I did of letting his devilish features show. I quickly crafted a cloak and hood for him and gave the names of a few friends. It seemed a good start for the mage.

Met Rann again along with Fleur and Ash. We were debating a trip north when some crazed monk began dropping wealth around the square. Rodlin showed up and convinced us to turn it over to him so he could return it to this 'Silverhand' monk. Rodlin had his quest and we had ours. The others agreed to help me mine some of the gems from the kobold caves on Black Ice. I was a bit hesitant to take Rann along but he proved to know what he was doing and gave all he could muster in the fight.

The deal was sweetened by an eccentric Xeenite whom paid me to leave him nameless. He wanted some rare flowers from up north and agreed to pay a handsome sum. So we agreed to pick flowers, some five petaled pink thing. We saw none of it in the countryside so pressed onward.

The assault went well on the cave's exterior. Fleur's spells pack quite a bit of punch and Ash has never lacked in combat of which I know. Even Rann managed a few spells in edgewise before resorting to his crossbow. It seemed done when we spotted two kobold rogues trying to escape. I struck down the first, a perfectly reasonable reaction for that part of the world I think, while Fleur did something to knock the other down.

Tried to question it but the kobold shook loose and ran. Chased it, pinned it down and tied its legs. Tried to question it again with all manner of unusual interrogation methods but a raider band returned to find us questioning a very upset kobold. Threw darkness, ran, regrouped, broke the reinforcements and decided to camp in the cave. Heard a little girl screaming for help though and after much fruitless searching outsider, determined the noise was an echo from inside.

Heard a man, then a woman yelling. Suspected it was a kobold trap. Suspected it further when a kobold came out on the higher rise inside the cave to taunt Tanal. True to form, the kobolds had a number of nasty traps and ambushes in store for us. Fleur and Rann took the archers from on high while Ash and I broke the ground defenders. I am pleased that my wards held as well as they did, that many magic missiles would have ended me otherwise.

Ambushed at our second camp, chased the little bugger down the tunnel. Stepped in one trap, stopped before the other and flagged it. Blasted kobold trapsmiths. I hear they're holy in kobold society and I can see why. The little wretches wouldn't have been so threatening without their ambushes and traps. As expected he tried to lead us into an ambush. Tried to draw the ambushing forces down a side canyon to safely dispose of them but the canyon was trapped.

Broke the ambush with methods to have done Volga proud, disarmed the canyon trap and avoided the forces around the ore veins. Ambushed again by archers while in the canyon. Stupid kobolds matching bow for bow with mages and rangers. Even Ash was handy with whatever he was throwing at them. Decided to turn south at the canyon's end for fear of being flanked by north and south forces. Found our little mimick kobold still trying to immitate a small village. Showed him our appreciation then set about trying to get to the cliff above him where I spotted some of the pink flowers we needed.

Fluer turned to a pixie and flew up, wish she'd thought of that before falling on me, while we debated the chances of making a ladder. She returned before the ladder could be finished. Took the half-ladder apart and broke camp to hike back to Krashin. The client was very pleased, handing out large sums of money especially to keep his identity quiet.

Met another tiefling by the name of Kol. Working on becoming a tailor, I offered to sell her one of my panther cloaks (I'm pleased to have already had business after shortly posting the ad) to which she was a bit light of coin. Took her out hunting kobolds and bugbears to both get in practice and get her business. I think she'll buy next chance she gets. I know my panther gear is invaluable to my work.

Other items of interest, Benjamin the strangely relaxed father of a Roferienite found a ring for combating magics and offered it to me. Trivial to him but invaluable to me. Asked him for the price of a Belt of Eluding, a most handy device I plan to make much use of in the near future provided I can afford it. Panther cloak sales should help me on that.

Shrowd Umbra

Written in a Hasty Scrawl
« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2009, 06:05:42 pm »
Not yet dead, just minus internet access to play. Posted this by "borrowing" a neighbor's wireless signal (we did help him set it up after all). Back as soon as I have internet. On the upside, I can never be accused of leveling too fast.

Shrowd Umbra

From the Journal of Shrowd Umbra
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2010, 08:51:29 am »
Since I was born they couldn't hold me down
Another misfit kid, another burned-out town
Never played by the rules I never really cared...