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Author Topic: Lost  (Read 1349 times)


Re: Lost
« Reply #40 on: October 11, 2009, 05:43:00 pm »
Mr Caers lesson are driving me crazy! At least he makes it kinda fun...sortof. Oh well...I do seem to be catching more and more as he speaks.

He does get rather irritated at me when i put the dwarfy rocks in my mouth and speak elfish! He just curls up his face like he drank some sour milk when he hears me! O.o :)

Now to find some bag is getting low. :(


Re: Lost
« Reply #41 on: October 11, 2009, 05:45:17 pm »
SO miss hanna gave me this diary nad said it was a from a friend. Im not sure why I have this, Im not even sure I can read it. Its mostly in elfish, but my lessons seem to be helping as I can make out some phrases and stuff.

Sarah..or Huntemara...or something like that. Somethng ...angel?

Good practice for me at any rate. :\


Re: Lost
« Reply #42 on: October 11, 2009, 05:50:09 pm »
*These pages have a light dusting of salt on them and seem slightly water damaged

Well...Hestus and I seem to be getting on swimmingly. :p We even had a nice far as we could the other day.

Seems He and the captain are kinda like brother and sister, and that they are tied to some magic seal that keeps a demon from getting loose. Seems I found the right mission to be on! :) :o

Anyways, after thinking about what he said, the attack cloud thinger does make sense. Its also good to know that Bergis or whatever his name is isnt getting everything his way so far! It also seems like the captain has some books that might help us to help them! :D I hope so...I really like hestus nad its not fair whats happened to him.

Well...breaktimes over..back to work. We found another ship. Ill talk to Mr Steel when this is over and see what he thinks.


Re: Lost
« Reply #43 on: October 14, 2009, 05:38:27 pm »
Its been a nice few days. Bear has taken me to a lake we used to fish at. Actually, he said I taught him how to fish here.

Its really nice, really quiet. We've enjoyed the stars, getting to know one another again, fishing. Apparently Im still better at it than he is. :D Though he did catch the biggest catfish i remember ever seeing! O.o

While he gathering some apples nearby, I decided to pull out this book Miss Hanna gave me. Its pretty hard to read since my elfish really stinks, but im slowly working on it. Bear isnt much help with it, since he doesnt speak a word of it. He says its all dwarf to him! Funny guy. :)

After I told him who it was written by, he told me a few things about sarah. She was my best friend, we got into alot of trouble together (go figure ;) ) and sometimes it was like we were joined at the hip. She sounds nice.
He also said she goes by the name Huntemara...he was never quite sure why she decided to call herself that, but it was something bad that happened along time ago. :(

Bear isnt the wisest person in the world, but he can sure seem like it sometimes. He figures she gave it to miss hanna to give to me to try and help me remember her. So I wouldnt be so freaked out by another person who knows more about me than i sometimes do. That it might prepare me for when i do meet her. That, or miss hanna just wanted to make my brain hurt trying to translate this stuff! ;)

The book does smell familiar...:\


Re: Lost
« Reply #44 on: October 21, 2009, 12:45:41 am »
Note to self....

A new idea for the orc bashers to sell. Grubs on a stick! Frozen of course! yummy treat for the summer heat!

O.o :D


Re: Lost
« Reply #45 on: October 27, 2009, 02:48:06 pm »
Well...this elvish stuff is pretty tough..but I think im starting to get it. At least a little bit anyway. :\\  

Its also kinda depressing..though i did get a bit of perspective on this Hunty girl. Seems we were best friends, then i led her into some serious trouble. Mr Caer said it wasnt my fault. It still feels like it was though.

I almost wish I had never started trying to read that stupid diary of hers! :mad: It makes my head hurt, and now Im not sure if who I was was even a decent person at all. :(

Getting locked up in jail, getting this sarah to break me out, then she ends up...she gets captured and turned into some wizards plaything and worse. :mad:

All because of me...


Re: Lost
« Reply #46 on: October 27, 2009, 10:17:02 pm »
Its such  a nice day laying in the sun by the lake.

The bears and I had fun playing in the water and fishing, then just being lazy and soaking up the sunshine. 8)

Later on I saw Vrebs and Trally passing by and said hi, They thought I was mad for playing with bears in the middle of the great forest. O.o

Their just mad cause the bears dont like them except as maybe dinner. ;)


Re: Lost
« Reply #47 on: October 30, 2009, 03:59:10 pm »
I saw FLynn again the other day and we had a nice chat and he played me some new music he was working on. It was pretty bawdy! O.o :D

We also started talking about spellsword stuff and he asked me if i would be willing to try and teach him more. I wasnt sure at first, not that I wouldn't mind teaching him at all. Its just, mind is still foggy sometimes.

I know reading my old journal has helped, and Ive been trying to be conscientious about how I do some things that I seem to understand and know..I just cant put a word to it. My old journal has helped..and things are returning slowly.

Maybe helping FLynn will help me. :\\ :)

I'll send him a bird to meet me at the arena. Lets see where this goes.


Re: Lost
« Reply #48 on: November 01, 2009, 07:29:26 pm »
Well....seems Flynn decided to meet me at the arena in Vehl.

I have to be honest with myself...i was kinda hoping he wouldn't. Im still not sure how this is gonna turn out. He is my first real student and Im still so fuzzy on so many things.

Still, he did pretty good considering. ;) :) I think he surprised the heck out of those young fighters I got to help us out. At least til one of them mooshed his nose! What a mess! O.o

It was strange, after we got done and he was taking a breather...I'm not quite sure where it came from but i think it was something my old teacher once told me. It didnt sound like me at all. :\\

That or Ive become way colder than I thought since I...since i came back or something. :(

Now for the next lesson...something that wont tire the old geezer out so fast. He's no spring chicken anymore. :D

Maybe target practice...I'll have to see if that old rusted out armor is still around somewhere. O.o


Re: Lost
« Reply #49 on: November 08, 2009, 06:24:22 pm »
So i was walking into this small hamlet ive never been though in the forest on dregar yesterday, just being my normal happy as squirrel, and not bothering anyone. I decided to be nice and polite and say elvish (figured i could practice on someone else besides mr caer or my friends for once). :)

They just glared at me and said something completely mean and rude! I know the bad words from some of my friends who have been trying to 'help me learn'. ;) I know I cant exactly say everything just right or without a bit of 'an accent' but sheesh! :o

I just tried to say hello and they get all nasty on me. Its like some stories ive heard about the uppity elves on voltrex or something. Like i was completely being insulting for trying to learn to speak it! :mad:

I was stunned! I just kinda stood there with my mouth open in shock! Im not completely sure i got the next part of what they said...something about Aeridin and me being some filthy half breed troublemaker! :o O.o

I dont even know where that came from! The just glared at me like i needed to die or something far worse! :(

Im not sure, where that came from. Since when have I ever done something against them. I dont even know them. Besides, whats their god got against me? :\\



Re: Lost
« Reply #50 on: November 09, 2009, 05:37:04 pm »
So this book that Miss Hanna gave me..I guess its from a girl who was my best friend before I..well..before. :\\

She said that she knew I was back and having trouble and wanted me to get to know her through her book so I wouldnt feel like she was just another shadow from my past. :\\

She also said she was really anxious to see me again too! It would be nice to have a friend like that again. I just hope I dont seem all freaky to her. I know i still feel like a freak sometimes when Im with people I knew from before. O.o :(

Miss Hanna said she would be there when i meet sarah..err..huntamara again. To help make things easier, or at the very least stone me if i freak out!  O.o

Soon I think... :)


Re: Lost
« Reply #51 on: November 14, 2009, 12:14:11 am »
I cant believe Hempy is in ruins...I pop out of the portal and decide to cut through the fields and there is nothing but hordes of people where farms used to be! O.o :(

My home is gone...the bashers shop is ruins and under water...:o :(

I just hope everyone got out safe and sound.

I dont know what to do...I feel so helpless right now. All I can do is try to help out where i can i guess. Hopefully the rest of the bashers will show up soon and we can figure out what to do.


Re: Lost
« Reply #52 on: November 16, 2009, 01:30:23 am »
Oh Bear! I was so happy when he showed up outside of Blackford Castle. :)

I was sitting ina tree when he walked below me. I was so excited I jumped into his arms from the branches of the tree...bad mistake.

At lease hes still a cuddly lump and a good pillow to land on! Poor guy, I overwhelmed him with my squirrelishness! :D

It was such a nice day and it felt so nice to be in his arms again. I was feeling especially discouraged cause Mr Steel was on trial for the arms being burnt to the ground. Well..that and the fact he got mad at the corruption in the blackguard and beat some poor fella up in the guardhouse. Poor guy died cause his fellow soldiers decided it was better to let him die than give him some healing potions Mr Steel left after drubbing him!

Oh yeah...apparently my voice carries a bit more than i thought causei got kicked out before i found out what happened to him. Good queenie mouring didnt appreciate my backing up Mr Steel apparently. I wasnt even that loud..i just kinda let something slip and she got all mad at me. Who got her knickers all in a twist anyways. :\\

Bear was so funny...we walked to llast and since it felt like forever since we last saw one another we just enjoyed each others company. He even carried me on his shoulders to Hlint from the fort llast road! He was just a nut! :D

We talked about alot of things, some good, some more bittersweet and others sad. We spent the next few days in the wild surge. Between digging sand at the lake and sharing each others warmth thru the nights it was a wonderful time. I havent felt this happy in a long time. :)


Re: Lost
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2010, 01:45:21 am »
Its been a strange time for me lately. Flashes of memories that dont seem to belong to me have been appearing in my dreams. Yet they are mine.

The leaves dont seem to have their same vibrant hue, the squirrels are avoiding me. I've been hearing the lonely wail of the wolf calling me home. Home where?:\\

Im not sure what it means. I would have sworn I was awake...walking thru the misty forest, and there was an old familiar face. A wolf...beckoning me to follow it. It led me to an old village. I knew this place...I had been here before I think.

Next thing i know Im by the lake. The sounds of animals rustling thru the bushes, birds singing nad a squirrel staring at me with its mouth full of nuts.:)

Gods...Im going nuts. O.o


Re: Lost
« Reply #54 on: January 25, 2010, 03:14:48 am »
A mad dwarf, a silvery monk and why is a balor feeding us chocolate cake and asking silly questions about halfling bakers.... O.o

Stranger yet...I know the answers. :\\

It soo weird. Is this a flash of memory or am i just going insane.:(


Re: Lost
« Reply #55 on: May 18, 2011, 09:45:51 pm »
*hands careworn with travel slowly clear leaves fallen over an old mound of moss which itself was covering an old oblong shaped stone near the base of an old cherry tree.

From the hole an item wrapped in leather to protect it, but now covered with a thin spattering of dirt is pulled from its den. Unwrapped gently, the woman now somewhat careworn and haggard looking from her journey peruses its pages. At times smiling, sometimes not, and sometimes drops of moisture fall onto its pages.

Slowly she closes the book and places it into her pack. Quickly and quietly she puts everything back in order and its as if not even the wind had ever disturbed the leaves.

She bows her head and whispers words only she can hear to the tree by the river then disappears into the coming gloom.


Re: Lost
« Reply #56 on: May 31, 2011, 11:43:53 pm »
Geez...Im barely back into civilized lands again and already im back into the deep end of the pond! O.o

First...embarrassingly...I get lost on paths that I should have known like the back of my hand. Stick to the woods, the only sure fire way to get where you need to go.  :mad:

Next...I meet this crazy elf named Sehky and his wife Keelie (who is really awesome by the way) and we go off chasing some pages from a clans book of honours. And now after finding most of them we were summoned and now we have been given the Legacy of the clan. A key...a key to the Pits. Great, now Im like a cat who's curiosity gets the better of her. Mr Moraken said he would help research one of the symbols on the key for us so we have a better idea of what we are gonna be facing if we decide to go in search of whatever it is that may be there. THough, as I think about it...maybe the whole guarding of the key was to prevent its use by someone who wanted to open a doorway to the pits. My head hurts now...:\\

Oh least on a happier note...miss tegan and mr wren are gonna get hitched. Im glad miss tegan has found some happiness. Before I  left, it was a rough time for her. And best of all, mr wren asked me to help with the wedding stuff. Though I have been gone so long, Im not sure if miss Tegan will want me to. She might be still irked that I just took off without a word to anyone. I know I hurt alot of people who were close to me when I did that. :(