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Author Topic: Making Mari  (Read 785 times)


Making Mari
« on: June 24, 2011, 11:40:53 pm »
"Hey, Dad."



"What, what?  Gods Mari, I ken hear!"

"Then listen when I yell!  Raerae got in."

"Got in what?  Trouble?"

"No!  Into that Toranite thing we applied for."

"Did she now?  Good fer her.  She'll do well.  You get a letter yet?"

"Not, uh, not yet."

"Good, you ought be getting married anyhow."

"I am NOT getting married."

"Don't fold your arms at me young lady.  Yer too old to be hanging round a cart shop.  Go get a husband fore you get hard-looking."

"You don't get it!  You say this every time!  You can't just - you can't - just - raise me like you did and expect me to turn into some high-falutin' lady cause I'm fifteen!"

"Quiet down, girl.  It's what's best.  Woman needs a man around in this world."

"I can swing a sword and I don't need no man!"

"Yeah?  What've I been all these years?  Chopped liver?"

"You wanna play dirty?  FINE!  Where's Ma if she needed you so much?"

Hours later.


"Dad?  Daddy?"

"Dad, I'm sorry.  Alright?  I'm sorry."

"You get a letter yet?"

"Not in the last three hours."

"You gonna do what they say if they take you?  Listen, behave yourself?"


"You sure about that?"

"Yeah.  Yes."

"I'll ask again bout it then.  If it's what you really want."

"I do."

"Least Raelyn'll be there to keep you out some trouble."

"Bart applied too.  He gets in, I won't be able to tie my shoes wrong.  I swear he can hear me cuss from forty feet away."


"Bar-thoo-le-meeeow, you know - Bart Sampson."

"Unh.  Gonna be short-handed round here come harvest."

"Figure they'll let us out to help.  You um, you still mad?"

"Mari - "


"Nah, nevermind.  I'm over it.  Just be good, right?  Watch yer mouth.  Do what yer told.  I'm gonna miss you."

"I ain't got a letter yet, Dad..."

"You will."


Re: Making Mari
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 12:32:03 pm »

"Yeah?  Here, hold this - band's got loose.  Don't let it slip now, girl..."

"Dad, I got the letter."


"Dad, what."

"Guess...I better git some help then."

"Look, I'll just be in town..."

"S'all right.  Don't let go, damnit!  You wanna lose an eye?  There - almost done..."

"I'll visit."

"Pass that hand-vice."

"I'm gonna miss you, Daddy."

"Girl, don't make me git watery in the middle a job.  Go git packed then.  Can't do ta be late."


Re: Making Mari
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2011, 11:04:53 pm »
"Start slow, Mari.  I know you can do this!"

"Easy for you to say. those who fol-low Toran shail..."


"Shahl show - gods, that one's long!"

"Break it up into little bits, like we talked about.  Little bits..."

"Deter - "

"Littler, Mari.  It's okay, you're doing great!"


"The 't-i-o-n' is pronounced 'shun'.  And the 'a' you should leave all by itself.  Try that."


"That's an "ih" i, not an "I" i."


"Right!  I knew you could do it!"

" facking..."

"That 'c' is an 's' sound."

"Why the heck is it an s?  It's a c!  Why does a c sound like an s?  That's nuts!"

" just is.  Try again, okay?"

"Valor:  Those who follow Toran shahl show de-ter-min-a-shun in fasing great...grate?  Or is that gre-at?"


"Oh.  I thought that made sense.  Grate danger - I know that word! - and show the stren...guhth?  Strength to do what is riguht?  No - don't tell me!  I know this one, Dad showed me, silent -gh right?  Right, so...oh, rite.  Hah!"

"See, you can read it."

"Yeah, rite..."


Re: Making Mari
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2011, 10:40:11 am »
"Dear Toran, it's me, again.  Mari.

"Okay, I'm still not sure how to do this but Rae says to just talk, so, I'm talking.  I hope you're listening but I really don't know.  I've been working hard on my training and on my reading, thank you for making your church stuff easy to read.  Or for making Rae's writing easy to read, whatever.

"I keep thinking I should feel silly talking to you like this but I guess I don't, since this is a house full of people who worship you and know you exist.  So I hope you're listening.  Um, I know this is a lot to ask but could you maybe send me a sign, or something?  A dream maybe or I dunno, some feeling in my heart?  I mean I think I believe in you, I'm talking to you, but I'm not sure...I want to be sure.

"I've spent lots of time thinking bout your words, like honor and valor.  Valor mostly right now cause we almost lost Mac when I was in charge, and I found out I'm not so brave as I thought.  I mean I am when it's me, but when there is someone else, I got scared, even though I didn't show it.  So maybe valor is not just being brave.  Um, thanks for that, I mean for showing me that.  I hope that was you.

"Okay, I'm done now, thanks again, just give me a poke or something?  Thanks.  Bye."


Re: Making Mari
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2011, 03:47:53 pm »
"Dear Toran.

"It's late and I'll get in trouble if they know I'm up so I'm gonna talk fast.

"We killed some orcs.  Well, the boys did, I was watching the house case some more sneaked up.  Fixed some fence too.  Been doing a lot of farmwork around Llast but I get to see Dad so that's good.

"Thanks for helping us keep that family safe.  And hey, you know what would be neat, to show me you're there, if I could do stuff like Hector can.  I mean, heal people with my hands like that.  Kinda asking a lot so just think on it okay?

"Okay, thanks, it's bedtime.  Goodnight."


Re: Making Mari
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2011, 10:44:53 am »
"Dear Toran

"Thanks a lot for all the good shots today and thanks for the good team-mates.  I'm kind of not sure sniping is like, Toranite, you know?  But no one died and we got the stuff.  Thanks for our instructors who are taking good care of us.  Except, why can't I go in the boys tent?  It's not like I'm going to kiss them or anything.  Well, I mean...ah, no, nevermind.  Guess I better listen to Miss Daniella, right.

"Thanks for my friends, even if Bart had to go home - I know you'll take care of him.  Thanks a lot for Rae cause without her I'd be pretty lonely.  Thank you for Alex, he's funny, and Marin, even if he's kinda broody sometimes he's someone I want at my back in a fight.  And thanks for Mac cause sometimes figuring stuff out is way easier when you have someone who's as confused as you are...and Toran, whatever's bothering Hector, please help him figgure it out, I think he needs you right now.

"And thanks for the good-job today.  Meant a lot to feel that.  I guess  you're there, I just got to listen more, so I'll quit yappin now.



Re: Making Mari
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2011, 12:41:22 pm »
"Dear Toran

"It's kind of late, since we're on the farm and we're not sent to bed at a certain time or anything.  I stayed up really late a couple nights but it bit me in the butt the next morning when I was pooped out trying to plant wheat.  So no more of that.  Guess there's a reason for bedtimes huh?

"Thanks for the warm feeling.  I think we did good here.  Misha had the baby and boy am I glad Will's here cause I don't know from babies.  I can't figure out why everyone says it's so cute, it looks kind of smished to me.  If I'm not farming I'm playing with Sammy or using wood swords to spar with Will.  Oh and thanks for Will too!  It's so nice to talk to someone who isn't all moods and stuff, like Marinus and Hector the Brooding Brothers.  I swear.

"So things here are looking up.  We'll be going home in a few days, most the planting's done, and best of all I didn't have to read anything the whole time and I got to teach Will some of the stuff we've been taught.  And wow, the look on his face when he had to stand with that shield over his head for an hour...hah!  I must have looked the same way anyway, but it was funny.

"Since I know you're listenin, maybe we can talk some more cause I think I want to do more.  You know what I mean.  But not tonight cause if I don't get some sleep I'll be face down in the porridge tomorrow morning.  So, thanks again, and night."


Re: Making Mari
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2011, 05:51:30 pm »
"Dear Toran


Thanks...for everything...before, and now, and to come."


Re: Making Mari
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2011, 11:52:16 am »
"Dear Toran

Been wearing that necklace a while now, Miss Daniella's right.  I mean, it's kind of more like I just want people to know, but not like, it's you.  Cause you're there anyway.  Funny cause I been talking to you a while now, and maybe it's me that changed, or maybe it's just I learned to hear you?  Got me wondering what else can I learn, sides reading and writing.  I'm never gonna be a scholar.  But I could be something more, more of me an' you, and I hope you feel the same.  I trust you though.  So whatever will be, will be, right?  Like Uncle says.

Please bless Daddy and Uncle, and Will and Marin and Hector and Rae, and Sir Lance and Miss Jillian and especially Miss Daniella cause she's missing her man something fierce still.



Re: Making Mari
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2011, 10:55:03 am »
"Hey, Daddy."

"Hey girl.  Hand me the grips."

She picks up the tool - knowing, from looking at the band and the wheel, which one he wants - and slips beside and a little behind the burly, aging man.

"They let you go?"

"No, but we're headin' back to Miss Daniella's soon so figgured I'd say bye."

"Been good seein ya."

"Yeah."  Her smile curves with mouth closed.  Wistful, but without the lip trembling of youth.  "Where's Uncle?"

"Gettin' wood.  How's that kid doin'."

"Dunno, seemed like he was doing okay for a while, then he ran off...they're looking."  

"This still somethin' you wanna be doin'?"

There is silence for a minute, and a little longer.


For another minute, sounds of contorted metal quivering in protest.

"Yes, more than ever.  Cause it wasn't anything we did what put Will's family underground.  It was someone you all knew, someone you'd maybe say couldn't be involved, he's a business man...someone evil playing at being part of us.  Toran looks out for folks, Daddy.  Looks out against evil.  We couldn't save Will's family but we could and did stop that man from doing more evil."  Her diction, normally slipping in the comfort of her home, crisps, sounding more like the two women whom she now considers "mothers".  

"An' yer gonna stop 'em."

"Going to try.  I believe, now, Daddy.  I know Toran's there.  I know I'm doing the right thing.  I seen some things...some really bad things..."  A moment's hesitation.  "Like a whole ship of the dead.  Stuff was only told me as stories before.  And you know what?  It's not too much.  I can handle it."

"What if yer galavantin' around gets me and my brother up and killed?"

A long silence.  No sounds - the wheel sits poised, band affixed, ready to roll.

"Can't say I'd end up in better shape than Will.  I'll...I'm gonna try not to, Daddy.  Cept I can't not do this.  I mean, you always like making things, making wheels and carts and wagons - remember those little wagons you made me?"

"Still in yer room."

"Cause you make things, you fix things.  I'm gonna fix things too.  Just with Toran's help, and my brothers and sisters."

"Brothers an sisters?  Hold this."

Her hand goes out.  "We're family.  It's like that...I can't promise you anything bout being safe, Daddy, but nobody promised Will's family nothing either, and it wasn't his being Toranite got 'em killed.  All I can do is what I think is right, what I think Toran wants."

He stops to look at his daughter.  A little taller, youth yielding to maturity sped by experiences beyond that of most small town kids.  Muscles earned from hour upon hour with the copper longsword on her hip; some small scars on her hands and forearms.  An ankh around her neck and an expression that reminds him far more of his brother than himself.

"Reckon yer grown, little lady.  Alright.  You fix things yer way, me an' yer uncle, we'll be here."

"You better be Daddy...I got to go, say hi to Uncle for me.  I'll write!"

"When'd you get yer letters?"

"Rae's helped me, been writing for a little while, not so good though."

"Ky read me the letter, was right fine writin'."

"Thanks!  Gotta go!  I love you!"  She's looking out the door, checking the sun, eager now to get back to her blue and gold family.

"Well, git on then."  Striding out while looking around, alert, at ease...his little girl.  He watches until she's out of earshot.  "Love you too..."


Re: Making Mari
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2012, 08:06:02 pm »
"Mari!  You're back!  Good, we've got an order for three wheels and a cart repair, they collided with another one when one of the younger drivers was racing - idjit - "

"Uncle, I can't stay.  Jess came to see that you get this."

"Mari...gods, girl, that's a lot of money.  The Toranites are paying you now?"

"No, earned it helpin' folks.  Where's Dad?"

"Taking a rest, he's been up since dawn.  Said he was feeling a little pale finally around lunch."

"Yeah, figures.  Takin' it easy my behind.  Uncle, that's enough ta cover if things get thin around here so he won't push too hard, an' enough to pay that Torres boy to come round and do the heavy lifting.  Dad got lucky his heart's still beatin, you make sure it keeps on, okay?"

"I'll do, girl.  You're not staying?"

"Just tonight, drag out the big kettle an' I'll make some stew.  But tomorrow I'm headin' back to the temple.  I'm being shipped out."


"Belinara.  I'm training with some folks there."

"Belinara...long ways away, Mari."

"You been?"

"Yes, I've been there."

"You're not sayin' much."

"Not much to say.  I did some good, some bad.  It's a rough place.  You'll be tested."

"I hope so.  Toran's leadin' me there, I have work to do an it's gonna be hard.  But He knows what I need to do so...gotta go."

"You're smiling pretty wide for someone about to go to a war zone."

"Didn't say I was!"

"Don't have to.  You're a Toranite, there's only a few places there you probably should be going."


"You take care, then.  Write even though I know it pains you."

"Ha ha."

"He'll go down fast if he doesn't hear from you.  We're all we have left, Mari.  Keep in touch."

"I will, Uncle, that's a promise.  Get the kettle off the high shelf and I'll help bend bands once the stew's started, 'kay?"



Re: Making Mari
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2012, 10:59:05 am »
"Back again, girl?"

"Passin' through, had a kinda situation."

"I heard, Rolf's girl."

"Who told you!?"

"Girl, you runnin' around in that blazin' blue armor with a buncha meddlin' folks?  Sam was tellin' bout the questioning, somethin' bout some little fairy thing kicking her in the shins, and Jursen said you got right haughty, 'course he's a little put out I think."

"It ain't right.  That girl's got nothin and they just keep dryin' him out and throwin' her back."

"Ain't our business, Mari.  That's them, not us."

"It is our business!  That girl's the one gonna be dead, or makin' others dead, cause none of us got involved.  Then we all complain bout her when we could see it comin' years away.  Either help or shut it when she's got a knife to your throat or is cuttin' your purse."

"Easy...dang, girl...easy...I'm not sayin' you did wrong..."

"This ain't a big town, Dad.  If you knew bout Rolf why didn't you do anything to help her?  Who was there to lend him a little support when his wife died?  Why didn't anyone DO anything?"

"'Dunno except I think I remember him just shuttin' up the doors for a while.  Got right quiet, then drunk.  After that we kinda left 'im, wasn't worth the hassle.  What'd you do with the girl?"

"She's in Hlint now.  Guess he had enough sense to send 'er but she's not much stable with no ma and no pa and strangers tellin' her what to do.  Some elf lady is helpin', I stayed to give her some basic weapons trainin'.  She's got fight but she's hurtin' inside.  Captain said she can train with them some, I'll prolly head back next furlough an' do some more with her.  Her name's Ellie."

"Sounds like you done good."

"Mebbe.  Not just me, all of 'em, cept that annoying redhead.  Not right, that one."

"How bout that one outside?"


"In green.  Don't open the curtain, girl.  Just look out the crack there..."

"Oh...he's alright, met him on the way..."

"Looks like he followed you."

"Did not!  He's headed toward Center or Hemp same as me, nothin' to it."

"Yeah?  Roundabout way to get there."


"Alright, don't git yer knickers in a twist.  Glad ya stopped by quick.  Yer headed back to Fiorez City?"

"Yep.  Can't be late, an' I got time to make up on the travelin' so..."

"Watch yerself."

"You too."


Re: Making Mari
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2012, 12:26:05 am »
"Are you alright, Miss?"

"...huh?  Where...oh, sorry 'bout that, guess I dozed."

"That's okay, they're comfortable couches.  Are you sure you're alright?"

"Well, yeah...well...sorta.  I used that stone by the docks while back an' ended up there."

"We have a clinic in the back if you want to get looked at?"

"Nah, I'm fine.  Just can't git the feelin' of them vines 'round my neck shook off yet."

"That sounds awful.  Whoever Joe is, I hope he's not responsible!"

"...I said his name?"

"While you were dozing, yes."

"...oh.  He's not...respons'ble."

"Do you mind if I sit?  Thank you.  I hope you don't find this prying but you look a little more troubled than a bindstone."

"Funny you sayin' that, most folk don't much know 'bout being bound."

"Well...this place attracts a little different clientele than most taverns.  Our owners are - trouble."

"Hah, well, guess I am too then.  Don't mean ta be.  And nah, it's not pryin', it's just...well, it's kinda 'bout men."

"Well, dear, I can tell you that every man in this inn makes me look like that on a daily basis so I understand.  Is one of these men 'Joe'?"


"And there's another?"


"Having trouble chosing?"

"No...I mean...yes?   Maybe?  It's not like that, not yet, but I'm feelin' pulled two ways."

"I understand that as well...there was a time...well, I understand, anyway.  I wish I had sage advice to offer but I don't."

"How'd you pick?"

"I went with my heart, not my head.  Listening to your heart is very much a part of this place."

"Now that's a right mystery of a smile."

"You'll figure it out, Miss."

"Mari, name's Mari."

"Heloise.  Come, let me get you some water at least."

"Alright, but it's gonna hurt goin' down..."


Re: Making Mari
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2013, 09:47:20 pm »
"Dear Dad.  Im going to be at the templ [strike]son[/strike] soon.  Will be home.  But not long.  Im in center now so a few weeks.  Love, Mari."

"She's writing again, at least."

"I'm gonna git this framed."

"Hah.  Let me see that."

"Here.  Gonna git Anton on them axles, boy's spendin' way too much moonin' over Ruben's girl.  Apprentice my shin, kid don't got a lick of sense.  Told me the other day you could put a solid wheel opposite spoked!"

"Give him time, Owen.  By the gods that girl's writing has slipped as bad as her speech."

"How much time I gotta give him?  He's near eighteen!  When I was eighteen I didn't argue with my master."

"Yes, you did, continuously.  Remind me to work with Mari when she comes back.  Siphe might be good for her career but it's wrecking her diction.  'Ya' instead of "you", 'ta' instead of "to"..."

"Soundin' a bit high falutin' there, Ky."

"She's not field troops, she's a paladin of Toran.  She'll be leading someday and if she's in the officer chain I would at least like to undo the damage that's been done.  She sounded better before she joined the church!"

"Fine, I'll remind you if it's botherin' you that much.  Think she'll have that moon boy in tow again?"

"I wouldn't be surprised, although he didn't strike me as church.  Do you like him?"

"Polite enough I guess."


"And, I can't think about it.  She's still my little girl."


Name?""Marion MacMurray,
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2015, 05:04:38 pm »


"Marion MacMurray, sir."

"MacMurray. Subject of this report?"

"His name is Jay."

"Reason you can't write this out and are instead impinging upon me to do so?"

"Figgured you'd want it inside a year, sir. My writin's not much readable."

"I see. That must be remedied, MacMurray. Toran's church does not run on the sword alone."

"Yes, sir."

"Now then. What is it that you wish to report."

"Jay. Human male, 'bout yay tall...muscled, he's used ta swingin' a greatsword. Seen him cleave animals in half with it too. He's wearin' spiky black armor last I seen. Kinda advertising. He's got skin missin' on his - "

"Give me a concise reason for this report."

"As I was sayin', he's got skin missin' in a way that don't look natural. I got a real sense o' evil, an' his actions fit right in line. He runs with adventurin' types, got warned about him already by some o' them. He's got a reputation fer real questionable acts, an' he's got his boney nose 'round a lot lately. Thing is, he's livin'...least, his heart is beatin'."

"How did you come to meet this person?"

"I was at a gatherin' in Leringard, 'bout a bounty on a red yeti. Never heard of such a thing. He was there. I went along with a friend, makin' sure nothin' untoward happened. Took us out by Krashin, an' there was some doin's there. Durin', I hadda do some chest-pounds on Jay as he got hit with some magics what stopped his heart, an' I got a good look at his face. Bits o' skin are missin', his skull's showin' through. I just...felt somethin' wrong, there. I can't 'splain it more'n that. We ended up lettin' tha yeti go, it wasn't a threat an' shouldn'ta been captured or killed, in fact - Toran bless it - it kinda saved us by helpin' us outta an avalanche, all 'cept fer Jay."

"So, a person of interest."


"Magical abilities?"

"Not that I saw."


"Real well. He knows his sword, right good. An' he either plays at honor round other folk, or has some sense of it. Only reason he didn't kill the yeti was 'cause I saved him. Called us even. Makes him more dangerous if ya ask me."

"Anything else we should know?"

"Not that I ken think of, sir."

"Very well. Thank you for your report, MacMurray."



