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Author Topic: a street rat's life  (Read 1411 times)


Re: a street rat's life
« Reply #40 on: August 07, 2009, 12:44:41 pm »
*Benjamin tucks a poster carefully into his newly bound journal after reading it a few times with a slight smirk* This outa be good fer a few free drinks I think. I think the first one will be ta those that fell.  The second fer those that stood.

This Crown has learned the details of our stricken fort, Hurix. It grieves Us to know so many lives were lost, so many of our brothers, husbands an sons lay beneath the soil of Our fair kingdom. We honor those lost, all names collected will be recorded in the History for all time.
 We honor those, too, that stood by our innocents and devoted. Brave knights of Toran, of Rofirien and of Vorax arrived to drive off and hunt down Our attackers. For this We are ever grateful. It is, though, our highest praise that we wish to offer to the following, whom stood by the People of Hurix in their darkest hour, defending and enduring.
Benjamin Poetr
Tod Fellow

 Rodlin Serim
Galathea Arnaduillae
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir
Shiff Dragonheart
Daniella Stormhaven
Aesthir Stargazer
Angela Swann

 Storold Doesscha

 Maelverik Reznar
 Trelania offers a day of celebration to honor all of those who fought for Our People.
 *the stamp and seal of Trelania follows as well as the complex signature of Queen Mouring. The announcement is also read over the kingdom by traveling heralds under the banner of Trelania for the few months it takes to travel to all Trelania's major cities (and stopping at the small ones along the way)*
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: a street rat's life
« Reply #41 on: September 15, 2009, 10:23:36 am »
Freas, Seplar 13, 1454

Of all the things that puzzle me most, I way me guildmates look ta me sometimes fer leadership puzzles me the most.  Iffn I'm ta be honest at least with myself, I never wanted such a thing to happen.  But, as with all things, it seems to have occurred on its own.  No point complainin bout it, I'll simply do what I've been doin, put me head down and feet forward and get what needs doin done. Sometimes that means I gotta give orders.  Of course, Essa and Elly seem ta take great fun in callin me Capt'n or Sir, the wisearses.

Like defendin Hurix, I went because it needed doing.  Them soldiers and the folk of the countryside needed other folks ta help. *touches a medallion on his cloak and grins* I never figured ta get more outa it then the satisfaction that my homeland would survive, but I gotta admit it feels pretty good ta be looked upon in a better light. Its a shame so many died, but at least thier children will grow up as they did.

My studies of the Al'Noth continue.  I've learned to focus my power a wee bit more, not much, but enough that the magical shield I conjure lasts more than a few moments which is useful fer a variety of tasks..mostly charging them fool kobbies that inhabit the northern caves.  I've taken to
some intense study of spells and their uses as well.  I find myself recognizing more of the castings by Essa, Sala, and Elly.

Might be I'm a fool, but Aylana and I seem ta have more than friendship.  She's got a set of pipes that don't quit, that woman, an she's nice nuff. *pauses in his writing* I guess I'm toyin with the idear of askin her ta marry me, but I ain't suren if its fair ta her.  I don't look it jest yet, but I ain't a young man anymore.  Guess I'll hafta think bout it some more.

As usual, there's work ta be done and here I sit wastin time.  I'd best see it done.

Benjamin Poetr.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: a street rat's life
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2009, 03:09:36 pm »
Wedlar, Oclar 18, 1454

Dang that woman anyways!! Why'd she hafta test me like this?!  I wasn't lying bout telling Ferrit me interest in Aylana and yet she had ta bring it up on a guild run.  Mister Kyle was a bit taken back and there were a few awkward moments fer me, but his position was the same as Ferrit's..keep Lana happy.  

Essa was her lie that gave her away..she said "I wish you well," but it was the way she said it..a slight widening of the eyes and a quiver in her lip that told me she was both hurt and angry bout it.  She never could lie ta me worth nothin.  Could it be she feels more fer me that she does bout the other fellows in her life?  We do gone on an on, me and the priestess..fact is I never gave it much thought until Missus Sonya mentioned we quarrel as well as any married couple.  Maybe I'll hafta rethink these feelings I have fer Aylana..fer my own safety and hers.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: a street rat's life
« Reply #43 on: October 01, 2009, 10:18:22 am »
Sunra, Junar 1, 1455

I've gone and done it.  I asked Aylana ta marry me and she said yes.  I mulled and debated on it fer a long while and was even surprised when she offered to simply live together, but I pointed out her Da would never condone such a thing and she agreed.  She asked me if I loved her and I had to explain how I felt.  While no one ken take the place Tar held inside of me, I do care a great deal bout Lana, lots of little love I explained.  She said she understood which eases me mind considerably.

We've got a bit of work to do, but we've had a stroke of luck, Tod's offered us the upstairs of his little halfling home in Wayfare.  I'll be spending some time fixin the place up proper fer a lady of Aylana's standin, but I don't really mind.  The Weddin will be at Essa's party and I even got the priestess to agree to officiate.  Her only words ta me were "Won't you ever learn?"  I guess the answer ta that is a big nope.  Once again I owe Essa more than words ken say.

Elly's been right moody lately and more than a bit withdrawn so my studies of the Al'Noth have suffered slightly.  I continue to simply observe folks more knowledgeable than meself like Sala and Chakar.  Its slow goin and ta be honest, I struggle with it.  I've had thoughts of giving up altogether, but then something will come along to renew my interest like the magical portal beneath Nel.  We spent several fruitless days down there tryin ta figure a way to close a one way portal without dropping a barrier.  Allgo and meself evern searched the ruins we could get to for more clues.  The only one we found was a fresco depicting humans building the site under the watchful eyes of a demon.  Me spell book, a meager thing will soon have a new set of second circle spells I think.

Guild business continues apace.  Mister Kyle has expressed a desire and willingness to assume more of a leadership role.  At first I was angry as I've been coverin fer him fer a long time, but then I realized iffn he wants to do more organizing and leading, it's less work fer me.

I asked Sonya's daughter, Hunte,  a question the other day -- How would she feel bout taking over fer her mother in the guild as Sonya has made it fairly clear she's ready to retire.  She said she'd think bout it.  I ain't fond of most of Rain's brats, but Hunte seems ta have a good head on her shoulders and no chip beside said head to cause the guild grief.  She'd be a fine fit if she accepts, I hope she does.

Ben Poetr.

Hempstead, Mistone
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: a street rat's life
« Reply #44 on: October 08, 2009, 11:21:46 am »
Mulnari, Seplar 23, 1455

Tunar, Junar 10, 1456 is the day Lana becomes me wife.  She told me something that made my jaw drop the other day as we sat relaxing at the home in Wayfare.  She told me that Essa doesn't have a jealous bone in her body and that because she loves Essa as well, she's willing to allow our foolishness as long as we're discrete.  I ain't sure what I've done to deserve that bit of understanding, but after I closed my mouth and simply agreed pointing out that I was willing to forgo that particular part if she ever changed her mind.  It seemed the wisest action I could take at the time.

Essa has the party mostly set up, but she's asked fer some help in organizing a treasure hunt.  I've been thinking about her idea of the party goers asking each guild member fer a clue as ta the final location of the grand door prize and have a few ideas to share.  I'd write them here, but I need ta speak to Essa first.

Me magic and studies of the Al'Noth continue.  Insights I've gained are mastery of second circle spells and a furthering of my overall understanding of spell casting in general.  Elly suggested some studies in the art of dispelling, the cancellation of some magical effects by enemy wizards with spells of my own.  I look forward to learning more.  I am beginning to see that magic is a tool much like my bow or lock picks.  Careful and thoughtful application is needed for it to be most effective.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: a street rat's life
« Reply #45 on: October 26, 2009, 10:47:40 am »
Benjamin tucks a light blanket around Aylana's neck, giving her a kiss and stands back, letting her sleep, and "Poor things still tuckered after that party and wedding," He murmurs with a slight snicker, "Guess she ain't got me stamina, not bad fer an old man."  With that, Benjamin steps lightly to his favorite chair and dusts off a journal, his usual irrepressible energy showing in a crooked grin.

Threas, Jular 12, 1456

Where ta start..I guess I should mention what Jennara shared with Elohanna and meself in the troll caves.  She suspects one of the leaders of the Dragon Cult completed the Path of the Claw and for reasons of his own remains at large in Mistone.  Disturbin news ta say the least.  Miss Jennara described him as white haired man with a white small beard, but said if he completed the path, he could be almost any shape or creature he chooses.  

Our wedding went off with nary a hitch and was well attended.  I gotta hand it ta Sallaron fer a fun game of cards.  Lana won both hands and the prizes, which makes me happy, at least one of us is lucky.  Essa outdid herself once again with the party, much to everyone's enjoyment.  Its her gift.

My studies of the Al'Noth continue.  I attended one of the Tower's meetings and learned a fair bit, but its seems ta my mind most of the wizards and sorceresses there are more intent on positions and titles than learnin.  I've seen orcs cooperate better at times.  Hard thing ta say, but true.  Elohanna has her work set fer her is all I ken say bout it.  I was out with Essa, Elohanna, and that crazy elf, Razeriem and we discovered a place in the Dead Marches where the Al'noth was spells of any sort worked.  It was on the last stretch of the marches before the Great Spike Mountains.  It unnerved me and Essa to the point where we turned back.  We dutifully reported our observations ta Elohanna and she confirmed the strangeness of it personally.

Guild business has been slow, but steady.  We agreed at our last meetin to set aside funds and materials fer a center of learning.  Its purpose is to help crafters and their ilk.  To date there's about ten thousand trues saved so far.  Its my hope that Mister Kyle or Steel will approach the city council soon with our plan.  We have yet to hire an architect to draw plans.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: a street rat's life
« Reply #46 on: November 13, 2009, 01:42:18 pm »
A very tired looking Benjamin drops a heavy pack next to the door and drags himself to his chair.  Opening a ratty journal, he writes by lamplight, the days light long since fled.

Threas, Mai 5, 1457

Me Da used ta say If you lived long enough troubles will find you, so why go looking.  I surely think what he said then is true now.  Hemp lies underwater; some four feet of it or deeper in spots.  The Guild is in shambles, crates of once finely crafted goods now contain mold and rotting materials.  Most , if not all of the leather work and clothing smells of rot and will have to be burned to prevent disease.  Iffn we are very lucky, looters will miss the jewelry and non iron weapons and armor.  I did note the law out in some force to prevent looting.   All this on me return to Wayfare from the far north. //lingering shadows.

Still, there may be some room for hope here, if I dare write such a thing.  Fer example, Lana holds some feelings of being cheated out of children -- with these troubles, I'm sure there will be many children who will need a home.  I will hafta bring the idea to her.  Another area may be we rebuild a better Guild Hall.  I have a few ideas fer creating a counter and drop off area for raw materials much like the Bashers do.  If we are to incur rebuilding costs, we should improve not just rebuild.  

Whatever the guild does, we'll be needing a meeting to sort things out, but first..I need ta make sure all of us survived.


Benjamin falls asleep in his chair; his soft snores fill the room.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: a street rat's life
« Reply #47 on: November 25, 2009, 01:54:43 pm »
Benjamin rubs his eyes tiredly and dips his quill into the ink on his desk,

Tunar, Novlar 17, 1457

The list of projects grows, most everywhere I turn I see work needin ta be done, but where ta start.  The guild hall in Hempstead is as ready fer the next wave as meself and other guild members ken make it -- sandbags reinforce the other walls along with what planking could be spared.  More importantly the majority if not all the salvageable materials and finished goods are move to the Half Lake house, which Ferrit has set up and organized ta act as our new guild hall until this storm plays itself out.  Ferrit, poor lady, is besides herself at times with organizing.  I hope me good news of adoptin a wee one helped ta cheer her some, we all could use a bit of good news.  What remains ta be done is helping Mister Kyle and Ferrit rebuild their home in Krandor, Steele's Arms, and the numerous projects around Hempstead, including a remodel of the Guild Hall itself.

My skills with the Al'Noth continue to grow, I've achieved mastery of third circle spells, but ta me honest as much as I love magic, its allure is startin ta feel..flat.  I seem ta be at a crossroads, do I resume practicing me former skills or continue on this path?  With the strange absence of my teacher, Miss Elohanna, I'm leanin toward the former, but remain undecided.

Despite me doubts about pursuing me studies, I remain committed ta Hempstead and its folks, they're my people and I mean ta do right by em.

~Benjamin Poetr
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: a street rat's life
« Reply #48 on: December 28, 2009, 01:23:40 pm »
Sunra, Mai 8, 1459

I've made me decision, a poor wizard I may be, but a wizard I remain.  I made a recent discovery, it seems all me time spent mixing potions has had a curious side effect, it seems the skin on me hands and arms has hardened to an almost leather consistency.   Its either that or the multiple abrasions and wounds I've suffered have finally made me skin tougher to the point of worked hide.  With all the dangers I expose meself to, I reckon its a good thing.  No new revelations in regards ta me magic workin other than an increase in me ability to concentrate, I ken now hold my focus for a longer time, keeping the formula's active in the Al'Noth around me for a few moments longer.  

Business at the Guild continues, but at a slower pace, much of the guild's energy has been in helping the folks of Hempstead in recoverin still.  By me count close ta two hunnerd thousand in materials has been donated so far.  

Home life is good.  Lana an the girls, Bria and Katelyn seem settled in.  Lana's been makin em both dresses.  Got their room organized and set up.  Bria is still occasionally troubled by nightmares and there's been more than once Lana or meself have slept by the side of her bed, but she's growin again despite missin her wing.  Speakin of, I managed ta carve an arm fer her outa mahogany with a few leather attachments.  Its not much, but it lets her hold small things close to her belly and use her good arm more.  I might be biased, but I'm bettin both me girls turn out ta be lookers.  I'll be keepin Essa an her idears away from the two of them fer a bit yet.

~Benjamin Poetr
Wayfare, Mistone.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Wedlar, Mai 18, 1460 I've
« Reply #49 on: September 17, 2015, 12:52:21 pm »

Wedlar, Mai 18, 1460 I've made me decision. I'll see the new guild hall built and running then I'll retire and spend the years remaining to me with Lana and the girls. I've asked me boy to look over a will written by me own hand and he says its legal. I'll leave a copy of it with the priests of Deliar in Hemp and me boy has a copy in his personal effects. If there should be any questions regarding this letter, I leave all final decisions to me songbird, Aylana Poetr.


Iffn yer reading this, I'm dead. Depending if there is enough of me left to bury, I wish to be buried near Hurix on my family's ancestral land. However I went, I want no party or last hurrah to be held, unless Essa insists and everyone gets fallin down drunk. If this is the case, may you all suffer the hangovers of ten ogres each fer being stupid enough ta drink so much. As most of the property I possess is in co-ownership with various individuals and the Angels Guild, it's a simple matter to revert said property back to those individuals and groups. First, 181 Haven, of which I own the upstairs half I wish to go ta Keppli Quickhands, Ranger and halfling lass. I've always seen her as me first daughter and wish for her to be able to call the place her own home fer as long as she wishes. I have a small note from Sala granting this from several years ago and trust her to hold to her promise. 225 Haft Lake house -- Purchased as a guild house, it returns to guild hands, I leave the decision as to the specific who in my other guild family's hands. Finally, the apartment upstairs at 189 Wayfare I leave to my friend and wife, Aylana. All materials and furniture are to be hers along with the full amount of me bank account-after any outstanding guild funds have been turned over to Ferrit Pandorn. Her songs have always been a great comfort to me and It is my wish that she be provided for in this way. In me younger years, I sought true as a means of wealth, but as I got older, I realized the true wealth ta be had was in one's friends. I hope ya thought of me the same despite me usual gruffness. This will is written by my hand on Mai 5, 1460. (signed) ~Benjamin Poetr

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: a street rat's life
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2010, 09:33:52 am »
The rising sun finds Benjamin and Aylana fast asleep on a couch by the statue of Allurial in Hempstead.  Carefully, Benjamin recovers Aylana with his cloak and pulls a small spellbook from a larger pouch.  Putting quill to the back pages he writes...

Freas, Decilar 13, 1460

I think me Songbird has the knack fer elvish..she understands most everything I tell her in me poor barely passable Elvish and she's able ta recite the words back ta me well nuff with very little in the way of reminders.  Most likely its her younger memories helping her overcome me own bad diction as both Aerimor and Alatriel are quick ta point out..I speak lousy elf. smirks. I ain't told Lana, but I asked as many of the elves I know ta help her by speaking elvish round her as much as possible.  Its me last gift ta this woman that I ken give. Furrows his brow deep in thought.

Adventurers..heh, we call ourselves this because we dare ta go where most sane folk won't and fight things most would run screaming from.  There's a price ta be paid fer this adventure especially with those that ya care about. Glances at Aylana and sighs That price is in the leaving, taking that final step beyond the blackness between the bindstones.  A few have come back, but not many..and none that I've talk ta recall what they found there.  I won't be coming back. Rubs his right knee to work some stiffness there then continues writing.  

I've never been a brave man.  Being a hero is somethin I've always thought is being the person that gets other folks killed and ta that end I've never proclaimed meself a hero, even when they gave me this medal fer fightin in Hurix.  Me songbird thinks different, she told me last night its because I'm scared but still do what needs doin that makes me brave.  I don't know if I hold ta that, but I could see it in her pretty green eyes she thinks it so.  Gazes at the statue in the morning light for a few moments, pausing to pat Ayalana's shoulder as she murmurs in her sleep he turns back to the statue and whispers. Lucinda, Lady of Spells, ya've showed me more wonders in me latter years than I've a right ta see, now I'm askin fer jest one thing..Help me ta die well.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: a street rat's life
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2010, 10:19:37 am »
Evening finds Benjamin carefully preparing his pack in his apartment at 189 Wayfare.  With a tenderness not usually seen he kisses Ayalana on the cheek and pads softly into his adopted daughter's room and gives each of them a kiss.  Squaring his shoulders he slips into the night using the shadows to conceal himself from the merchants and guards outside and makes his way out the gate into foothills of the Dark Peaks.  Summoning his magic, he shrouds himself and conjures wards against the cool night air and magic and continues past the satyrs into the darkness beyond.  He is not seen again in the lands...
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

