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Author Topic: Of Autumn and Karthy  (Read 204 times)


Of Autumn and Karthy
« on: May 31, 2006, 10:30:06 am »
Browns and oranges... golden hues as well. reds... never reds, for the clash is horrid. Gentle leaves, trees tucking in for winter's breath. Autumn is the time of preparations, the time we ready for the end of the year, prepare for the new year ahead.

The time for Milara is ending. Rilara makes preparations for their new life with out the rule of this tyrant. In my other life I live on Mistone, I live on Rilara and some months I live on Dregar. In my other life, my heart roams these places and the tragedy of it's peoples haunts me. In my other life i can do not for the people of Karthy, so I create a new life, an new name, a new life, in celebration of a new year. A new life with out Milara in rule. Autumn will be her name, and she will shelter the children, protect them as much as she can from the travesty that is living where they do.

Life is hard in many ways in many places. There will always be those in need of help, for Utopian places cannot exist as long as beliefs vary and people vary. Children suffer through no fault of their own and have no avatar. They suffer as the animals of our land, with out a champion to speak for them. I'm no champion, but I will spread my branches as if a tree to shelter those I can reach.  As if a bird I will spread my wings and take flight to herald the needs of these forgotten souls. As if the wind, I will support and comfort in anonymous relation. For these children my heart is both guarded and open. It must remain balanced or I will loose myself and never leave. No help will I be then.

Autumn. She heralds the coming Winter, she whispers promises of Spring.


The first Visit
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2006, 10:40:29 am »
The first glance, the first gifts... the first facing of the hardships before them. Gifts of simple foods, sugared rice, apples, apple juice. There wasn't enough, though I should not have been surprised. When there is kindness, hardly is there enough to go around to those who need. Empty bellies, wounded hearts. The agony of watching the pain dance in their little faces. Their eyes... I tried to let them forget for a time. I shared a tale, answered their questions. Fill their hearts, bolster their minds. Let them learn, and they will become more, they will need such as we no longer. I fill the role of teacher, of shelter, of shoulder, of listener.... so many if they let me.

My efforts of my other life... and this... I drown in the effort but I will not forget these littles. Waifs, scrawny littles. I return better prepared on the next visit. I promised another tale, another visit when Autumns travels take her near Karthy. They will. Autumn will not forget the hope of Karthy.


Reporting in the weather
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2006, 10:51:49 am »
My contact to The Black Pearl visited with me in my other life. He cautioned me, he can sense my despair for these children. I told him I knew if I lost myself I'd be no help to those children. He took my news of establishment back to The Black Pearl, who ever this mysterious person be. Children are cautious creatures. My first desire is to shelter them, but if they can help me help them, I will not turn it away. I will not use them, my intentions are pure. These snow angels need not worry that. There are others who work for The Black Pearl, and if there is fallout from our actions, I mean to shelter these from that. I know that was not the original purpose for my going there, I can't think the others of this group who seeks to liberate would want any less. My purpose becomes folded, with layers like carded sheep's wool: the spinning can only be done with the dirt and bugs freed from the wool. In my other life I would say, Life is what happens when you make plans... Fitting here as well, since the plan was not as it is now.


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2006, 08:40:20 am »
A meet finds Autumn's been marked for death. As has Pig, whom no one has seen for some time. Autumn leaves change colors, but those children, I'll not betray. The Pearl makes move to have a watch on Autumn so the burlies don't toss her in the harbor. Back to Karthy, back to where the innocents wait. Seems kindness is repayed out of sheath, quiver or bandoleer. Seasons are slipping past, slowly, but ture autumn comes, and the end of the occupation with it. The our snow angels will have a brighter future.


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2006, 11:49:33 am »
A small blending of actors. My other self has made a contact for the Freelancers. He's an ex-pirate, if you can ever be retired from that buisness. Seems a life changing event for him was witnessing and nearly becomming a casualty of one of the battles with daemons on Roldem. He saw the ships of the aggressors, filled with all mannor of daemon, slave and such. Their attempt to flee drew attention to them, and their boat was sunk. Most of the crew was eaten by sharks or maybe daemon as well. infact he believes all of the crew was killed, excepting him. He had quite an adventure between that time and now. I don't know how much of the rest of his story i quite buy, but this part i believe. Something about him speaks that as long as we accept his nature, he could be a strong ally for us. By being accepting of his nature, i mean, we accept he is still going to lie, cheat and steal, just knowing that part i won't feel betrayed when he behaves as himself. He some how reminds me of a tired old man, ready for the bar to share tales and hang up his boots so to speak. I guess i have a soft spot for him. I genuinely believe his story is -mostly- what he tells it, and i genuinely believe he's looking for 'honest' pay. I think he will work hard for the Lancers, provided we continue to treat him well.

During all of this... Some shifty gent made a real nusance of himself. I can't find it in me to believe anything he says. Not one to really understand these things other then my part in this, i've set a meeting for him with the founders. If he's useful then good, if not then hopefully i won't have to deal with him much more. Further more, i think he tried to get the ex-pirate some sort of punishment for what ever crime he felt was done. Called him an evil dog, said he was to serve pennance. Passing judgement on others with out the facts doesn't sit well.

The helpful souls that were at the tavern... I couldn't have done this with out them. One of the ryders was with me, i was grateful for her presence. the others i really don't know much about, tho i was familiar with the two bards that happened in, and they inturn seemed aquainted with the amazon and the other gent.. these folks and the trouble maker helped fend off some angry lackies of one of the ship captian's. Of course if the troublemaker had not assigned the ex-pirate 'pennance' i don't think it would have been necessary. When the group of them left, there sure was a mess left over. Three bodies and the blood. Some faithful's helped me with them, tossed them through the portal and disposed of them on the other side near the orc camp. My most used and useful spell, a cantrip was handy for fetching the stains out. With a bit of luck there should be no tell tale signs of the scuffle. Couple of days later the angry Captian came calling. I didn't have to say a word, the patrons of the place sent him off with a story all their own. I didn't realise we had such a faithful following here. I'm encouraged that we are starting to make a differance.

The ex-pirate gent is here for a time, while we find him a place to hole up. Nice to talk with him here an there, though my accent slips to the bottms when i'm talking to him. He's got a library full of tales.

My thoughts drift as they always seem, to the snow angels of Karthy. At the Point i don't see so many of the children in such a state as those in Karthy. Autumn should visit more of the cities on Rilara. Karthy surely isn't the only one where the children need support. Besides, a traveling bard should be known elsewhere in the lands not just Karthy.

I hope those documents i signed for were really ordered by the founders.....


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2006, 12:30:01 am »
Autumn comes to retrieve her snow angels. Building a guard for them now. For the ones wanting to leave Karthy, a home is being made for them now. For the ones staying, Autumn stays too.

Warding eyes away, warding hearts with hope.
His peircing eyes are the cover of his soul.
Gentled inside, the dream is dying, whole.

Blessings and council, teaching how to cope.
Gems and dusts, maybe the enchanting bowl.
Equally passed kindness and heavy hand, dole.

The two of them quite a pair.


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2006, 10:27:47 am »
More information gathered tonight... there's one i don't trust for any stretch but they do. I will keep my eye on him. The ex-pirate was good on  his word and passed good words. For now... it's to Karthy and to my snow angels. Apples, sugar rice, juices... anything i can muster for their bellies.

A will was left in my care... i pray to the Lady it will not need my tending, but the truth of it is, there's good chance i will. I just hope there won't be too many of these.

In my other life, things twist and shade. My love leaves me standing in tears... My friends prove my strongest allies. The child will be loved, as my snow angels will also. I pray my love returns to me.


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2006, 02:29:56 pm »
In the square of Point Harbor, there is a fountain. There is a sculpture of a girl child with wings.... a little snow angel. I stood watching the water move about for a time.. and watched the child sculpture. she seemed happy. To have wings... to fly away escape that which endangers her. My snow angels do not have such a blessing.. no matter how hard it is for me to press on, I must.

I think He is gone from me... that i have done something irrepperable now, i know not what. if not for our child and for the snow angels, i do not think i could keep on.

Here i sit, at the fountian of Karthy, as a dolphin skims about the waters of it. Let them come to me. I'll spread my own wings to shelter them, my arms to hold them, my heart to care for them. The Honor Guard of the Snow Angels.... they prepare to rescue as we speak.

In this day our Queen recinds from view to guard her heart, The King passes into the unseen veil... the Alliance shrouds in mystery and betrayl. Our enemy seems far from winning, yet closer today. He'll not have these children. With my last breath, I'll make sure of it.


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2006, 10:36:07 am »
That which seemed pure is tainted. We have had to cast shadows to remain afloat. My heart aches with what we have done, but with out there would have been no hope for our snow angels. The ex-pirate nearly died, many of the dragon-called passed, including my own protectors. One payed and there happily, the other self appointed and gratefully accepted. Sad that they both fell, my heart aches that i was unable to protect them. And now one of them is missing... She sails... maybe unwillingly... to an unknown location. Doing all that i can to keep the worry for her wellbeing from consuming me, but it is hard. I felt the first pangs of... something... i have become worry.

Two hundered snow angels... the Honor Guard will have to become an army. One whom the leader trusts has done a great wrong and i will hand over my last Threads before he comes near my snow angels. There is an underlying current of malicious chaos with in, and it will not let loose upon those i protect. Let it be loosed on Milara's forces, but keep that creature far from the innocents.

In my otherlife... the day of the birth apporoaches... though i do not know when exactly. I have been given a warning of my own limits. My love... like a shadow, he is there and not there. I will prepair for the comming of our children, whether or not he stands with me. We begin to see progress towards companionship in true, but it has a path of so many setbacks. I have lost my faith in succeeding, i now only have my hope that it will not fail. I... worry too that i will fail.

I cannot.


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2006, 10:16:39 am »
*sitting in the temple of Ilsare in Hlint, the bard in her other life pushes away all thoughts of the turmoil that is her life. she looks down at the children laying beside her in their makeshift cots looking for all the world to be sleeping. a tear rolls down her cheek to join the others and she returns to her work of brushing their hair and moving their little bodies around some to keep them healthy. she sings quietly the words to her lullaby that she has carried with her through her travels, a memory of her mother. in recient days she has spent a goodly portion of her days visiting those in hlint needing her care. her mageress friend who is destroyed on the inside, the children in the temple and a few lost souls in the graveyard of hlint.

in her other life she has the hearts of the people of Roldem in her heart openly and the hearts of those in Karthy in private. as she brushes their hair and fixes them into braids, she drags herself over the events that brought these children to their state. she thinks of the nearly two hunderd children running through the guild hall of the Freelancer, in their temporary home. she smiles slightly thinking of them, and how she expects to find the founders of  the Freelancer tackled down on the floors of the guild hall mock beggin for mercy. her gaze falls back to the present and down to the children laying before her and her brief happiness melts away. she sighs heavily and takes her brush to the next child, smoothing the hairs and untangling what has set in from bed rest. her thoughts fall on the reality, she doesn't even know their names, they ran into the fray with the cold heartless thugs in defence of the heros that would rescue them, and surely their own lives. they were cut down in moments. dispite her best efforts she could not catch them fast enough she could not hold them away from the fight.

she failed them, in her heart she knows this to be fact, though her mind tells her otherwise. tears flow freely once again and she tries not to choke on her lullaby, wanting them to only hear comforting sounds. she prays again quietly that the man who was sent for will come to these children in need. her friend sent a letter of introduction to the situation to this man, and told her of his intent. her fondest wish is for the man to arrive and tell her there is something that can be done for these brave little ones. they have suffered so much in their lives to lay like this, unresponcive, empty seeming. the cruelty of the scene overwhelms her again and she folds over the children her melody away and her sobbing coming quietly as she can manage. she does not want them to hear sad things as they lay here. her insides tear at her for the events of the last few days, the children saved the children floating near being lost, the children yet still needing her to keep her word.

the Honor Guard was incredibly successful. that they were able to get so many with so few losses is near a miracle. one member of the honor guard still missing, the others in turmoil.. there is no time for the joy in what they have accomplished. the bardress near to breaking, catches herself and straightens herself and swallows that sobs try to come with out her permission. she must be strong, they need her to be strong. she will not see another masacre like the one she sees in her mind now of her family, the scene of the children falling rubbing raw that memory. to the faces of her mother and siblings she now sees these children, hears their screams of agony. she locks herself away from these images and finishes her work, this time speaking to the children. she speaks slowly and carefully pushing away her stutter, pausing when necessary to control it so that no hint of her worries come forth*

"I am collecting feathers. I did not know why untill you came, my angels. They are feathers that hold the blessings of the Bird Lord. I have a few more supplies to find, some silks and cottons, dyes i need a small bow of living tree for each as well. we used to craft small trinkets for the children of my house, to wash away nightmares. with these blessed feathers i can't but hope that they will help you in your seeming of sleep, to hold here, free of the nightmares of your deaths. *she winces as she says this out loud and quickly continues, seemingly running her words away from what she has spoken outloud* Maybe i can speak with the Bird Lord and see if he will come spin a tale for you? i imagine you would like to hear his tales. he knows of many heroes in this world, the real ones you liked to hear of. he has a plethera of duties, but if he can manage to squeeze in a moment... *ponders for short time* well i will ask, no harm in asking. i know many others skilled in tale telling. *she smiles slightly* i am sure i can find you many things to listen to over the next few days besides my quiet voice, and the silence of my abesnce. tho, truely suspect the priestesses here are peeking in and speaking with you all as well. After i get word from a healer that is supposed to come to check on you, i will move you to a differnt location. give you some new sounds to listen to. my friend who has been lurking nearby cannot come in this place. oh, don't worry, it's not a bad place, it's just the rules. he is a great man as well, and i am sure he will delight in tale spinning. he has a large family, and is eldest i believe, it will likely be second nature to him. *she smiles at the children and ties the leather off on the last braid. even the boys hairs have braids now, as their hairs have conciderable length to them.* well, i must continue my rounds, my sweet brave angels. i will return again to you, same time tomorrow. n-never you worry about your friends and sibs. th-they are safe as well, and when i can m-move you i will bring some around for visit, hhmmm? i b-bet you would l-like to hear familar voices? *her stutter returns, her control of her worry fading as her strength over it all ebbs.* b-be w-well and w-wake s-s-soon my sn-snow ang-gels. *she leaves slowly till she is out of the temple and then near flees, tears spilling over. she runs to the graveyard of Hlint, where children are suffering in their unrestful death and their guardian suffers eternally for the wrong that was done.*


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2006, 02:14:57 pm »
Moved them to the clinic. They have more protections then any other i can think of.  The clinic is far, i don't get to see them as much as i'd like. My other life has become a font of despair, i live for the children only. New work begins, new orders given. Blessedly, most of my task is to the chlldren. And to look to my own, soon to arrive.

*her thoughts swirl in to a new wave of depression and she lays back down in the grasses and closes her eyes, tears flowing ignored. the presence of sadness so great it is norm.*


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2006, 11:30:11 am »
*With chattering teeth she shrinks into her clothing seeking some warmth from the chill night air. She had traveled to the clinic to meet the new guards for the temple. One she knows, and the other she does not. Both seem to be suited for the job, as she slipped in and watched them with the children before announcing her presence. She watched them sing and talk to the children. Both seemed to have a motherly mannor about them. They are a pleasant addition to the attentions of the 'Lancer's own Preist who sits with the children, day and night. Satisfied, she announced her self discreetly. After a short visit they left and the bardress sat with each child. She sang her mother's lullaby and held each child's hand for a time. She spoke with them and let them know they again might be moving to another location, depending on the temperature. The new guards did well in assisting the clergy with the care of the children. The one origionally taking this duty was called away to defend Pranzis and after many things to tend that had built up in his absence. He desired to be back with the children for some of the time, and thus takes a rotation in duties still. The bardress smiles inside her hood, a rare thing these days. These children are well loved and cared for. Maybe some day soon they will wake into their new world, embraced by these angels of mercy and compassion who have come to aid them. So many care for them, more still come by to visit and check with them. Silently the bardress offers a silent prayer to her Lady, Mother Nature, on behalf of her charges, asking that she watch over their innocent souls as they wander, and grant them dreams of peaceful green. After many hours with the children, she returned to the cold, night where she stands now, torn between leaving and staying. It would be night time soon where her wake charges remained, and she needed to be there as every other night, to tuck them in and chant them softly to sleep with tales of the world. She blocks the insuing flood of her other life from bleeding through. A fortress around her heart to defend them from her seeping despair into the presence of her charges. As she tries to warm herself, she walks to the portal to Mistone, her mind and heart walled away from other then the needs of her charges.*


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2006, 02:45:05 pm »
"I-it h-has b-been o-over a y-year. St-still th-they l-lay un-nm-moving. I m-must f-find h-help. I w-will n-not f-fail th-these, I a-am th-their ch-champ-pion. I a-am n-not th-the o-only o-one, b-but I a-am th-the r-reas-son th-they l-lay th-there. I w-will f-find a w-way. I m-must."

*she pushes her red hair out of the way and continues to brush and braid the hair of the girl in front of her. She was the last child in the set of seven that lay in the beds. Following her self appointed duty of tending the hair of the children, she stired the fire in their room to help keep them warm enough. She went about outside and collected fallen wood for who ever was cutting the wood for the Temple and Clinic. A pile of wood cut lay near by and she took it upon herself to restock the wood racks kept inside. Pausing at the door to the room where her orphans lay, she let go the water works silently. Those responcible for this would pay. She had arranged the financing for a new contract for one of their team leaders. Soon more information would be had by the Freelancer's and she would personally see that the people responcible for this act of cold blooded hatred be served it's due. She knew in her heart how she abhored the mindless hunting and killing of all things living around all of Layonara. There were some evils, however that could not be redeemed. This one evil would find her standing before it, calling upon all the wrath she could muster and make them pay for what they have done to these innocent snow angels. Make them pay for the destroyed lives of the other hundered and seventy children whom she and the Freelancers housed and cared for with her team of volinteers. The hundreds and thousands of families that still suffer under the opressive cruelty. This is not balance, this is not right.

Wiping away the tears from her face in one angry motion, she finished assisting around the temple untill she had no strength left. She slept in a small nook in the trees out side the temple, burried in cotton capes and blankets. Her dreams were fitful, the faces of her family and her loved ones, the ones lost, all haunting her. When she woke, she fought the battle she fought every morning and dragged herself to her feet and began the day anew.*

"T-tod-day i f-find th-the a-ans-swers." *she promised herself for the thousandth time*


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2006, 01:18:55 pm »
*with a joyful heart she slipped out of the temple into the cold air of the city. She'd been in to see the newly wakened children. Though they were very slow to respond, they did seem to recognize her and she took heart in that. She had no details except for whom she should contact for the story. Her other life would have to do this for her. She twisted back her bright red hair and breathed deeply the air, feeling a new release temporarily.

She thought back to her recient dealings and let her eyes rest on the door she knew her love would soon be exiting from with their meals. Those whom she'd made a deal with had finally come calling for aid. She'd gone faithfully. It provided for a strange experience. She'd walked the bottom of the sea. Traveled into a wrecked ship and once again had the chance to visit with one of the Captians. This one she admired the most. His story would be worth telling in some distant future when such a deed would not jeapordize his life. Just before these things she heard terrible news of Hurm and of the Captians. She made sure that they knew help would be offered if it was with in her ability. While she disagreed with the brutality of the Captians, their goal was just and she would support them as she could stomache it. Now she waited... Waited for the Captian's meeting... Where she could share the news too fragile to be delivered on paper. Storms were on the horizon.

Her dark eyes only distantly focusing on the future lighted on her love's face suddenly as he'd made it half way from the door to where she stood. She smiled to him and took the warm dish gratefully. They sat together and ate, for a few moments in silence and then quietly discussing the children with in the temple. There was a lot of work to be done, and many of the Freelancers would be on hand to assist the children and their care providers in any way possible. Over the years this place had given so much of it self to keep the children a live. While she was devout of another faith, donation to this temple seemed the only fair recourse and she would speak with those who lead on that score.

Quietly she turned her attention fully on the man who's presence warmed her, despite the cold, and they spent the rest of their day within the temple, with those children who's names she was finally learning.*


Re: Of Autumn and Karthy
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2007, 09:15:40 pm »
Mulari. Apreal 12th, 1413  

 **curled up around a warm mug of weak tea and a toddler boy, staring at the small flames in the fire place, she brushed some of her red hair from here eyes. It has been so long since her thoughts had drifted back this way, beyond worry for her friend the Captain. Her other life seemed to have twisted in an unusual manor, gifting her a child but taking her love. In some strange addition, bits of her memory were taken from her over a considerable amount of time. Where did it end? She wasn't really sure, and if she were honest with herself, she wasn't certain where it began either.  

 Rubbing her reddened eyes, weary from too many hours awake, she relaxed into the worn pillows and glanced around the depressingly empty tavern hall. Shaking herself within to keep thoughts from drifting too far away from their goal tonight, she thought back on the person whom now held her attention. Far far away somewhere, likely the city of pirates, a group of ship captains were trying to sort out how to achieve victory over the slavers. It was an odd sort of balance, helping pirates to save people. Well that's how it started of course. What made her choose this side over the other?  Her bleeding heart maybe. Little doe eyed angels of blue and brown and green. Maybe this side seemed to have more truth in their words then the other. Maybe because the other side took her friend, hurt her friend. These all seemed valid at one point. For some reason, after the meeting with the pirate city's king, she had less faith. She had less faith in the goal, and the leader captain. But she wouldn't give up, because now this all bared watching.  

 Another whom she counted as close, agreed and echoed her thoughts on the matter. Actually, more then one. These artifacts the leader captain sought, they were said to create something even more powerful. By helping him get these artifacts, she was assisting him achieve power over the slaver faction. But what would he do with it. Was he trustworthy? Would his actions hurt his own? His allies? Her head swam with questions.  

 After all that had happened while she was too encumbered with child to travel and help, she knew she couldn't just abandon the search. She may not have much but what she had would have to be enough. Tracing the lines of the boy's face as he rested quietly. She couldn't abandon all for him, despite how important he was. She watched him gather a deep breath and sigh contentedly. She smiled a little and then made a decision.  

 She would continue the path she started on, and she would finish it. Two of her closest friends were bound in this. She'd not leave them as targets when what she knew might help them be free of the battle. And in finishing she'd come home to her son. Maybe in finishing she would be able to help restore the Honorable Captain in some way. She really didn't care what happened to the Brutal Captain, nor the Leader Captain, past what she'd given her word for. But the Gentle and the Honorable Captains, she'd see them through. Maybe find them an out, get them safely in another fleet.  

 She sighed and shifted slightly. This had been a long road. Most of the Angels had grown and moved on, some staying to take up work at the Tavern. Several of the owners here had moved on, and there remained only three. Her word had been given in their name. She was stuck with holding on and seeing it through despite what they did. She wasn't very certain which way she preferred it. Them here and questioning her every action, or with just the three who let her chose as she thought was best. If the original owners hadn't asked her to do this in the first place.... “Ah well that's the beauty of balance” She mused to herself. Ever a balancing act to keep your rights and wrongs, morals, ethics, anything you  hold dear in the right places.

 Looking down at her tea, she pulled it closer, holding it more for the security of having something in her hands then to drink. She looked from her tea to the unopened ink and quill. She'd not written in so long. Her other life just as on hold as this one. She had duties and responsibilities a plenty, but the finer things, that which kept her in touch with her other life... Those had been neglected... It was time to recenter her life. It was also time to finish things so long over due. Autumn's place in her life was no longer to live a separate life. It was to be an illusion for those she wouldn't have knowing the face behind Autumn's face. It was time to blend Autumn into herself, and return to her true beliefs.

 She clutched at the tea once more, and then set the cup purposefully down. She eyed the ink and quill again, deciding that it could wait one more day. Carefully she took the amulet laying at the nape of her neck in her hands and felt it's warmth from her skin as closed her eyes. She whispered a soft prayer to Katia and then gently released the amulet back where it would nestle against her neck. Sliding her arms around her son, and laying back into the pillows she closed her eyes for a few hours rest before the first of her temporary tenants would wake and wish a meal. **


Of Autumn and Scamps
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2008, 12:38:18 pm »
Freas, Apreal 20, 1433

It was an unusual thing for Autumn's presence to actually be requested before her first appearance in the tavern of her choosing, but requested it had been. Though she had an inkling of the requester she'd not met him. She admitted to herself quietly, what she'd learned of him in the last weeks made her curious. Possibly beyond what was safe, but she'd always followed her instincts in the past, so why stop now?
 She smiled at herself as she pulled on the groups of enameled bangles in groups of twenty over her right arm. When they were all on it was enough to mask the last markings of her other life. She glanced in the glass to again judge her stage makeup, to hide that which most performers would have not.. Her natural features. It wasn't a good job by her standards but she was running late and it would have to do. The scarf that pinned her hair back crept up over her shoulder and she quickly set it to rights. She tested a half step backwards, her bare feet padding against the rough wooden floor of her inn room. The step rang a series of soft chiming from the wires wrapped around her legs and she smiled a bit.
 Within a breath however the smile faded and she took a too deep breath then released too slowly. The dressing was delightful, for in truth she was (she felt) abnormally impressed by clothing, In her other life she probably had more then she really needed but it was one of her few guilty pleasures and so let the issue rest. It was what arrived after the dressing, the purpose of it that gave her true pause. She did not delight in the attention as most would. In her deepest truth it frightened her, but tonight she had a guardian. The gent she'd not yet met but because of his reference she already trusted him implicitly.
 She turned resolutely away from the glass and towards the door to her room for the next couple of nights. Her steps chimed, as she reached for the door the soft hiss of her bangles permeated the air. Beneath both was the rustling of her layered fabric. The glimpses of flesh that her skirting offered was pushed as far from her forward thinking as she could discipline herself to do. She schooled her expression from a fretful other life to Autumn's careful mask of enjoyment and stepped out of her door.
 Tonight's performance would be short as she'd arrived late into the evening crowd. She had two songs and a tale prepared. The first she rather liked for personal reasons... A husband caught in a trist with a barmaid by his wife. She caught him in the act and in his drunken state was no match for her as she pushed him down a well to drown in his own misery for his faithlessness. As was typical the candid telling was fairly well received, though she did not flourish a curtsy or bow as other minstrels might have. Hers was only a polite wave to the crowd and her prepared speech.
 “Thank you gentleman, greetings from Autumn,” she smiled and looked over the patrons in what she hoped to be a friendly manner, “I know it's been a while since my last visit! I hope I was missed!” She smiled a little more, taking on a somewhat cheeky tone with the last of her comments. The starting song was always designed to bring her fully into character so that her performance was of quality,  for believe and the entertainment of her guests. With out much wait she launched into another song with cadence and a fair range of melody. This another song of baser things, a man and his love affair with ale and women. While it hinted at a bawdy style, she seemed to refrain from true vulgarity. She moved easily in a sort of in-place-dance particularly playing the part of the women in the song, her dress rustling not unlike leaves, and the anticipated hissing of bracelets. In her dance there was a subtle flash of skin from time to time, and with the timing it was clearly intentionally done. Her eyes moved along the crowd appearing to give interest to each patron in turn, especially those close by the stage.
 As her performance came to an end she stepped back one pace and offered a somewhat manly (in style, rather then a curtsy of course) bow, though clearly done to again draw attentions to herself. As she rose however she gave a quick gesture with her right hand and plumes of glitter sparkled in the air before her, exploding with a slight 'pop'. She stepped into the sparkle and spun in place rather quickly, the motion giving a clear view of her ankles and bare feet which gave away the mysterious chime of her movements. The glitter collected upon her skin a bit, making it hard to tell whether there was a sheen of sweat from her efforts or just the glitter shining back with the flickering lights. The spin did quite the job of distracting her from the attentions of the small crowd, which to her seemed more like a amphitheater of watchful strangers. Before she began to look as if she were a simple child, she stopped suddenly in place with her back and shoulder largely facing the crowd and her arms wrapped around herself a bit with her hands resting near her hips. She slowly peered over her shoulder and smiled at the group mysteriously. She drops her shoulder dramatically to reveal the rest of her face to the crowd and grins a bit at them.
 “As is traditional for me, gentlemen, I've brought you a new tale from afar!” She raised her eyebrows and awaited the reaction from the crowd. She began a rather impish look as those familiar with her style (however few that may be) cheered a bit. As she gave her dramatic pause her eyes floated over the sea of eyes and hoods and colors, finally landing on a gentleman in purples and browns. Before she could allow herself to become distracted she continued with her theatrics, bits of smoke, small adjustments to light, even a breeze that blew at her own clothing. She carefully measured the response of the crowd with how her story would proceed. The educated stageman might think she created the whole of he tale as she went, though it wasn't completely true. The bones of the tale had long since been hashed out within her mind it was only the details that she gave to them, the details they wanted to hear.
 Her tale was of a far off land lost to time in the Great Cataclysm, of lost peoples who somehow survived but were separated from the world in the great shifting. So greatly afflicted with the shifting however, their race did not survive, and left only a magical treasure in their rebuilt city. The rumor of the treasure being buried someplace with and would grant it's finder a wish. The beginning was brief in these details largely because it was wholly untrue. Or if it was true, she had no knowledge of the legend. Surprisingly to some she continued with, “Would it surprise you to know I met the man who found the treasure?”
 After the intentionally drawn out inquiry from the crowd she grins again and placed her hands together near her face, then parted them slowly to reveal a yellow glowing crystal that floated between her hands. “He showed me his beautiful treasure and offered to share it if I would settle and be his wife!” She grinned again and hopped down from the stage, holding her hands in place so that as she made her way through the crowd the illusionary crystal could be easily seen. “But you all know, I turned him down! Even though he'd used his wish to become a wealthy land owner, who could provide for my every need...” She paused in her telling as she weaved through the crowd and when she had crossed nearly half the distance between herself and those in the back of the room she clapped her hands together suddenly, banishing the illusion and turning in place slowly. She eventually brought herself facing to those in the back.
 She continued with what she hoped was an impish grin, “I could hardly bring myself to trade the company of you gentlemen for all the True in Layonara! For in truth a caged bird can not sing!” She sighs a bit sadly despite her smile, “Perhaps the next treasure hunter will offer me such a thing and not try to clip my wings, hey?” She gave a smile that suggested that perhaps she'd been tempted after all. She drew glittering green eyes across those patrons that stood before her, settling on no one in particular. “With that gentleman, I must retire so I can take my rest. I must be ready to run in case his errand boys arrives to fetch once again!” She raised her eyebrows in apparent surprise at her own words, but then smiled playfully. Despite any reaction from the overall crowd she slowly began to make her way through the crowd, occasionally pausing at some of the patrons to share a few words. Little of what transpired after her conclusion sunk in past the mask that was Autumn. She'd performed in this way enough times to be able to be watchful and attentive outside while within herself she wished nothing more then to crawl away and wrap herself in the arms of a willow tree. When she finally made it to the stage she took a ginger step up on to the stage. As was to be expected the floor had no doubt gifted her with a few splinters bared up by the wires wrapped around the arch of her foot. The soft rustling of her dress was easily overpowered by the hissing and chiming of metal about her person as she drew herself on stage, to clean and gather the last of her things, including a bottle of water from which she drew a long pull. With her other hand she tosses down a wicker basket near the front of the stage. Despite the 'ending' of her show, she knew she was still watched and she made certain her every move was made as if on display.

 A few patrons floated past and dropped some small coins into her basket. Inwardly she smiled a little for if any coin were dropped it meant her performance was successful in keeping Autumn separate from her other life that begged to flee this dreadful display of her person.
 The man she briefly spied earlier sauntered up to the stage as she had started making her way off and tossed a few coins into the basket with the same ease he had had likely done all night while buying drinks and paying out on friendly wagers. He smiled slightly as he looked up to Autumn, "I like your style, lass. And it's good to meet another gatherer of sorts."


Of Autumn and Scamps (continued)
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2008, 12:40:17 pm »
She smiled at him politely, “Thank you for your coins, sir, and your compliment.” Though her reply offered little to begin a conversation with, she made certain it did not carry the note of finality that would be a dismissal. He nodded at her and began to turn away, but paused almost as soon and looked back to her.
 "I don't s'ppose I could interest ya in a meal and maybe somethin' ta tell at your next show, eh?" He flashed a sort of rogueish smile at her, and added a few words a moment later. "My treat, of course."
 She glances him over, almost shrewdly judging his posture and expression for intent, then flashes a quick smile, “I'd have to get your guarantee that you are no errand boy sent to fetch me off to Kartherian.” He laughed at her sharp reply, his laughter soon taking the form of words bearing an amused but not offended tone.
 "Ha ha! Not t'day I'm not. We don' even hafta leave these walls if ya'd rather."

 She buried herself further into her character with that laugh. This would be no easy feat, pretending she did not know him, pretending she did not care for him. It was harder then she thought it would be. Likely in her original assumption she'd discounted her very real want to be whisked away from the eyes of drunken men, and the eyes of those with the same expressions yet not drunk enough for her to easily escape. She knew if she'd even hinted at such a desire this one would bear her away from all of this.
 “I suppose then I can agree to a meal. We'll see if what you have to share is stage worthy... But if I suddenly flee, don't wonder too long why.” She gave another quick smile.
 "I can abide that!" he answered quickly and offered her an arm. "Let's see if we can find a table with a view then, so's no one sneaks up on ya, eh?" She only smiled at his offer and gestured ahead of her for him to lead the way. Without missing a step, he let his arm lower as if that's what he intended all along as he scanned the room and eventually spied an unoccupied table. "That one should do..." he said as he began to walk toward it, looking back once at her and casually leaving his ale on the stage. She followed along behind him which was easily heard since, she chimed and hiss-clinked and rustled all the way. It amused her to tease the gent now that his eyes were away from her and she began to  hum portions of her last song under her breath as they moved. She timed her steps to move to the song intentionally producing more of the chimes and hisses. The combination of sounds was a quiet performance that fit well together, though only those they passed by would hear it. He reached the small, round table first, and pulled out a chair for her but didn't linger behind it. Instead, he kept moving to the next chair and pulled it out for himself in a motion that brought it to be not quite opposite to hers. She slipped in to the tugged chair with an easy grace and did not pull it in but rather curled comfortably in it, the layers of dress parting to reveal just a hint of skin beneath but left the exact placement of her legs somewhat of a mystery.
 He sat down easily into the chair with a slight flair of his own, not bothering to hide the drift of his eyes down to the hints given by her skirt. His eyes lifted almost immediately as he looked for barmaid to call over. After a moment, he got the attention of one, then turned to Autumn and extended his right hand to her.
 "Name's Drake, lass," he spoke in an easy tone.
 She smiled at him, “Well met Drake.” For a moment she looked over his hand, as if the simple gesture might mean more. She added quickly to her greeting however, “You'll forgive me if I do not offer my hand. I fell for that trick in the last town.” She smiled at him playfully but with something more that suggested some truth to her words. He smiled at her and tipped his head.

 "It's no trick, lass. Just bein' polite." He did not seem at all disheartened by her lack of return on the gesture and withdrew it just as easily as it was offered. The rest of the evening passed this way, glances and easy banter as well as the promised tale. The evening even included a walk upon the docks where Drake offered another tale or two. Her weariness, wariness and wine began to wear on her by the end and as she and he returned to the inn some part of Autumn's source slipped forward. She stopped and did not reach for the door, but only looked at it. It was a look that took in every detail of the door, the wood's grain, the abuse it had taken over the years, the scars on the metal of the latch, even the manner in which it fit the door from. She shivered a bit from the chill of the air, yet she remained nearly locked into place, studying the door. Drake stopped with her and turned slightly, as though expecting her to do the same. He seemed, were she to look, to have been about to say something, but he stopped himself and instead simply studied her expression and occasionally looked toward the door, in case there was something there he was missing.

 “It's a strange thing this place. From the outside looking in, it is a prison from which escape is unlikely... .Yet from within there are wonders few will know but me...” Something in her tone offered that the shared observation was something of a token given to him. He tipped his head slightly at her unexpected comment. His face acknowledged it immediately, but he did not immediately respond.  After a moment's consideration, however, he offered a response starting with a slight nod and a genuine quality to his tone.
 "Lots of things are not like they seem on the outside. Like a good tale, the telling is one layer of many." He lingered his eyes on her for another moment before looking to the door. She smiled softly with his statement, directed as much at him as the door.
 “Indeed,” she reached forward and unlatched the door, and after a moment's hesitation she drew it open and began to step inside. Before she got fully inside, he posed a question.

 "Is this where ya want ta be tonight, lass?" She paused in mid-step and held there. Though clearly struck by the question she schooled her expression to be unreadable. After a breath's space she righted herself in the door way and smiled a bit sadly.
 “Do I have a choice?” She turned her head to look at him over her shoulder, bearing that same sad smile, “I've my sentence to serve.” He raised an eyebrow at her response and it was quite clear it was not what he expected her to say. Another genuine smile formed on his face.
 "Sounds like a story I'd not mind hearin' sometime..." He paused briefly, then continued. "There's always choices. Somethin' tells me yer not the type to just take the cards life deals ya."
 “I'm not,” she shrugged and stated simply, “But the choices before us aren't always plentiful or appealing,” she paused for a moment, “And some of them are simply unknown to us.” He nodded at her words.
 "True enough...true enough." He paused slightly. "And yet sometimes we make our own choices." She turned fully to face him and looked him over quietly for a moment. Her eyes ran the gauntlet of his expression studying the mask of Drake and the hints of what was beyond. Whatever she saw there touched her in a way that she could not bury just then. She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek lightly, pausing in the movement long enough to whisper.

 “Thank you, gentleman Drake. Rest easy...” The surprise in his face that came at her kiss was genuine, but quickly schooled to something more like gracious appreciation. He responded quietly as she drew back.

 "Thank you, m'lady Autumn, for yer choices and company this evening." He gave a slight bow."I look forward for the morrow." She nodded slightly at his bow and comment then turned and slipped into the inn. With out pause or stopping to speak with anyone, she slipped through the next door that led to the stage and the sleeping rooms beyond.

