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Author Topic: Ophelia's Lovely Blue Book  (Read 353 times)


Ophelia's Lovely Blue Book
« on: January 23, 2012, 02:30:39 pm »
Dear Diary,

Today, I arrived at a place called Central, and guess what!? The egg I was given as a parting gift hatched! I named the little dragonfly thinggy (pseudodragon, maybe?) Lavariel, but I call him Lav for short. He is just so cute, and I know we will be fast friends! He's got some nasty claws too!

Anyway...I got to Central, and while we're on the subject, what kind of a name is Central for a place? That's a point of direction, or a general area, not a whole place. Maybe a lot of people meet here or something.

It's not a city, like Leringard. There's a pond, and a lake nearby , but no ocean. There aren't even that many buildings and some of those are just tents! I can tell I'm going to love this place already. That was sarcasm, diary, in case you didn't get it.

I looked around a bit, not that there's much to see, and it seems a lot of people come to Central to post jobs that they'd like done. Maybe this really is a place where lots of people gather.

Gods this is going to be boring to come back and read when I'm solely responsible for saving the world.

Anyway some Lady wanted me to go into her basement and kill rats and Beatles. What do I look like , anyway? Surely this was not what the Lady-priestesses had in mind when they wanted me to find my power...the rats did make for good zapping practice though!

Lav and I found a secret passage that lead into a crypt where skeletons walked and I tried to focus the way I can kind of make things around me cold if I want to and it worked! I could freeze their bones!

Little by little I am coming into my power.
And one day, no power in the verse will stop me!


Re: Ophelia's Lovely Blue Book
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2012, 08:44:09 am »
Dear Diary,

I just wanted to write that today I figured out what I wasn't doing before when a nice merchant of what I thought were odds and ends explained to me what exactly it was he was selling and why. (I mean, why would anyone buy bat poop anyway!?)

Apparently, what he was selling was something called components and certain spells require them. Go figure, huh? I guess this is going to take a little trial and error on my part , but he answered every single one of my questions and then I bought a bit of everything I could afford and set to practicing on the rats (Because even I know what I wanted to try wouldn't work on beetles or skeletons, come on..I've read some books on the Al'Noth. )

Anyway, I had to sprinkle a bit of sand first, which made me feel kind of dumb. I'm not a pixie, you know. But sure as a storm in hurricane season it worked! The little rats fell asleep, one by one.

And then I zapped them!

