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Author Topic: A Tomb Tale  (Read 147 times)


A Tomb Tale
« on: February 05, 2006, 07:30:01 am »
The two companions climbed the tall stair up the side of the steep hill in Graypeak Mountins, in the dark batterd by rain and harsh wind makeing travel hard, Jamekulus was the first to clamber up over the top onto the sodden grass, he reached down and helped the drow over the top who was struggleing due to his wooden leg.
"I cannot see it Alynderil, were was this place?" yelled Jamekulus over the biting wind
"it was around here somewere" cried Alynderil through the elements, the two stood close to another steep hill trying to get out of the rain, Jamekulus whiped water off his face with a gloved hand and peered into the valley from were they just were, "there is a light down there, it looks green"
Alynderil peered through the night hes eyes were more adpated to the dark night "I agree there is something there, but what is that, thunder?"
Jamekulus stopped, trying to listen to the booms which were getting louder, his eyes widend and a massive figure loomed out of the darkness wielding a massive club, the two dived forward as the ogre swung his club into the wall cracking the rocks, Jamekulus rolled to one side grabbing the axe of his back and comeing up to his feet, Alynderil gracefully grabbed his Quaterstaff from his back and lashed out at the ogre who was bringing his club round again, it landed with a big splat beetween the two sending grass and mud flying, Alynderil brought his staff into the beasts shin and as it was distracted Jamekulus brought the axe hard into the back of its leg Hamstringing the beast, it roared in anger and pain swinging the club backwards hitting the wall again, this time a very loud crack and rocks fell away above "Jump!" yelled Jamekulus as rocks fell down crashing into the ogre who was flailing his club wildly, Alynderil Leaped of the edge gracefully landing on one foot and one knee while Jamekulus slid of the edge roughly digging his axe into the wall which slowed his slide down the cliff, the dwarf landed with a roll then ran away from the side of the cliff as more rocks smashed into the muddy and wet ground, the two ran toward what they thought was the tomb they were after.

The two clamberd through the doorway out of the wind and rain, Alynderil sat there putting alcohol on his leg stump, while Jamekulus was getting the water out of his beard, the two rested for abit in here, but soon they were not alone, the restless dead had awoken. there was a loud bang, and again, it came from a door just round the corner from were they were resting, dust was falling away from the walls, Bang! "what is that!" Alynderil said climbing to his feet and grabbing his staff
"i don't know lad, but it sounds bad!" replyed Jamekulus grabbing his axe and quikcly stamping out the fire, the two quietly moved round to the door, Bang!, the door actuly moved forward lurching abit more, they jumped back ready, the door cracked and fell forward and smashed, there was dust and debris Jamekulus held his axe out forward the two blades curving up into sharp stabbing edges and a stout spike from the middle pointing out. A skeleton with a mace and a small part of rusting armour rushed out, Jamekulus stabbed his axe out catching the skeleton then flinging it up into the roof shattering the undead fiend, but out of the loom anoter creature lurked it was a skeleton like the first but it had green fire inside its ribcage and instead of fists were glowing balls of green fire the creature lurched forward but was parried by the Great axe, Alynderil launched a cone of pure ice into the beast but to no effect, it punched out with a glowing fist catching the armourd Dwarf in the chest he went flying back into the wall cracking the wall and knocking covers off the tombs in the wall Alynderil send a blast of light into the creature which seemd to stall it, he hobbled back to Jamekulus who was getting up and starting at the creature again, but grabbed the dwarf by the cloak and pulled him back "we must go, this foe is far to powerfull to fight" he said dragging Jamekulus out of the tomb, he turned and closed the metal gates with a klang, he then stabbed his staff into the door so it could not be opend easily.
The rain had stopped but the wind was still there howling away at them as they retreated out of the mountins back toward Fort Llast.

Jamekulus Chuckled as he read through this parchment then rolled it up and placed onto his laiden Ox who was munching at a patch of yellow flowers.

