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Author Topic: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers  (Read 114 times)

Kian Silvers

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    Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
    « on: January 24, 2006, 07:57:43 am »
    I woke up to find myself standing before a majestic dragon, whose name somehow escapes me (probably due to the awe of seeing a dragon up close for the very first time). I dropped to my knees before the ancient dragon, attempting to pay due respect for one such as he. I was informed I was summoned by him to help Layonara, to come to the lands defense. Not feeling worthy of such a task, I started to ask questions, but he would not lower himself to answer questions that raced through my mind. He instead bestowed upon me a gift of knowledge in the form of books of the known history, deities of worship and the laws of the lands. It was then that I was transported to the land of Layonara.

    And my Quest for Perfection begins.


    Kian Silvers

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      RE: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
      « Reply #1 on: January 24, 2006, 08:14:26 am »
      After waking, I sought to get my bearings on the new land. I introduced myself to a few of the locals and investigated the small town of Hlint. The lay of the land seemed similar, yet different than my homeland.  It was not different in a bad way, just different.

      I visited the Inn and found a bard there, Ragrain I think her name was, that had lost here necklace (later, I found out from a friend I made that she had lost this necklace many times and it is believed that the necklace is possibly cursed, but that is a story for another time). I let her know that I would attempt to retrieve it, but it might take some time as I was recovering from an episode (I considered it a dream, but did not want to admit what I felt was a weakness). She said she understood.

      I then walked out of the Wild Spring Inn and spot a tall statue that glowed a soft blue. I went over to investigate when a local informed me that it is a holy symbol used to recall fallen heroes.  I heard someone call it a bindstone. I am still not sure how it functions, but then again I am not a priest. I may never know.

      I heard a small cursing voice not too far from where I stood and went to investigate. I beautiful young woman, for a human, stood there shaking her head and looking around in disgust. If I am recalling her name correctly, it was Florah.  Upon inquiring what was happening and what was wrong, she stated that a tax journal was "mis-placed" and she had a sinking feeling as to where it might me and who the culprit was. She stated that she thinks that a "miscreant" had taken the journal to his underground abode. I personally did not think that the less than desirable side of society would find a small town of Hlint interesting, but I guess I was wrong. Those types can be found anywhere.

      I advised this human, careful not to let her know how if felt about humans with my tone, that I would retrieve this document for her. She seemed most appreciative.

      I left her and headed to the sewer system she indicated would lead to the culprit’s lair. There were several obstacles to overcome, mainly rats, that proved to be relatively easy. I think they need to get an exterminator down there and rid them of the rats before they become a health issue.

      I made it to the stairs that lead to the lowest level. It was there I found him. He seemed to be almost related to a rat himself. After a strong battle with him however, I defeated him and returned to the surface with the document in hand.

      The human was most appreciative to have the document back. She asked me not tell anyone she mis-placed it. I advised her I would not tell a single person of this. I do believe that the lesser races are very apt at misplacing things. To think that twice in one day I encounter those that have misplaced something that they deem so valuable.  Another issue I have with the whole situation is to lie if asked about it.  Where was honesty?

      Ah well.  I will have to make the best of things while I am here.


      Kian Silvers

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        RE: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
        « Reply #2 on: January 24, 2006, 12:56:02 pm »
        It was not long after that I met up with Kheldhar Hammerfall (an earth digging dwarf), Ember nil Morgul and Nar’ra nil Morgul (Tiefling sisters).  We endeavored to check out the Hlint Crypts on behalf of Egar, the undertaker of Hlint.  He gave us the task of obtaining dark soul essence.  I did not relish the idea of dealing with the dead, but one does what is necessary from time to time.

        We entered into the crypts and right off the front we were onset by skeletons.  Having never dealt with these creatures before, it was rather discomforting to see them moving around with out muscles, skin, or any of the normal things one would normally see on living creatures.  To be honest, it made my own skin crawl (and still does).

        We traveled on, laying to rest the skeletons we encountered.  They challenged us in ways I have not been challenged before.  It is one thing to spar with fellow elves or get into a brawl with a fellow who associates with rats, but quite another to be set upon by skeletons who seek to relieve you of the spark of life.  However, we prevailed.

        We discovered a set of stairs that lead down.  We entered a room with several exits with doors made of iron bars.  Little did I know that the iron bars were meant to keep in the dead, not keep the living out.  We were set upon by a much more dangerous foe here.  We encountered ghouls and zombies in these light forsaken rooms.  If I thought that skeletons were bad, to see the dead, animated flesh squish and seep fluid as it moved turned my stomach.  I guess I can count myself lucky that I had nothing to eat prior to going down or I would have emptied my stomach then and there.

        Needless to say, battle ensued.  I was so unprepared for the encounter with these creatures of the dark that I fell to my knees by a vicious blow.  The dwarf bellowed in rage as he watched me fall and attacked with vicious revenge.  It was here I tasted my first defeat.  I found myself in a void, expecting to hear the voice of Aeridin and found myself pushed back to the prime material plane, next to the soft blue glowing statue.  It was a most uncanny feeling to be in one place and then transported to another.

        On the way back to look for my party, I knew we were over-matched and sought assistance.  I encountered a half elf that went by the name of Addison Scarlace.  Normally I would distain from dealing with a half-breed, but I knew my party was in jeopardy and needed assistance.  I sought her assistance and to my surprise, she agreed.  The shock must have registered on my face because she sort of chuckled and said lead the way.

        We re-entered into the Crypt and was once again set upon by skeletons and had to fight our way to the party I was with.  She, Addison Scarlace, was surprising good with a sword.  She made quick work of the skeletons and we headed to the site of the party.

        We continued on with the search of the tomb for the dark-soul essence.  With the help of Addison, we made short work of it, but not before  Nar’ra fell to the claws of a ghoul.  Needless to say, the ghoul did not last long.  Just as it attempted to eat is prey , (shudder), it was hacked apart by the party.  Tears were shed by Ember.  Even I shed a tear for the fallen Tiefling.  We gently lead her to the surface where, amazing as it may sound, her sister stood waiting for her.

        I learned a lot that day, more than I had in all of my short years as an elf.  One really must be too quick to just the lesser races.  Yes they may be short-lived.  Yes they may be quick tempered and hasty, but they have a bond that forms just as quickly.  Maybe I need to re-evaluate my attitude toward them.


        Kian Silvers

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          RE: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
          « Reply #3 on: January 24, 2006, 01:35:18 pm »
          Today I got the surprise of my life.  I was talking with a small party of adventures and listening to there tales of adventuring when I was approached by a cloaked figure.  His red cloak covered him from head to foot.  I only recognized him as an elf by his melodic voice.  While there seemed to be a strange accent to his voice, I attributed it to being in this strange land.

          He introduced himself as Vindel E’len.  We talked for a bit about the weather and things going on around the town.  He was very knowledgeable about the surrounding town and was quite forthcoming with information.  We had been talking for some time when I realized I had not seen who I was taking to, only his cloaked face.  I asked him politely to allow me to see whom I was speaking with.  I was on guard when he asked me if I was sure, but still asking to see his face.  He removed the hood of his cloak.

          I was standing before a drow.  Of all the races to encounter, why did it have to be a drow.  They were the enemy of all surface elves.  I was scared into not wandering far from the village I grew up in with tales of being snatched up by the drow.  We had always been taught that drow were never to be trusted and to, if possible, kill them before they killed you.  The only good drow was a dead one.

          Needless to day, I was immediately on guard and backed away.  I saw the disappointment on the drow's face as he replaced his hood.  He was no the least bit aggressive, but rather seemed to be expect my reaction to him.  Remembering some of what I had learned recently about those of other races in this strange land, I took my first step of trust and hoped I would not be wrong.  The drow’s expression brightened visibly as we continued to speak.

          Vindel offered to help me out with getting to know the area.  He mentioned in passing that the trade route from Hlint to Fort Llast was hurt due to a recent settlement of the Red Light Goblin Clan in the Goblin wastelands.  He wanted to know if I wanted to assist him with this.  I agreed, with reserves, but agreed nonetheless.

          We headed out west of town to the Goblin Wastelands.  Somehow Vindel knew right where to find them.  We headed deep into the caves, fighting our way to the leader of the goblins.  We searched and finally found him.  We were ambushed but a large number of them, but Vindel waded into the battle and took down the goblin leader.  He said we would probably need proof of the death of the goblin leader for the wagon master of Hlint so he would know it was safe, so we took his head as a trophy.  It was so much easier to fight goblins than it was to fight the squishing dead from the other day.

          We headed back to town and spoke to the wagon master who was greatly relieved to hear that the goblins were dislodged from their control of the route.  We did inform him that there was nothing to stop them from coming back, but that it would be a while before they had the type of control they had there.

          Vindel commented he had other obligations that needed to be addressed, but said he would be around if I needed him.

          I am being shown over and over again that I cannot continue to have my biased feelings toward the other races.  This strange land has thrown me many surprises.  I wonder what will be next?


          Kian Silvers

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            RE: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
            « Reply #4 on: January 24, 2006, 02:24:02 pm »
            Today, I have been commissioned by Johan the Fur Trader to recover some pelts for him.  Apparently his wife is ill and does not want to leave her side, so I agreed to help him.

            He said there were seven types of pelts he needed.  He did not list them off, but did say the first of them was a rat skin.  I knew exactly where to locate them.  There was a great deal of them in the sewers that I had noticed when I had retrieved the tax records for the tax collector.

            I went and retrieved a rat pelt for Johan.  He was most appreciative for the skin of the vermin.  He said the next pelt needed to be that of a bat.  I remembered seeing one in the caves of the Red Light Goblin Clan.  I headed that way again.  I encountered a couple of  goblins along the way, but nothing that was difficult.  I skinned the little flying rat and headed back to Johan.

            Again, Johan was happy to see me.  He took the skin and said it was perfect.  He said the next task was to get a boars skin.  Unfortunately, I had not encountered one of those yet, so was not really sure where to find one.  Johan was not sure himself, but said he was sure one of the local adventures had encountered one and that they may be able to tell me.

            I exited the local craft house and ran smack dab into another half-elf named Ifion Witseeker.  On a whim, due to previous experiences with Addison Scarlace, I decided to take a chance and see if he knew where I could locate a boar’s pelt.  He not only knew, but said that he had a few friends that were looking for an excuse to go to Seilwood Forest.  He said we needed to stop in the Craft House for a second, but would be back out.  I waited for him, and it was only a short time when he stepped back out.

            Ifion lead me to his small party.  I was introduced to them all, but two, besides Ifion, stick out in my memory and so I write their names here.  I met Ash Willo, a fellow female elf whose beauty was stunning to me.  I also met Tyrain Baldu’muur, a beautiful half-elf who had a stunning personality that immediately won me over.

            The small party headed out.  We entered into Seilwood and came across the Ranger’s Vale.  We did not stop the first time, but continued on our way.  We encountered ogres and such, making me extremely glad for my companions.  I would not have been able to make the journey on my own.  We located a boar and I acquired its pelt, along with a couple of steaks I plan to cook up.  Boar’s meat sound really appetizing right now.

            We headed back and stopped in the ranger vale.  It was there I used some of the gold I had be saving up to acquire some healing potions and some bandages.  Most of the adventuring party were going to retire in the vale for a time, but I needed to head back.  Knowing I could not make it alone, Ash, Ifion, and Tyrain offered to escort me back to Hlint.

            We made it to the Goblin wastelands where there was a rumor that another band of goblins had taken over the cave so my escort took me to the gates of Hlint and they headed back to the caves.

            Relieved to be back in town and in familiar territory once again, I headed back to Johan and offered up the pelt.  He was quite impressed with not only the speed at which I acquired the pelt, but at the condition of the pelt.  He said that he now needed a pelt of a deer.

            I recalled seeing a couple of deer herds on my way to Haven one day and so hoped beyond all hope that they were still there.  I traveled there and reached the site just as the sun came up.  I spot the herd grazing near the river and got as close to them as I could and killed one.  It hurt to kill an innocent creature, but I made its death worth while by putting deer meat in my pack to cook up later.  I skinned the animal and headed back to Hlint.

            I took the pelt to Johan where he inspected the skin and commented on its quality.  He assigned me the next task of acquiring a cougar skin.  Knowing I had been up for some time, I retired for the day and spent the evening in Wild Spring Inn.

            The next morning, I inquired around town about where I could locate a cougar skin.  It was a wood elf, whom normally I would consider slightly barbaric by elven standards, offered to help me obtain this pelt.  We headed out.  I quickly got lost, but trusted the skills of Jade (what choice did I have when she was there to offer help).  It was not until we encountered a group of giant fire ants that I realized she studied martial arts as I.  My respect for her grew by leaps and bounds as I watched her fight.  I tried to mimic her moves, but failed terribly.  I can now see just how much I have to learn.

            We finally came upon the site of three cougars.  We approached as stealthy as we could, Jade being much more quite than I.  We set upon the cougars and took them out quickly and efficiently (meaning that Jade did most of the work .. someday I will be that good).  I skinned the carcasses and put the pelts and feline meat into my pack, not wanting to waste anything, and headed back to Hlint.

            We made it back to Hlint where I said both my thanks and farewells to Jade as she said she needed to go.  I headed to the Craft House and gave the pelt to Johan.  He was beside himself with pleasure upon examining the pelts.  He said he only needed one, so I kept the other two.

            He said that the next pelt he needed was a bear pelt, but to be careful as they were very dangerous.  I left the Craft House and realized that getting the bear pelt would need to wait.  Outside I had met Tyrain and she told invited me to the wedding of Kyle Pandorn and Ferrit.  I could not turn down the opportunity to see a wedding or to spend time with my new friend Tyrain.

            I cannot wait to write my next entry.  It will be about the wedding.


            Kian Silvers

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              RE: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
              « Reply #5 on: January 25, 2006, 07:37:40 am »
              I rested for a short time, and got myself as ready as I could for the wedding.  I did not have the funds at the time purchase proper attire for the wedding, but decided it would be best for me to at least show up. I had met Kyle Pandorn a few days before while gathering Hickory wood for my wood craft just north of Hlint.  I had been ambushed by Orcs and it was Kyle and Ash Willo who helped me to recover from the embarrassing incident, but I digress.

              I was told by Tyrain that the wedding would take place by the waterfall just to the west of Castle Blackford.  I arrived slightly early, but it was well worth it.  While I was there I met a number of interesting people.  I have taken the time to list them below, as well as I can remember.

              Vestlyn, the presiding cleric for the ceremony
              Ash Willo
              Tyrain B Baldu’muur
              Zweck Sorbet Engel
              Ifion Witseeker
              Marcus Perrin
              (there are more in attendance, but it are these individuals who made an impression upon my mind)

              It was a wonderful wedding.  

              Kyle and Ferrit pledged their love for each other.  Kyle spoke of the fading light of Ilsare from his heart and how his life and focus were waning.  His vows told the tale of meeting Ferrit and how that all changed.  Focus came back into his life and Ilsare’s light not only resumed it place in his heart, but shone with such brightness that he wondered at the lack of focus prior to meeting Ferrit.  He pledged to fight for her with his last breath.

              Ferrit pledged her love for Kyle.  She spoke of a tragic childhood and a fight for her life.  She spoke of a hard life in learning to fend for oneself and never to trust.  Her vows spoke of her meeting Kyle and found the nearly instant attraction.  She pledged to stay by his side to the death.

              I have seen many weddings in the last century, but they all pale in comparison to the love shared by these too beings.  May the blessings of Aeridin guide their hearts and minds in their new journey as one.

              The celebration afterward was great.  We had plenty of food and drink.  It was a day long celebration.  It will be a day I will remember for a long time to come.


              Kian Silvers

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                RE: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
                « Reply #6 on: January 25, 2006, 08:00:11 am »
                I returned from once again gathering more Hickory wood from the northern outskirts of Hlint to discover that Hlint was being attacked by a large number of demonic looking creatures.  The citizens and heroes of Hlint were busy fighting the beasts.  Having come to love this little town and have become close to some of the very people that were fighting these terrible beasts, I jumping and helped them the best I could , regardless of my own health.  We were victorious.

                Right after the incident, we broke up into a few small groups and patrolled the area.  I was paired with a couple of dwarves, one of whom I remember the name of.  Thrain Ironwind.  We took out a band of orcs, but nothing that resembled the demonic creatures we had just fought.

                We headed back to town and met up with the other patrols near the center of Hlint.  They had just taken down a couple of dragon-looking things.  Vicious looking beasts they were.

                After talking and discussing with other heroes, we found that one of the Blood’s generals had been killed and that the creatures that were under his control were now attacking aimlessly.  We were advised to be on our guard and not to go out alone for fear of random attacks from the leaderless blood.

                I for one agree.


                Kian Silvers

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                  RE: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
                  « Reply #7 on: January 25, 2006, 08:07:53 am »
                  Mai 9, 1395

                  I have taken to dating these entries for future reference.  I need to commit to memory these things that have happened to me.  Maybe, just maybe, I will leave my mark on this world and become a person of tales.  I would prefer not to have things changed or exaggerated, so I will commit them to a book.  Hey, maybe I will even write a book about this one day.  One never knows where life will lead.

                  I was speaking with Kheldhar, Nar’ra and Ember when we were once again attacked in the heart of Hlint.  We beat them down quickly.  I was hurt and so did not partake of the patrols at the recommendation of one of the heroes there.  

                  These continued attacks in Hlint are starting to concern me.  We need to do something to get them to stop … but what?

                  I will have to think on it, long and hard.

                  As a point of interest, I have been doing better cooking.  Things are getting easier for me to prepare with out burning them.  It’s sort of hard to focus on my wood craft then I constantly burn the paper I use to prepare sandpaper.  I will get there … eventually.

                  I am running low of funds.  I think I will have to try to locate some more work to do until my skill with wood becomes a bit more profitable.


                  Kian Silvers

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                    RE: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
                    « Reply #8 on: January 27, 2006, 07:05:09 am »
                    Mai 15

                    I have had a most interesting evening.  I looked for a few of the friends I have made recently but to no avail.  They must be out and about right now.  I tried to speak with a few of the new faces I saw in the streets, but was ignored.  It is one of the first times I was so blatantly ignored.  The only face in the crowd I recognized and spoke to was Ash Willo.  She was in a bit of a hurry, but still took the time to say hello.

                    Well, I knew I was short of funds and needed to gather some gold.  I knew that the skeletons in the crypts had some value to their bones as spell components and alchemy components to those who craft in that area, so I sought them out.  Not only that, but I would very much like to map out the crypts as I forgot to when I was down there the first time.  I love maps.

                    I went into the crypts and the skeletons gave me little to no trouble.  I collected the their bones (knuckles in particular) and moved to the lower level.  There, I encountered the dreaded ghoul.  They did not give me as much trouble as the first time, but still, with six or so zombies backing him up, I needed to rest for while, not to mention bathe, before I could continue.  Argh, they stink.  At least my stomach could handle the sight of them this time.

                    I decided that there were more pleasant areas to obtained gold from.  I seem to remember that one of my friends stated that there was an encampment of mercenaries in the eastern outskirts of Hlint, a little to close to the town if you ask me.  I headed out that way to check it out.

                    I encountered six mercenaries there.  I was able to take out the sentries so the camp would not have a warning.  I then attracted the attention of a couple of Halfling rogues.  They beat me up pretty bad, but I did prevail with the help of a nameless adventurer.  I thanked him for his help and offered to pay him for his time and effort, but he refused.  I never even learned his name.  There seem to be a lot of good people in this land.

                    I took out the last of the mercenaries.  It was a mage who tried to call upon his arts to protect him, but I interrupted him.  That is one of the reasons I love what I do.  I don’t rely upon magic to help me, but rather my own body.  I have a long way to go to reach the level of perfection I have witness among people of the monastery I come from, and even some that I have witness here in this new land, but I will strive to reach that level and more.

                    I really must apologize for the last sentence.  If it were not written in ink, I would probably erase it.  Magic has its place and I should not have degraded its importance.  I must clarify that I am just glad I do not rely upon it.

                    I then still hungered to take out some of the frustrations that were building in me and so headed to Lake Alon.  I remembered seeing a small band of Kobolds there.  I reached them and defeated them, rather easily.  It appears they may have been stealing from the local travelers as they did have a bit of gold on them.  Hopefully that will teach them to leave the travelers alone, but I will return to the area and ensure that they do not.

                    I needed to retire for a bit after that.  I sit in the Wild Spring Inn writing this.  I hope that I will see my friends soon, or maybe get into an adventure.  I can feel the desire to test my mettle and to exercise my recent studies to see if all of my daily training is helping or if I need to train harder.  We will see.


                    Kian Silvers

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                      RE: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
                      « Reply #9 on: January 27, 2006, 06:19:15 pm »
                      Junar 19

                      I have awakened this morning and am feeling quite refreshed.  I think that this day will be better than most.  I exit the inn and head toward the Goblin Wastelands.  It is there that I find a couple of Red Light Goblins are preparing an ambush for unwary travelers.  I quickly show them the proper respect for the law.  I then retire for a short time at a pleasant campfire.

                      It was there I met Thrain Ironwind, a Dwarf of some stature.  I sat and spoke with him for a while and found him quite intriguing.  I asked him if he would like to have some company for a time.  He readily agreed.  I told him the necklace that Ragrain has misplaced and that she needed it back.  He said he would be more than happy to help me get the item back for her.  

                      We entered into Sielwood Forest.  He seemed to know right where it was, so I have to assume he has done this before, further substantiating the possibility that the possibility of a cursed necklace.  We entered into the cave where we met up with Garnet and Alwise.  They offered to help us to locate the necklace.  We searched the first couple of groups of Kobolds, but to no avail.  We had to search deeper for it.

                      We search on.  We encountered a gelatinous cube and a group of stirge.  Finally, we ran into a large group of Bugbears and another gelatinous cube.  After a vicious battle, we succeeded.  We recovered the necklace.  I went back to Hlint and the Wild Spring Inn and returned it to Ragrain.  She was ecstatic to have it back and thanked me profusely.


                      Kian Silvers

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                        RE: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
                        « Reply #10 on: January 27, 2006, 07:00:42 pm »
                        Junar 22

                        I have heard a rumor of late of a curious plague that is taking the lives of cattle.  I happened to be in Spellgard with Thrain when we encountered a bloodsailor.  He was talking to a group of us that were standing and speaking of this very subject.  People that were there: Zen - a half-elf, Alf Garnet - a very talkative gnome, Michael Mordicai – a very kind and gentle heart half giant with a surprising intellect, Rayenoir – a Tiefling female, and Syclya Amalin – a stunningly beautiful elf, and of course Thrain Ironwind and myself.

                        We spoke to the bloodsailor and he told us of the death of a wizard’s son in the blood desert.  He also had heard rumor of his recent involvement of in the plague that was affecting the cattle.  The local taverns, per the sailor, were speaking that a group of investigators were tracking the parents of this dead son, thinking they may have a cure to this plague.  If this plague gets out of hand, they are looking at putting down a number of cattle and would possibly cause a serious shortage of food.

                        Needless to say, we could not pass up this task.  The motley group of adventures decided to start our search in the Blood Desert where the son had reportedly died.  We were attacked several times, but we finally made it to the ruins.  We searched and discovered a scroll and map.  We could not make out much of the scroll as it was written in very early dwarven script.  It was so old that even Thrain could not make out most of the words.

                        We headed back to Spellgard to see if there was maybe someone who could help us to translate it.  We searched a number of possibilities, but found no one who could help us.  It was at a local temple that said maybe an old geezer in Port Velensk who goes by the name of Curly might be able to help us out.  Another road trip.

                        We fought our way to Port Velensk.  We faced many different beasts, to include manticores.  They are a particularly nasty cat-like creature with the ability to whip its tail around and throw spikes.

                        We made it to the port and spoke with Curly.  He was a very dour man with a gruff attitude.  He had a way of talking down to us.  He looked at the scroll and, after a time, he was able to tell us what it said.  For the most part, it was a grocery list, but it also had a few comments on it about some research that was done in which insects, instead of carrying the plague, could heal it.  The scroll had a watermark on it from the Dragon Isles.  We had to set sail for there.  It took time, but we finally arrived there.

                        We traveled to the Dragon Isles where we spoke with a Yuan-ti woman who pointed us to the forest.  It was there that we located the cure to the plague.  It was the mosquitoes.  They carried the cure.  They were bloated with blood that their bodies had mutated from interaction with the poison we found under the small bridge there.

                        We took the time to gather together a large selection of mosquitoes and put them in jars and flasks.  While doing so, we were attacked by a variety of creatures to include enraged owlbears and forest renders.  After disposing of them, we headed back to the ship and sailed back to Port Velensk.

                        There we met a Neverwinter Soldier who stated he was one of the inspectors searching for the parents of the deceased son.  We told him of what we had found and that we had the cure for the plague.  The inspector was dumb founded and said he would send the mosquitoes to the science facility to have a mass antidote put together.

                        The cattle were saved.


                        Kian Silvers

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                          RE: Quest for Perfection by Kian Silvers
                          « Reply #11 on: January 31, 2006, 04:13:22 am »
                          I hunger for adventure.  It's become a driving passion.  With the recent stint into the blood desert, I find the passion becoming a driving force.

                          I could not find a group to adventures to spend time with today, so I took to the northern outskirts of Hlint in attempts to take out some stem some of the passions.  If I did not know better I would say barbarian blood flowed in my veins.

                          I encountered more of the Rabid Wolf Orcs there.  They came at me in mass.  I was able to defend myself and come out on top, but is cooled my passions with a sense of ineptness.  My studies in the martial arts has paid off and the circle kick that I have been attempting to perfect paid off, but I was also wounded quite badly.  I need to continue my studies.

                          Since the area was fairly clear of enemies, I decided to gather cotton and Hickory branches to work with my woodcraft and tailoring.

                          I went back to Hlint and retired to Wild Spring Inn to a room I had reserved.

                          I hope tomorrow brings better results.  We shall see
