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Author Topic: Reflections of Brisbane  (Read 1359 times)


RE: Reflections of Brisbane
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2005, 04:50:00 am »
Went to Hlint the other day... what a mistake was that! Saw Remi but he was too busy talking to his newest flavor to even say hello to me so I tossed rocks at him for a while until Celgar showed up. I dove into the lake and didn't come back up but persistent as he is he came in after me. Followed me around for the whole day telling me he is worrried, I guess it was kinda nice but...Finally I just turned into a bird and flew off, that way he couldn't follow. One person caring doesn't really seem to lend cause to life. Well two but I don't know that Toranite cleric too well.. seems smart enough I guess.  Made the double mistake of walking back to hlint saw Plenarius sitting with Remiels little elven "friend"  I think he may of nodded I didn't really bother to look.   The option of revisting that gateway seems to be more enticing every day...


RE: Reflections of Brisbane
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2005, 05:41:00 pm »
Walked into Hlint... why do I keep doing that? I was feeling fairly well after my conversation with Katrien though that faded quickly. I saw Daddy and Plen standing and talking Klaug was there and that foolish moron Lia... and Silool. Id have spun on my heels and left but it had been a time since I saw my father so I I stayed against my better judgement. I couldn't hold my tongue around Silool... she hurled such venemous insults at me before and spouted ignorance about Ozy and some Paladin or whatever the heck he was I've no idea. I called the divine fires as a warning and told her the next time I wouldn't give a warning spinning to leave.  No one cared heh...well maybe Klaug. Plen left without so much as a word in greeting or departure and Daddy didn't even say good bye.  Its funny... I spend most of my life helping others. I went out of my way to do good... to heal the wounded, to protect the forest, to aid the younger along thier way. I carried the eggs of the metallic dragons out of the cave on my own back and forged a connection to the ancient soul with my own body.... no one remembers that.... what do they remember?  That one time Bris threatened Silool... or when she kicked in Enzos ribs because he left her for dead with out a word of concern because he was so worried on another....   No one remembers how Bris helped them acrossed the mountains and through the woods.... or when she tossed herself in the path of the fire giants to save the life of her friend... but they remember when she killed Lia.... killed Lia to stop her from stealing the powerful rune and using it for her own evil devices....  but that part is omitted... just...murderer.  I am going to quit the arcane alliance... Lia can have her social front... shes just as black as those she deals with... let her take me to trial I don't care... let them hang me... I don't care...only a handful of people that may care anyhow... though I would miss my nights with Ozy, they are the only time I feel like the innocent helpful being I once was....


RE: Reflections of Brisbane
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2006, 06:41:23 am »
It has been an age and then some since my quill has graced these pages. So much has changed since the last entry here. Lia's antics and half baked schemes have since landed her in an early grave. In a sense that saddens me as my most fun nemesis has now expired, it leaves me a bit bored at times... theres still others but I can't seem to laugh at them like the interaction's with Lia. I hope that her soul has finally found the peace she so clearly needed in life.  Ozymandias remains to be one of my greatest friends. The arch bard in all his over knowing glory. I have married another though...Elladan... a paladin. I never thought that I would take the hand of one so devoted to his god... especially after Plenarius but I did... I suprised him in the grove one night with a priest of Aeridin. Rawkwin... also surprised at my bringing him there...gave a beautiful binding ceremony and we quickly celebrated outr marriage with the conception of our third child. Well my third... his second. We named her willow in honor of the branch used to bind us in the ceremony. Shes already quite big.  The grove flourishes every day more. Even Ozy's tree...the one he swore would die just to spite him. The bears grow more numerous and slowly the swamp is begining to heal. Though with that odd crypt there I don't think I will ever be able to fully heal it. I work every day on my plan for silden and its healing.  A young apprentice has found me in there. His name is Ancan. Those like he and Drogo give me hope again for the healing of nature. I've felt I walked my path alone for so long.. even with Elladans support. But with those that are willing to stand for their beliefs and not roll over for the thought of a guild or a god perhaps things are coming around.  Working on finding the seeds to heal the broken forest of Selians wrath. I hope the Rofireinites don't beat us to the abyss....

*her pen trails as she looks to the sky waiting for the ink to dry. Then abruptly she snaps the journal shut and fades off into the forest.*


Re: Reflections of Brisbane
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2011, 04:35:13 am »
***Bris shakes out her hair as she steps out of the ocean and surveys the lands with a quiet pensive look on her face ***

"Why does it always have to be dragons?"

**She flops into her familiar bear form and shuffles across the isle sniffing about***


Re: Reflections of Brisbane
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2011, 04:57:29 am »
Met someone named Raz.... or something I don't really know. Odd fellow, hates druids ... kept shoving his elbow at me. I think he thought he was being chivalrous or something... weird.


Re: Reflections of Brisbane
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2011, 04:15:26 am »
I spoke today with someone named Lance. A Paladin of Toran I guess, he seems ok despite that. He and Storold apparently don't get along simply because of their deities disdain for each other. I find that to be ridiculous and counter productive.

Lance gave me a vile of blood he found on my isle. It had some of the soil in it as well. Something was amiss with it but I haven't yet put my finger on it. We talked a bit of dragons and I warned him that my interests lie with the balance so in the end we may find ourselves on opposite sides. He thanked me for my honesty up front. I am impressed.


Re: Reflections of Brisbane
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2012, 02:59:21 am »
Hello Journal,

I went to Krandor today to meet at the inn with folks also seeking to end the blight on the lands. It always makes me sad to go back to Krandor... I will admit that there are times I still miss my time with Plenarius. We had a home there... our first date in the crypts. I know that sounds like a terrible first date but I think that it made him happy to protect me from the undead and show how strong and capable he was. It worked. Needless to say it always sobers my mood to go to Krandor.

I entered the inn to see quite a large turn out. There were people that seemed a bit struck by my presence, that never stops being weird for me. I was more used to being hated and honestly I took it better. I never know what to say to someone that looks up to me... to people that hate me I can tell em to stuff off. I recognized some of them from the imprint they left by their time in my grove, bards love to come write there for some reason. I am glad that my little piece of solace is appreciated and well used. I wish I could push those dumb drow back further but they just keep coming back.

We learned that the mages let the moth escape after it emerged. What the heck kind of elite spell casters keep something safe from escaping with no teleportation wards in place. I am severely disappointed in Spelgard and Connor for this. They waited long enough to inform me that there was nothing I could do for finding it. I still respect and trust Connor but I will need to evaluate how much faith I can put in other people.

There was a seer girl there, she kept tracing the pattern of a summoning ritual apparently channeling some drow lady... then BAM pit fiend in the inn. It was nice for a little excitement and gave us some insight on the wilting vegetation. No moths though. We did learn about some more drow things... looks like they are probably summoning from the same pit Xanadrial is from. I guess we will need to either go to the underdark again.. or the pits... or both. It's never someplace nice. I guess thats not true... I did just get to go to Voltrex with Jilseponie. The elves there are jerks though.....

**The writing just seems to trail off, like she fell asleep while she was jotting down the entry**


Hello Journal,It has been
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2013, 06:24:52 pm »

Hello Journal,

It has been quite a time since my quill graced these pages, much past overdue for an update. So much has changed, including myself.

I just had a very interesting night with Drew at his tavern. What a tavern it is! Rooms upon rooms, a glorious kitchen, even an infirmary. I don't spend much time indoors these days but I enjoyed myself. He had me play the Piano and I wasn't completely terrible at it! There was a little halfling there, Charm was her name and it suited her. She was admiring my dress, which is odd because I don't generally wear a full dress these days. The properties woven in its fabric seemed better fit for her talents than mine so I flopped the dress off and handed it to her. She seemed taken aback... maybe she hadn't ever seen a naked druid before... people seem taken aback by my lack of modesty. I should probably consider that more often but it just doesn't seem to matter. I put my dire tiger leathers on and felt like myself again. Not sure what I was thinking wearing that dress anyhow. Charm gave me a lucky little clover, it was quite nice. I wove it into my hair and there I shall preserve it to give me luck.

At some point the conversation turned to Plenarius. Im not really sure how it turned to him but Drew was suprised to find that we had been married for a time. It filled me with a feeling of nostalgia. I had gotten quite bitter toward the end of our marriage and it led me to do some pretty unpleasant things. I was a very unhappy person during that time. They say time heals all wounds and I suppose that is true but truth be told there is still an emptiness in me, a space in my heart that will always be reserved for him. Andrew asked if he should say hello for me next time he see's Plen. I'm not sure he would want to hear from me but I told him to send my regards. I know that things could never be the way they were again, but I desperately miss our friendship most of all. I hope he has found happiness.

** the page here is dotted with the tell tale sign of a few dried tears **