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Author Topic: The Twilight of the Ranger of Krandor  (Read 93 times)


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    The Twilight of the Ranger of Krandor
    « on: June 16, 2005, 08:58:00 pm »
    My days as an adventurer, are now solidified. I have brought myself back into an existance I swore that I would never tread upon again. But with the death of Nandell, I find there is little left for me on this mortal coil - but to solidify my own presence. Her death made me realize that this gift of life is a precious thing, and to waste it would be foolish. Without her love, without her touch, I waste away while I do not test the very limits of my own vigor. I shall not allow this to happen, for I am born of a proud heritedge, though not in blood.

    The time will come when I will be acknowledged for all that I am capable of, for all that I can accomplish. Someday - as that dream drolled to me, it may come upon my hands to cease the fate of this world from happening. The lands, are something I will cherish for all my existence, but without my beloved, there is little reason for me to cherish anything else. My own race has betrayed me more times then I would care to admit. They have shown me the things that otheraces would see, and look upon me snidely for. I understand fully why these things occur now.

    Yet, I do not understand why the fate of man has befell upon one such as I. My mind is not that of a normal human, nor is my body. I was born to be much more then I am, yet I will never truly realize what gifts my body is capable of bestowing upon this world, simply because of the nature of my birth.

    I have arrived in lands not too far from my land of birth. I do wonder about myself, I have sworn never to go back to Krandor until I had solved what mysteries plagued me there so many years ago as a young man. My skills then were not to be matched by any here, for certain.

    I truly was a work of the Elves perfection, I do wonder why I let myself fade into relativity on some eves. Why I let my muscles relax, and let my body go lax. There is nothing more annoying then re-training old muscles to remember something that should have never been forgotten.

    Today, I crossed blades with an Orc for the first in a long while, it was not a favorable out-come, as I was forced to flee. The guard at the gates was helpful enough to slay the Orc for me when I rushed in through the gate, I thanked him and headed on my way. There I ran into a crowd of humans, how I loathed the interaction, yet I needed it.

    I lack gold heavily now, having left my only source of gold behind in Far Reach. They slew Hypogrith, and Lizards, and Trolls.. yet, when it came time to retreat, they could not. I retreated with another with a large axe, he had lead the party into the combat. I aided him the best that I could in our retreat, but we were quickly over-come by the sheer numbers that surrounded us. I awoke back in the town, blurred eyed and to the wonder of a nearby Goblin. A Goblin that was seemingly allowed to live, for whatever reason. I could not feel myself, so it did not matter, was more astral then flesh at the time. It was good to reflect upon the foolishness of the decision, we had no tactics, no leader. We simply rushed in to slaughter the beasts. I had suspected that this was to drive out the beasts, and obtain what little supplies they had for sale, but as mentioned it of course did not end well.

    I will reflect upon it some other time, as I am tired.. and my bones do ache. Perhaps I shall feel better tomorrow with more interaction - and more activity. I shall rest now.. the tavern certainly -is- large enough. If not a little large for my tastes..