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Author Topic: Journal of Annie Kova  (Read 72 times)


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    Journal of Annie Kova
    « on: May 03, 2005, 04:14:00 am »
    As I travel about Layonara, I can feel myself grow both mentally and physically....I have seen and learned much.  Eversince I decided that the bastard sword was going to be my weapon of choice, I have made a bond with it.  I can feel the bond getting stronger and stronger.  In fact, my blades are my best companions.  I believe what Draco told me was wise and thus I must be one with my blades if I want to be effective with them.  Everywhere I go people recognize me because of the two blades I hold in my hands.  They have seen what I am capable of in most battles.....deadly.  Thus, what Draco told me was no lie, "strike your enemies' weakest spot and see them fall before you."

    *sigh* Unfortunately, I was careless that one time.  That carelessness was fatal and I would never be the same again.  Who would have thought a drake would show up right there in Black Hills?!?!  Boy oh boy I was defenseless against it.  1, 2, it took my breath away.  On the 3rd hit, that cursed thing dazed me or something for I could not move.  4, 5, I was no longer alive.  That blasted thing killed me so fast I had no time to even pull my swords out or use my helmet's barkskin.  Luckily, the bindstone brought whatever left of me back to it.  I had enough time to rest and recover.....but no longer can I be wholesome for that Drake caused me to lose a part of me when I died.  I guess I learned a very important lesson from that dreadful day...ALWAYS BE ON YOUR GUARD!!!  From now on, my blades will ALWAYS be in my hands....rarely will they be sheathed away...even if I think I am in a safe area....for I never know what might sneak up on me.  *sigh* I hope my companions will understand that I am a master of my weapons and thus they will always be in my hands.  If I enter any temple, I hope they do not take offense to it but if they do then oh be it.  At least my Night Fox people do not hassle me about it and that's a good thing.  

    Furthermore, from my many years of traveling and fighting in countless battles, I have learned that I have an advantage if I deal the first blows of attack.  Better to attack then to be attacked.  With my blades readily in my hands, I am more than willing to strike first.  Hopefully I will be smart about it and not always attack.  I have also learned that fighting is not always the answer to a problem.  And sometimes I just have to admit that I am outmatch and run away to fight another day.


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      Journal of Annie Kova
      « Reply #1 on: May 21, 2005, 01:46:00 pm »
      It has been a while since I've written in this journal of mine.  I have been so busy running around trying to better my craftsmanship skills that I have forgotten to train.  Honestly though, I'm quite sick of the desert right now.  I have been in the Saudiria Desert for days on end digging sand and fighting giants.  Those brutes sure hit fast and hard, not to mention they always have a witchdoctor casting his fireball at me.  I guess in a way it's good training for me.  I get to practice dodging those fireball and hacking those giants down.  Sometimes though the fireball hits and boy does it stings.  On the plus side, I have managed to improve my tinkering skill a lot.  *smiles in happiness*  I actually want to get better at alchemy though so that I may make more healing potions for myself.  Can never have too much healing potions when traveling on Dregar.  Something unexpected always seem to pop up and surprise me.  But boy alchemy takes so much time.  *sigh* Always have to gather ingredients all over the world.  I guess patience is the key.

      Also, I have been traveling with the Orc Basher group as of late.  I've been helping this good dwarf cleric name Gloin.  He is such a great and powerful cleric.  He looks after me and takes care of me.  I feel like he's a papa to me...sometimes I even call him Papa Gloin.  I hope he doesn't mind.  He's been showing more than I could ever see on my own.  He took me to Firesteep to fight kobalds and elementals and drakes.  He took me to caves to fight trolls and shamans.  Yes it's very dangerous sometimes but it's very exciting at the same time.  Always a pleasure to travel with Gloin for I know he will not abandon me if things go eerie.  Perhaps one day he can travel with me to find Draco....still yet to find any news about him *sigh...teary eyes*

      *wipes tears* As for my Night Fox, I haven't spent much time with Tomas or Kyrin.  They always seem to be of doing something on their own..that's fine with me.  However, I should find them and travel with them more.  I should also let them know that Ralinda, a wizard, has agreed to join the group.  We must all travel together to see if the group will be compatible.  Hopefully with the addition of Ralinda, the Night Fox will grow into a more dominant party.  

      *looks up at the sky* I guess this will be it for now.  Time for me to get some rest.


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        Trip to the Great Rift
        « Reply #2 on: June 01, 2005, 06:21:00 pm » was a peaceful day after a long journey to help find the Last Elven Flame from the Flamesoul.  That, however, is a different story all together.  This time it's about the short lived trip to the Great Rift Cave.  I was invited by Gloin to go explore the Great Rift and I saw no reason to turn down an adventure.  I met up with Gloin in Pranzis and saw many others that were willing to go and see the Great Rift themselves.  I must say...our party was quite complete and competent.  We had wizards and clerics and fighters.  We bought all the necessary supplies and headed out towards Dalanthar.

        On the way to Dalanthar, Gloin told us what we were to expect.  It was quite disturbing hearing Gloin's tales.  He said no magic was possible there and demons roam about.  I was terrified but still mustered enough courage to not back away.  All the members in the party were probably horrified too but trusted each other to make through this exploration.  And thus we made our way to Dalanthar.

        When we finally got to the Great Rift Cave, I realized what Gloin was talking about.  I saw spiders and giants dwelled together in the cave.  Invisible stalkers would appear and attack us.  I do not know if there were more but that was all I was able to see and fought for the first two levels of the cave.  To make matter worse, Gloin was right about the no magic.  All the spells and what not were stripped from me once I entered the cave.  It was brute strength that took down the spiders and giants.  The fighters in the party fought our way down to the third level and there we rested.  Also, it was in the third level that when we realized magic worked again....thank goodness.  I didn't know how long the fighters could hold out.

        After the rest, we moved forward.  This was when tragedy happened.  We encountered drows and more giants.  What a fierce battle it was.  Gloin casted his spells and so did the drows.  Myself was blinded by the drows' spells and I don't know about the rest of the party.  I believe they were too for I remember hearing my allies yelling "where are you?!"  While blinded, all I could do was swing my blade around wildly in hope to hit the enemies.  I don't think I hit any of the party members though...which was a good thing.  After a while, I got my sight back again.  And what an ugly site it was.  Only 4 members, including myself, remained standing out of a group of probably 10.  We retreated to a corner so that Gloin may pray for his spells in hope to resurrect our fallen friends.  

        After Gloin's rest, we headed back to the dead bodies.  I guess the drows heard all the fighting and came out deeper from the cave.  Another bloody battle.  This time...we weren't so lucky.  I saw my friend fall one by one and finally it was me.  Lucky for me, I escaped the Soul's Mother attempt at capturing my soul and was returned back to my bindstone.  

        Back in Pranzis, I felt weak all over.  I guess dying took a great toll on my body, and it would take a while for me to fully recover.  Thus, here I am scribing this journal so that someone might be able to read this if I ever pass away for good one day.  I hope that I may be remembered one day...but that is to be seen.

        But yes, after this last trip I realize that I may be stronger than I was before, but compared to those demons out there I am but a weakling.  I must train more.  Speaking of training, I have learned a lot about my bastard sword.  I'm starting to swing my blades a lot better now and more effective.  I am still missing something though...but I do not know yet.  I wish Draco was here so that he may show me what I am doing wrong.  Yes..Draco...I should organize a group and find him...


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          Simple Reflection
          « Reply #3 on: October 11, 2005, 01:40:00 pm »
          Oh has been a long long long time since I have opened up this journal of mine to scribble in it.  I have been so busy honing my crafting skills to make a honest living that I have lost track of time and place.  But yes, I have been spending most of my time now around the capital of the world, Pranzis.  Oh what a HUGE city it is.  Always busy with people and heroes running about.  I am one of those busy-body.  For the past oh I don't know how long, I have been chopping wood and digging for sand.  I have made so many trips that I have lost count.  On the bright side, I am quite a tinkerer and a wood craftsman, or craftswoman I should say.  I guess all the hard work paid off.

          During my trips though, I've always tried to keep an eye out for any information about Draco.  *sigh* No such luck yet.  Perhaps he never traveled to the mountains that I have made so many trips to.  I really don't know what to do now.  Maybe there's such magic out there to look into the past and see what happened....if so then I must seek that out to trace Draco's whereabout.  If he's dead, I would like to find his remains and have a proper burial.  If not, that would be wonderful!!!

          *smiles to self* This is a little off topic but I think Draco would be real proud of me.  I've noticed how my blades are now glowing red each time I hold them.  I sense this connection between us.  I can't explain it but I think somehow I am channeling my fighting aura onto the blades.  It's quite interesting actually.  I am truely becoming a master of my blades.

          I guess that's it for now.  I will try to keep this little book filled up with more rambles so that I many read it someday when I am too old to travel anymore.


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            Relocation and future plan
            « Reply #4 on: October 13, 2005, 08:53:00 pm »
            It has been a while now since I've been back home in Leilon.  I wonder how my house is.  *chuckles to self* It's probably full of spider webs and dusts.  I'm really thinking about selling that house and relocating to Pranzis.  Considering I travel around Pranzis so often, I should find a suitable house to rest and recover.  Ah yes...I think I will do that.  To do list:

            1. Pack up and sell house in Leilon
            2. Find a house in Pranzis to resettle

            Now then, it appears Blood's and Milara's troops are on the move.  They are slowly taking over certain area.  I was just back in Arabel not so long ago with Ralinda and Quillwem.  To my surprise, those blood thirsty mercenaries and rogues were everywhere.  We had to be extra careful and thanks to Ralinda's invisible spell, we were able to sneak past them.  That was a scary moment.  Furthermore, I've heard news from Ralinda that Blood's troops are now occupying certain areas of the Kingdom of Roldem...or something like that.  I don't know if that is true or not but I will take Ralinda's words on that matter.  *shaking her head as she continues to write*

            If this continues, Blood's troops might be right outside of Pranzis stalking on dubious travelers.  This has to be prevented!!!  I am but one person and I don't know what I can do...but I will try.  I think I will put my skills to good use.  Perhaps I can craft excellent goods and auction them off.  Then, I shall take that gold proceeds and donate it to the great city Pranzis so the captain there can arm his soldiers.  They shall need as much as they can to protect that city.  And seeing how I am planning on moving there, I must contribute to its safety somehow.  Hopefully the captain will accept my donation and I can keep providing him with aides.  If I can't get gold for my bows and armors, then I shall just give them to the captain so his men can wear them.  

            Well then, there are lots of work to be done and I should get started.  *closes her journal*

