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Author Topic: Riram Guda- My journal to make sense of it all.  (Read 139 times)


Riram Guda- My journal to make sense of it all.
« on: August 09, 2009, 05:37:06 pm »
*The journal seems to be written in chicken scratch, and is covered in different types of stains.*

I have decided to write this journal so when something starts to confuse  me I can check back to it to try to make sense of it.

My first few days in the strange city of some Fort. Was not long before some man who called himself Aiao offered to show me around. I figured I may as well take him up on it. We parted ways after a short time, and after buying a few things that looked important I noticed I was running shy on coin. My belly was grumbling so loud it could wake the dead. I ended up taking some job hunting some deaders, but there was swarms of them. After cracking a few skulls it became clear I best pull back. By chance I met up with Aiao, who offered to help me because he was in need of fresh corpses for some reason. I was glad to have the help, but then he did not put on any armor, or draw a blade. I figured he was going to end up as dead as the things we were fighting, but he could smash things with his hands better then any I have seen. After a long battle the job was finished, and I had enough to eat for quite some time.

Met some more strange people. A halfling I think it was, who's name escapes me was quite interesting. She seemed to share my love of talking about giant mushrooms. Then a dwarf by the name of Kurn who as far as I am concerned is the only one I have met who knows battle like I do. First thing he said to me was I wore a fine choice of armor because the spikes coating it would double as a weapon. I was glad to meet such a wise dwarf, and look forward to meeting with him again even the others we were with called him a brute.
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Re: Riram Guda- My journal to make sense of it all.
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2009, 07:28:53 am »
Getting more use to things around here though, I met a strange lass by the name of Rat. Claimed I was going to knock her over the head with a club the moment I said hello. First it made me rather angry, but then it became clear after I got to know her a bit that she was scared of everything. She was friends with some guy by the name of Idoran, he proved to be a pretty interesting man even if he wiggled his fingers like a weaver he was decent with a blade. He offered to take us traveling, and  Rat was all for it though I saw no reason to leave what I was just getting use to. He said we might make some trues so, I figured it might be worth my time. He then took me through this horrible thing that felt like it was sucking your soul out your eyes, but I have to admit it saved some traveling time. Said it was a portal, or something. Not sure I be liking them one bit.

We set up camp outside of some fort, and were greeted by three others who asked to also rest until the dawn by our fire. Seemed like a fine idea, and then some other lass joined us, and one of the men who looked like he had seen better days drew his blade on her. Thought it might be getting ugly so I just kept my mouth shut. Course Rat, much as she is scared of things never shuts up, and nearly found herself the next target of the man. Though Idoran, and this other lass seemed to calm him down, I was never happier to see dawn come.

Was not long before we were back on our feet, and taking a job to cut some ears off some gobos for this guy who had a thing for gobo ears. Leasts thats what Idoran said. Caves we went into were not to bad, though I was told to use a bow, and stay out of the fray. Which while some might be happy about, I can not say I was. Soon after we met a halfling who was also in the caves by the name of Todd. Got to say, only met two halfers, but even if they are short they make up for it with spirit. He was good people in my book, taught me a few things about devil cabbage the gobos seem to be able to make grow on their command. Rat kept screaming which I was sure would lead to us getting ambushed though you sort of get use to it.

Idoran, then tried to get us both to hold his hand.. Which I was none to pleased about, and made it known. He called me an idiot, but just cause his hands are cold does not mean I am going to help him warm them. Also met a lass who did not speak much, but seemed to have a good head on her shoulders by the name of Hanta. She seemed to take a liking to me once I said I was more at ease with a great ax in my hands then a short bow. All in all it was a good trip, and they were all might fine company.

Idoran for some reason thought it wise to go through another portal which was none the better then the last, and this time to some city that had me sweating the moment he said read the rule board. I grunted at the idea thinking the laws be near the same every where. I was wrong. Now, I will never claim to be the best at reading, but I sure understood  these ones quite well "fifteen, jail, and death." I was happy we went through there as quick as we could.

Then I saw perhaps the most amazing sight I have yet to see. A mushroom that put to shame the giant one in the sewers! Twice the size perhaps, though much as I reveled in delight, the damnable things then took it upon themselves to try to make us dinner. Course Rat screamed.. She screams a lot. Now that I look over this.. I realize its just getting more, and more confusing for me the more I see.


Re: Riram Guda- My journal to make sense of it all.
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2009, 07:41:31 am »
*Some pages seemed blotched out as if he wrote, but then spilled something on them, and then it seems to pick up at the end of the entry.

After getting back from Prantz, and away from that nutter Count that kept eating things that I would not even touch. I met a lass by the name of Anna, She was badly tore up in the sewers, and thanked me for my help. I told her I was needing rat skins. Much to my horror she was also after something.. Giant mushrooms. I watched as she ripped the cap of my most favorite one off. I could do nothing, but stand with my jaw dropped. Course she said she owned some Elf a dept so I sort of understood. After that I took a bit of liking to her as she talked mostly about cooking. One of my favorite things is eating so, we got along fine.

Nay to much later I stood, and watched a man by the name of Quin keep filling up a canteen with a hole in it. Which he explained was in fact an enchanted holy canteen prince something, or other owned. I thought the price of ten trues was quite good for it, and paid. He then asked me if I knew of a place he could find some work. I hired him on to help me scout some nearby lands for copper ore. Scouting nay never went so bad as it did this time. He kept talking about baking, and other jobs I could do. Which was confusing me to no end.

Next thing I know two yetis were charging us screaming loud bellows that echoed a cross the nearby mountains. They did not seem to strong till they started pounding me with their fists. I tried to strike them, but they seemed to see my strikes coming. Quin of course, just kept saying "Do we run yet?" I yelled out "Fall back!" Sadly, his feet were to slow, and just as we reached the gate they pounced on him, and slammed his head into the ground knocking him out. The gate guard was none to pleased with them, and made short work of the pair only grunting when I gave my thanks.

Met another dwarf who reminded me of my kin. Went by the name of Noks.  We were griping about the lack of work for those with strong arms when, the lass Rat, and Anna showed up. They did not seem to get along to well. Noks suggested we head up to Hlint. We ran into some large groups of ogres. Noks seems to have a bit of training in leading squads in combat. He formed us up on a bridge which was not something I would of thought of. Took away the advantage of their numbers, and we cut into them with bloody strikes. Rat fired arrows into their ranks giving us a real edge. Course nay did not stop the nasty bite of the strikes. By the end we were all a bit cut up. After some rest we moved on to Hlint. Though while taking to searching a camp of mercenaries in a small pit stop Rat found herself surrounded by some real rough necks. Nearly cut her down in their ambush. Course with three sturdy warriors like us the sneaks were cut down in moments, and Rat was fine. To  add insult to injury we even stole the boar they were roasting! Was nay to bad a day if you ask me.


Re: Riram Guda- My journal to make sense of it all.
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2009, 03:05:27 am »
It has been some time sense I thought of my clan, and family. Though the recent death of one of my new comrades has forced the the old memories back into my mind. I awoke in a cold sweat after watching my clansmen being cut down in droves by the Orcs. Though with such horrible memories a path has also opened. I have decided it time to put the few of my fathers teachings to heart. Though he refused to tell us much about how he was able to unleash his inner spirit becoming one with the ancient spirits turning himself into a legendary bear.

He told us it was a path  we must walk down on our own. Not one we could be lead down, or forced down. He said through intense training, and by taking the strength from those we kill. That by opening our mind we can reach a new level of power. Makes me recall an old story he would tell about how warriors would eat the hearts of the beasts they had beaten in battle to gain there fighting spirit.

To be honest not much of what he said made sense to me then, or now. Only thing I am certain is that I have to get stronger if I plan on surviving. I wager after a goods night rest I will start my search.