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Author Topic: Roland-The Teachings of the Forest  (Read 239 times)


Roland-The Teachings of the Forest
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:13:01 pm »
//the bio//

Roland ducked under the boy's punch, landing his knee into the boy's stomach. The boy gave way a bit, and Roland followed through with a elbow strike. Roland  then shoved the other boy backwards with a solid kick to the chest. The  boy landed on his back and slid a little way along the alley's  trash-covered ground. Roland stepped  back, wiping the blood from his broken nose. His eyes caught a tint of  silver falling towards the boy on the ground from one of the boys  gathered in a circle to watch the fight. He saw it as nothing important  at the time. He didn't see the outline of a dagger on the ground.
      The other boy came at him like a whirlwind. Roland ducked and dodged the lethal swipes. Every stroke came closer to landing on his flesh. Roland  had felt the bite of a dagger before, and he had the scars to prove it.  Still, he was frightened of the thought of that blade sliding into his  arm or torso.
     Fear was a powerful thing. Adrenalin pumped through his veins as he  ducked into the next dagger stab, coming up with his shoulder into the  boys armpit. Grabbing the elbow, Roland torched it down and snapped the arm.
     "Enough!" A hoarse voice yelled. Roland's head swung around towards the speaker.
     The man stood, silhouetted in the light from the inn. He was  heavy-set, and brandished a pitchfork in one hand, a ale bottle in the  other. His eyes bore into Roland, who still held the crying boy's broken arm. With slow, staggering steps, he made his way towards the circle of boys around Roland.
     When he arrived, he promptly hit Roland over the head with the heavy head of the pitchfork.
 Roland  awoke in a forest, surrounded by huge trees. He lay on the fall leaves,  and his head hurt bad. He lay there for several hours, soaking in the  facts and gathering the strength to stand. Finally, once he was on his  feet, he set off.
     He didn't get far before he found that it would not be an easy feat  to find his way out.. He wandered off in the direction he thought went  towards Vehl, but it didn't. Little did Roland  know, he was wandering in circles. Ever changing circles that didn't  take him to a town. In fifteen minutes of stumbling through the forest,  he was lost.
"Hello? Hello?" Roland yelled into the  forest, but with no return answer. Silently, he sank down to a tree log.  He knew there was a very slim chance he would find the way out of here.  He shrugged. Make yerself at home, Roland. Ive got a feeling your gonna be here a while.  He thought to himself. And with a smile of grim determination, he set  to work. Laying a branch across the log, he tried to cut it in half with  a rusty sword he had stolen in Vehl. It snapped in half.
"Rusty old piece of junk..." He cursed and threw it aside. Picking up the stick, he smashed it into a tree, shattering it. Roland gathered the pieces and lay them in a small pile. Then, he set about lighting it with no flint.
Three hours later, the fire lit.
And so it continued, each day Roland  growing more and more accustomed to nature and less accustomed to the  sword fighting he had practiced so long and hard with Mathdew. His shoes  were torn to ruin, but he had made some soft fur boots out of deer  hide. Roland fashioned a bow from a large branch, and hunted for food. He spent hours wandering the forest in search of eatable plants. Roland  found there was an abundance of foods in the wild, if you knew where to  look. More food than he had ever seen in the alleys or in Mathdew's  hut. He was living better in these woods than he had in the cities.  Maybe... He thought, Maybe being here isnt that bad.He moved to follow  the animals, and one day they lead him out. Out of the woods, and out of  the little area he had called home for years now. He stared at people  in awe, they seemed so... different. So formal, so... Roland  searched for the word... man made. Men walked around in full suits of  metal, brandishing huge swords. People seemed to clear a path and veer  away from the strange man with the bow. He just felt so... different.
And so it became his journey, to find a way to become more and more in  harmony with nature, as he had fully forgotten Mathdew's teachings as he  struggled for survival in the woods.


Re: Roland-The Teachings of the Forest
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2012, 11:20:26 pm »
The animals of the forest are dying. And not natural, I am sure. I do not find the occasional body anymore, it is as if there is a plague. I found several bear bodies and a deer just in the Silkwood forest that seemed to have died of the same sickness. Vell and I determined that the Silkwood Witch should be consulted on the recent happenings in the area. It is not normal. Vell says that they are dying coast-to-coast. And if this is a plague as I fear, than perhaps a wandering seabird or ship rat could carry it to other shores. I fear for the health of nature and all her animals. Gorium, my bear, may have come into contact with the corpses and I and worried for his health. And I also do not know if this disease can spread from beast to man. I will have to investigate.


Re: Roland-The Teachings of the Forest
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2012, 11:58:27 pm »
My search for the cause of the plague has brought me nowhere. Hlint is filled with the stench of decaying cats, and I do believe that the plague is limited to animals, as the townsfolk have not caught it yet. I fear that could change. Center is also filled with corpses, and almost all of the oxmen's herd has died from the sickness. I met a dwarf who knew of the plague, and he advised me to stay away from the bodies, but i simply cannot. I must find out about the sickness's cause. Dapplegreen is minor infested, the sickness is just beginning there I think. This is coast-to-coast as Vell said.


Re: Roland-The Teachings of the Forest
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2012, 04:05:10 pm »
A journey to the Dragon Islands has proved that the sickness has yet to spread overseas, at least to that location. All of the animals seemed fine and well. I hope that the plague stay away from the island. They are a very good group of animal locations with a variety of species. It would be a shame if they were to die off. I hope that the same goes for all the other continents.

