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Author Topic: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend  (Read 836 times)


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2012, 10:00:03 pm »
Tane makes the long journey from the Silver Buckle to the Blackford castle library. He does not take the most direct route and decides instead to go through the White Horn forest. He takes his time, hunts vigorously and absorbs the energy and freedom of the woods. He eats and sleeps well, but ultimately moves on to Blackford castle to learn what he can about the Falcon.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2012, 10:25:24 pm »
Tane makes his way to Blackford castle.

"Excuse me sir, what is your business here" says the guard

"Tane look in library for information on Falcon."

The guard looks at him suspiciously and then reluctantly lets him. However, he does not allow Tane to enter without escort. The guard shows him the library and introduces him to the librarian. The guard whispers in the librarians ear...

"Do not let him out of your sight. If he steps out of line, give me a holler. I will be right outside the door."

The librarian nods indiscreetly to the guard and turns to Tane.

"*clears his throat* What can I do for you Mister ???...."

"Me Tane. Tane tree friend. Tane look for book on Falcon"

The librarian looks at him and gauges his reading abilities quickly and nods.

"Oh The Runner? Very well, this way..."

He leads him past a number of voluminous stacks, and into a larger more brightly colored section of the library with large letters on the floor. The books in this section are much thinner with much larger letters and many pictures. A few children are interrupted from their readings and look up in awe at Tane lumbering through the library. The librarian picks out a particularly thin book colored in vibrant blues and white and motions Tane to follow. The librarian leads him out of the brightly colored area into a much darker corner of the library closer to the entrance and the guards. He places the book down on a desk (much too small for Tane) and motions him to sit and read.

"Let me know if you have any questions"

Tane pulls the smallist chair away from the desk and sits gingerly and begins to read slowly dragging his finger across the large and vibrant text.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2012, 10:38:03 pm »
My true kin, rely on your strengths and run free.  See all that there is to see of this land. With your bonds to one  another and your independence, there is no one stronger than you. Let no  bond of mortal making hold you back. Rebel against those who seek to  bind you. Remember always, the vilest of all prisons is a stale mind and  hard heart. Run free. Be true to yourself and your kin. Let no one hold you back.

After a laborious and vocal pronunciation of the above, Tane looks up from the book with an open jaw and glitter of recognition in his eyes. He nods and immediately goes back to reading in earnest.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2012, 10:33:37 pm »
Tane’s search for followers of the Runner had been unsuccessful. It had been months. Tane had asked everyone he knew, searched every corner of every forest he was familiar with, and posted notices in all inns he was allowed. No response.

Since it had been so long without finding any follower of The Runner, Tane began to focus his efforts on following the words of the Runner he had read the best he could. It was not ideal, but it was the best he could manage.

That was until one day he was preparing for a hunt into the spider caves of Silkwood. A young woman walked up to him. She had a strange aura about here. As if Tane had known her for a long time. She walked up and introduced herself.

"My name is Andraia Benteel"

Tane nodded and introduced himself. She looked closely at Tane as if looking through his skin, through his heritage, to his core. She smiled. Tane looked confused.

"A child of The Runner I see", she said

"How you know? Tane look for Runner for long time. No find any." Tane looked at her confused.

"If you are looking for The Runner you will never find him. The Runner finds you my new friend." she said.

Tane looked at her with a spark of recognition.

"You follow Runner?"

*she nodes* "I am one of the Falcon's feathers."

Tane's face lit up. He and Andraia hunted for the rest of the afternoon together. Few words were exchanged; they ran free anticipating each others actions as if they were brother and sister. They departed after a long day of camaraderie; they split the spoils of their hunt and parted ways knowing that they would see each other again.

Tane was fulfilled for the first time in many moons.


Re: Tane Umaga - Tree Friend
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2012, 10:30:35 pm »
Tane becomes a product of his environment. Hunting endlessly in the ample forests of Layonara, being free and sharing the spoils of the hunt with others that will travel with him. On one such trip an admirer commented on the many feathers Tane had in his belt.

"Nice feathers there friend. What bird are they from?"

"Tane falcon friend. Tane tame falcons and fly them sometimes. Day drop feathers, and Tane take dem for own."

The stranger nods and says "Ahh, Falcon. A majestic bird indeed. You wear them well."

Then, almost as an afterthought he says "Ya know, I've oft read of a mythical creature. The Great Falcon. Not sure if its real, but if you had one of its feathers it could command a significant amount of true."

Tane tilted his head. He had not heard of the Great Falcon before. He did not care about the true it's feathers might command, but he needed to know more. He took a mental note to ask around about it, and then continue on his hunt with the stranger.