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Author Topic: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher  (Read 797 times)


So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« on: March 03, 2007, 03:33:34 pm »
[SIZE=13]*this journal is written i dwarvish script that is not very neat and probably only legible, if barely to Grena herself[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=13]I have come to Fort Hempstead on my way to Hlint and have found many strange people. I have met a few dwarves also. They have been most generous in aiding one of their own.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]I must say that Grohin Silveraxe was most generous and aided me without a second thought. A great cleric of Vorax he is. May his axe never dull and his beard never fall out.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]Another I have met is Dalan Stoneaxe. A good dwarf who asked what i thought of his new suit when we chanced to meet in the craft hall.  He looked like he could be one of the thanes on the clan council. A right handsome dwarf he was, adn later proved he was just as strong with his axe.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]I think the stranges thing I have come across in my journey here is the fact the many seem to respect and love drow. I cannot understand this. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]*the letters are now look like they pressed deeply into the page as if the writer was writing very angrily...[/SIZE][/i][/COLOR]
  [SIZE=13]Drow lovers?! Though the people themselves seem nice enough, how can they be taken in by those deceitful, murderous, childkilling backstabbing filth! If i ever see one I will kill them on sight or die trying![/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]*the writing now appears a back to normal[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=13]I have met several new friends along the way and travelled with them. I recently travelled with a group calling themselves the Farstriders. As we wandered the lands smiting evil, I found they referred to themselves as a pack, their term for a family or clan. Everythign they said bespoke of how we dwarves are within our clans. I find I like them much, especially Karana. She would be a great dwarf if she wasnt so tall. I think the way she swings that battle axe of hers an how she carries herself in battle, that many dwarfs would be attracted to her as if she were a dwarf. She reminds me of my sister Greta, may Vorax keep her.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13] I have also been travelling recently witha fellow named Zergon, an elf mage who seems like an alright fellow. He must have suffered greatly for I have never seen his face as he always wears his helmet. He must have been scarred greatly by his tormentors. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]//OOC note: Grena has no idea Zergon is a drow. Though several inferences have been made to it by her companions and Zergon himself, and also the way he acts. To see if she picked up on it she rolled a Wis check and it was 2 and an Int Check which was a 6. She has no idea of his actual lineage. Just that he is odd elf, not that any elves are normal.  :p  [/SIZE]

The is Grena's character submission.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2007, 10:22:30 pm »
I haven been travelling the lands far and wide of late. Mostly Ive been travelling int eh company of Beli Tenker, a battle monk of vorx. He is quite strong and will serve Vorax well.

I have also been travelling in the company of a group called the farstriders. A decent group, I guess. One of their leaders, Karana, reminds me of some of the dwarves I grew up with in my clan home. Shes just taller. I think many of the male dwarves would be quite in love with her and her battle axe if she wasnt human. I wouldnt doubt many still harbor fantasies about her regardless....she is after all, like a giant dwarf.

In my quest for axe has been slaked with the blood of giants. I find I am enjoying the hunt for them, to lure them into my trap and tehn to hear their screams of suffering as they fall. It brings me a satisfaction I cannot express. It has caused some that I have travelled with too look at me with disgust at the joy I take in the death of those foul creatures. Now to find drow. To hear their screams of suffering and feel the heat in my blood.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 07:11:43 pm »
I have been travelling far and wide. The giants are falling like trees inthe forest to my axe. As we hunt them, I find that my thirst for vengeance grows more and more. Now to find those hated dark elves.

I have noticed that as I hunt my prey, I am cautious so as not to let them notioce my passing, nor realize that they are being stalked by the hunter. It is when the battle starts with my hated enemies, that my lust is truly kindled.  My eyes glaze over and vorax fills me with his rightous fury to destroy my enemy. I feel no pain when they hit me, just fury and a lust for the kill when I face them.

I have scared some of my companions with my tendencies when we face the giants. But I cannot control my hatred for them. Against other enemies I have faced...I am calm and precise...a good fighter who does what is needed without haste or recklessness. It seems it is the giants bring out my fury.

I have travelled with a halfling named Tilli of late, I think she was surprised at my hate fro the drow. I think she rather enjoyed it when I went into a rant and bloodust when our party almost entered the rift. As soon as I found out drow resided there...I was mad for their blood.

I should be more careful if my companions arent dwarves, otheres may not understand.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2007, 02:08:38 am »
I have discovered something disturbing in the town of audria. A darkness lies there that i am surprised is allowed to flourish. A drow stronghold! A temple to the god of the dark elfs!

I went mad at the sight of it! I tried to bring it down with my bare hands...mad with fury at their presence. My companions had to knock me out to drag me away. My hands bloody as they tried to rip the stones apart.

I took my anger out onthe giants afterwards. They knew a Rockbasher had been there after I left.

I unnerved a few of my travelling companions. One even has a family member who worships the hated drow god! Though he is a good person, he cannot be blamed for hte actions of his kin.

I will bring that temple down stone by stone...I will burn it to the ground and dance in the ashes. I will slay every drow in that hated place.
I would have walked in and tried to kill them then and there, but Dalan said there were only humans inside at the time.

I may have fallen..but I would have died with a smile on my face adn drow blood on my axe.

My thoughts are random...btu my anger is clouding my mind...


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2007, 12:52:17 pm »
I dont understand my kin...

Twice now Beli has knocked me senseless from behind. This second time because I tried to gan some measure of revenge against the hated dark elfs! I finally saw Hempstead of all places, the place where they tunnelled up and attacked the city all those any years ago. He said to me a life lived for revenge is a cold and empty one...well its all I have and I will not let it go.

And Varka, Warlord Varka, hater of the dark elfs...he helped him! I feel almost betrayed, betrayed by my own kin. He says he hates them...why did he stop me then? He said this wasnt the time or place for it, that they would be hunted and killed in the time of our choosing, in the places of our choosing. There is wisdom in this I know...but my heart yearns for revenge and its calling must be answered.

We witnessed a funeral. Apparently the family died and the elders were left to raise the wee ones. The blamed the dragon called heroes for it all. THough I could tell in their hearts they knew the truth of it. I feel the plight of the their loss...kin are kin, no matter how they are lost, and the need to lash out at the cause. I fortunately know the cause of my pain...where as theirs is more intangible.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2007, 09:21:05 pm »
It has been a good time of late.

My thirst for vengeance has been slaked for the moment by my travels with the Farstriders.

We travelled to Roldem and fought the dark elfs that lurked in the swamps..there. It was a hardfight, many us were injured, but in the end the drow knew a dwarf had been there and her axe was sharp.

Before we entered, the swamps, I was told that there would be dark elfs there...I went into small frenzy getting ready...then I became cold nad calculating as the hunt began. We made them know the terror of the quiet forest...that darkness is not their friend and that they are the hunted. We took their heads and I revelled in their slaughter. :D

I am learnignto control my rage a little I have been told I have a temper. AS we hunted our prey, I was cold and teh fight enjoined my eyes burned red with teh fury and it was good. My blood ran hot and my axe screamed with the joy of vengeance. 8)


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2007, 09:36:01 pm »
I have been spending much time with Dalan of late. He is good and kind dwarf whos axe is strong. I find myself enjoying his company more and more. Though I think I make him nervous when we speak of my enemies.

I have also been travelling with Grohin much. A noble battle priest of Vorax, whose mind is as sharp as his axe nad his faith is just as strong. He is kind and aids those in need. He even seems to like my fits when I see and talk of the hated dark elfs nad giants.

I find myself thinking of both of them often. I get warm feelings all over when I am near them both. I am not sure if I am ready for this. My vengeance calls to me, and i feel I must obey that calling first before I can think of starting a family. I do not know...


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2007, 11:42:38 pm »
Today is sad day. Another of our kin has fallen to darkness.

The word is that Erk fell while fighting Fisterion in the bowels of Firesteep. Word has it he was trying to save those who foolhardily attacked the beast and quickly realized it was a fools mission. Seems he got himself in the way of the dragon and few others.

THough I didnt know him very well, he seemed decent enough. Even if he was a magicer. A magicer of Vorax no less, if you can believe that. A very well spoken dwarf and treated most everyone he met with respect, deserved or not. At least when I was around.

My concern now is Dalan, he has taken this very hard. He nearly tore out his beard when he last thought erk died. Now to have his close friend back and to lose him again.

I best see to it he doesnt do anything foolish. Dwarves have long memories and the death of close friends hits us close to the heart.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2007, 12:38:54 am »
The hunt is good.

I have destroyed the accomplices of the hated enemy. The giants have fallen to me time and again. Thisis good, but it has alwasy been with a warparty.

THough I value the companions I travel with, esepcially their aid in destroying my hated enemy, the hunt has been someone hollow.

I am hunting alone now...

I am culling the giant horde slowly but surely. Luring them into my traps alone. Making them fear the forest, fear the silence, fear my axe. Then I face them, and my fury rises within me. They fall with a wet thud that makes my spirit cry with glee. My rage satiated but for a moment, then the hunt resumes.

I do not attack them from teh shadows, that is the cowards way. I want them to know who is the cause of their death, I want them to know the humiliation that my kin felt as the giants feasted on their broken bodies. I want the horror of the slaughter to come to their masters ears, and those dark elfs to fear the shadows that they live in. Knowing the same fate is upon them.

My rage is just, and my enemies will feel my fury. They shall know terror before the end.

Grohin performed a very nice rite for the magicker erk. After hearing of his deeds and his heart, I am less inclined to think he was so odd. It sounded like he truly espoused the ideals Vorax wishes from his followers. Fighting the good fight and falling with courage against utter evil.

Dalan seems to be feeling better also. I am glad. I must admit that my heart was moved when I saw him soon after the fall of his friend. I truly understand teh loss of those that you love. He mourned for his friend deeply, and for a little while the light left his eyes it seemed.

I tried to comfort as best I could, and then we drank a toast to his friend.

When i saw him a few days later, the light was back in his eyes. I dont know why, buut this dwarf warms my heart somehow nad I was glad for his happiness.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2007, 03:50:33 pm »
It has been a strange time for me of late.

Dalan took me to some strange wizards tower and we had lunch at the lookout.

It was a beautiful view and I can see why Daln likes taht spot. He is a sweet dwarf with much heart.

I like him very much, but Im not sure I can express taht to him until I can control me temper abit more...or at least until such time as I can find the those hated drow who nearly destroyed me clan home and family.

If I kill them...maybe me heart will be at peace.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2007, 01:36:03 am »
Its been awhile since I last wrote in my book.

I have not had much cause of late. But now...

I ahve been spending much time with Dalan lately. Seems whenever Im in Hempstead...hes there. And I dont mind.

Its odd...I soemtimes feel he calms me rage somehow. I dun get all worked up so easy when hes around.

We had dinner in the guard tower recently..and later met at his guildhouse when I was delivering some eggs to Hanna.

Im not sure how I feel right now...We chatted outside his guildhouse at the end of the evening, and he kissed me. It was a small kiss and kinda apprehensive I think. SO I grabbed him and planted one on him. He nearly keeled over like he was gonna have a heart attack!

Im not used to this strange feeling I get around him. ITs nice though.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2007, 12:57:51 pm »
Been wandering the lands of late...travelling afar in search of something..anything.

I feel the song of my rage as I fight the various vreatures which would waylay me in my travels. Sometimes I cannot stop the song and after my vision clears I find myself in the middle of the field of battle with the dismembered corpses of my enemies lying around me. I do not feel teh pain of my wounds until after my mind has returned to me.


I finally returned to Hempstead after travelling the mountains searching for any signs of the hated enemy who slaughtered my clan. I have decided to focus my energy on those that destroyed my kin. Though all giants and darks will face my axe with equaly hatred, I have a special rage for those who truly attacked my kin.

I am unsure why I have decided to focus my hunting of late on the specific darkies that destroyed my clan, perhaps it is the tempering of my rage. Or perhaps it is because whenever I meet Dalan, I want to contain the rage within me, to not be so hot tempered. I always feel abit embarrassed tath I get worked up in front of him sometimes. I dont htink I want to scare off this dwarf. I like him around...


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2007, 03:29:16 pm »
Dalan...truly a wonderful dwarf...

Now I must make a choice it seems, but its not really a choice. Not really.

You say you would be happy with merely the crumbs of time I can spend with you. That makes me smile since I do hope to give you more than a few crumbs of my time.

I know in my heart I have been travelling and searching. Searching for those that have destroyed my clan home. Searching for revenge against those who laid waste to my family. Searching to fill a void in my heart that was carved out when the hated dark elfs destroyed all I had ever known.

I have found solace in revenge. The song of fury that fills my soul when I fight my hated enemies and their slaves. The lust for their blood on my axe, and their gore flung to the crows.

But I must say that a new song has entered my soul, and it seems to have a calming affect on me. It only sings when I am in his comapny. Your a rock to be certain.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2007, 03:38:30 pm »
I have been accepted amongst a group of travellers that call themselfs Farstriders. A pack who root out evil nad smite it with the hammer of the just. That and they kill alot of drow. That makes me happy.

After being accepted we went hunting for the hated darkies and it was good. They fell afore our axes like chafe in the wind. THe song of fury buzzing in my head like a fine ale.

Karana is like a big dwarf girl. Many of my dwarf kin would love to call on her i think. The way she uses her battle axe would put many smiles on their faces. And she can hold her own withthe ale, another plus.

Jin Lun Lee is a monk who enters teh fray without a thought. He sees evil and smites it with his fists of fury. He is da wolf protecting his pack and he howls like one too.

Nye...da coyote. He fights more like a wolf I think than a coyote, but hes gota good heart. A druid type I think but at lesat hes gota  reasonable head on his shoulders.

Xan...he was da quiet one. Dresses like a fop I think, but his swords as vicious nad true as any oi travelled with. We shall see where his path leads, though it is for certain he places his friends above himself in the fight.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2007, 10:37:01 pm »
I have jsut had teh most interestin time of late.

I heard Dalan was gonna beout training some of his youngsters and thought I would drop in on him and say hello. We have only been meeting in Hempstead of late. I thought it would be nice to see him out in the wild nad perhaps travel a bit with him if he likes.

I caught their trail near the desert and followed for abit. COme nightfall I finally caught up. Though I would give Dalan a surprise.

I was just sitting thre, hiding in the shadws of a rock watching Dalan cook and listening to him dole out his words of wisdom to the youngins. I couldnt see everyone but I guessed there were 3 others.

I was just about to spring out and say hello ta Dalan when soemthing jumped me! It was a terror and it kept hitting me on the head nad sceaming in me ear! I swear oi aint gonna be able to hear proper for a week.

I finally got it off a me and realized I was surrounded, and there ont he ground was a littel pink haired girl looking all vicious. And then I spotted Dalan. stadning over the lass and looking all ready to fight and protect his cub. He finally realized it was me and let oout a yelp!

We had fun, adn after getting out all the explanations and meeting everyone, we had a nice dinner.

Later that nite Dalan and I snuck off away from the rest as they slept and spent some time staring at the stars and talking about lots of different things. He is truly the nicest dwarf Ive ever met.

I ended up travelling with them for a day or two afore letting tehm alone. His young niece Abi is quite the tracker to be sure and she obviously adores her uncle deeply.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2007, 12:14:19 am »
Well...I guess this is important so I should write it down.

Dalan sent me a lovely letter expressing his desire to soend more time with me, and I am glad for it.

I finally wrote him back saying as much but not with such a sweet tongue as I dont have the knack fer it.

I hope he understands what I was trying to say.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2007, 02:34:30 pm »
well..Dalan dun did it.

We spent some lovely time in da den and had a nice long chat about things.

Seems he wants to court me. Maybe even marry me!

Im not too sure of the marriage part. But I think I might like da part of courtin. Having never been courted before I think it would be nice. Dalans a good soul nad his idear of courtin sees to go and bash da giants on a regular basis. Even help in da hunt for those who slaughered me family.

I like traveling with da dwarf, and he seems ta bring a calm to the turmoil and rage in me heart.

I cant wait.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grenna Rockbasher
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2007, 07:47:08 pm »
Well we done had it out.

Dalan wanted me to commit meself to one way or da other. So I did adn now I guess we will se where it goes from here.

Me time with him will be grand as we get on quite well. Hes da honey tongued rascal who best be watchin his manners from here on out.

I met him da other day at miss Hannas house, wher edaldn was offerin his services to da wedding fer her coming up. OI decided ta help too wit da beer as she was wanting da family brew. A good choice it is.

In udder news, oi had to salughter me some ogres what were ambushing travellers on da road. Dey somehow got da best of me at first, but den oi got right erked nad oi nearly finished off miss Hanna by accident when she snuck up on me after da bloodbath. No banditing ogres left is a good thing. Maybe der kin will learn from da beating oi gave em.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2007, 04:33:48 am »
I am lost....

I met a group of travellers who were leavin da mines of haven. Dalan was not among dem.

He fell in da deeps and did not come out.

Once i realized this my wrath was unstoppable. I recruited da army to venture forth fer revenge. Ta teach dem filthy mongrels a harsh lesson. To avenge me Dalan.

We went forth and slaughterd dem. Der guts and blood decorated de walls of da mines. My rage was unsoothed! I now have another enemy to destroy. The bloody dogheads of haven. I will not spare a breath until dey are gone nad ded. Ded ferever into da bowels of whatever hell dey come from.

Me shall have yer jsutice and oi will take yer revenge upon dem!


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2007, 01:23:30 pm »
I have lost so much in this world. Me clan, me family and now Dalan.

I am unsure of where I am as I write this. My blind fury seems to be taking me far afield. I just know that if I see something evil, or something attacks me I enter that blind space where time stops and my rampage begins.

Only after much time and blood has passed do I come to me senses.

It was in these few moments of sanity, that a bird dropped off a littel note. It was from Dalan! He just sent it to say hello... At first I thought it was him saying hello nda that he was alive, but judging by the tiredness of the swallow I ajudge it to have been senbt afore his fall. I have not returned to Hempstead in many days as it reminds me too much of him.

Instead I hunt. I hunt those that had killed my family nad clan, I hunt those that would waylay de innocent in dese dark times adn I hunt da mines for those that took me Dalan.

When I hunt, my prey knows the fear of being tracked and isolated...not knowing when my axe will come down adn remove dem from dis world...when I finally am ready to finish my prey, my eyes burn red with the fury and the screams of the dying fill me ears pushing my rage further and further until the slaughter is done.

I have unleashed my rage as there is nothing left that can contain it anymore.
The cold is all dat fills my heart anymore, and the fury is all that warms me dese days....

