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Author Topic: The Black Journal  (Read 107 times)


The Black Journal
« on: November 09, 2006, 01:42:33 am »
In a dimly lit prayer cell, by the light of a fitfully burning candle Sipher sits hunched over a small wooden desk. Clutched in one hand is a heavily ink stained quill. In the other a glass of fine red wine. Before him open on the desk is a journal he acquired on a recent trip to Point Harbour. His wine stained lips purse as he records his entry.

Truly the master has called me to be his disciple. The trials I have undergone, the chaos, the death I have endured all is part of his grand scheme. I see that now. From the day I crawled across the threshold into the cool domain of succor I have come to see how my life has changed.

Once I served Corath but in reality I served myself. I saw those around me as nothing but vehicles by which I could establish power and control. I was corrupted by my own power. My own self.

Now I know that Corath’s power is my power, his touch is my touch. I am his earthly vessel. It is through me that he speaks. It is through me that he acts. I am nothing.

But in being his vessel I am the extension of his power and I live to serve that power.

Chanda in her wisdom and perhaps with divine insight from the Master has accepted me within the halls. I see this as a true test of my service to Corath. I who am his earthly vessel who will do his bidding and serve she who walks in his grace.

Thus I begin my exultation in his power and I start to gaze around me at those who will feel his touch. The Halfling Rose has much potential, I feel the life beating within her and it calls out to me to corrupt with the power of the master. A task I relish and will enjoy slowly. The silent warrior Gard with whom I am most pleased. His strength and his unique experiences that see him both drawing away from being harnessed and yet feeling a need to be driven and controlled. He will become a warrior champion of Corath with my instruction with time I am sure. The enigmatic figure Revone with his mix of sword skills and spells will become a flexible servant if I can but grasp his fluid alliances. The friend of Rose, Dogboy who seems to most skilled in cunning and bravado. Him I shall watch closely. I have heard from Chanda that it was Dogboy who carried the fire of alliance from the Temple to Pyrtechon in Firesteep to the doors of the Temple here in Mistone. It was Dogboy who avoided the Shadow Thieves in Dreger who set out to capture his prize and also reportedly slew a Knight of the Wyrm who had intended to arrest him. Yes he will be one to watch in future.

Finally there is Alandric Vensk. I sense that he does not know the heritage from which he descends. I see much of his father in him, the arrogance, the defiant stance, the temperament,  although he has the outspoken voice of youth which I will seek to temper in him for him to truly grow into his potential. He will be no good to me if he opens his mouth and is silenced by some fool who takes offence. Then again perhaps a dose of death may be the experience he needs. It has certainly opened my eyes.

These are drawn to me like a moth to the flame, they seek solace, release from their souls and to feel the comforting presence of the master. And well they should. I am the power of Corath.


Re: The Black Journal
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2006, 06:05:09 pm »
*The page turns the writing continues*

There was a feeling upon the night air, something that spoke of death and sacrifice. Alandric the young mage sensed it as did I. I wonder at the keeness of his senses and whether they are a direct inheritance of his fathers or of that which corrupted him in the end. Time will tell.

Once again they were drawn to my side. I did not have to call them, the feeling upon the air and the masters presence sent forth tendrils through the night anad summoned their souls to me; the embodiment of his power.

Dogboy, Rose, Gard, Alandric, Revone, the dark Mistress Akki, Thorn the Mistite priestess and The Red warrior Christine. All drawn to me, all part of some plan of the master that I lack yet the wisdom to see. With time I am sure he will reveal to me the reasons for this particular assemblage. Each person unique in their abilities, each person apart but a mere shadow of power. As a group the potential for great power.

This was demonstrated as we delved into the dungeon of Umber Ulks, eliminating our adversaries with careless abandon. It was in the final battle that I called forth the servant of the master, a demon of lesser rank. Here I must pause for in this I failed the masters rule. That if one calls upon the master for aid and a servant is sent, there must be a blood sacrifice. By the time I completed the ritual the monsters lay dead. There was no sacrifice. I was prepared to offer my own life to the demon. It was expected. Yet Corath gave me another path.

We descended into the lair of the vampyre, here the power of the master was abundant and I saw his wisdom and my salvation from failure. With the death of the party here the master has absolved me of my sin and also given those who would walk with me the experience of death that they may too be released. They will be stronger now, having passed beyond the boundary of death and returned. I see the wisdom in his works now and I bow down in humbleness. I am nothing but a vessel of his power.


Re: The Black Journal
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2006, 08:55:21 pm »
Once again I felt the call of the grave. The welcoming cold tempting my soul to join it. As the master decreed part of me passed over into that realm. Truly I see that my time here is limited, that the master will call me sooner than I imagine. I feel pleased that this is so, I would hate to fall into disfavour with him and be left to exist in the world of the living for so long.
So I use the time I have to bring the power of the master into the world, his chill embrace has comforted so many so far and I feel as moths are drawn to the flame they come to me. The dark mistress I sense within her the torment of her soul. Soon I think she will be comforted by the power that sustains me. Gard is another who has shown much promise and I am pleased that the guard I have been granted by Chanda is showing ome signs of usefulness. I feared at first that Dalbeath would have to be sent back in failure but I see signs that he will no longer fail me.


Re: The Black Journal
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2006, 02:17:58 pm »
What better existance can their be than the eternal darkness that the master promises?

I hear his voice as he calls to me in death and I feel his power grow through me. I know there can be no more greater tribute than to give up my life and join him in true death. I look forward to that day with unrestrained vigour. Until then I must suffer this life before me. Every day I yearn more and more to see an end to this existance and join the master but this is my preparation. This is the time that themaster will look to me to spread his word to those who dwell in life. For only through the living can our corruption truly flourish and bring them into the blessed darkness.

The warrior Balbeath shows promise now that I have shown him what it feels like to be touched by the master. I sense that his true alleigances are now coming into sharper focus. His actions becoming more and more in line with my demands. He grows in power also but I shall have to ensure I keep him on the leash I have created for him. My other servant Gard owever is going to me more difficult to tame. It will be a challenge as events in his past has seen him grow a defiant streak that prevents total domination of his spirit. I noted his attempts to sully favour with the priestess Thorn with displeasure. I did not speak my mind at the time for respect of our ally but I imagine soon I must act to put Gard into his proper place at my side.

The new priestess from Arabel has proven a boon. Tish has come to my way of thinking very quickly, her mind still young and pliable. Still at this stage I am wary in case she is more intelligent than I give her credit for and she is merely currying favour in order to spy on our activities for Arabel. I would not put it past them to do this. Its what I would do in their position. I have however had one small victory here. I made Tish swear on the master she would not reveal my presence here to those in Arabel. Should the Dread High priest there realise that I still live then my work here would be compromised just when we are making great progress.

My only other concern is as our presence grows so too the chances of discovery arise and we are not yet in any sort of a position to withstand an assault. Just th eother day I stood outside the temple at the base of the mountain and watched as a group of pathetic heroes passed by very close to the mouth of the valley where we dwell. Some felt that we should end their existance there and then but instead I advised caution and they passed by without incident. Above all we cannot risk our location being detected. It would be the end of us and the master would not accept our failure now, when we are so close. I will not risk the loss of my chance to join forever in the darkness with the master.


Re: The Black Journal
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2006, 03:47:00 pm »
I knew there was a reason why the master brought me to this place. The Dread priestess obviously needed my unique insight into the masters plans. The emissary came to me, and surely that is a sign from the master of our part in this ultimate corruption. I care not what happens except that I be the vessel through which the power of the master flows, that I be his voice and his hands.

I have set things in motion, given the Dread priestess all that she requires and instructed the rest of the followers on what must be done for us to achieve the greatest accomplishment our order has even achieved. How do I feel? Nonchalant, I care not what happens except that we further the work of the master. That is all I care about, for the greater good of the order or the greater evil I care not, that the masters influence is spread, that his goals are accomplished, that more souls are held in his hands is all that I care about. That I have served his purpose is all that matters. In whatever form that takes.

My personal guard Dalbeath and I have already ascribed to the new rules of the followers. We sucessfully enlisted those from amongst the so called 'good' people of this land and journeyed with them. Althought I felt uneasy not calling upon the dead to stand between myself and danger so that we could perpetuate our disguise, Dalbeath and the 'good' people proved to be more than enough flesh to protect myself. As it was the master still demanded a sacrifice which we must take into account in future. There cannot be gain without loss. I sense that he was well pleased with those he claimed.


Re: The Black Journal
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2006, 03:00:20 pm »
The mission is gathering momentum, pawns are put in place, tasks given. Such a boon the information discovered by the acolytes in the library on the temple in Arabel. Most of the fools there have probably not set foot in the place since I left which is good. Things are falling into place, surely Corath is guiding us now through the myriad of choices so that we can achieve our ultimate goal.

For myself knowing that there is a method to mask my souls alleigance to the master is truly the most devious design the master could have made possible for us. I know when the time is right this will prove to be the undoing of those who would seek to reveal us in this endeavour. Such a sweet taste of trickory I have not had for some time. Truly the master in his chaos is brilliant.


Re: The Black Journal
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2007, 03:03:44 pm »
Once again the Master has seen fit to reward our devious actions with success. The Dread priestess has granted us permission to continue. Obviously it is the voice of the master that possesses her useless person as a vessal for his power and it is his voice that I answer to. So to my plan to obtain the information from the useless dwarves that plague this world of the secrets of Tcarre and the item of which we seek has also come to fruition.

Our people have been prepped. Everything is coming to fruition. It will not be long now before the power of chaos shall come forth in the form of the masters presence and bring this world to its knees before his awesome divinity.

I still not have decided what to do with the documents that have come into my possession regarding the dwarves that have united in purpose. I think perhaps there is great scope here to bring chaos, dissention and mistrust to their ranks. I have all the names of those involved and soon I will deal with them all.


Re: The Black Journal
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2007, 05:05:30 pm »
Oh joy to chaos. Never have I felt so alive with the power of the master. PLans, subterfuge, death and unseen challenges I cannot yet tell which brings me the greatest pleasure in their enacting. I step forward now knowing that each step may be the last that I take. At any minute the Dread priestess may find me and bring me to task before I can finish the plans that are afoot. What care I for death, for in death if I have done right I will be within the masters eternal chaotic embrace.

But success, sweet success brings with it such seduction, that the power of the master can flow through into the world unabated. This is the time, we may never have another chance like it and I can see that. Thus my actions are justified in my mind, the risk well worth the chances. I do not fear death, if such be my reward then so be it but I will go in the knowledge that I have done all that I could to sow the seeds of chaos and despair through many.

The final challenge lies ahead, we are almost ready, my souls lusts for the chaos to begin, for the power of the master to be unleashed, there is but one thing now that stands in our way, but not for long....


Re: The Black Journal
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2007, 01:58:11 am »
*An aged hand brushes dust from the cover of the black journal. A quill made from bone and sinew is dipped into ink and the writing begins*

Truly I am the vessel of the masters power. Once more when it seemed I was finally to rest in eternal chaos with the master my mortal being is left in wretchedness within the confines of this world. How I yearn for the sweet release of death and yet I know it is nothing I can control for I am nothing but the tool of the master.

I curse my wretched mortal form, its weaknesses so visible and yet with the power of the master I can will it to live on. I will continue to do so until either the master finally calls my soul to chaos or until this mortal shall withers completely and dies and I am forced to reach from beyond the grave and empower it with undeath so i can complete my mission until the master calls. I will not rest until I have spread chaos like a disease across the face of this world.

