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Author Topic: The Rememberings of Ari Mooncrow(written in barely legible Woodelf)  (Read 90 times)


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    Is my first time in town.
    Large cage is called a town and town is called Hlint.
    Many are the people living here.
    Have met a horned dark one named Junta.
    He is a good kind of person.
    Junta says to me to seek out other good kind ones named Grem and Nepp and Cym.
    Long it has been since in a town I have been.
    Still like wilderness much more better than towns.
    Have seeked out the one named Nepp.
    Nepp is a Dark Elf.
    Nepp has a much nice wolf.
    Wolf is named Wolfy.
    Favored of Longstrider is he.
    Nepp very nice good kind people.
    Nepp not bad like old stories my kind tell.
    Have seeked out Grem.
    Grem is goblin.
    Grem is much nice good kind people too.
    Grem is spellcaster people.
    Grem likes very much fire.
    Grem has much funny looking little pet
    Grem's funny pet names Burn.
    I no not what Burn is yet.
    I follow Nepp and Grem around.
    Have met Cym.
    Cym is nice.
    Cym is much good kind people.
    Cym has much nice color clothes.
    Grem wears dead face mask.
    Is much scary look.
    Nepp Grem Cym take me to hunt and train much lots.
    Hunt much many Ogres Gnolls and little lizard dog face things.
    Little lizard dog face things are Kobolds.
    Ogre smell very much bad.
    Ogres live many places here.
    All ogre places smell bad.
    Have met VERY much many persons this first day.
    Very much many are very much good kind persons.
    Have met Rhynn.
    Rhynn has very much pretty hair.
    Rhynn is VERY much nice good kind person.
    Rhynn is very much strong at hunting bad things.
    Rhynn has much long hair.
    I like Rhynn's hair.
    Have met Silverhand.
    Silverhand is much strong monk.
    Silverhand is much nice good kind person too.
    Am no as nervous as once I was around so much many peoples.
    Wow is still my first day here!!!!!
    Have met Wiha.
    Wiha is goblin too.
    Wiha is very much nice good kind people.
    I very much like Wiha.
    Wiha shood marry Grem.
    Writing is very much hard for to do.
    Must learn to speak much better.
    Even Elfs have much bad time noing my speaking.
    Towns still smell much stinky.
    Ankhwood is very much farways away.
    I like it here.
    Is much many nice woods here rounds.
    Is dotful any can read my writing.
    Have joined much big strong group for training.
    Many in group I no not.
    Cant remember alls names.
    Nepp Grem Ryhnn is in group with me.
    Much big group go to Broken Place.
    Broken Place is underdown the ground.
    Is much easy to get lost underdown there.
    Is like hard puzzle there.
    Broken Place is VERY MUCH BAD place.
    Broken Place smells dead.
    Group killed dragon.Is much good.
    Nepp likes much to make it darkness.laugh laugh
    Nepp likes me.
    Training training training much today.
    Bottoms is called a ARSE.
    Is much funny to see arrows in ogres arse.laugh laugh
    Ogres has big fat stinky arse.
    Have met Dwarves.
    Dwarves fight much good.
    Dwarves like axes.
    I like Dwarves.
    Grem laughs funny.
    Grem can make walls of fire to burn Gnolls arse.
    Went to dark dead void place today.
    Soul Mother no see me.
    Learned very much lots today.
    Am done now.
    Is time for sleep.
    Good night me.


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      RE: The Diary of Ari Mooncrow(written in barely legible Woodelf)
      « Reply #1 on: May 16, 2006, 04:36:04 am »
      Is day two.
      Greetings Me.
      To train much more this day as well.
      Have joined Nepp Grem Cym.
      Wolfy is pretty.
      Went to hunt Gnolls.
      We kill lots.
      Gnoll arse smells bad on fire.
      Have met too many good kind peoples to remember.
      Good kind lady gave me nice magic ring.
      I like her.
      Lady has very much pretty hair.
      I like fight the zombies.
      Zombies much slow.
      Nepp still likes me.
      I still like Nepp.
      Nepp has 2 swords.
      Nepp has new armor.
      Nepp likes new armor much.
      Grem has funny little hat.
      I like Grems hat.
      Have gone to High Moors.
      Is bad things here.
      Have got much gold money.
      I buy much many arrows.
      Have met bad peoples.
      We fight bad peoples.
      A bad person sends me to dark void place.
      Soul Mother no sees me.
      Am glad.
      Have met Garnet.
      Garnet is a Dwarf.
      Garnet is a monk.
      Garnet is VERY MUCH strong.
      Garnet punches and kicks big Lizardkind arse.
      Garnet is very much nice good kind people.
      Garnet sells me much nice monk clothes.
      Monk clothes are much fancy nice.
      Cant wear new monk clothes yet.
      Will very soon.
      Nepp makes arrows.
      I watch him make.
      Grem makes rings.
      I watch him make.
      Garnet gives me present.
      Is gloves.
      Gloves make me fight better.
      I like Garnet.
      Have gave bones to ugly old lady in swamp place.
      Ugly old lady gives me magic necklace.
      Is nice necklace.
      I drink lots water.
      Town has caged water.
      Is called a WELL.
      Am learn lots!!!!!!
      Stronger I am now.
      Have met Cerno.
      Cerno is a arse.
      Cerno is rude mouth talker.
      Cerno no like monks.
      Cerno no like Grem.
      Nepp puts Cerno in darkness.
      Is very much funny.laugh laugh
      Nepp is funny.
      I like Nepp.
      I no like Cerno.
      We no help Cerno with mission.
      Cerno leaves.
      I no like rude arse persons.
      Met new spellcaster man.
      Forgot him name.
      He turn into BIG HUGE Umber-thing.
      Is Umberhulk.
      I scared of it some.
      No scared now cuz was good spellcast man.
      Am much tired from much fighting.
      Am done for this day.
      Am done writing now.
      Good night me.


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        RE: The Rememberings of Ari Mooncrow(written in barely legible W
        « Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 01:33:30 pm »
        Is new day the third one.
        Went to underdown place in Hlint.
        Kill many rats.
        Kill big rat person.
        Found book that belongs to lady.
        Gave book to lady.
        Lady gives me gold money.
        Gave fur trade man rat hide.
        He give me gold money.
        Gave fur trade man bat hide.
        He give me gold money.
        Gave fur trade man badger hide.
        He give me gold money.
        Fur trade man wants boar hide.
        Will get boar hide for him.
        Have met Sabel and Teaghan.
        They very much nice.
        They are Elfs like me.
        Wood Elfs.
        Sabel is preistess of Longstrider.
        That is much good news.
        I like them two.
        Sabel and Teaghan are soulbound to each
        They make much good pair.
        Met Elgon
        Elgon is half Elf.
        Elgon is much nice person.
        Sabel Teaghan Elgon take me training.
        We kill Ogres bad Treefolk spiders.
        We find much plants for medicines.
        We kill Gryphon.
        We kill Kenkus
        Kenkus has bird heads.
        We fight lots.
        Fight very much better I do.
        Am having break.
        Is lunch eat time.
        I write more later.
        Goodbye me for now.
        Am back.
        Hello me.
        I no write very good.
        Ate deer meat for lunch.
        Was much yummy good.
        I no feel like writing no more this day.
        Am stopping now.
        Write more next day.
        Goodbye me.


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          RE: The Rememberings of Ari Mooncrow(written in barely legible W
          « Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 05:06:40 am »
          Is next day of 4.
          Hello me.
          Got boar hide for fur trade man.
          He give me gold money.
          Fur trade man wants deer hide.
          I give him deer hide.
          He give me gold money.
          Fur trade man wants cougar hide.
          I give him cougar hide.
          He give me gold money.
          I have much lots gold money now.
          Have joined Silverhand and much some others.
          For training.
          To VERY MUCH BAD TOMBS we go.
          Kill lots bad dead things.
          Too many bad dead things.
          We ALL sent to dark void place.
          Soul Mother no see me.
          Is much good that is.
          Am glad.
          We sneak back in bad place.
          For to find our graves.
          Found my grave.
          Am glad.
          Sneak back out.
          Girl child needs ashes of parent.
          We find ashes.
          We give to sad girl child.
          She happy more now.
          Am glad.
          Sad girl child minds me of me one times past.
          And onetimes still now.
          Back in Hlint town.
          Hear tell bout story say man.
          He wears black clothes.
          He is magic making man.
          He names is Ozyman****some word name.
          Not no his name rite.
          Tell good story he does I hear sayd.
          Will seek him out for story lissen.
          Have talked to bard.
          Bard is story tell person.
          Bard in In n.
          In n in Hlint town.
          Bard names Ragran..somting.
          Bard wants necklace.
          Go woth Grem Cym Nepp to Sealwoods.
          Find cave.
          Always stinkee caves!!!!@W%&*#
          No like stink arse caves.
          Kobolds and big Gooey things we fight.
          We win.
          I fight way much better now.
          I punch kobolds dead.
          OHHH Ozyman-guy is Bard thinks me.
          We find necklace.
          I give to Ragran bard person.
          Is good.
          Nepp Cym leave.
          Grem Robert Me go to Haven town.
          Help Kit person if shadows be bad.
          No bad mean shadows there.
          Is good.
          Talk much to Grem bout old life of mine past days.
          Before Nepp leafs we in Sealwoods.
          Standing I am.
          Nepp is setting on ground by me.
          Way close by me.
          Nepp be lookin up at my self alot from ground.
          No shure why.
          Nepp has funny smile on him face.
          Nepp says sumthin bout no have under wears.
          I no not what under wears is.
          Need find what under wears is.
          Nepp say is good I no have any under wears.
          So is good I spose.
          Back to shadow talk to Grem in Haven town part.
          Is much tire of day.
          Am much tire of day..
          Am going to my place in trees.
          To write this wordz.
          Am much tired.
          Sleep time here comes.
          Good nite me.


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            RE: The Rememberings of Ari Mooncrow(written in barely legible W
            « Reply #4 on: May 19, 2006, 03:36:56 am »
            Is Day 5.
            Hello me.
            Have gone to Anuroch.
            To fight Fire Giants.
            Fire Giants is very strong.
            Us group lead by dwarf names Ketibjorn.
            And elf names Akki.
            Akki is much nice and funny.
            And much strong.
            Keti is much strong.
            We fight much many Fire Giants.
            Go back to town for to rest.
            Me Akki Keti rest in water at town.
            Water is much cool and nice for to sit in.
            Back to fight more Fire Giants.
            They still much hard to kill.
            But we kill many.
            I climb much good.
            We meet little person names Zugzug.
            Zugzug is much crazy nice.
            Zugzug wears nice green clothes.
            And green hat with deer horns.
            Zugzug sneaks much well.
            Is hot here in desert.
            I drink lots water.
            We done finally killing Fire Giants.
            We take many boats to get back to Hlint.
            I have grown much this week.
            I am 8th circle today.
            The day is over now.
            Time to sleep.
            Good night me.


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              RE: The Rememberings of Ari Mooncrow(written in barely legible W
              « Reply #5 on: May 19, 2006, 03:46:59 am »
              Is day 6
              Hello me.
              Have joined with Nepp and Cym
              Silver and Keti and many others.
              We go to Haven mines for platinum.
              We kill many bad ogres.
              We get platinum.
              I have some hides for to give to Garnet.
              A gift for him they be.
              I like Garnet.
              Ogre bashed Cym hard in mines.
              Cym no happy with ogre.
              Me Nepp Cym have gone back to Hurm.
              To find Gremmy.
              We fight pirates.
              A pirate mage sends me to void.
              No see Soul Mother.
              Am glad.
              I find my grave and am good.
              We mess around in Hurm.
              Wait for Gremmy.
              Done waiting for Gremmy.
              Back to Hlint.
              We meet Elf in Hlint who has seen Soul Mother 9 times.
              He no happy bout that.
              He is much nice Elf.
              But much sad.
              Gremmy comes to Hlint.
              Akki found Gremmy lost in Serpent Mountains.
              Akki help Gremmy back to Hlint.
              Akki is much nice.
              Akki changes her clothes to Red.
              She looks much nice in red clothes.
              Me Nepp Cym Grem Akki sit by fire.
              Day is already over.
              I am tired.
              I write in my book of me.
              Is sleep time.
              Good night me.