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Author Topic: Journal of Brandon Steele  (Read 264 times)


Journal of Brandon Steele
« on: December 29, 2014, 08:48:36 pm »
What does it take to be a leader of men?  I find myself pondering that question day after day..To me, an effective leader has to have the resolve to see every task through to the end. Resolve is easy to have in the quiet before the storm comes. Resolve is a breeze when one’s commitment has never been tested. It is when the fear, chaos, and stress of a crisis hits that truth of one’s resolve is revealed. In any situation, there will be an opportunity for retreat, a trapdoor, the chance to shirk responsibility and choose safety and defeat over risk and greater reward. At that moment, the person with quiet resolve does not sit on the fence; they do not doubt the choice that they know is right. Without the terrible grip of indecision seizing them, they are composed and levelheaded, steadfast in the face of challenge. They are not loud, yelling and desperately scurrying about in an attempt to cover their lack of grit with useless action. The person with quiet resolution is someone others can feel supremely confident in. While the world around him goes to hell in a hand basket, they know what their mission is and calmly fulfill it. They are the anchor in the tempest. Another aspect of a great leader is the courage to take risks.. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.Great accomplishments come to those who are willing to take risks. A leader who continually plays it safe will never put themselves or the people they lead in a position to experience success. A life without risks is surely enticing; it’s a sweet enchanting lullaby of safety and comfort has lulled many a man into the trap of mediocrity and apathy. The weak man stands at the crossroads of decision, tempted by the possible reward and yet frozen by the fear of failure. They are blinded to the fact that even defeat brings its own reward. Without failure a person never comes to know themselves, their limits, their potential, and what they are truly capable of. A person who never dares greatly fails to see that they have taken the greatest risk of all: the risks that they will never progress, never refine their soul, never amount to anything worthwhile.With risk there comes the chance of failure and it is my belief that a true leader does not shy away from their responsibility, but to accept the result and to learn from it.. False leaders are quick to accept the rewards and recognition for a job well done, but quickly look for a scapegoat when their actions fail. Or they take blame for it publicly but, behind closed doors telling people that they only did it to save someone else's butt.  True leaders will accept that responsibility even if it is the results of the their cohort.They stand tall casting no shadow of blame. After they take responsibility of the result, they quickly take action to correct it. But, what of success of a job well done? How does a true leader show appreciation to his fellows? I believe that a true leader needs to humbly recognize that no matter how big a part they played that they couldn't have done it alone. A true leader needs to make it a priority to publicly and privately recognize the contributions of the ones they led. They know that people do not want to feel like just a face in the crowd and unappreciated for their good works. A leader needs to build their morale and confidence when it has been earned. [/i]The hardest part of being a great leader is not to dwell on past success or moments of defeat. As a leader you should focus on things that you can change and influence, and the past is not one of those things.. If they fail, they should learn from it and then cease to dwell on it. Living in the past will not do any good. If success, celebrate with your friends and followers, then move on. A leader who dwells on their past successes shows that they have not set their eye on greater things. A great leader must stay humble and hungry. [/i] I pray that when the day challenge comes Toran will choose me to be that pillar to lean on, that beacon to guide others, to be a leader of heroes. 

