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Author Topic: The Dark Side of Force - Tyra Dragonheart  (Read 3210 times)


Lossing Her Head. . .
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2011, 04:37:12 pm »
The last time she lost her head, one man lost a hand, another his life, and another was given a generous new scar.  This time, all she did was die.

And then wake up under the bindstone in Center.  She was free.

So now what. . .


A New Life
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2011, 10:54:03 am »
When she awoke, sore in places she had never been sore before, she smiled.  She was by herself now, Laz had apparently left, and outside Leringard was storming, again.  The rain on the windows was a welcome sound.  In her old cell, a storm outside meant it would get wet and gross inside.  Having the comforts of a real 'home' were a blessing.

As she rolled over, wanting to go back to sleep after her long night, she thought about her week.  She had had an interesting conversation with the Halfling named Iri.  She's a enthusiastic adventure as there has ever been, seemingly more interested in going on an adventure than anything.  Then again, Tyra was never enthusiastic about adventuring.  She'd always approached trips with caution, and was always looking to be sure of success in a venture.  The 'thrill of it' was not a practical reason to go do something.  It had to be worth while.  But she enjoyed her chat with the halfling.  Tyra envied the youthful vigor she had, and her sweet disposition.  Even being told that she's not a good story teller made Tyra smile.  She was curious where Iri's road would take her though.  She could see her becoming famous if she chose to.  But she'd rather just see her be happy.  Tyra knew what the cost of ambition can be if you are not ready.

Hours later, she tossed off the cotton sheet and wrapped a robe around herself, and headed to the wash room to bathe.  After the relaxing dip, she opened the armoire in her room and the sight made her flinch a moment.  All set out for her was her 'outfit,' the same 'outfit' she wore on her night of terror:  The Malar leathers, the flowing shadow-black cloak, and the dark hood.  Despite knowing it was not her armor that made her do those things, it was her own desire for power, the sight made her question why she bought another set after three years.  Hadn't see told herself she would not rely on such things anymore?  Shaking her head, she reached in for another outfit.  She would not get used to wearing that outfit every day again.  If it came out, it was because she needed it.


Regressing. . .
« Reply #42 on: August 29, 2011, 11:34:22 am »
Tyra sat at the campfire, alone, listening to the wind and the crickets.  Her discussion with Elohanna had bothered her.  She had always known her 'aunt' was a devotee to Aeridin, and that she abhorred violence, she could not get over the feeling of anger at the belief peace can be bought with words alone.  And to make it worse, the fact she wanted to find a peaceful way to deal with the murderer of her friends and fellow devotees just made her head hurt.  The madman needed to be dealt with harshly, not parlayed with.  

She looked down at her hands, flexing her fingers.  She could feel how easy it would be to go back to her old ways.  Part of her wanted to ignore Elohanna's pleas to wait for all other options to be exhausted and instead go on a one-woman crusade to kill the madman, to tear out his heart while he lived and force him to watch it stop beating like he did to Elohanna's Sister, to cut off his hands. . .


« Reply #43 on: October 14, 2011, 09:15:14 pm »
Stuffed in to the crook between the roots of an oak tree, Tyra lay motionless, her breath ragged and wheezing.  The smell of her own blood filled her nose, and her entire body ached.  Each breath was a stab in the chest, her punctured lung protesting against her attempts to remain alive.

Hours later, having passed out, the sensation of teeth nibbling on her leg bring her back to consciousnesses. As the haze left her sight, she found three wolves, teeth bared, standing around her, waiting for her to die.  


« Reply #44 on: November 03, 2011, 03:06:10 pm »
Laying still, she felt it beneath her palm.  The feeling of weaved leather around a metal hilt.  She closed her fingers around it slowly, her eyes open only barely enough to see, and waited.  Waited for the three wolves to come close enough for her to strike.

She relaxed her ragged breath. . .

Calmed her anguishing limbs. . .

Lowered her frantic heart rate. . .

And then-

"Ah-rrroooo!  Arph!"  As the largest wolf stepped in to crush her neck, Tyra raised her blade up and through the wolf's midsection.  She pulled the blade free as the wolf collapsed in to a whimpering pile of bloody fur, standing to face the other wolves.  


Predator 2
« Reply #45 on: November 13, 2011, 11:57:44 am »
As Tyra eyed the two wolves, she wondered if she could kill them both before they got their teeth in to her.  In her state, she could hardly stand, and any more damage to her body would likely kill her.  She could not afford to die, even Bound.  She had to complete her mission.  With one hand over her chest wound, she waited for the wolves to act.

They did not make her wait long.

The larger of the two, a grey male with a missing ear, pounced without a step, mouth open and aimed at her throat.  Slamming in to her paws first, the two crashed down in to the roots of the tree, followed by the crushing of a throat and a spray of blood.

The other wolf, a female with tawny fur, padded closer.  She watched as the male stood over the human, and as she moved closer, her nose filled with the scent of blood.  But it was not the blood of prey.


« Reply #46 on: November 17, 2011, 12:26:34 am »
The blood of the wolves was still wet when Tyra settled herself on the bough of a maple tree, looking in to the distance.  She was tasked to watch for any approach of troops from Sagewald, and after surviving her early encounters with Kenku and wolves, Tyra was glad to be out of the way, high up in a tree, and able to rest.  

By the time the blood dried, Tyra had fallen asleep.  Her dreams were filled with the delirium of pain and injury, but when she awoke, she felt healed.  Shifting to make herself as comfortable as possible, she prepared to keep a vigil for an enemy that may or may not come.

But come they did.  But Tyra realized it perhaps too late.  Hazy from pain, her eyes could not pick up the banners of the thousand horsemen until they were nearly a day away from where she kept watch.  She did not have to think much on where they were headed.

Climbing out of the tree as if she was never injured, the warrior ran as fast as she could back toward Fort Angle, sure that the cavalry would overtake her before nightfall.  But they did not.  But she knew she could not outpace them on foot, even if she kept going.

Turning back, she found the small forces camp, and a tall tree outside the perimeter to watch from.  And there she lurked, looking for her chance...


A New Purpose
« Reply #47 on: March 18, 2012, 07:27:58 pm »
A long time had passed since she lurked in a tree.  

Now, having helped save Fort Angle from a siege, she found herself trying to save it again.

Except it did not just really on her skills now.  Over a dozen others have flocked to the conflict between Tau'ren and Sagewald, pushing Tyra to deal with others.  But Tyra is willing to do anything to protect Fort Angle.  Will it bring her back from the edge of insanity, or plunge her completely in to darkness.


« Reply #48 on: April 25, 2012, 12:05:40 pm »
She woke up covered in blood and remembering the feeling of an arrow piercing her chest, before she realized it was Andrew who was holding her.  She didn't know what compelled her to leave her vantage point to defend the others, especially after she spent so much time trying to remain undetected, but she did.  What she did know was, however, she had somehow come closer to being Unbound to the Stones, and hoped it was a price worth paying.


Tyra's Mission: Impossible.
« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2013, 05:37:01 pm »

Tyra's Mission: Impossible. (CDQ Thread)

Most Prominent Quest Series Involved in ATM

Power and Prestige | Layonara




Tyra stands on the northern
« Reply #50 on: October 02, 2013, 10:54:52 am »

Tyra stands on the northern wall of Fort Angle, staring off toward the border.  It had been quite following her return from Lusaxon, sporting a strange dwarven lantern.  That is, before she used it to catch an invisible kenku trying to steal food from the barracks.  Once that had blown over, however, she was left with few orders besides her routine reconnaissance missions north to make sure Sagewald agents we not enlisting sneaky little bird-brained kenku to infilitrate the fort.  Sadly, she found no evidence of that happening, just hungry kenku.

Now she wondered if she was doing the right thing, playing the role of a piece in the chess match between Tau'ren and those who tried to invade it.  She thought back to old plans and a cold stone tower she rebuilt.  The itching of her hands came back immediately, but she did not care this time.  The ever constant tick of rubbing her hands when she thought of those years was fading, either due to a change in who she was, or a change in whether it bothered her any more.

She was beginning to want to find out which of her blades was her favorite:  






Excerpts from Tyra's recent
« Reply #51 on: November 19, 2014, 01:52:52 pm »


The wind blew cold in White
« Reply #52 on: April 05, 2016, 01:24:39 pm »

The wind blew cold in White Harbor.

Her voyage back from Vanavar was long, and after departing from the ship with her sack of belongings, she checked the sails flags of the ships docked in the bay.  No sign of her chauffer from Co'rys.  She was not surprised.  After months at sea traveling to and from Vanavar, not to mention hiking across Mistone before that, she did not expect him to be at port exactly when she returned.  She just hoped he hadn't forgotten or given up waiting or worse, sank.

"Ms. Dragonheart?" came a voice behind her on the pier.

Turning she saw a young soldier, private by the look of his insignia.  He was tall, slender, normally curly auburn hair trimmed short.  Innocent green eyes.  She could tell he was in fantastic shape.  She grinned to herself, then acknowledged him.  "Yes, Private?"

He extended a small parcel, stamped with the seal of Tau'ren's Military.  "Orders, Ma'am."

Taking the parcel, she broke the seal and read the instructions.  Report to Fort Angle.  Nothing else.  She turned it over, checked for hidden pages, even held it up to light.  "That's it?" she asked the private.  

"That's all, ma'am."

"How long have you been waiting for me?"

"Since your charter came back from Co'rys without you.  Best asssignment of my career.  First assignment, actually."

"Lucky you," she said with a smirk.  She then thanked the private and dismissed him.



The blinding light of the sun
« Reply #53 on: October 18, 2016, 10:02:02 pm »

The blinding light of the sun was the first sign that she had failed.  Then came the sounds of songbirds, and of people milling about.  She knew this place.

Blinking through the glare of the surface world, Tyrra looked around at the small crowd that had stopped to stare at the battered body that had materialized in front of the moss covered bindstone.  A few men and women of the court walked by, muttering to themselves while judging Tyrra with their eyes.  People rarer materialized in the courtyard of Bydell Castle, least of all someone dressed in an old tattered malar skin and an eerily black cloak.  After a few minutes collecting herself, she noticed a nearby guard  approaching her.

"Ma'am?" he said, keeping his distance.  "Are you alright?"

"I'm alive," she sniped, "I need to get to Fort Angle, immediately."

The guard looked her over, a scoff on his face.

"I'm a specialist in the Army, guardsman," Tyrra explained, producing her Warrant Officer Insignia from inside her satchel.

"Oh!  Apologies, ma'am!"  He gave an uncertain salute.  "In that case, there's a supply train going-"

"That won't do," she said, shaking her head.  "Is there a mount available?"

The guard blinked, adjusting his skullcap, then glanced back at a fellow guard.  He just shrugged.  "You could check the stables, ma'am."

Tyrra sighed and adjusted the pack on her shoulder.  "Never mind, I will just go on foot."  

"But ma'am, you just-"

Tyrra didn't have to do anything for the soldier to silence himself.  He simply wished her luck and returned to his post.

*     *     *

The hike through the country was both refreshing and tedious.  Sore from head to toe after her revival, she did not enjoy the walk.  The rolling hills and the fresh air could not distract her from the constant thought that she had led friends on a fruitless endeavor in the Deep, on top of potentially ruining Taur'en's plans.  She also wasn't sure which of those things bothered her more.

She finally arrived at Fort Angle in the dark of night, Orn glowing overhead.  Passing the main gates, she requested to see Commander Moreau as soon as possible and then headed to the barracks to wait.  She had hardly time to take off her pack when she was summoned to the Commander's quarters.

"You sure took your time, Dragonheart," the Commander said as she entered the room.  He was draped in a robe and gently puffing from a pipe, a bottle of Xeenite Red on his desk.  He did not look at her.  "Report."

Tyrra let it all spill out.  Her descent into the mine, the encounters with the strange creature seen below, her encounter with the beholder Vespero, and the deal she had tried to uphold with him.  

"You made a deal with a beholder?" Moreau asked.  He had kept to looking out the window at the moon up until then.  "What in the Pits were you thinking?"

"I thought it was a good opportunity to make an ally.  The mine was his home, and he did not immediately attack me when I came across him, so I thought-"

"We didn't hire you to think!" Moreau shouted.   "You took your team down into the Deep to deliver some message to a Dark Elf, and you had no idea what would come of it because you thought it was a good idea?"  Moreau started pacing, his smoking billowing from his pipe.  "You once thought it was a good idea to warn a Sagewald farmstead that you were sent there to destroy the farm.  That worked out for you, and us, so I let it slide.  I thought, and they pay me to think mind you, that we had something special in you, and with the famine at the time who was I to criticize you for securing such a large stockpile of food.  But more recently you've thought it was a good idea to question your orders or go completely off-mission to help out a monster!"  He picked up the wine bottle and took a long drink.  "If I recall, your orders were to eliminate any hostiles and threats found in the mine, not compound them!  Did you forget that just because you found a lonely beholder with a love of books?"  Moreau turned to look back out at the moon, gently pounding his fist on the windowsill.  "Do you have anything else to report?"

Tyrra opened an unfolded a map that showed the location of the dark elf city in relation to the mine shaft.  She then explained what she remember of the cities layout, and what sort of garrison they had.  

Moreau turned to look at his desk, then picked up the map and gave Tyrra a long look.  "Is that all?"

"With your permission, sir, I want to go back to the mine and make sure nothing has changed, and perhaps find Vespero."

"And what do you intend to do if you find this Vespero?"

"Attempt to salvage my bid for an alliance," she said.

Moreau sighed, rubbing his temples.  "To what end?"

"My associates and I found an old experiment of Milara's down below.  An aberration.  With recent events beyond the Bloody Gate, and the Wasting Sickness-"

"Wasting Sickness?" Moreau looked confused.

"That - condition where people turned to goo?"

"Ah, that."  Moreau gestured for her to continue.

"To be succinct, we may need allies familiar with the Deep and capable, at least potentially, of countering Milara's magical machinations.  Vespero could have been one, and perhaps still could be.  I strongly recommend whatever the plans are for the mines, we leave the tunnels alone from where I found Vespero and below.  Perhaps even leave a level between us and where he is, or was."

"What happens with the mine isn't up to me," he said, puffing at his pipe.  "If the orders say to turn the mine into a palace for the King, that is what will happen.  If the orders are to turn it into a hole in the ground, that is what will happen.  If the orders are to drop it into the Deep-"  he crossed his arms and fell silent for a moment.  "You will have about two weeks if you leave tonight.  By the time you get there, you should have three days at best to scout the mine again,  find your beholder if you can, and meet up with the detachment being sent to commandeer the mine.  They will camp half a day's ride south from the mine, secure the approach, drive off the kenku, and move in on that third day.  Your orders are to -scout- the mine.  If you find anything that could kill you or my men, you are to disengage and report.  Do that, and when you get back I may have changed my mind about throwing you in a cell for insubordination, conduct detrimental to the Kingdom, and -seeing as how you made a huge mess in a Dark Elven City- quite possibly inciting war.  Am I understood?"

Tyrra took a deep breath.

"Now get out of my office.  Dismissed."

Tyrra gave the Commander a salute, turned about face, and left.  She retrieved her things from the barracks and left the Fort.  She had two weeks.

*     *     *

"He's not here," she said in the middle of the disappointingly vacant cavern.  Nothing was left.  Not a carpet.  Not a book.  Nothing that suggested a beholder once lived there.  Not even a new tunnel suggesting he made some other exit.  She had hoped that he might at least leave her a message, but she was left lacking.  Whatever happened between her leaving Vespero, her escapades in the Deep city, and returning have netted her an empty cave, and little else.  

And then there was the magical barrier at the bottom of the mine.  Something was beyond it, for sure.  She could hear it.  Whatever it was.  Whether it was Vespero's doing, or something else, she wouldn't know.  All she knew was it did not sound good.  The only thing she hoped for was that Milara wasn't licking his lips behind it, waiting for Taur'en to blunder into something that would cover her chosen Kingdom in darkness.  Climbing back out, she headed south and climbed up into a tree, and waited for the approach of her Taur'en comrades.