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Author Topic: The Degeneration of a Mage Part 3  (Read 109 times)

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The Degeneration of a Mage Part 3
« on: December 06, 2004, 02:53:00 pm »
I see that my rival, this Drow elf has been seeking me out. Since my...abduction, his footsteps have always been close behind. Tracking my movements.

  However, onto other things, I have gotten back in touch with my Master, he assures me that my spot by his side is secured, which is what I wanted from the start. However, I have heard of some preistess of Corath...maybe this is my route to which I seek. Freedom. Freedom through power, freedom through arcane might. Freedom to become the Master and not the Apprentice.........

Sargon Blackdagger

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RE: The Degeneration of a Mage Part 3
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2004, 08:14:00 am »
I pen these words in the light that I might reflect upon them later and remember this, either as glory, or folly.

I saw Master Coldfinger today. He told me of many things that I shall not pen in case my journal falls from me. However, in this discussion, he spoke of power, and how promises of power are hardly ever broken. This is why, as of now, I recend my following of Aeridin to that of Corath, that his whispers of power might come unto me. I doubt that my fellows in the Orc Bashers will take this well, but I care not anymore. Their ways are not of mine; nor are many in this world. However, the Black One will watch my steps, and his promises of power shall allow me to drive my enemies before me, while all the secrets of the Art shall be mine.

Sargon Blackdagger
Wizard of Air

