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Author Topic: The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray  (Read 560 times)


The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« on: December 02, 2004, 04:41:00 pm »
I have recently arrived in Hlint. The town has a reputation for attracting adventurers of all sorts and so far it appears to live up to it quite well. During the first few days I was in town I heard of several raids from bands of Drow. I have no idea why they would be coming, but I've learned to look over my shoulder regularly.

There is a temple to Ilsare here in Hlint with a Holy Pool. The local priestess has  granted me access and allows me to use it on occasion. I have been building a stock of holy water and curative potions.

The crypt here in Hlint is teaming with undead. Fortunately they are more of a minor nuisance than any real threat, though they seem endless, as if some strong, darker power is raising them. I spend my days making regular sweeps of the crypt, cleansing it of it's evils. I even found what I believed to be the source of the problem. Deep within the crypt I found a Darksoul, though of the lesser variety. He commanded a troupe of ghouls, but I called on Aeridin's aid and wiped them out.

I felt at ease knowing the problem was taken care of only to hear rumors the next day of the dead walking beneath Hlint. I went down into the crypt and sure enough, the place was teaming with skeletons, zombies, and ghouls. It even appeared like their numbers had been multiplying.

Some day I will find the source of this evil, until then, I will continue to make regular cleansing sweeps and continue to stock pile holy water and healing draughts.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2004, 04:56:00 pm »
Tonight I witnessed a Drow attack first hand. They swarmed Hlint from both the East and the West. Luckily I found myself in the company of many strong adventurers. A good man named Rhizome seemed to take the lead in driving back the force.

I stayed back from the fray and focused on healing those that needed it. I believe I saved several men from falling in the attack. I saw one man in the head of battle. A river of blood was streaming from his head. I ran over and called on Aeridin's power and his wounds closed. As I turned to run for shelter, a small group of three Drow descended on me. There was nothing I could do and I fell bleeding from the wounds they inflicted. I thought myself close to death and lay in a pool of my own blood for some time, clinging to life.

At some point, Rhizome stood over me helping me to my feet. He had closed my wounds just in time. I scanned the battle field and saw dozens slain, both Drow and defenders alike. We all gathered and gave a hushed prayer, but quickly began patrolling again, should another wave of attacks begin.

No one came for some time and we began to let down our guard a little. It was then that the East gates opened and a Drow woman entered, radiating power. A would be hero, Log, a half-giant of very simple means, charged the woman oblivious to the danger. She struck him down, dead, with a word. We all backed up, cowering. She gave us a warning that in three days time the Drow would lay siege to Hlint and burn it to the ground. She suggested all who value their life leave while they can. She left shortly after.

I haven't been here long, but I've already made several friends among the locals. Many are saying they will stay and fight. I imagine I will stay as well. With a battle such as this, I'm sure blood will be flowing. It pains me to think of the life that will be lost on both sides in this tragic war.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2004, 03:27:00 pm »
Yesterday I found Plen, Brisbane and Triba, sitting near the pond in Hlint. I came in at the tail of the conversation, but joined just as I heard Plen mention a horrible encounter with a demilich. I was very pleased to see he lived through the encounter.

Before long a small bird flitted down and landed on Plen's shoulder. It seems Rhizome had sent a message and wanted to meet Plen at Aeridin's shrine in Seilwood. Plen invited both Brisbane and I to join him and we left to find Rhizome.

We found him sitting peacefully in the grove and we all took seats around him. After some pleasantries, he told us all some wondrous things that had occurred recently. I ate some berries, which I shared with him, as he told us everything that had happened. He ended his tale by telling us he now knew the location of an ancient T'oleflor fortress. He offered to show us and we all excitedly accepted the invitation.

It took several boat rides and much walking, but we finally arrived at the destination. I could actually feel magic pulsing through the air surrounding a great rift. I felt humbled and found myself drawn to the haunting beauty of the place yet terrified and wishing I could leave.

After several moments of quiet contemplation, Rhizome shared one last secret. It is so secret that I don't even trust writing it here in my journal. We all joined hands and took an oath of secrecy and Rhizome told us some information about the last Elven plant that floored us all.

After we contemplated what we had been told and the circle was broken, Rhizome realized he was still holding my hand. He apologized and released it, but to be honest, it felt so natural I hadn't even noticed myself. His bringing it to my attention though made me blush and I began to feel self-concious.

Rhizome told us he knew of another place with T'oleflor runes and statues and offered to take us there as well. We all agreed it would be wise to see all we could and set off.

It was a long journey, but when we arrived we saw the most amazing and mysterious things. We had no idea what to make of most of it, but we were sure there must be some significance to everything there. We explored the entire area and then gathered back together. I couldn't help but notice that it seemed Rhizome's eyes kept wandering to me. He would often look away quickly when I noticed, but I'm sure I wasn't seeing things.

As the day grew late, I found myself quite tired from all of our journeys and suggested we head to Point Harbor so I might get a room in the inn. Everyone agreed and we headed to town.

We reached town and I began saying my good byes to everyone. I turned to Rhizome to thank him and when I turned back I found Plen and Bris had vanished. My cheeks flushed and I realized they were too clever for my own good. I saw Rhiz looking at me gently. He is a handsome elf, but even with all we just went through, I feel I am still just learning who he is.

Feeling awkward and a little embarrassed, my cheeks burning red, I stammered something about being tired, thanked him, and said a hurried good bye. I headed to the inn and he stayed there, just watching me walk away.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2005, 04:37:00 pm »
I had been away from Hlint for some time, but recently stopped in again. I saw Brisbane standing near the street and ran up to say hello. I hadn’t seen her such a very long time, the last being our walk with Plen and Rhizome. She was doing well and just as we started to catch up, the Lady of the Land walked by. I had never seen her before, but Bris pointed her out and we followed her. She walked right into the inn and took a seat at one of the tables. One of the obnoxious dunks was hanging over the table and I asked him to leave. He then decided it would be more fun to hit on me. He offered me some ale, which I took and then walked over and put it on a table on the other side of the room. I told him to sit there and drink and leave us alone!

The Lady didn’t stay long, but she warned the Red Moon was coming soon but first the Yellow Moon’s cycle was about to begin. She mentioned Milara was hunting heroes in Wolfswood. This was horrible news and we wanted to find out more, but she left as abruptly as she came.

Just then Rhizome came walking down the street. What fortuitous luck. I was quite happy to see him again for personal reasons as well. We told him of our meeting with the Lady and what she said. His best conjecture was that Milara was hunting Plen, Enzo, and himself. Bris and I were both saddened to hear this. Rhizome had to cut our meeting short though as he was due to meet Enzo in Leilon soon. We decided to go together, stopping briefly at Brisbane’s new home in Harmony Grove. It turns out she and Plen recently moved there from Krandor and have adopted young Tom as well.

On the way to Leilon we ran into Plen, just returning from a resource gathering expedition. He told us he would catch up with us in town and we continued on. We saw no sign of Enzo in town, but outside we caught him sitting by a tree. Plen was quick and re-joined us quickly.

We told Enzo and Plen of the Lady’s warnings and they agreed with Rhizome that it was likely Milara was hunting the three of them. It turned out the three men had a lot of catching up to do, mostly relating some news of parallels between an ancient Dwarven undead slayer’s exploits and some recent occurrences involving the deadly red fog many of us have seen.

Rhizome had a lot to share and we all sat down to listen. I chose to sit next to Rhizome and even held his hand through the tale. I hope he didn’t notice, but I was burning inside the whole time. I felt my cheeks would catch on fire. We shared a few whispered moments during the discussion and I decided I’d really like to spend more time with him.

The others eventually decided they had other things that needed tending too and I found myself alone with this odd, but handsome Elf. There were a few awkward moments before we both decided we’d like to get to know each other a little better. We spent a brief time talking before he suggested perhaps we do something a bit more adventurous together. I had never been to the Dire Wood and he offered to show it to me, and work with me to try and rid it of some of the foul spirits that haunt it.

On the way, we passed through the Broken Wood and put a large group of zombies to rest. We chatted along the way, making small talk. When we reached the Dire Wood I was surprised at how many spirits roamed freely and there was a constant wailing like death and torture. Rhizome never ceases to amaze me and did so once again as he transformed into a large elemental right before my eyes. We attacked the spirits of the wood and laid the vast majority of them to rest. It seemed as if the numbers were endless though and I fear we could have stayed for days and never saw the end of them.

We also saw a large colony of giant spiders. They were vicious and decided to hunt us as prey. We were forced to defend ourselves and put them down, but in doing so, I was badly poisoned. I recovered, but I could tell Rhizome was worried. To think, we still barely knew each other and already he was showing so much caring and concern. I could fall for his man’s heart alone. His soft Elven features only encourage me further.

I was a bit overwhelmed by my near demise and decided it would be best to take a room in Fort Velensk. We shared a few more words between us and said our goodbyes. He claimed he would miss me. I couldn’t be positive, but I thought I would likely miss him as well. I did something quite spontaneous, but I couldn’t help myself. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and embarrassed, I ran away.

As I write this I realize I do miss him and I can’t wait to see him again.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2005, 04:57:00 pm »
I couldn’t stay away. I went in search of Rhizome and found him outside Fort Velensk, not far from where I had last seen him. He wanted to show me his home and future site of a temple he is building. It sounds beautiful, but it is also a long journey. We decided it would be best to wait for another time. Instead he offered to show me around Rilara. As it turns out I had a letter on me for a farmer named Part who lives in Rilara near the Thalos River. We found the farm without too much trouble and delivered the letter only to find out the poor man was having an awful time with some unnaturally animated scarecrows in his field. We helped him with his problem, and then continued on our way.

We didn’t get far though as we soon found ourselves near a castle. It was such a nice area, we decided to just sit for a while and talk. Rhizome sat and motioned next to him for me to join him. I sat down and took his hand. I asked him to tell me of him, as I still knew little of him. He told me some of his recent past and he talked I found myself feeling more comfortable with him. Soon I was resting my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. I felt safe and secure and much like I belonged there next to him.

When he was through, he begged me to tell him more of myself. I decided to tell him of how I came to be the follower of Aeridin that I am, as that is the bond that initially brought us together. We ended up talking through the night, nearly ‘til dawn. Realizing how late it is I felt I should really get to an inn for some rest, even though I hated the thought of leaving him. He promised we would see each other again soon, but it was best we part for now as he had some business with the great bard Ozy in Karthy.

We stood and said some long good byes and he kissed me gently on the cheek. Blood rushed to my face and warmth spread through my body. I squeezed his hand and forced myself to pull away. I gave him a warm smile and left for Point Harbor and the nearest inn.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2005, 11:40:00 am »
I was enjoying my vacation in Point Harbor, but I missed Rhizome. He told me once that if I ever wanted to speak to him, to merely say his name to a bird or other animal. I saw a small blue bird and tried this trick. After some time a different bird flew up, but it had a small note on its leg. It was from Rhizome and said he was coming! I was a little surprised at how much this made me happy. I waited and waited. He didn’t come. I began to worry. I knew he was on Mistone and afraid something may be detaining him, I took the next ship back to Mistone.

When I arrived in Port Hampshire, Rhizome was there, but so was my friend Brisbane. She looked quite distraught and Rhizome had been trying to comfort her. She didn’t feel like opening up, and kept insisting we leave her and spend time together. The sadness was tearing her apart though. There was no way we could leave her. We stayed and ended up traveling to Fort Hope where were spent several hours trying to get her to open up. The most we got from her was that Plen was out of sorts and this in turn was putting stress and pressure on her. Rhiz and I both felt there was something deeper to this but while showing her emotional distress openly, she kept the roots of the problem to herself. She eventually left asking us to please leave her be for now.

Rhizome and I felt it best to do as she asked and give her time to open up later if that’s what she wanted. He then turned our conversation to me, or I suppose I should say us. He wanted to know what I thought about us and what I wanted out of a relationship with him. He was awkward in his questioning and I could tell he was uncomfortable. His questions were hard. At the same time I understood why he had them, as I had similar questions of him, but I also didn’t know the answers. Perhaps it was too soon. I knew I had strong feelings for him and I knew I wanted to spend time with him, but I felt he wanted to know more. Did I love him? That I do not know. I have never known love before and I don’t know if this is it. All I do know is that I care deeply for him and cherish the time I spend with him. I miss him when he is not there and feel energized when in his presence. Is this love?

He made it clear that he cared about me, but was also wary of love. He had loved before, many times. He told me of a somewhat promiscuous past. He claimed he was different now, and I’d like to believe it. I’ve seen him show no interest in other women, but what could be a fling for an Elf might be several years to a human. I worry of getting involved with an Elf. Not because I dislike them, the opposite in fact. Their graceful beauty is enchanting, but with their long life spans, I can’t help but think their perception on the world is somewhat alien to mine. We continued to talk through the night, opening up more and more. At some point though, I’m not sure when, I had my head resting on his shoulder and I must have dozed off. It felt so comfortable, so right.

The next morning I awoke and he was standing off by a tree. He claimed he fell asleep as well, but I know Elves need little sleep, I’m sure this was just kindness for my benefit. It warmed me and brought a smile to my face to wake up and have him the first thing I saw. He offered to take me to his home on Dregar. He claimed it was a beautiful island and told me he had plans to create a temple there. He is working with Plen to create a unification project with a temple dedicated to both Aeridin and Katia.

I had been hoping for time to see his home. He had spoken of it several times. The journey was long, but Rhizome was an excellent guide, showing me beautiful areas on Rilara as well as pointing out dangerous spots to stay clear. We made good time and after two boat rides and a very long hike, we made our way to Pranzis, the capitol of the world. I have never even dreamed of a city this large. It was amazing to behold, though Rhizome held it in strong disdain. He certainly has no love for thousands of people building a large, crowded, sprawling metropolis encroaching on the natural lands surrounding it.

We passed quickly through the city. He pointed out different quarters along the way, but I saw very little. He seemed to visibly relax once we left the main gates. He warned me of giants told me stay close. He was right; I spotted a huge giant strutting around wielding a large axe. I am fairly certain he didn’t see us and we hurried across some small hills.

Soon we crested another hill and below me I saw an expansive lake with an island in the middle of it. Rhizome took a deep breath and with a sweeping gesture told me that this was his home. It was one of the most beautiful places I’d ever seen. He took me down a winding path to a small boat. After helping me in, he rowed across the lake and we stepped up on the island.

He had a humble house, though it looked too large for just him. He admitted it often disturbed him that it was so large and he had blocked off several of the interior doors with large plants obstructing their view. I’m sure he hadn’t been in any of those rooms in ages. The entire house was simple with little décor other than the numerous plants he had throughout. Without much reason to stay inside, we went back out and sat on the edge of a small cliff looking out over the lake.

Rhizome had been telling me so much about himself; he asked if I would share more about my past. I had already told him of my calling to Aeridin, so I thought I would continue in that aspect since before being called to Hlint, I really had known nothing but my studies. I told him of our temple, if you could call it that. We were for the most part just a collection of like-minded clerics and used a converted barn and a consecrated grove in the forest for most of our functions.

I told him about Sarah, my mentor, and her husband James, who were members of the group dedicated to the study of the undead. We studied it not as a necromancer would, in hopes of animating corpses to control, but rather we studied the best ways to slay them and send them to eternal rest. I laughed while telling Rhizome and I even chuckle to myself now. I thought I had been learning so much during my studies, but since I’ve been called away from the temple and actually battled the undead, I have found that studying them is vastly different than applying the techniques I learned while they are trying to rip the flesh from my bones.

I think I troubled him with some of my talk, but I assured him that I have gained much experience and what harm does come to me; I can often combat with the healing touch Aeridin grants me. Still uncomfortable with this direction of the conversation, he switched topics and asked about my family. I told him that I took the name Sunray when I was initiated into the clergy and my birth name was Swain. It was hard dredging up old memories, but I told him of the rift that was created between my parents and I when I refused to follow the path they wished. They knew I had potential to be a great cleric, but wanted me to follow Toran. I confided in Rhizome that I was not welcome home until I embraced Toran and followed him instead of Aeridin. I will never do this though, so I will likely never return home. I haven’t spoken to or even of my parents in years. It was difficult, but not as difficult as the story Rhizome proceeded to tell me of a similar rift between he and his father.

After both of us shared of our past and we saw parallels and the complementary nature of our relationship, I felt closer to him than I’ve felt to any one else. I’m beginning to think maybe this is love. I know now I could not bear it if something happened to Rhizome and I wish to spend as much time as possible with him.

After our long journey and subsequent talk, we were both so tired we held each other and I fell asleep in his arms right there in the grass under the stars.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2005, 10:12:00 am »
I woke this morning slightly damp from the early morning dew. I looked around but Rhizome was no where to be seen. I made myself a small breakfast of apples and cheese and sat by the lake thinking of my recent time with Rhizome.


He still hasn't returned from where ever he went. He could have a least left a note. I hope he doesn't mind but I've made myself at home here at least for the time being. I think I could find my way to Pranzis from here. Perhaps I will go explore the city some.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2005, 04:27:00 pm »
Rhizome told me he and Plen were planning a long trip to the Great Oak. He invited me to come along and told me Brisbane would be coming as well. It sounded like an amazing quest and I thought seeing the Great Oak might bring me even closer to Rhizome. We actually met Brisbane in Pranzis along the way and she said Plen had already traveled ahead to Arabel. We took the next available ship from Lorindar and after a rocky trip, landed in Arabel. Plen wisely had not strayed far from the docks. The city of Arabel chilled me to my bones and I heard screams of terror throughout the city. I think I even saw a demon or two.
We didn't spend long there, and instead headed out to the Great Forest. Long the way we ran into hordes of giants. As we neared the Great Oak, I saw a horrendous sight. Huge undead giants roamed the land tearing down trees and wrecking havoc. Rhizome and Plen battled hard and laid them all to rest. I did what I could to help heal them during battle.
When we reached the grove, the defenders told us the giants were a new occurrence and had been causing great trouble. In light of this, the Great Oak was closed to visitors. I was disappointed, but I think Rhizome was even more so. He really wanted to share the experience with me.
We spent the night in the grove and when we left the next day, things had calmed some. During the night, the great bard Ozy had found his way to the grove. We weren't sure why as he dislikes forests, but he was there non-the-less and joined us on our journey. Plen had heard of some weird happenings near a wizard tower. We saw no more of the undead giants, though plenty of living ones roamed the forest. As we rounded a small copse of trees, we saw Lord Ironheart. He was glad to see some other friendly faces and joined us as well.
As we got close to the tower, we saw a very odd cave with green hazy fog or smoke coming from it. Ozy and Rhizome examined it and determined it was created by some kind of large burrowing creature, perhaps a worm of some sort. It was several years old though and might not be inhabited any more.
Rhizome thought it might be a good idea to explore and all except Ozy followed. As we started down the gentle slope, it began to become slick and steeper. Soon we lost our footing and slide down the entire length. We landed in what we could only guess was a portion of the Underdark. Almost immediately we were set upon by undead evils. They had enormous power and challenged the men greatly. Brisbane and I did our best to stay concealed and healed as we could.
Eventually we made our way to a large door barring the path. It was heavily trapped and locked. Spent and exhausted and too uncomfortable to rest near so many undead, we were at a loss as to what to do. Rhizome and I decided to scout backwards for a safer place to rest and gather our thoughts. Before we found such a place a small group of deadly Slaads and a party of Drow ambushed us. Rhizome fought well, but was so exhausted from the previous battles he fell before me. I had been doing me best to stay out of sight, but a Drow assassin spotted me and ended me right there.
The gods took pity on both of us and we woke in Arabel, though at first I thought I had landed on some level of hell. Both of us were shaken and wanted to be as far from there as possible. We took the next ship to Lorindar and walked home to Rhizome's house. We stayed up late talking and then held each other as we fell asleep.


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2005, 09:45:00 am »
*Early in the morning in the rolling hills outside the city of Arabel on Xantril*

The green priest wears his mental agitation like a scratchy wool coat. His young lover gives him a supportive hug and asks if anything is wrong. A kind smile spreads across his face as he assures her it will be, but first he must speak with the high druid alone. Hearing this, I give my love's hand a squeeze and release him. He and the green priest walk to the other side of the small glen where they can talk privately.

I see the priest show my elf a piece of parchment and a discussion ensues. They speak for sometime, my curiosity peaking. At last, the green robed figure comes back towards us and beckons his lover to join them. I receive no invitation from my love and begin to worry. She leaves me alone with the Wolfswood Ranger, who up until now has been fairly quiet. He mentions it may have something to do with a recent attack, though he is unsure why so much secrecy and privacy would be required.

I watch as the three discuss the paper and then the high druid takes the young druid in an embrace. The priest watches, standing close and I can see their mouths working, yet they are too far to make out the words. Dawn breaks and the sun slowly rises as the trio stands there taking turns holding each other.

After what can only be called an eternity as my mind can measure it, the group walked back over to join the ranger and me. My elven love is beaming with happiness and his smile washes the worry from my face. He walks over and embraces me. His ropey muscles feel taught against my skin as he squeezes me tightly. His hot breath releases a whisper in my ear, "It's true." He pulls back and after a quick look to the young druid, he looks me in the eye. "The other night, at the lake, what we discussed as possibilities? It is true."

The high druid releases me and I wrap my arm around his lower back. I turn my head to my friend, my eyes beaming with excitement, "I'm so happy for you. This is excellent news." She returns the smile, holding back tears of joy.

My love pulls me a little closer and whispers under his breath, "Now what?"

I look into his eyes with an inquisitive gaze and he continues softly, "How am I to be a good father?"


RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2005, 07:28:00 am »
*Rhizome finds a letter neatly folded in his lap when he wakes from his meditative state. Amelia is on the other side of Fort Miritix, gathering some berries and keeping herself busy. The pages are damp and the ink is smudged in places, likely from tears she could not keep away.*

My Dearest Rhizome,

I could not sleep well last night and had to release my thoughts before they left me.

I believe the drow are anxious. There is a way to foil their plan and they came to us last night in an attempt to force our hand before we were ready. I have several ideas, but some of them are extremely dangerous and not without risk.

The drow are working closely with their gods and this champion Navaree. The safest course of action for us, but also one of the longest to implement, would be to petition Aeridin himself. Plen and Brisbane could do the same of Katia. I would recommend fasting and meditating for several days straight in an attempt to reach them and ask for their devine help.

If this does not work, there are other courses of action with far more risk, but I lay them out now as possibilities. We do not know how exactly this poison works nor how deeply it is intertwined with our being, but could it not be cleansed through a complete rebirth of the body? I would suggest either allowing myself to die or outright killing myself and rather than raise or resurect me, allow the gods to choose my fate and see if I return free of the poison.

Similar to that course of action, but in a more active role, I would suggest gathering all those that have been poisoned and their loved ones. In a single act, all those poisoned could commit a mass suicide and in death, seek out and petition the Soul Mother herself for help in removing this blight. If successful, then it would then fall on your and the others like Plen to finish the job. If it succeeds, I do not beleive the Soul Mother would intervine twice. You would have to strike at Navaree and destroy him before he had a chance to inflict others with this poison.

None of these things are pleasant to think of, but I believe there must be some course of action available to save myself and our friends. Please think on what I have written and come to me when you are ready to discuss.

Always with love,



RE: The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2005, 06:39:00 pm »
I have studied here at North Point for several years now. The temple has welcomed me and I feel both at home and at peace. I know the war rages on in the rest of the world. Many reports have come through from the boats that dock at the port. I have heard Roldem has fallen, but I can't bring myself to leave North Point and rejoin the fight.
Perhaps my life is best used here at the temple in service to Aeridin.

