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Author Topic: The Hunter and the Hunted - Alden Pickett  (Read 69 times)


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    The Hunter and the Hunted - Alden Pickett
    « on: January 07, 2007, 11:18:28 pm »
    *Tucked into the front cover of the book is a pile of paper scraps. Notes on the paper scraps all seem to concern Alden and his mother in hiding when he was young.*
      'Salore and Huron Fort - Nothing. I can only assume she went west from Luck.'
      'Luck - Not very much. A tavern was attacked several years ago... Perhaps my father's men.'
      'Pasel - A disgustingly dirty man briefly remembers an attractive woman and a small child staying at his inn some time ago. No direction.'
      'Spellgard - Tavern owner "nearly" recognises my face.'
      'Kronar - A thief remembers my face well. He gave my mother a place to stay. She headed east when she left.'
      'Fort Hope - Nothing, although a man ran when he saw me. Suspected to be one of father's hunters.'
      'Center - Two tavern owners remember us, and one has a payment slip as proof. This is my only hard evidence so far... They say we headed to Fort Hope.


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      Hlint notes
      « Reply #1 on: January 07, 2007, 11:20:19 pm »
      Hlint  This journal means I can write more extensive notes on my location.  This town looks just as boring and useless as the last. It consists of a single tavern, two or three small stores, a crafthouse, a bank, and a few scattered homes. Not exactly a well of information, hm?  It seems that this town is a regular gathering point for adventurers, and this is where I plan to get most of my information. Hopefully I'll find something useful.  On another note, I have found a few simple tasks to keep me interested. Rats, goblins, that sort. Simple stuff.  I met a young man called Roman. He's a cleric. He has joined me, and his healing spells are useful.  I've sat at the tavern for a few nights on end now. So far there's been nothing worth recording. The tavern owner doesn't remember my mother or myself, so perhaps we stayed somewhere else.