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Author Topic: The Green Ranger  (Read 187 times)

Guardian 452

The Green Ranger
« on: October 13, 2005, 05:44:00 am »
Enzo walks across Rangers Vale towards his home his left arm down at his side in an odd position hardly moves. He reaches across his body with his right arm to open the door and goes inside.

Once inside he finds his way to the nearest mirror. He takes off his cobalt reinforced shirt in a very awkward manor hardly using his left arm. Once the shirt is removed a wet bright crimson patch on his undershirt reveals the reason he isnt using his left arm much. Removing the blood stained undershirt Enzo turns and looks to see a small piece of bone protruding from his side.... a rib has been broken.

He stands there looking himself over in the mirror, and of all things a smile emerges on his face as he simply says....

"........She got me good.........."

his smile becomes his all to famous half grin

He stands there for what seems like hours looking at his side, his smile never faultering.

Eventually he draws a hot mineral bath, then bandages the broken rib as best he can.

He gets dressed, he kisses a sound asleep Ly'Sylria on the forhead and slips back out the door.

Guardian 452

RE: The Green Ranger
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2005, 01:53:00 pm »
*we find Enzo and Ly in the Seilwoods, Rangers Vale*

As Ly'Sylria and Enzo hold each other in a loving embrace Enzo winces and glances down at his side.... his bandages have loosened and blood has seeped out and is soaking into his clothes

Ly looks down and insists on helping, Enzo takes off his shirt and she places her hand over the broken rib. She utters a prayer in elven and uses her druadic powers to try and close the wound.

Ly stated that she was going to meditate over some recent events there in the grove and Enzo headed for his home there in the Vale.

Enzo got only a few steps when he felt something tear on his left side.... a sharp stabbing pain.....the wound had re opened. He glanced back and Ly did not see him wince in pain.... He choose not to interupt her meditations and he continued towards home.

As he reached for the front door he mutters to himself....
The pain isn't going away that easy for her...... why should you get off so easily?

Enzo drew another mineral bath, re bandaged his wound and went to bed to get some rest.


Guardian 452

The Green Ranger - A call to the Corps
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2005, 09:39:00 pm »
*Enzo sits in a secluded grove in the Wolfswood Forest, he takes out a small journal and writes*

Roldem destoryed.... No sooner than I heard those words from Luna... a raven landed on my sholder and said I have been summoned. I left Hlint and made haste to the Wolfswood Forest. The ranger on partol met me atop the lookout tower.

[big]*snaps a salute* Sir!, you have heard about Roldem?[/big]

As I started to say I had, he told me that the Colonel (2nd in command of the entire w'wood corps) had been killled in the attack, and that I was appointed as his replacement.

My jaw nearly struck the wooden platform we stood on.

He asked what my orders were.... the lieutenant must have thought me daft for I stood there with a blank expression for the better part of a minute..... He said the Captain (1st in Command) was following up on something pertaining to Milara, and that I was to take charge of the Corps and give them their orders.

I asked him what amount of forces struck Roldem.... he said to the best information they had 100 ships maybe more. and thousands of troops.

He went on to say Roldems naval fleet had been desimated....

Mistone and Dregar did not come to aid, and the Ranger said perhaps that was for the best for combined Dregar and Mistone did not have a fleet large enough to combat Bloods.

Again the young Lieutenant asked for my orders. I asked him how many men could be spared to aid in the defense of Mistone and Dregar.... his answer I pretty much knew already.... [big]None Sir.[/big]

I told them to continue to protect the Wolfswoods as they had before. And to keep me informed of any large enemy troop movements on Rilara.

I asked the Lieutenant what the Colonel was doing on Dregar and he said no one knew..... well some one knows.... and I guess It's up to me to find that out.

He also told me that Raven has become rather week and that a new driud would be needed soon to combat what was comming. Raven has become too weak to handle such a role..... perhaps that was why she was very insistant that I send Rhizome to see her as soon as I could find him.

I've no clue how a new druid is found and apointed to a forest.... But I know who does... so seeking Rhizome out has become priority one.... I saw him recently as we fought side by side to help decrease the strength of Shaddison.... But I was not able to tell him to see Raven that day.

I visited Raven after giving the Lieutenant his orders. No sooner than I stepped thru the door I could she that she was having trouble even standing. Though she did her best to try and hide it. I was unsure about asking her about a replacement Druid. I shared with her the news of the Colonels death, and of my newly apointed rank as Second in Command of the Entire Wolfswood Ranger Corps.

[big]I am happy to hear you are the replacement Enzo. You will do well.......Defend Wolfswood and aid in the defense with Rilara *pause* Whatever it takes. *she smiles brightly at Enzo* Defend us well Enzo. You are the best I have ever seen. [/big]

I told her I would do all I could ..... whatever it took.

I thought to myself, If that means getting a new druid in place even if she says she is fine.... I will do so.

*he snaps his journal shut*

Now to find Rhizome and get things movin'

*he slips into the dense forest and vanishes*


Guardian 452

The Green Ranger
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2005, 11:28:00 pm »
*this note is handed to each of the members of the Wolfswood Ranger Corps as they check in at the main Headquarters*

[big]Rhizome is now the High Druid of Mistone, Rilara and the Dragon Isles.

We all owe him our allegance, and we all owe Raven our gratitude for her service to the Corps. You would do wise to visit her and let her know how much her work has meant to the corps.

Enzo Reynolt

Commander of the Wood



Guardian 452

RE: The Green Ranger
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2006, 05:44:32 pm »

*A letter handed out to all members of the Wolfswood Ranger Corps*

[big]You are to record in detail and report any activity within our woods that you beleive has any ties to Milara. No matter how small it may seem.

Please report your findings directly to 2nd Lieutenant William Mensor.

That is all

Enzo Reynolt

Commander of the Wood



Guardian 452

RE: The Green Ranger
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2006, 03:48:33 pm »

*A new letter handed out to all members of the Wolfswood Ranger Corps*

[big]You are to record in detail and report any odd spider activity within our woods.

Bring your findings directly to myself, when time allows.

Enzo Reynolt

Commander of the Wood



Guardian 452

Re: The Green Ranger
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2006, 11:01:29 pm »

*Enzo walks over to Thomas (his store clerk) who is working on sales slips from the previous day*

Master Enzo, that was a rather lengthy tour of your place you gave that madam in the stunning, and hmm... revealing blue outfit yesterday. For I saw her leave just this morning.... *Thomas gives Enzo a grin and wink*

*Enzo grins back, a smile and a bounce to his step that has been absent for many years*  Aye, it was was indeed

I did not catch the young lasses name....*Thomas trails off expecting Enzo fill in*

*Enzo walks over to his training center, to do his usuall morning workout* Does it really matter? *he asks looking back over his sholder*

*Thomas slightly shocked by his reply* er... no it doesn't.. I was just...

*Thomas shuffles in place a bit then goes back to his papers*

*Thomas looks up from his paperwork and observes Enzo working on his swordsmanship, Thomas has seen Enzo go thru his training routine a thousand times but today his jaw dropped seeing Enzo pull off moves that seemed impossible with a pair of blades*

*Thomas mutters to himself* Finally.... he was becomming such a depressed grouch lately.


Guardian 452

RE: The Green Ranger
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2006, 05:48:37 pm »

*Found on a page inside Enzo's journal*

This Storm has the power to create, and the power to destroy, gentle one minute, deadly the next. She shows no love or remorse for what is left in her wake. In the path of her chaos lives may be destroyed and homes might break. But it’s a chance I am ready to take.

Her lightning flashes blinding me to all but her light. Yet she has opened my eyes to things that were only a fantasy in my mind. The thunder rolls in my head and I can’t think clearly. But I don’t care anymore.

I could turn from this storm and run. No, it’s too late… the drops have begun. The raindrops hit me, so cold and random. Though I feel warmth in there touch that I will not abandon. If I try and weather this storm I may loose everything. So why can’t I turn away from it? I plant my feet firm and bare its brunt. This is my choice lady of the storm. I give myself to you… to create or destroy. To love or hate… to despise or enjoy!

This storm is what I am after…. Will it be beautiful? or just a beautiful disaster?


Guardian 452

RE: The Green Ranger
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2006, 08:01:39 pm »

*written in Enzo's Journal*

I swear I could sense something was up as soon as Postmaster Vale handed me the letter from her. I read it, she asked me to come to the Mists Temple and see her as soon as I could. So Strider [small](Enzo's Horse)[/small] and I made haste to Leilon.

After I tied up Strider and took the small boat out to the temple I saw here sitting in her favorite spot... looking out over the sea, taking in the chaos of it all as she always did... the ship wreckage, the sea chruning, the thunder and the lightning and the rain... always the rain. But something was different I knew it when she turned to look at me. I could see fear swirling in here eyes.... I sat close to her and with hardly a word spoken she took my hand and placed it to her belly... I must have seemed such a fool for I did not know what she was trying to tell me. But she said... you're a cleric use your divine skills and sense it.... Now I'll admit my divine link to Folian is still very limited.... but I did and .....
*there is a large ink blot on the page where he left the pen sit too long*.... I could feel it... life within her belly... life we created together!!

I could see she was scared....I was too!! We both knew though that if it happened it was meant to happen just as our meeting that day on the small island on the other side of Leilon. Neither of us has had a single regret since that day.

She told me the child would carry my name....
*another large ink blob*.... I asked her... So the child will carry the Reynolt name... but you will not? I asked her to marry me........*ink blob*.....She said no..... at least not yet. She would wear a ring to signify she was spoken for, but she would not marry yet. She needed more time to pray to Mist and see if she has room in her heart for another beside her god. I've never once pressured her to make a choise... and I wasnt about to start now... so I accepted her word.

She is going to move into the Stump with me soon though. I am very pleased about that. In time, perhaps things will change, but it matters not. I am done focusing on the future... She has taught me to live in the moment... and that is exactly what I am going to do!


Guardian 452

RE: The Green Ranger
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2006, 03:31:28 pm »
*written in Enzo's journal*

Muireann said those three words she feared saying.... she cried them out as we spent the night on a small island on Rilara. She was scared to say it I think, and once she reached a point that she wasn't thinking about being scared anymore she could say it.... I Love You.

Muireann is showing now... The baby should be here in a few months. I felt it move!! It was an amazing thing to feel a new life inside of her. We talked about the birth and who we would like to have there in case of any trouble with the delivery. We agreed that she would ask for aid from Mists temple, and that I would send word to Rhizome as well. I was almost moved to tears when I wrote him asking if he would attend the birth of our child. I hope he is able to be there.

We've picked the names. Moira Derry Reynolt for a girl and, Myrddyn Delaney Reynlot for a boy. I really don't care one way or the other... girl or boy. I just pray for a healthy and happy child.

Soon I will be making the ring I promised I'd give her, as she said, to show she was spoken for. This will be the first ring I've ever made... seems rather fitting that it be one so special. I hope she likes the other ring I bought from Aralin too.

Father is excited... he's been asking me when he would get a grandchild for quite a few years now. He just wants to spoil them rotten, like all grandparents do.

*Enzo puts his quill away, gets up from his desk and goes back to bed. He lays next to Muireann watching her sleep for what seems an eternity before he drifts off to sleep himself*


Guardian 452

RE: The Green Ranger
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2006, 07:09:52 am »
We find Enzo walking about the bedroom carrying a restless Myrddyn around the room. He walks with him untill he calms down, then lays him in his cradle. On his way back to bed he glances to his desk seeing his journal with a thin layer of dust over it. He grins and walks over, dusts it off and sits to write*

Time flies doesn't it? It's been over 3 months since Myrddyn was born. He is getting bigger every day I swear. I'm so amazed by this miracle that's been given to Muireann and I. I've spend hours on end just watching this little life that we've created together. He has her eyes... I can see the same blue swirl in his that I do in hers. Father stops by every few days to visit and help watch Myrddyn, He is so happy to finally be a Grandfather. Even Thomas has been helping out watching Myrddyn for us. I never knew he was so good with infants. Muir and I spoke of having more children, we both agreed that it would be good to have another sometime, [big]*he grins as he writes*[/big] or at the very least keep trying to.

We've had a run of strange and troubling events down in the Wolfswoods of late. Two men were lost while on routine patrol out near Ravens place.... their bodies appeared within the Grove of Illusions a few days later. They were badly mauled, each looked like animals did it but different ones. The nymph there has been less than helpfull with saying what happened.
[big]*he shudders thinking back to the week of love making inside her tree many years ago and how his friends said he was lucky to be alive, a small grim emerges*[/big] We dispatched one of our Elites to the matter, Daniel Stevens... one of the best trackers we have. We began to worry when he was a couple days late to report his findings... I was about to look into the matter myself when Rodlin showed up at headquarters... He mentioned hearing the town crier say the Corps was looking for new members and he had come to see about joining up. I was pleased to hear that, I've worked with Rodlin a few times before and was always fairly impressed with his skills. I told him about the string of events that were starting to unfold. He offered to help and I accpeted with the catch that I was going with him.... He didn't think much of that, he said I was too valuable to the Corps. I told him that I was no more valuable than our past Commander of the Wood, and I motioned to the statue of him close by. I said that I had plenty to live for including a new son, which I guess he didnt know about yet. I said I wouldnt have made this offer if I didnt have faith in Roldin acomplishing the task at hand.

Just as we were to leave a Lieutenant stopped me and said the Nymph sends word to pick up another from her grove..... my heart just sunk... it was Daniel... I could feel it, and if one of our best had been killed, I was begenning to wonder if Roldin and I would share the same fate. The two of us set out... along the way to the Grove of Illusions we noticed animals both predator and prey were acting out of sorts... they all seemed to have a hightened state of awareness to them. We noticed the giants that live near the grove had also been attacked by animals recently. Once we entered the grove the feelings continues to increase in strength... The animals there in the grove seemed to be acting with a much hither intellegence than normal. Daniels body lie on the ground, He was one of the best trackers I've ever seen, how could this have happened? That nymph.... I did't even look at her this time... I stayed back and let Rodlin speak with her. He did well resisting her. She wasn't much help really, after a bit we headed to speak with Raven, though we took a new path following the blood trail left when Daniel was dragged to the grove. We encountered more animals on the way... a bear that had grown to nearly the size of a Dire one... it acted like no animal I've seen it thought about its actions before doing them almost like a human. We slipped past it and the other bears and continued to Ravens.

As we neared Ravens, Rodlin spied a black mushroom sticking out from the forest floor, this was something new. I took one and examined it as well, the feelings when I held it were very odd... I was strangely attracted to it, yet I could feel a negative energy in it... something that I and Folian didn't like. Rodlin believed these mushroom to be the source of the problem with all the animals within the Wolfswoods. He put a piece of one in his bag, and I sealed a piece of one in a glass bottle, corking it up tight. When we got closer to Ravens the place was thick with these black mushrooms... and the animals there were moving about as if on patrol, like they were guarding something near by. We entered Ravens house and she seemed to be very weak, much more so than I had seen her before. After talking a bit we told her of the mushrooms and I went to show her the one I sealed in the bottle.... but as I extended it towards her she begain to cough and it was clear to see these things were affecting her making her weaker yet. I put it away and we said the two of us were goin to see about getting these things removed from our forest.


// To be continued Saturday


Guardian 452

RE: The Green Ranger
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2006, 07:53:25 am »
// conclusion

We stepped out Ravens door and made our way to an alter we saw far in the distance when we first passed by to see her. The closer we got to it we could both tell it just felt wrong, It's hard to put this feeling into words, it was as if Folian himself was saying he was completly against the divine energy we felt emerging from this alter. We could see that these foriegn mushrooms were gaining life thru this statue. Now, we had to figure out how to destory it. It did'tt look like we could bash it into rubble. So we pondered what might do it. Rodlin and I remembered how sacred the acorn of an Oak tree was [small](natural 20 on my Lore roll  WooHoo!!)[/small]. It seemed silly to toss acorns at this alter, so we crept back and spoke to Raven about it. She said that it might work, but we would need an acorn that was blessed by a cleric who's god would be against the energy comming from the alter. I said it felt to me that Folian was completly against it... she said that I may be able to put the propper blessing on this acorn, and she instructed me to dip it into the waters of her pond just outside and bless it while praying to Folian.

I held the acorn in my hand and lowered it into the water and said a prayer to Folian, and blessed it. I pulled my hand from the water and could see a green intense light shining thru my fingers... it appeared the blessing worked! Then from nowhere a voice proclaimed that we should remove that acorn from this forest immediatly.... as I looked up a woman stood before Roldin and I.... She said that this forest and soon the world would be changed so make all those who use and abuse nature pay. She sounded to us like a radical druid... it reminded me of when I saw the Dark Father many years ago. After listening to her spew nonsense a while we made our way to the alter and she attacked us.... I had not prepared for the fight that was now upon us, but I planed my feet firm and took on this witch. I WAS NOT going to fall to her... Rodlin did well but she nearly cut him down once... so he fell back and riddled her with arrows while my Wolfswood Ranger Blade clashed with her acidic scimitar. The battle lasted quite a while, and I was bleeding badly, but she fell to our un yeilding defense of what we beleived was right. I looked over her body as she lie lifeless at our feet and I noticed a symbol gripped tightly in her hand, it was very similar to that of the Great Oak, but it had been charred and blacked, further sign that she served the Dark Father.

We made our way to the alter and managed to calm a wolf that appearaed to be leading all those defending the alter. We spoke to it and managed to convince it to stop the other animals from attacking us as we tried to help them. With the animals no longer a problem we walked up to the alter and I carefully placed the blessed acorn on it. With a burst of light and energy the solid slab top cracked and the entire alter crumbled away.... within just a few seconds the nearly waist high mushrooms near by began to wither rapidly and after a short amount of time they were gone... The air was filled with the cries of animals who seemed to feel releived. Then a piercing and violent howl rang out... Both Rodlin and I could hear it was a cry fro vengance from some type of wolf like creature... so we both sprinted to Ravens, Rodlin ran inside and made sure she was alright as I kept watch outside... then I saw the beast charging thru the woods, I whistled loudly for Rodlin, and as he came out we barred Ravens door tightly. When it got close it appeared to be like a Worg, but almost twice the size of any I have seen before... I could see their would be no reasoning with this beast as it lunged at us baring its teeth. Rodlin even tried to cast a holding spell on it twice and it never even flinched in its charge. We both held our ground and destroyed the beast. With its death the we could sense the forests relief... it was truly over.

We went back inside and spoke with Raven about it, I told her about the symbol the woman carried and she said it too sounded like a symbol of the Dark Father. After we finished talking I took Rodlin back to Headquarters I spoke with one of my officers explaining what happened, and that Rodlin and I resolved the issue. I presented Rodlin with the choice of becoming a member of the Wolfswood Ranger Corps. He accepted and I handed him his duty blade, and bow, and our banner. I was very inpressed with how Rodlin handled himself on this mission... and I truly beleive he will be an asset to the corps. He was given the starting rank of 2nd Lieutenant, but I feel confident that with the skills he posses he will rise up thru the ranks steadily, hopefully to become an Elite one day.


Guardian 452

RE: The Green Ranger
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2006, 11:53:44 am »
*After putting Myrddyn to bed Enzo passes his desk and notices his journal peeking out from beneath a stack of papers, it's just a book but it somehow has a look of neglect to it with the way lays burried on his desk. Enzo moves the papers aside and reads his last few entries before sitting and dipping his pen into a nearby inkwell he glances back at Muir, sound asleep in the bed and smiles as he turns back to begin to write*

Myr is nearly 2 and a half now.... gods where is the time going? I see why Plen was trying so long ago to master that TimeStop spell.... I could sure use it to get caught up these days.

Muir is carrying our second child now....
[/i]*he sighs and grins slightly* by the time I write next he or she may be walking... *sighs again*

Myrddyn is very excited at the idea of having a younger sister of brother. I was a bit nervous that he would become jealous of the attention the new baby is going to get over him.... but time will tell how he handles it.

Muir has picked up a hobby and has taken to scribing... it pleases me greatly to see her enjoying herself and what she can acomplish with her skills. And I don't mind gathering the things she needs, since I'm traveling so much anyway.... might as well pick up some garlic here, honey there, and some spider silk etc.

Father is talking about staying for extended periods of time again once the baby arrives.... between him and Thomas they have helped Muir and I more than we can ever repay them. Nor would either of them ask for payment... Thomas really loves children, and Father loves spending time with his Grandchildren... even though he does drop the occasional hint about when I'm gonna make them their first bow... The look on Muir's face when he asks is just priceless too. I think he only asks anymore just to tease her.
*He pauses his writing a moment and chuckes softly.*

*Enzo takes out a small rolled parchment tied with a dark blue ribbon he takes a moment to read it....
Oh Love
What power there was in that embrace
That has left me in union with you today
Who could ever have foreseen all that has grown
From a kiss, one spring evening
The grasp that was so firm and special
Like a hammer in my fist
The moon that was so bright
And promised so much
We were like sailing ships
On the young, yellow ocean of the heart
Oh Love
What power there was in that embrace
That has left me in union with you today
Who could ever have foreseen all that has grown
From a kiss, one spring evening
So where do the stars come from, I said
From where did the sun appear
We are so wounded below this moon
Souls tortured beyond hell itself
Still you keep bringing inspiration to my years
With blessings beyond my need
Oh Love
What power there was in that embrace
That has left me in union with you today
Who could ever have foreseen all that has grown
From a kiss, one spring evening

*He lays the sparchemnt out flat and tucks it into his journal laying the dark blue ribbon over it and draping out the top of the journal... he glances back over his sholder and sees Muir sitting upright in bed, unsure how long she as been awake and watching him he smiles and sets his pen back in the inkwell and slowly closes his journal*

*She smiles softly at him as she speaks* ... Come to bed, I want to feel you

*Enzo smiles and eases into bed holding her close, his hands resting on her tummy... he grins as he feels the baby moving beneath his touch. He kisses her softly*... I love you Muir.....

*she gently returns his kiss, nodding slightly*

*they remian close together as they drift off to sleep*


Guardian 452

RE: The Green Ranger
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2007, 10:46:20 pm »
(this scene takes place in Enzo's shop/house in the Rangers Vale)

As Enzo comes out from the back rooms of his house/shop and Thomas hands him a letter. Thomas recognised the symbol pressed into the wax of the letter.... it was that of Lord Rodor of Haven Castle.

Enzo causually grabs the letter and breaks the seal... he reads it. Then as if someone struck him with a bolt of lightning the letter falls from his hands and he storms out the front door of his house.... Thomas is left standing there unsure what the letter said as he hears Enzo leap onto his trusty horse Strider and tear off thru the forest in the direction of Haven Castle.

Thomas walks over and slowly picks the letter up off the floor.... he reads it to himslef...


To Enzo Reynolt,

    It is my unfortunate duty, on behalf of Lord Rodor, to inform you that Priestess Muireann has been gravely injured while protecting the people of Haven.  In gratitude for her service, his Lordship has his personal healer tending to her.  I am told that it will take several days for the magics to have full effect but Miss Muireann requested that you be notified immediately.  Once she has recovered I will see that she is escorted home, immediately, via carriage.

    Lady Delia, Attendant to his Lordship, Lord Rodor of Haven Castle

*below it is signed by both Lady Delia and Lord Rodor.  Lord Rodor's signature is, of course, larger and a bit more flamboyant*

Thomas sighs heavily.... as he puts the letter away and sends word to Wellman (Enzo's father) to come to the house as soon as possible.... Thomas goes into the back room of the house and tends to Moira and Myrddyn.


