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Author Topic: The Hammerfist Journal  (Read 66 times)

Heinz Rondorf

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The Hammerfist Journal
« on: March 06, 2008, 10:58:35 pm »
This be me first journal writing.

Me make a good livin by killin giants. Me not like giants so me must kill dem. Nothin makes me happier than there blood on me axe.

Enough of dat though. Me be travelin with a few peoples. One of dem me know as Balthazar Woll, he takes me on to kill some of dem giants a few times. Me also have made friends, or me so thinks, with a Mage that rides a black horse. He be a powerful mage and he be takin me to kill giants as well. In exchange for me comin along, I just have to mine some minerals for em. Not much of a payback, but it be makin em happy. This mage has never told me his name, but it does not worry me. He is very kind to me. He knows nothin makes me happier than to be seeing me enemies blood on me axe.