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Author Topic: Path to darkness  (Read 255 times)


Path to darkness
« on: April 05, 2007, 12:28:44 pm »
Be'min was frightened, belay that he was terrified.  The old malice toward his pale kin of the surface had brought many war parties to what he thought of as his wood.  With them, humans and Darthir had come as well.  There were less and less places to hide from either group and that is what troubled him.  
 Gnawing on a haunch of raw pork, leftovers from a dire spider's feast, he contemplated his next move.  Flee or betray, he wondered.  The signs were there, the dark master of his mistress had left markings for a gathering, but having feasted on hate for so long in the deep, Be'min wasn't sure if he could stand to sup on more.  The golden fools had come, the animals fled from them, yet they had not overhunted or killed as they usually did, instead they brought their own supplies and had set up a camp, leaving the ranging to those with sharp eyes and ears.  This frightened him too.   Yet in the recesses of his mind, he knew he would find no mercy with his dark kin and should look for honor in the surfacers.  If such a thing was to be found, the golden fools of the Dragon would have it.  Perhaps if they found him he would betray, he wasn't sure.  
 Tossing aside the remains of his meal, he took up his katana , oblivious to the rust on its edge and on his armor or the debris in his white locks, he became the hunter once more, his eyes glowing red as he stalked his eight legged prey.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Path to darkness
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2007, 11:55:33 am »
Beilidel , sitting next to the river in a nearby fort, is talking to a man; "we are all slaves, for we are followers, don't-cha know?"
Ben, sitting next to her, is having a seemingly deep conversation "No, but you know something.."
*Beil looks up* yes?
"I found this" *shows her a piece of bone white parchment* in a book I was reading. Can you make out these runes? The say seek the dark sun or something similar.. know what that means?
*She squints at it* eh... they look *grins* familiar *looks around quickly* yes... dark suns...
Ben leans over whispering" But what does it mean?"
*giggles* wanna find out?
Ben, still whispering: "my whole adult life, I have been seeking..power." Beil, whispering now also: "power... is living... but, I can bring you to the black sun, if you wish"
"I feel it when I stick someone and twist the blade and their life fades in front of my eyes.. Do you know what I mean?"
*giggles* oh, yes... I kill.. I feel blood run around my hands.. through my fingers.. I am an instrument of death... *nods*
but you traveled with my brother.
*Beil sits back, fluttering here eyelashes before leaning in again "what more is there to life. oh yes,... he killed more than I, but in the name of good. I did it to kill.."
"Don't lie to me! Ever *he snarls*
"lie?" *Beil grins* "I do not lie"
"Tell me.. who do you follow.. NOW!"
Beil grins while slowly getting to her feet* "come"

Benjamin recalls that day and reflects.  I followed her into the mountains and it was like following a demon into hell.  We entered a place that shrieks of evil and despair.  The sights I saw and the words spoken in that place.. shudders*  I don't want to remember, but I must.  I made a promise to a dark power. One I will keep in exchange for..power.  The power to take life and profit from it!  I don't know what happens next, but I know if any of the guild finds out I'm in deep trouble.  They would smirks* disapprove of my involvement.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Path to darkness
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 04:28:34 pm »
I was approached by a man today while practicing Alchemy at the Hall of the weave in Hempstead.  Approached may be too lax of a word, he appeared in front on me like some jack in the box toy by fool brother Dan used to play with.  Bugger seriously disrupted my calm, but then told me he'd been following me since I left the sewers and that he thought I did a fair job evading the rats down there and could I do the same for Humans?  I asked him outright if this was a job offer in the cant, he said maybe, but it was more of a permanent position.  

He said others had been tried, but had failed and so wouldn't be asked again.  He asked me what he should call me.  After a few moments I replied with a smirk - surly I told him.  He left suddenly after that leaving a note half stuffed into my ox pack.. it was a map to a spot close to the Thorn River.  I destroyed the map with an acid flask and mentally noted the location.  I've scouted it out.  

The only real structure of note is the wizard's tower and maybe Farmer parts.  I didn't see any other people there.  I'll return another time and check again later.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Path to darkness
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2007, 11:36:28 am »
That sneaky bugger left a note in my pack this time!  Said I was to make my way to the location I had scouted out earlier.  

Upon my arrival a cloaked and hood figure approached me and offered a list and a warning.  "If you do this, your reputation as a law abiding citizen is done."  

I had to smirk at that and replied, "Like I care."

"Don't get caught, my operatives will be following your progress.  Also, don't read the list until back at Hempstead."

"Right," I replied grinning crookedly, "whatever you say."

Upon returning to Hempstead I tore open the letter.  Procure an iron dagger, short sword, and three malar skins it read.  "Nothing in this life is easy ." I told myself, tucking the note away.  "Time to earn someone's favor it seems."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Path to darkness
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2007, 08:18:51 pm »
Curse him to the hells!  Turn against my own family?  I couldn't do it, no matter the reward.  Was I suppose to be the inside man?  To rob my own guild?  *shakes his head, then stops and grins crookedly* Besides, I've got 20,000 jink in the bank now, more than double what he promised the thief we caught.  Just have to be on my toes now, I'm a marked man.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Path to darkness
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2007, 12:25:01 pm »
No sign of trouble lately, well not the murdering kind.  Tar and I; however, *chuckles to himself thinking about chicken feed, feathers, and a kiss in the Scamps mug*.  I've been going soft, gods curse it, but maybe..*thinks about the look in the Rofie Paladins eyes and sighs softly*  I'll have to give up some of my ways, maybe, or *smirks* get better at covering my tracks.  *seems to think seriously about something* Maybe Tar can give me some lesson on how to carry a shield and fight better.  I'll ask her after I hear her answer to my first question. *rushes off to find Ferrit to see if a certain ring he's paid dear jink for is ready yet*.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Path to darkness
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2007, 09:12:28 am »
I'm either cursed or blessed, not sure yet.  Tariana said yes! She'll marry me, but there's a catch, there's always a gods cursed catch.  She drug it out of me, the whole story of my brother, Stephen's death and possible murder, but that stuffed shirt, Reus, he gave me an idea when we went to see him.  I think now that it wasn't my knockout blow that killed Stephen, but someone else, so Tar and I are investigating and we start with my brother's body, which conveniently is suppose to be in the crypts at Vehl.  *grumbles a bit* I hate deaders - its impossible to stick em properly.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Path to darkness
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2007, 02:29:41 pm »
*leans back by the guild door, hidden in the shadows deep in thought* Some progress finally in regards to my brother and Tariana.  I found his body, well what was left of it after the rats gnawed his bones..Interesting enough, there were even dead rats around the buggers corpse.  Whatever poison got him, its was still potent enough to kill after it took him.  I think I have an answer for his honor, Reus *snickers*   It should be enough to clear my name with those Rofie snobs anyway.    
Tar has been great, she keeps telling me to salute my opponent before combat and bunch of other honorable actions to a foe..yeah right .  Just stick em where it hurts most I tell her, but she just smiles at me and ..well I don't feel like what she's suggesting is so bad..of course in actual combat..old habits die hard.  She is helping me to fight better though..I might actually learn to handle myself decently in a toe to toe fight..if I'm ever crazy enough to try such a thing..Leave it to her to do the honorable thing..Me..I'll take the cheap shot anyway I can.  

I'm running a date by Tar for our wedding..hope it works out for her.  The soul mother just can't seem to leave Tar alone.  If only there was some way to cheat death..I wonder..
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Path to darkness
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2007, 02:50:15 pm »
Its done, She is a beauty my new bride, but she seems unresistable to the soul mother too..As I lay dying in the mountains I heard the wail..and I just Tariana had another part of her taken away.  *sighs* This is my punishment to watch all that I love fade or die..while I am left..alone. *sighs*
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Path to darkness
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2007, 01:27:04 pm »
//mods..please delete this thread.  Thank you
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde