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Author Topic: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest  (Read 1178 times)


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #100 on: May 25, 2008, 08:47:42 pm »
And he's gone.
Just like that... he packed up some meagre things... borrowed a few True from me to get a boat to Hempstead... and off he goes.
Against my better judgement, I offered him an old sword I had lying around, which he kind of just grimaced at and shook his head.
I'm glad he refused it... because it's the only help im going to give him.
Oh I mean... if he gets into trouble or something... I'll help of course... but financially and.... general "helping"... hell no. He's on his own.
Same as both me and Tegan had to do... he's on his own.

No one was around to give us a silver spoon or helping hand.

If he's gonna learn anything... he's gonna have to do it himself.


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #101 on: May 27, 2008, 05:33:52 pm »
Five years! Five sodding years I've kept my head down... been good... not getten myself embroiled in any of the usual trouble that used to plague me.
The last time I screwed up... the Goblin change. Well... this bloody pales in comparison.

Payback... catchup... interest... that's what this bloody is!

The children... the four kids.
I was ready to give up... hand myself over... just like Sala did without a moments thought.... though... I took a little longer to get to it.

Then a blur. Im not sure who it was who fired the first arrow... but I just remember being unable to take my eyes of that kid as he fell down the cliff... further and further... faster and faster.... that bandit scum just stood with that twisted smile on his face.
Time seemed to slow down as me and others raced to that tent to save the other three... I guess it did slow down... because we were way too late.
It was all we could do to race to Vehl with their bloodied bodies in our arms.

And that was bad ... but then... like always.... I dealt with it... as best I could.

Maybe's I was a little angry and... troubled by it still. Wanting payback on someone... or something.
Maybe's thats why I eventually agreed to Arwal's proposal.
Oh... I protested about breaking the Alliance sure... but in the end... I agreed... we all did, especially when it seemed we would be shifting the blame to those who were already our enemies anyway.

But for it to come out like this.... tricked... deceived.... blood on our hands, an Alliance broken and the protection of god knows how many protected Dragons thrown to the wind. Who knows how long it will be before the Cult make a move and take control of them. Hell... they could be doing it now for all I know!

And Leringard.
I couldn't bare to stay too long amidst the ash and the fires and... the dead.
I'm not stupid... I know eventually... I'll have to pay for what happened there... we all will. And I will.... gladly.
But not right now.

I've wasted no time getting on the trail of what we stole.... and I'll bloody follow it all the way. Not only to fix what we did... but to get this bloody thing off my chest... literally.
But then... I have a feeling... that both the teeth marks on my shoulder... and the symbol on my chest... no matter how much time passes... these things will never heal.


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #102 on: June 11, 2008, 04:16:27 am »
Everyone has a secret.

I don't care who they are... where they come from.. or who they pray to.

Everyone has a secret.

Beli has one.
Not sure why he kept it. I was bloody pleased for him... and about time too. I never asked just "how long" he'd been married for... not that it matters.
He'll be under the thumb now... and I hope to see some mini-Beli's running around in a few years, punching holes in doors and waving their hands at kicking.

Jaelle has one too.
The woman seems to poke her nose in everywhere, snooping out this and that. She knew something about the Mark and Leringard before we even fell in the Well... and I cant help feel she knows more.
If she knew "exactly" what we'd done and what we have to do... why offer help like that? Unless she's got a card up her sleeve or something.

Even Trouble has one.
Think's his dads a drunk. I have to admit... it hit me harder than I thought when Tegs told me.
Seems the young lads been making his mouth go on some adventures out and about... and Im not seen in the nicest of lights by him.
* he sighs miserably as he continues writing*
Not sure what to do about that. Tegs said she'd had words but... if I know Trouble... if he thinks something is as it is... takes a lot to persuade him otherwise.
Should I even try and prove Im not?

And me.
My Secrets.
Oh I got plenty. More than I like.
But sometimes... the best thing about keeping a secret... is not letting them out.
The world turns much sweeter when our friends and families dont know the dark things we've done... or the dark thing's we think about


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #103 on: June 28, 2008, 07:17:00 pm »
The further north we go.... the more I think I'm in way over my neck.

Find the Tear.
Should have been simple. Hell... it didn't seem so hard stealing it from the King of Dragons. How hard should it be stealing it back from some nutbar Cultists?
Pfft... what the hell did I know.
But I pulled out all the stops anyway.... and accompanied by the most unlikeliest of companions... an elven Sorcerer I have a minor bizzare history with... and with the most craziest of an idea I've ever brewed... which seemed plausible... we made our way into Kuhl together, taking about two weeks.

Should have been simple... make rumours up... stir discontent and shake the boat, let the elven lass poke her nose in here and there and see what's onboard.... basically lay the foundation ready for the rest of the "marked" to go in and cause some real damage.
Well the boats already shaken... hell... it's floundering... bloody sinking!

Fighting in the North of Kuhl... but with what? The tracks me and Jaelle found give me a fair idea of "with what"... but that just dont make sense! Why give control of your towns over to a group... and then march your armies north to fight them? Unless the Queen dont know it's the Cult.... or maybe the Queen aint even in control... or maybe's its like Sasha said... all a ruse.

Barely had much chance to be home as of late. Folian only knows what Tegan and Trouble have been up to these few week's I've been away... the lad came back for a little visit before I left, and Tegan's gone on a whole Ring-making quest of some kind, so I left her a pile of diamonds to play with.

Sometimes I wish I could just stay at home with them... hang up my sword... open the shop back up and forget all about this stuff....

... but then I wake with bad dreams in the night, that bloody carving on my chest burning and aching like the first day I got it.
Maybe's one day.... but not today.


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #104 on: July 05, 2008, 12:18:18 pm »
** Sall sat huddled against the wall of the cave, Tegan, to everyone's amusement, snoring softly beside him. Muireaan and Ark sat on the opposite side, all trying to dry their clothes off by the small fire, not daring to light anything larger for fear of exposure.
The small one footed deep gnome lay curled up in a ball like a child, probably finding its first night of restful sleep in years.

He eventually pulls his journal from his pack, drying the pages out as best he can and making a best attempt to scribble in it by the light of the small fire.**

I've never before felt so bloody small!

I don't even know what I'm doing here!

If we never get out of here .... if someone ends up reading this .... we just tried to do a good thing ... that's all.
Stop some slaver's ... free some slaves ....
... but to be left so far down in the Deep .... on the brink of a war ....

... its funny but... seeing the operation going on down here, knowing fine well just what effect this will have on the surface.... all the lives that will be lost ... cities probably burnt to the ground... thousands of people enslaved....

... and all I can think of or care about right now is how to get us home.

* he snaps the journal shut quietly and tucks it away, snuggling into Tegan and trying to get some sleep. But the firelight glints a moment of Arkolio's open eyes, and the two of them exchange a moments glance, each reading the silent, dread thoughts of the other. *


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #105 on: July 12, 2008, 08:49:26 pm »
* Sall lumbered along behind the small convoy of Eye Tyrants, not seeming to get comfortable for a single second with the realisation of what he was following and had agreed to do.

They were a curious creature, their bodies seemed slimy and grotesque and clumsy, but they hovered and glided so gracefully through the air, their many tentacled eyes seeming to work individually to look this way and that.
He'd seen them before of course... many times... and it was hard to shake the fact that each previous time they'd been so intent on killing him... in any way, shape or form possible.
But now to be... pretty much... conscripted!

He glanced behind him at Tegan and Ark and Muir, and at the huge caravan of hundreds of slaves trundling along in carts and processions behind them, Ark still seeming to revel in his claiming of the three girls despite their predicament.

So close! So bloody close!
He could have almost smelt the fresh air and sunshine!

There was even a moment where he didn't give a  about what was going to happen on the surface, so long as they all got home safe and sound
... so long as he could put his feet up on the couch....
... wind Tegan up till she decided to Spell him with something....
.... shave down a door or fix up someone's leaking roof...
....even enjoy chasing those bloody raccons out his rubbish bins one more time!

But instead... what do I bloody get?!?

He began mumbling and grumbling quietly to himself, keeping up with the bizzare beholders infront as they led him to... heh... Folian knows where... to do Folian knows what!*


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #106 on: July 26, 2008, 09:33:33 am »
Sall takes a deep, shuddering breath and dunks his head into the pond by Dalanthar, whipping his head back out and shaking, sending spray flying from his long black curls.
With a slight frown, he looks to Pik, the little Deep Gnome, who looks back at him and shrugs softly
" They think you be owning them sires... they be look to you for whats to do."

With an irritated mutter, he knocks over a pile of crates beside him and steps atop on, using it as a podium, waving his arms and shouting " Hush! Hush! Shut up!" a few times.

Silence descends, and a thousand eyes turn to him, making him suddenly flush and feel pathetically tiny.
The slaves stood around in various groups, though all collected together as best they could do. Various races, humans, dwarves, gnomes.... all in varying states of exhaustion.
The Dalanthar militia had been called out to keep order the second the 1000 refugee's had stumbled into town, and it was all Sall and Tegan could do to assure them they would be gone by morning. But they were told, quite bluntly, Dalanthar could not and -would- not support the hungry and thirsty mouths of 1000 refugee's at such short notice. For a hefty price, they were fed and watered that one time, but it wouldn't last.

Sall begins shouting across the noise, until he can finnaly lower his voice as the ex-slaves fall silent.

"Okay... folks... folks... FOLKS!"
*it falls even more silent*

" Okay...." *he sighs a moment and looks at Pik, before looking back to the 1000 slaves... " it's er... come to my attention... that you believe your being sent off to work, like you have so many times in the past.
Now... I admit... the way we left... it may seem like that.
But its not. Your free. Your all bloody slaves no more.
Your free... or... at least as free as anyone can be.

Now.. I know your still tired.. but we need to press on further. This town cant support you all.
This man here.... " he with a slightly begruding look as he points to Arkolio, who seems surrounded by three beautiful women, clinging to his every move, " .... is going to get you to Vehl. There... you'll be given a place to live... and if you chose... taught skills to help you ... er... well... live. If you don't want that... er.. .well... your free now... so do what the hell you want."

Sall paused. It occured to him, with so many eyes on him, he should say something clever and inspiring. He racked his brains a moment and came up with nothing, clambering down off the crate just as Ark climbed up to begin his organising.

Not a moment later, a young man in silken gowns with the stamp of Hurms guard on the shoulder came over.
" Mr Tempest... yes? I come with a message from Admiral Red Bear, requesting your presence at the earliest possibility for de-briefing."

Sall groaned a little, running a hand over his face as Tegan came up behind him, massaging his shoulders. For a moment, his eyes had indecision in them, but as the stress ebbed out his ached muscles, he smiled and reached into a pocket, pulling out a sealed letter and handing it to the Hurm guard.

" Give the Admiral this. It's all he needs to know for the moment... and get it to him quickly. Tell him I'll arrive within a week or so to fully debrief him. I er.... have things to attend to first."

Rather surprised at this, the guard took the letter gingerly, slipping it into his belt and looking at Sall.

" Very Well Mr Tempest. But... may I at least know what business keeps you away from the Admiral... so I may advise him when he asks."

Sall simply smiles and wraps an arm around Tegans waist, resting his head on her shoulder.

" Sure. Tell him... er... tell him... I've gone home."


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #107 on: August 04, 2008, 09:14:02 am »
It's always the same.... good then bad... good then bad.

After surviving the Deep, breaking the invasion and freeing the slaves... it's seemed like every day after has been the brightest, happiest of days. A trip with Tegan across Belinara made me feel like I was twenty again, we laughed and loved, and I'd never been so happy for a long time....

... until she told me of what my son's been up to. Of all the people, she was the last I thought he'd be with... especially after I warned him away. But I should have known. Tell him to do one thing, and he does another.
That at least I can understand. But Jaelle... after the help I tried to offer.... pfft... I should have seen this stab in the back a long time ago.
I feel nothing but despise for her now.... and yet, I still have to work with her.

Things had moved forward with our search for the Tear and the Cult.
I managed to purchase an audience with the Queen... and whilst it appears they actually know "less" than we did, at least it doesn't seem Kuhl is allied with the Cult like I'd first thought....

... until Jaelle revealed her intent against Bastion. The plan is fool hardy, and may push everything into a confrontation way too early. But as she said.... she has no choice. A part of me.... really doesn't care if her life is on the line... but then another part...
... well, if this attack on Bastion is going to happen regardless, I should really lend a hand. There is a way to help though.... it was as though looking in Sasha's eyes, I could read her same thoughts.
But.... would he? Would he commit to end the Cult? Or, which is more likely, would he do whatever served his own purpose?
And why the hell should it be me that asks? I'd rather not.... but at the moment, I'd rather not bloody lose either.

* he sighs a moment, scratching his neck and glancing around the empty bedroom before writing again*

I guess I'll have to. But first... a word with that son of mine.
A careful word, diplomatic word.... just incase... this word is my last.


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #108 on: August 20, 2008, 04:07:02 am »
A perfect day.


Even if I'd wanted to... how the hell could I have said no.


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #109 on: September 24, 2008, 04:51:35 am »
The Wedding went beautifully.
She turned up... so what more did I need.
And she looked beautiful... like I'd never seen her before.
Purest of white, angelic... with a smile only for me.

By Folian I have to be the luckiest man alive.

We stayed for the party, but not too long.
Said our goodbye's... kept an eye on Trouble, who seemed to be drinking a little too much for my liking... we asked that curious elf lass friend of his to keep an eye on him... and stepped through the portal to Spellgard, spending three days in the finest, most luxurious Inn in town.

Walks by the beach, fine meals in expensive restaraunts, lazy mornings and... early nights.

But word found me... as it always done... with news from Kuhl.

I was torn at the time... but I knew if I didn't go I would regret it. And Tegan understood, and made me promise we continue our honeymoon the second I got back.
I agreed... and secretly, I'd made my mind up about more than just that.

This will be the last deed I do. For Fisty's search for the Tear.... for finding and finishing the Cult... and for protecting Kuhl.

I've done more than could be asked of any one man anyway.
Time to let someone else take my place.

I have a gorgeous wife, a son whose power grows and grows, and whose name I can see being steeped in legends, and the promise of a peaceful, content life ahead... with no more chasing across kingdom's battling enemies I could never hope to defeat.

So sod it.

I'll go to Hilm... I'll hear what they have to say... and if it helps Kuhl this one last time, then I'll do it.

But once I get home... thats bloody that.


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #110 on: October 27, 2008, 05:25:41 am »
* The hand writing on this page, is unfamiliar compared to the rest of the journal, as though wrote with a shaky hand.

Even though only a few lines... the rest of the page is left blank.*

I did have a lot I needed to say.

About Jurn, the child we saved from the Slavers, who now lives with us.

About being captured by the Cult in Westgate, and Fisterion's use of me to scry the leaders.

About the Cult and Nesar, and the Fleets.

About the venture to the Deep, which, the closer it draws near, the more I realise I'll go.

But none of that is important anymore.
None of that really matters.

My son is dead.


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #111 on: November 21, 2008, 10:16:23 am »
Life... goes on. Is the saying.

Funny... I keep telling myself that over and over.
And the more I tell myself it... the more I think of Trouble... and the more it bloody pains me.

Poor Jurn.

Tormented and plagued by what happened to him and his family on that boat... having to have some Aragenite mind-block thing to stop him remembering... and finnaly... finnaly... passed to us... to be looked after and cared for.

And not five days later.... my son dies.

It's still there. I cant help but feel... it was a trade.
Trouble... for Jurn.
I think thats maybe's why... sometimes... when I look at young Jurn playing... I... I cant help it. Sometimes... I just hate him so.

But I'm trying... my best. Best as I can.
Trouble's coat is still draped across the couch. I know not to touch it... Tegans left it there for a perfectly good reason... and it pains me to know it.
Not even Jurn dares touch it.
So for now... till she's ready... there it will stay.

The Deep grows closer... and I have a horrible feeling... things are going to switch so fast. That some are gonna lose sight of our goal... maybe for their own ends.
I... I just need to remember.
I have my own ends. And... mine... are more important... than theirs.

And so... life... goes on.


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #112 on: December 16, 2008, 08:38:43 am »
* Sat quietly at the table, the quill unmoving in his hand, he listens and thinks. Sword still by his side, his hand seeming to move of its own accord every once in awhile, as though assured to know its still there.

He watches Jurn awhile, twisting and turning the wheel's of the old Lute he'd bought him, trying to get a decent note out of it, before he turns and begins scribbling

The Tear got returned. Thank bloody Folian for that.
But not before some showed their true colours.
It was pathetic to witness... and I'd truly never known such stupidity existed in those I knew and may have once called friend.
I've marked them now... in my head. Wiped anything that might have given me pause to trust them. Especially one. His betrayal and.... complete foolishness and belief in his own completely under-estimated "killing" skills got many killed that day that didn't need to.
Thankfully... I aint alone in thinking that.

But now.... we're called back to Fisterion... on the wings of some vision I keep having. Back to face off the Dragon.
And on top of that... the Shadow's keep leaping after me... and others as well. I've been warned to keep out of Hempstead or... not cause trouble there.

And before I began preparing for the trip to the Molten Isle... a letter from Gork.
I actually thought he was one I needed to watch out for. Seems not.
We struck an... unusual bargain and exchanged some information.
Although with some things... I think I can trust him... I aint stupid. That trust's only gonna go so far.
But the information was needed and... bizzare to say the least.
So I'll be keeping my eyes open.

And during all this... I'm trying to keep it all seperate from my home and family.
Time still hasn't mended the wound Trouble left when he... passed. Never will.

But I've come to let go of some of the hate I'd felt for Jurn.
The more I think on it... the more I was a bloody idiot for thinking such... even letting the fact I could be making him feel such.
The poor sod's been through more than I could imagine... and he's still just a kid. He may not remember what happened... but I'm pretty sure he knows there's something ... dark inside of him.

I took him fishing and gave him that Journal Tegs wanted me to hand him.
He hasn't touched it yet. I see him... just stood staring at the first blank page for some time.. before closing it and going to play with Argos over the road.

I'd let some things slip by me lately. I didn't think it mattered what the future holds. That Dragon army could have swept across the lands and.. at the time... I dont think I'd have cared.
Losing Trouble... the betrayal for the Tear... it made me think there weren't nothing saving anymore.

One look at Tegan in a new light on Hempstead fields, and hearing Jurn sing softly to himself in his room.... that was all it took.


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #113 on: December 20, 2008, 07:45:52 pm »
* Sall walks into the house in a foul and furious mood.
He stalks into the front room, seeing only various of Jurn's toys dotted around the carpet, but neither sight nor sound of his adopted son or wife.

He storms into a small side cupboard, flinging it open and opens a small chest at the base.

A few moments pass thoughtfully, until he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small amulet.. the Symbol of Folian, the Wolfs head carved into the centre.

He toys with a moment, muttering to himself.

"First time.. I had no choice. I could be forgiven for that.
This time... I had a choice. So.... I'm sorry."
With that he lets go of the Amulet... letting it clatter into the chest, snapping it shut and locking it with a small key.
He looks at the chest a few more moments, sadly, absently rubbing his chest... before he closes the door on it and leaves it in darkness.


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #114 on: January 15, 2009, 10:07:50 am »
* Sall fidgets on the bed, journal in his lap, stuffing the cotton wool balls into his ears as he tries to get comfortable. In the background.. a hideous din of out-of synce drumming, out of tune guitar's and a screeching din of violin's can be heard from the front room.
The sound now as muffled and drowned out as he can get it, he picks up the quill and starts scribbling.*

This is reminding me of Trouble and his ohh-to-loud music box.
No wonder Tegan suggested Freldar's for Jurns "band practicing" music night.. she knew she wouldn't be here! Her bloody Temple visit night.
Jurn and Argos got the idea of starting a band... and Tegs being Tegs... oh yeah, we have to be supportive. So the kids got a few hours training from Dredick.. the part-time bard down the road.. and we bought him his first guitar.
Bloody hells... they need some more practice! What a sodding din!

I'd have joined her at the Temple.. if it didnt feel so wrong going there and praying to Folian anymore.
Everything seems to be going backwards. Those I used to trust in things regarding the Cult.. now look at me with mistrust and disdain. Seems some only see what they wanted to see... which hit again when I spoke to Abi.
He had it in his addled mind it was "me" who attacked when we took the tear!
Me?! I had my bloody back turned to everyone... they attacked "me"!
As bizzare as it is... Tegans side comment made the most sense. The most useful person I've come across in all this Cult malarky has been Fisty.

Still.. there's some others.
There's something we could try... but it means a poweful scryer... which means Spellgard... and Storold seems to have fallen from grace there.
Still... worth a try.
Ark's got something up his sleeve too... some Ruby that summoned some dark elven necromancer. Not that he seemed to know thats what it would do... but it did.
All thats lef.....

* his scribbling comes to a stop when he looks to the bedroom door and see's Jurn stood there, looking devastated.... the guitar in his hand with one of the strings snapped and drooping uselessly to the floor.

He sighs softly, smiling, and pats the bed... where Jurn grins and leaps up onto it... bouncing with a happy smile as Sall carefully restrings the broken string to the guitar*


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #115 on: April 04, 2009, 04:43:32 am »
*Candle light flickers around the quiet house, eerie shadows dancing against the walls and bookcases as Sall sits quietly in his chair, scribbling this and that, pausing in thought with the quill in his mouth, before continuing writing in earnest.

He seals up and stamps a few letters, then places them all in one huge envelope addressed to a halfling courier service he'd used many times before.

He then drags his journal across the desk, carefully undoing its bindings and turning the the last page... the very last page of the journal... the one he had been saving for so long.

And with no seeming anger, regret or distaste at the task, he carefully, with great sweeping strokes begins the title...*

The Will and Last words of Sallaron Tempest


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #116 on: May 25, 2009, 11:04:24 pm »
* In a sealed envelope, stored with hundreds more in bookshelves and cabinets, with Trustee's from Lor*

To who it may concern,

Well here it is. Will and Testament.
This is pretty much everything I want done when I kick it.

Let me ramble a little though... cause hell... I sure didn't think I'd have anything worth handing out when I died. At least not when I started out in this life.
A kid doing small time robbings and burgalry's on the streets, to selling bags of corn and flour on Hlint's main road ... trying to pass myself off as a "useful" DragonCalled.
I had no fashion sense what-so-ever... and had to fight twice as hard just to "pretend" I was some kind of adventurer.

And hell... it might have stayed that way.
If I hadn't discovered the most powerful thing in the world.
Something that... once you have... can make you the most skilled fighter.

It can turn your sword into something from legends... your shield into a wall of bloody mithril ... and can help your thoughts and ideas become something even the smartest mage would bloody gasp at.

I am of course... talking... about friends.

So for them.
My bro... and any remaining Explorers who aint pegged it yet.
I'll put the house in Lor into Shamur's name... but its all yours.
Do what ya want with it.
Just remember to put my name on the plaque when I go.

And for Val....
.... who knows what might have been. I still wonder sometimes.
If anyone ever even finds her in that Great Forest.
Just er... give her a Lily.. and... tell her ...
... as useless as I was... I'll always be her Ranger.

And for the last....


Re: The Journal of Sallaron Tempest
« Reply #117 on: May 25, 2009, 11:23:41 pm »
... but sure as hell not the least.

If it weren't for her... I reckon I'd have pegged it a long time ago.
And probably might have looked forward to it.

She's my sun and moon... my north and south... my wind and rain.
Never thought I'd write something like that about some one in a will.. but there it is.
The day don't bloody start till I see her... and it aint worth waking up if she ain't around.
I'm sorry about Trouble ... I wish I could have been there to pull him out when he needed us. Same as you... I lost something that day.

And I'm sorry I couldn't have given you another.
But.. and you'll laugh about this now. Yeah... you were right.
You were -right- for us to adopt Jurn.
He didn't replace Trouble.. obviously not.
But he made living with his loss... worthwhile.

So for you wife.... I'm dumping everything on ya.

All the True in the bank... anything that might be mine in our house.
Its all yours.
I might owe Old man Marley down the road a few true for sneaky ales... and if grumpy Mr Wilson shows up complaining about another hole in his roof... tell him to sod off and stop walking on it.
And seriously.... if Im gone now... buy some rat poison and kill those sodding raccons that live in the trash can outside. It will save ya a -whole- lot of bother in the mornings.

If they find my body... take my swords and armour... helmet, bracers.. everything Im wearing... and drop them in a chest.
And if ever anyone with potential catches yer eye who can use them.. give them to them.
Anything I aint wearing... do what ya want with.

An thats it sweets.
Hope I see ya soon... but... not too soon.



