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Author Topic: The Last Will And Testiment Of Argali Trueaxe  (Read 77 times)

Script Wrecked

The Last Will And Testiment Of Argali Trueaxe
« on: April 11, 2008, 04:05:32 am »
Cuprig, The Nineteenth Day Of Dry-Anvil, Fourteen-Thirty-One

As Argali spends the last two weeks recovering in the Port of Lan from her latest fall, this one being particularly hard, from her encounter with the large blue snakes of the Wolfswood, it is occurring to her that she should have the will written to take care of her affairs if she should finally fall. So, she writes this now.

Of her True, it is to be divided the following ways:

A quarter of it goes to Granny Hornpipe of the Castle of Bydell on Alindor. Thank you Granny, you have looked after Argali well when she is the girl.

A quarter of it goes to the Temple of Vorax. Argali hopes she has lived up in some measure to the ideals and standards of the Eternally Vigilant One.

The remaining half goes to the kin of the Hills of Taur'en, to help them in their ongoing struggle against the enemy and the difficulties and hardships they endure. It is Argali's deepest regret that she has not been able to do more to help.

Of Argali's property, the following items must be returned to their proper owners:

To Jacrum of the Shieldbreakers, the boots of the Gargoyle, the cloak of the Johan, the belt of the Swordsman.

To Sasha the Rofirein, the necklace of the First Shield.

To Ark of the Sharp Wit, her map of Mistone, her map of Krashin and the Isles of the Black Ice, and her unfinished map of Belinara. Also, the twin rings of the second strength.

All of these things have served Argali well.

At the time of the writing, Argali has not used the following items, so it is only fitting they are returned to their giver, Master Fenrir, the double axe of Mithril and the amulet of the Ruby set in the Mithril. Argali is sorry she could not be the better student. If she had paid closer attention, perhaps she would still be here now.

Of the remaining items, Argali wishes them to be given to the following persons:

The belt of the Honour of the Shadow, to Abigail of the Firesteeds. Argali won it from Abigail in the division of the spoils, it is only fitting she should have it now.

The book of the Sonnet of the Summons, to Chiara the sea elf. Argali also asks her friends to be keep the protective eye out for this blue elf and making sure she is safe and well.

A chest in the bank full of the armors. The armors are to go to Sasha for the protection of the new warriors.

Argali makes four smoking pipes of the hickory with her own hands, one of which she uses herself. The remaining three, as well as the three cloaks of the Watchers she is having, are to be given, one of each, to her three dearest friends and sisters and brother of battle, Sasha the Rofirein, Hilda the Axewielder, and Jacrum of the Shieldbreakers. Perhaps, when they are smoking the pipes from time to time, they can be thinking of Argali.

Of the remaining items, only the following have any real value, the gloves of Austerity, the scale of the Blue Dragon, the scale of the Red Dragon, the crystal of Harmony, and the unit flag of Might. Argali does not presume to know which will suit who most, so these things, as well as all the remaining items, are to be split amongst her three friends as they see fit.

It has been an honour and a privilege to journey with you three. She has seen many things, meet many people, and perhaps made a difference here and there. Argali wishes you well in the time ahead.

Vorax keep you safe.

Her final wish is for the poppet doll to be delivered Granny Hornpipe. Argali will keep her safe.



Argali Trueaxe, Defender of Vorax[/I]

Script Wrecked

« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2008, 03:38:37 am »
Cuprig, The Twenty-Sixth Day of Dry-Heat, Fourteen-Thirty-Three

Argali falls again, this time to the deep kin of the Deep, causing her to reflect upon the changes since she makes her will.

Here is her new will.

Of her True, it is to be divided the following ways:

If she has not yet donated to the relief of Leringard, she pledges fifty-thousand True as some small compensation for her involvement in the incident with the Tear of Orn.

Of the remainder, a half of that goes to Granny Hornpipe of the Castle of Bydell on Alindor. Thank you Granny, you have looked after Argali well when she is the girl.

The remaining half goes to the kin of the Hills of Taur'en, to help them in their ongoing struggle against the enemy and the difficulties and hardships they endure. It is Argali's deepest regret that she has not been able to do more to help.

Argali makes the map of Belinara. She is hoping she has completed it before she goes. In any event, she would like it offerred for sale in the Trade and Market Hall. While the relief of Leringard takes place, she would like half of the proceeds to be given to them. The remaining proceeds are to go to kin of the Hills of Taur'en. Mister Ark sells the map of Dregar she makes for him for some four-thousand True. She thinks eight-thousand True would be a fair price for the complete map of Belinara, less if it is incomplete.

Of her property, the following items must be returned to their proper owners:

To Jacrum of the Shieldbreakers, the cloak of the Johan and the belt of the Swordsman.

To Sasha the Rofirein, the necklace of the First Shield.

To Mister Ark, the twin rings of the Second Strength. Also, her maps of Krashin and the Isles of the Black Ice.

To the Farstriders, one ring of the Second Owl, one belt of the Healer's Hug, one amulet and two rings of the Topaz set in Silver, one dagger that she tries to find what it is.

All of these things have served Argali well.

Of the remaining items, Argali only has one or two pieces of significance, and of these, she does not presume to know which will best compliment each receipient. As such, she gives a few items to those she thinks will make the most use of them.

To Dan of the Hardhammers, her protege in the art of the Defender, she bequeaths her platinum armor made for her by Master Jacrum, her adamantium shield, and her cobalt helm made for her by Master Fenrir. May they protect him well as he protects the kin far and wide. She regrets that she will not see him grow into the Defender that she sees in him. Her mentorship of Dan of the Hardhammers hereby transferred to her master, Fenrir Thornaxe.

Her chest in the bank is full of the armors. They are to go to Sasha for the protection of the new warriors.

Argali is newly joined of the Farstriders. Alas, her time with her new brothers and sisters has been too short. Particularly, she thanks Master Jin for his insight and good company over the many years and journeys they have shared together, right from the first time she is meeting him on the ship captured by the pirates. All and any crafting ingredients that she has are to go to the Farstriders.

Argali asks her friends to keep the protective eye out for Chiara the sea elf and making sure she is safe and well. If she is ever needing the assistance, Argali would like to think that you will take care of her in Argali's absence.

When Argali first arrives on Mistone, it is Sasha the Rofirein who makes the fine example of the warrior maiden, always leading from the front. Argali does her best to emulate her, although Argali is not the first to enter the battle, she is usually the last to leave. Argali always holds her flank!

When she meets Jacrum of the Shieldbreakers, he is adopting her like she is the family. He is always looking out for her, showing her how to do the things. He has been like the big brother to her.

When Argali first meets Hilda the Axewielder, she knows she is meeting the true kin-lass. She tries to be more like the proper kin, and thinks what would Hilda do in the situations, though she cannot always do what Hilda does.

Argali has made four smoking pipes of the hickory with her own hands, one of which she uses herself. The remaining three, as well as the three cloaks of the Watchers she is having, are to be given, one of each, to her three dearest friends and sisters and brother of battle, Sasha the Rofirein, Hilda the Axewielder, and Jacrum of the Shieldbreakers. Perhaps, when they are smoking the pipes from time to time, they can be thinking of Argali.

Argali has been learning the craft of the alchemy. This is funny, no, the kin making the potions, rather then the smelting or the armor? But she was hoping to keep those who she cared about safe, and to repay them for their kindness to her, by making the potions of the healing for them. Alas, her time was too short. However, she does make some of the potions, the Lesser Restoration, the Invisibility, the Speed, and hopes they will be useful to you.

Her axe, she would like Jacrum of the Shieldbreakers to keep.

Of her remaining items, only the following have any real value, the amulet of the Ruby set in the Mithril, the ring of the Defenders, the gloves of Austerity, the ingot of enchanted Mithril, the crystal of Harmony, her belts and her cloaks. Argali does not presume to know which will suit who most, so these things, as well as all the remaining items, are to be split amongst her three friends as they see fit. She hopes they will serve you well.

It has been an honour and a privilege to journey with you three. She has seen many things, meet many people, and perhaps made a difference here and there. Argali wishes you well in the times ahead. She only hopes that she has made some measure of atonement for her involvement in the incident with the Tear of Orn before she goes.

Her final wish is for the poppet doll to be delivered Granny Hornpipe. Argali will keep her safe.

Vorax keep you safe. May he guide you in battle.



Argali Trueaxe, Defender of Vorax[/I]

Script Wrecked

« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 12:46:34 am »
Adamachtis, The Twenty-Fourth Day of Cold-Rust, Fourteen-Thirty-Six

It has been the three years since Argali fell on the ill-fated [POST=976902]journey[/POST] to the Tunnels of Lost. Then the year later, her good friend and sister-in-arms Hilda the Axewielder earns her [THREAD=188132]place[/THREAD] in the Halls of Vorax. So, she makes the new will.

Of her True, it is to be divided the following ways:

Fifty thousand True, or the all of it of she has less, goes to Granny Hornpipe of the Castle of Bydell on Alindor. Thank you Granny, you have looked after Argali well when she is the girl.

The remainder goes to the kin of the Hills of Taur'en, to help them in their ongoing struggle against the enemy and the difficulties and hardships they endure. It is Argali's deepest regret that she has not been able to do more to help.

Argali makes the map of Belinara. She is hoping she has completed it before she goes. In any event, she would like it offerred for sale in the Trade and Market Hall. The proceeds are to go to kin of the Hills of Taur'en. Mister Ark sells the map of Dregar she makes for him for some four-thousand True. She thinks eight-thousand True would be a fair price for the complete map of Belinara, less if it is incomplete.

Of her property, the following items must be returned to their proper owners:

To Jacrum of the Shieldbreakers, the belt of the Swordsman.

To Sasha the Rofirein, the necklace of the First Shield.

To Mister Ark, the twin rings of the Second Strength. Also, her maps of Krashin and the Isles of the Black Ice.

To the Farstriders, one ring of the Second Owl, one amulet of the Second Owl, one belt of the Healer's Hug.

All of these things have served Argali well.

Argali is the member of the Guild of the Farstriders. Alas, her time with her new brothers and sisters has been too short. Particularly, she thanks Master Jin for his insight and good company over the many years and journeys we have shared together, right from the first time she is meeting him on the ship captured by the pirates. All and any crafting ingredients that she has stored in the guild halls and her pack ox and on her person are to go to the Farstriders, currently including the mineral emerald, the mineral diamonds, and the enchanted ore of the mithril on her pack ox.

When Argali first arrives on Mistone, it is Sasha the Rofirein who makes the fine example of the warrior maiden, always leading from the front. Argali does her best to emulate her, although Argali is not the first to enter the battle, she is usually the last to leave. Argali always holds her flank!

When she meets Jacrum of the Shieldbreakers, he is adopting her like she is the family. He is always looking out for her, showing her how to do the things. He has been like the big brother to her.

When Argali first meets Hilda the Axewielder, she knows she is meeting the true kin-lass. She tries to be more like the proper kin, and thinks what would Hilda do in the situations, though she cannot always do what Hilda does.

Argali has made four smoking pipes of the hickory with her own hands, one of which she uses herself. Two of them are to be given to her dearest friends and sister and brother of battle, Sasha the Rofirein and Jacrum of the Shieldbreakers. Perhaps, when they are smoking the pipes from time to time, they can be thinking of Argali. Argali will be giving the last one to Hilda the Axewielder when she is seeing her again in the Halls of Vorax.

Argali has been learning the craft of the alchemy. This is funny, no, the kin making the potions, rather then the smelting or the armor? But she was hoping to keep those who she cared about safe, and to repay them for their kindness to her, by making the potions of the healing for them. Alas, her time was too short. However, she does make some of the potions, the Lesser Restoration, the Invisibility, the Speed, the various healing potions, and hopes they will be useful to you.

Of her remaining items, only the following have any real value, the amulet of the Ruby set in the Mithril, the ring of the Defenders, the gloves of Austerity, the crystal of Harmony, her belts and her cloaks. Argali does not presume to know which will suit who most, so these things, and her armors, helms, shields and weapons, as well as all the remaining items, including those in the chest at the bank, are to be split amongst her two friends as they see fit. She hopes they will serve you well.

It has been an honour and a privilege to journey with you all. She has seen many things, meet many people, and perhaps made a difference here and there. Argali wishes you well in the times ahead. She only hopes that she has made some measure of atonement for her involvement in the incident with the Tear of Orn before she goes.

Her final wish is for the poppet doll to be delivered Granny Hornpipe. Argali will keep her safe.

Vorax keep you safe. May he guide you in battle.



Argali Trueaxe, Defender of Vorax[/I]

Script Wrecked

A Sealed Letter
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 03:17:20 am »
**The following letter is sealed with wax, and kept with Argali's will. In the will, there is an adjunct detailing instructions for the letter's delivery:

[INDENT]"In the event of her untimely death, if it has not been done prior, this letter is to be delivered to the Chamberlain of Leringard."**[/INDENT]

Cuprig, The Nineteenth Day Of Damp-Chisel, Fourteen-Thirty-Eight

The Chamberlain of Leringard

Dear Sir,

It is with a heavy conscience that Argali wishes to declare her participation in the events that precipitated the attack on the fair port city of Leringard by the foul minion of the dragon tyrant Fisterion.

Be advised that the actions taken were undertaken with the best and noblest of intentions in the hope of resolving the strife caused by the Cult of the Dragonstealers, and that no harm was intended to anyone, not least the good people of Leringard, with the exception of the Dragonstealers themselves. Alas, her good nature was taken advantage of, and in her naivety, she was deceived.

She further declares the reason that she has not come forward earlier is that the dog Fisterion had threatened to raze more cities if she did not agree to accomplish certain tasks at his direction. It is on these tasks that she has been labouring in the intervening period.

It is only at the resolution of these tasks that she is now able to profess her involvement. For her actions, she throws herself upon the mercy of Leringard.

~Argali Trueaxe

PS. Be advised that if this letter is delivered not by her, that she has taken her place in the Halls of Vorax. Hopefully, she was working to the resolution of this matter when she fell.[/I]