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Author Topic: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver  (Read 934 times)

Jilseponie Wyndon

The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« on: December 20, 2006, 07:21:30 pm »
[SIZE=16]It was during the fall of Pranzis that we were yanked from our comfortable home and steady business of clothiers. We made clothing of all styles, boots, even gloves with widgets and wires. Though I sat stitching and mending clothing most of the day, or during the eves practicing telling the occasional story or singing a song, it is that night we left I will never forget.[/SIZE] [/FONT][SIZE=16] Oh, yes, that is right, who am I? I am sorry … My name is Melodious Widgeweaver, a youngish gnome (of 40 years) born and raised in Pranzis. You can call me Melody. Right now, I am ship bound for a place called Lelion, we just left the port of Hampshire, and it is going to be a long sail. I found this manuscript book of my brothers and started drawing upon the cover. Once he saw what I did, he was hot. But it was too late and he snatched it away from me, and then tossed this beat up one into my lap. “Use this, I have no further need for it. And you better have not messed up my notes . . .” Since the major life event of months past, I decided I should fill this manuscript with my adventures so if we were to ever find our parents, they could read of our exploits. My parents? Oh, yes, right. Anyways … that last night in Pranzis... [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] Magics of all types flew across the skies in a plethora of colors, the ground shook with the crumbling of buildings as if large musical groups of giants were playing their music hard, and the clash of weapons were like cymbals and tambourines accenting all of this, the music of battle filling the air. But all we had, all we owned, all that we loved, was lost. Our parents got us out of the city as safely as possible when the invaders came and the city fell to chaos, but being the honorable folk they were, they went back into the city to defend our home and business. Not everything we lost was due to the destruction of the place, but to a crazy dwarf that we heard about shortly thereafter that proclaimed his ruler ship over the city. We have not heard from our parents since that night. No word, no letter... [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] All right, so I’m being a little mellow dramatic, its my aspiration to be so ... A few years back I saw a man one night entertaining children, using illusions to help tell his tales, and the looks upon their faces was amazing and heart touching. It was from that point on, that I knew that I would find a way to become a bard. To bring joy to ones face by song or by story …  [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] So, to continue … We (my big brother, Brem and I) ran through the wood outside the city bordering the Haft lake District, skirting more of the encroaching army, the tall shroom folk and finally made our way south to Castle Raxwell into Lorindar. It was a long and arduous trip through the darkened wood and the outlaying regions beyond. When we finally reached the city, I was practically sleepwalking. That would have been an interesting experience. If I stayed awake long enough and maybe if I … oh … yes, the escape.  [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] Lorindar was a place full of smells and sounds. The ringing of bells on the ships, the creak of the ropes, the steady cadence of the waves sloshing alongside the piers, and the smells! Fish of all types, the sweat from the strong sailors working in the hot sun, the smell of cooking coming from the local inn where we stayed for a while. We had little coin so I was able to make a deal with the hostess for a room in trade for a bit of song and storytelling. And with the sailors passing through the inn I was able to hear many stories and song. I think, that the hostess thought a small room was standard compensation for my paltry services and gnomish size as it held only a small bed and an end table. For the two us no less. I wandered the docks and the city during the day, while Brem stayed in the room studying. Moreover, Brem continuously kept reminding me, that it was difficult for him to study properly in such conditions, that we should leave soon for Karthy. Brem has wishes of becoming a notable mage and found the city too … constricting … and noisy … and smelly … and rough … for study. He is such the bookworm. Always has his face stuck between the pages of some book, usually magics of some sort … and one time in a library in … oops … *Ahem* Therefore, it was not long before we left. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] Karthy was such an interesting place, full of festivity. The women were quite amorous in their form of song and tale and it was such a delight to listen to them, but of course, Brem was not happy. There was really no need of such services as such I would willingly provide so our stay was brief as Brem was practically pulling at my shirtsleeves to leave. Now do not get me wrong, I love my brother dearly and would do anything for him but he could be quite stuffy and unsociable at times but he has been looking after me for so long, taking care of me since we were little, I feel I owe him at least that much. To move on to find a place he could be happy in that would let him study in peace. I think I would be lost without him, but I would not admit that to him. Me, I could probably settle in most anywhere, and he is, for right now, the only family I have left. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] We traveled by caravan with what little coin we had left and found ourselves in another port city that didn’t really seem all that different from the others except we slept out in the open night air. I found a town crier spreading his news like a song and I heard of a place that sounded backcountry, and had quite the influx of folk about it. A semi-quiet little town. I went and told Brem about it and he went out seeking more information. He said the town’s name was Hlint and he heard about some big wizard’s tower there and wanted to see this place. Maybe he might get tutelage there in the magic he was studying. He begged me to go with him there and he said he heard of open-air platforms where folks performed, that I myself may find someone to tutor me, and that I may find steady employment there. His eyes were so pleading, something I rarely see in him. So I nodded assent and he beamed, quickly, then he was back to his normal uninterested facial look. At every city, I was sending letters back to Pranzis, now Prantz from what I have heard, to our parents, hoping for a reply asking for us to return home. In addition, from the news that has been floating through the shipping lanes, the new ruler of Prantz has rebuilt the city, things are supposedly better, but still no reply. Brem wants to save up some coin for a trip back; he does not want to go through that harsh trip again. Therefore, he said, “Let us study for a bit, save some coin and we’ll go back together if we do not hear anything. Keep sending the letters, someone is bound to respond soon." [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] I have seen some bards play instruments of some kind and in speaking with a couple of them; they had made their own instruments. It takes time and dedication. So as I write this on board a ship to this place called Lelion, I will make that my personal goal and take up the clothier business like my parents until such time I may be able to rejoin them. Hopefully by that time, I will be a full fledged bard and make them proud of their baby girl.[/SIZE]

Jilseponie Wyndon

The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2006, 07:42:34 pm »
Well, welcome to Hlint! During the final journey by ship it seems we lost all our possessions to either pirates orto the storm we encountered, but we finally dragged ourselves into the small backwoods town of Hlint. Not that, its a bad thing mind you, just a bit more rustic than we anticipated.
During our first month in town, Brem and I picked up a few friends who helped us out along the way getting ourselves settled in. With the coin we were able to collect from the local goblin tribes (So generous they were!) we were able to get ourselves a room at the local inn. Brem found his tower and was practically drooling all over himself, and I may have found whatI was looking for. One beautiful voice I met goes by the name of Kat, Owner of Kat's Creations. She said she would help me out andI have been practicing so hard so that onceI actually get to perform in her presence, I hope not to be a disappointment.
Brem and I have been doing odd jobs for some of the locals and that also has been helping us procure new supplies and giving us opportunities to ... experience ... and get the lay of the land.
So for now, its getting to know the land and it's people. And its hard for us gnome folk, we're small, hard to see, and constantly thought of as halflings as people seem to be reassuring themselves that thier purses still reside on thier persons. A Mister Pyrran for one ... Hmmm, maybe there is a song in there some where. *Sorts through many pieces of parchment and the manuscript is lost amongst the pile*

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2011, 02:19:24 pm »
Well, what have we here ... I thought I lost this journal in my travels. The world has changed so much since my last writing, there is no reason I should try to fill in the gap, but suffice it to say I found a new home!  Yes Yes Yes!  At the Silver Buckle no less!  I collect food for payment of my room, and I get to play on a REAL STAGE!  There wll be all kinds of people there for a food auction and I get to serve drinks and sing with Sir Andrew! He's the owner, yep! And a Bard himself.  So I been busy busy busy writing new stuff, and playing some for a random wanderer in the little place called Central.  Oh I just can't wait wait wait!

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2011, 12:37:20 am »
Oh my.  My first real show and it became tainted.  I was doing real well until, well, it started earlier in the day.  Mr Harry invited me to travel up in the snows of Krashin. He had 2 others with him.  Deep Gnomes.  Same race, different faction. Sho and Krym.  Decent fighters.  So we traveled for a bit, thus the extent of our relationship.  Then they showed up at the auction where I was working.  Sho was nice enough, but his friend Krym kept pushing him.  Saying bad things about the "surfacers" and their blatant tossing about of coin when it could have been used to help free their kin ... Kryms manner made me feel "Dirty" and having to translate it made it worse.  He was quite rude, but I didn't pass on to the others what he was saying.   The sarcastic remarks said by others during our skit was no bother compared to Krym.  Sho actually apologized.  Krym wanted to "Bleed" the others of their coin, but I told him No.  I told him I wouldn't talk to the others that way to do that.  They were good folks and willing to help out such causes as theirs.  All they had to do was ask. I shocked Krym and he shut up for a bit.  I don't know, maybe Sho is a decent fellow, I could talk with him, maybe get him to ask for help.  But I hold no hope and will not speak for him for that until I speak with him.  At least not with Mr Rudeness about.  Pfft!  

There was at least one shining point of the auction, Sir Andrew asked for Ms Elohannas hand in marriage.  When he brought out the ring and the way he described it, I knew what was happening even as others were talking about bidding on it like it was actually going to be auctioned off.  She said yes of course.  She'd be foolish to say no to such a good man as Sir Andrew. And she is just as good for him as well.  A good match!  Yes Yes Yes!  

I guess I'll have to wait til there is a Bardic Concert to see how good I am.  People were too busy clamoring for the auction to continue (We were on a break) for me to see how the others responded to the skit.  I am so tired and worn out ... translating ... running about ... repeating embarrassing things ... feeling uncomfortable ... just gonna plop back on my pillow----------------

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2011, 07:04:36 pm »
*A few tear stains dot the page, a smear where one was wiped away.*

The day was good, at least in the beginning.  Sir Andrew gave me some pointers in Bard Battle, and Ms Elly and he took me window shopping for a sling. The boat captain thought I was their child (maybe he just played along) but then Sir Andrew started acting silly and tripped over his own feet.  But then I headed to Wayfare when it all went bad.

I was standing near the florist, going through my ox pack, (well I was practically in the bag) when I heard a commotion.  Upon climbing out there were 3 skelly bats around us!  I was in shock!  There in the middle of town! And before I knew it, one had attacked one of the homeless children, the poor child seeing I was within my bag must have run in to save me, and before my eyes, the *#$%^# thing killed him!  Ooooh I was so mad I ran after it, and not thinking about the new cloth sling I carried (And have not even tried using yet), I .. I .. yes, I used my *sobs* Guitar to smash it over and over and over ... Not sure what happened to the other 2, but they were gone.  The flower lady said she would send flowers to his grave service and inform the head of the Homeless Shelter.  Later I looked at the simple cloth sling ... really looked at it.

Could it really make a difference in a fight?  These little knobs of metal?  I looked at others, and the crossbow seemed powerful.  Has these nifty cranks to pull the string back ... I don't know if Sir Andrew would approve, I should ask him before I step forward.  I mean, he says he knows the way of a Battle Bard but he can't seem to keep his feet on a simple walk.  *Sighs*  I think I'll compose something for the little boys eulogy.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2011, 06:08:51 pm »
Again ... if I didn't know better, I'd think I was someone's fishing lure on the Fishing Pole of life.  More Skelly Bats found me in the Silkwood this time.  And in the temple area! Oh no no no.  Luckily a Knight in Shining Dress found me.  Said his name was Riley Alexander.  Good thing he came by because 2 nasty looking dogs came around.  They looked eeeeeevillll.  Yes yes yes. All Black outlined in fiery red. Ugh!

Anyways, I'm wandering through the wood to head to Hempstead (Shortcut) and I see one fly past towards the goblin caves. Well, I followed and took care of them.  Then more come on me at the campfire near the temple.  Well, I was hardly hitting the stupid thing and this Knight in a Dress shows up, and he just sits there on his horse ... watching me! After a few more unsuccessful attempts at hitting it, I asked "Well don't just stand there .. help me!"  Then afterwards " What were you going to do, let it eat me?"  Sheesh!  Probably didn't want to get his dress dirty. *Giggles*

Anywho .. need to find out if maybe one of my trips into Krandor Crypts put some kinda undead trigger scent on me.  This wouldn't be good to have such an interruption while  Isang at Ms Elly and Sir Andrews Wedding!  


Jilseponie Wyndon

The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 02:07:06 pm »
//Lvl 9

Deep breath now ... or everything will be written in a compacted jumble.   A man in Vehl wanted some sort of crystal, so I wandered about until I  met up with Charlie.  He has a room at the Buckle too!  Any he and his  friends were in the dirty Kobold Caves outside Hlint and I asked if he  and his friends could help.  Lets see ... Charlie and there was Kat  (Great Finger-wiggler!  knows bunches and bunches and bunches of  spells!) and Robb, but Charlie called him Muscles, Tori (who seems a tad  shy.  Always rested apart from others and said little) and ummm ...  Deverain!  Charlie called him Mr Tinpants or something because he didn't  give his name at first and he wore metal from head to toe!  Where was  I?  Oh yeah!  We found the crystal thingy, some kind of elemental ghost I  think, when the others decided to go into this cave it was guarding.   No idea why it was guarding, the giants inside seemed to do a good job  at that.  Anyways, we found this little corner to hide and rest in from  making our way there and Charlie, yes Charlie said that there was some  monster fish in the water and to come see.  Well, I wasn't too sure if  he was kidding or not, so I walked over and peered over the edge.  Next  thing I knew I was being pushed into the water and I let out a shriek!   Not just any shriek, an ear-splitting  letting-all-the-giants-in-the-cave-know-we're-here shriek!  I didn't get  wet because charlie grabbed my cloak and pulled me back.  But the  others were clearly upset with me.  Now, this wasn't one of my special  singing bursts, no.  Never had I shrieked so loud and painful before.  I  tried again after that to reproduce it, but nope.  Its like it left me.   And I only mention it now because its happened once before in Center  talking with Lili and Aden.  Lili was teaching me how to eat my words  and while I was holding them in, she poked me in the stomach taking me  by surprise and wow ... poor Aden's ears!  So I thought best to document  this in case it happened again in case I need to see a Healer or a  Priest to rid some evil entity from with-in (Doo-Doo-Doommmm).
 Well, time to go out and try to hunt down more hickory.  Stupid  merchants need to make hatchets or saws so us little folk can cut wood,  sure it might take us longer, but hey .. we got rights too!  How am I to  swing an axe thats bigger than me? They are as top heavy as the  waitress' in the Wild Surge Inn!  How else can I make instruments to  play.  Not like there is a music store on every corner ... at least one  with more respectable prices for us bards that don't make much coin!

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2011, 01:09:42 pm »
//Lvl 10

By all the Blue Blazes of Blueberries!  I sang til I was Blue in the face! There was a note posted at the Wild Surge of a man looking for help.  It was a finger-wiggler scholar wanting to go into the Broken Halls to find and capture one of the protective wyrms  that the long ago Dark Elf Evil Wizard Arit'zar then turned Vampire, created to protect that old Elven Fortress!  You'd think the words "Dark Elf Evil Wizard Arit'zar" would chase off a few adventurers?  Well .. Noooo!   Really, if you think about it, if those were so called "Good" adventurers, they should have seen the many many many possible bad recriminations and told the scholar to bugger off!  I think today's youth are just gluttons for punishment.  So what if someone else may take the job.  Let them!  Why should we be responsible for unleashing something so terrible upon the folks of this land?  So now ... its going to be "OUR FAULT"!  Yes, I was there.  Someone had to be there to record the event.  Its "What I Do." Yes, I helped.  Was I supposed to let the Wyrm slaughter all those innocent yet now "Instruments of Destruction" folk? Course not!  I'd be just as bad as Saproprias (The Elf Lord that lead the wars against humankind 1000 years ago and sacrificed his own people to get the wyrms from Arit'zar)!   And just how did this tiny gnome do that?  Well, I sang and sang til I was blue in the face!  "Sing to it" they said.  Charm it with song so they can miniaturize it and capture it for study, they said.  Well, I only know one dragon song.  So I sang it. It's title? Do Virgins Taste Better? Yep, that's the one.  So I either charmed it with a song it could relate itself too .. or I really embarrassed it.  It was kinda dark and hard to tell.  My voice got sooo hoarse!  I had to sing 2 other songs while they tried nabbing it, under such stress and all ...

I must say though, that the group fought and worked well together.  Lets see, there was Krym and Charlie, A Stiletto, Val and Aden who were fighters, and there was Ty who was nifty with traps and locks.  Then there was ... ummm.  Dang forgot.  Lost my notes in the dark ... there were a couple others, and then there was Ms Kat.  Most impressive finger-wiggler I ever saw.  She got really upset because Aden fell, and most of the group ran ahead leaving him behind.  Well, you can't blame them, really.  The scholar guy .. oh yeah .. JC is his name, was running off ahead.  The others were afraid he was going to skip out on the deal of the reward he offered and they followed him. So you know what they value more.  Coin over one of their own.  Pretty sad huh?  Course, they ran into some diseased rats and mummies, and I couldn't let them fight without inspiration, I mean really,  "It's My Job."  Yes yes yes.  Besides I have no clue how to fix someone that far gone or hurt.  It's just beyond my abilities. My abilities were needed elsewhere, and the group had just cleared that room of dangers, so she was going to be all right.  Aden finally made it to his feet and we helped him get out.  We made it to Hlint, got paid, and I really really really learned something from the excursion!

So, what now?  We wait.  When that wyrm is loosed once more upon the land, everyone can blame those that agreed to the job and JC  (Who Hired the folk and took the Wyrm) for the fall out.  Me?  I need a nap!

Oh yeah, and one other thing.  The Skelly Bats found me again while we were traveling to the Broken Halls.  I think I'll have to make inquiries to see if I'm possessed, marked or something.

Jilseponie Wyndon

The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2011, 03:31:51 pm »
Orcs Orcs Orcs!  Everywhere!  I figured it had to be reported so I went to see if I could lend a voice and wow, did alot of folk show up to help!  They put up a great front of strength.  A scouting group went on ahead so I went with them to chronicle the expedition, but we got separated in the dark woods.  I tried climbing a tree to see all about, but I slipped on a branch and kind of got "Hung up" but I oddly found my way back to Center just as a scout showed up to tell of the Orcs progress.   The orcs had backed off and holed up in a cave.  So when we got there, they took care of the guards then used some fire bombs to seal the cave. Like throwing rocks at a hornets nest.  When they find their way out, bet they're gonna be back with a vengeance. Yes Yes Yes!  Found lots of trinkets and coin.  The trinkets I handed out to those fighting or used them on folks and I shared out all the coin.  Even added some of mine to the pot because I didn't look to see how much I was already carrying.  Hope it wasn't alot! Anyways, nothing extremely noteworthy, a small battle to protect a community, a couple folks fell who got hurt real bad, and the orcs were sent packing.  A good deed done well by those that stood up for the peoples of Center.  A standing ovation!

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2011, 05:43:59 pm »
Quick note.  Spoke with Sir Andrew this eve and i told him about my sudden "Outbursts".  He says its like singing opera.  Hits those notes so high it can make ears bleed.  Don't see the attraction of opera if it does that, but maybe  I just didn't understand him well enough.  He called it a "Skald" thing.  I thought skalding was when you burnt yourself with hot water.  Do they call opera singers Skalds? I will have to go find out about this stuff.  I'm told there is a Great Library where they have all kinds of things written down, maybe even some songs!  They said to look in Black-something Castle between Leringard and Llast.  Woo Hoo!  Field trip!

Jilseponie Wyndon

The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2011, 03:10:30 pm »
LvL 11

Bad move.  Bad ... Bad ... Bad.  Sir Daniel says come to the Rift with us and I'll protect you ...  well, apparently he has no control when some Dark Elven Mages cast some kind of elemental storm and the bight fuzzy lights daze you and blind you and as you try to stumble your way out of it ... more of the the sky lightenings (in caverns no less) come down and frazzled me terribly!  I woke up in Center feeling as if totally drained. Ewww.  So bad, bad, bad!  I learned many things about the rift and its strange no al'nothian zones, but now I know what to be prepared for if I ever venture there again. Though they did have pretty gems lying about, worth going back for, yes yes yes!

Anyways, prior to that trip I had an epiphany and was able to learn myself a new song.  I might be able to control a creature if I sing persuasive enough.  It would have to be a semi-intelligent one of course.  I don't know animal speak.  

My skills are getting better at music craft, and since I have so much wood dust left, I take it to the kitchen and make parchments out if it.  Getting the hang of this baking thing!  So, got some more practicing to do and gathering.  Need silk ... lots and lots and lots of it.  So off and running!

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2011, 02:50:02 pm »
Can a gnome be relieved and not relieved a the same time? I was cursed!  Yes yes yes!   It may have begun with me, maybe, but its spread!  More skelly bats were attacking me, so I spoke to a priest.  The last time was at the Vehl docks, so I went to the nearest temple and talked to them.  said I had a bad aura about me that was drawing undead to me.  So he did some praying and finger-wiggling over me to get rid of it.  He didn't do a good job, I'll tell you! (Or "Me", as I'm writing to myself?)  Now there is a big Ol' nasty note on the Buckle saying anyone associated with me or those that live/work there are cursed and everyone is to stay away or they will be cursed too!  Ms Elly and Sir Andrew did some de-cursing stuff and temporarily got rid of the .. the ... tether? of evil cursedom attached to the building!  At first I was thinking maybe I did something bad.  Attracted the attention of some evil mage or upset a ghost by taking something.  But now, its the Buckle too.  Sir Andrew was attacked by deaders in Hempstead.  And now thinking about it ... after the note ...  what if someone was trying to "Discredit" the Buckle to either 1. Hurt Sir Andrew and Ms Elly and/or 2. Take it from them for their own use?  They talk about some lady that keeps bothering them, and Sir Andrew has a stalker who says he's his Number One Fan ... And that Lady .. she saw me at the Buckle during the auction, what if thats where it started?  I was her "Back Door" to some master plan? I gotta find Sir Andrew! *The ink line from the last word runs straight across the page*

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2011, 01:33:00 pm »
Lvl 12

Its a weird feeling, scarey too but weird.  I went with some friends to the
"Misted Village" and the Al'noth is repelled from there.  No magical assistance at all could be used.  I thought I'd be useless there, but my songs (well, not all of them) empowered my friends.  We made our way deep within the village and back out without any deadly mishaps (except for the many arrows that almost had me seeing the Soul Mother) until a few of us went and visited the other locals of the woods there.  The Tall Shiny Knight fell and was taken away.  He was named Ester, Easter, Aestir err something like that.  But the experience gave me an epiphany and helped me to better understand things.   Maybe an answer of my sudden burst of sounds is just around the corner?  Maybe.  Just maybe.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2012, 08:29:11 pm »


So busy busy busy.  There was a Krazy Kenku, Bad Bugbears, City folk with pitchforks wanting to burn down the Buckle and we had to find out why before things got worse!  And we did, yes yes yes! I went to a trial and this man got himself spread too thin ... literally!  He was spread all over the place. Booom!   Then the lady behind it all got put in the dungeon.  But she's got a creepy son out there that may be worse than her!  I hope not to meet him alone anywhere , no no no.  

I've found that I can get my voice near to an ear-splitting pitch, but I have no control over it, I find it very frustrating!  But being so busy I haven't had time to go somewhere safe (With no one else about) to practice.  

My crafting is improving.  Even one of my side projects is coming along nicely.  But I need to put a bit more finesse into it, yes yes yes.  I'll have to give it another go real soon.  Can't rush it or it may backfire and can't have that!

Well, time to skedaddle and get more crafting done.  Hope there is enough wood to work with.  Going to need more silk soon.  You'd think with all the spiders about, there would be more spots to collect from. :\\

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2012, 07:16:48 pm »

Besides the fun of the Turnip Turnpike fiasco with Armand the discussion following after sent Armand poofing/running away.  And I was left with a question to answer of which was "How do you feel about Armand?".  Because from what the others were saying, Sanbir, Sehky and Feawen, that Armand was in love with me.  And I ask myself, "What is Love?"  I love pie, heh, I just like to eat ~and~ drink, I love to travel, I lovelovelove my music, but another person?  Not a parent or sibling, but another being who supposedly can return the feeling.  What are the feelings of love?  Gnomes are in love with their vocation.  Inter-relational-combining of the opposite sexes to propagate the species to ensure a sizable community and increase the technical and forward motion of ones society for simpler living is considered just that.  At least what I was taught, before ... they ... passed on

(the next set of writings is done with a different ink and slightly different slant)

Love ... something to research.  Playing my songs of love and watching the audience may show me something.

Also ... Armand started smoking, and it blew in my face and went up mu nose!  It caused a huge stir and then a huge sneeze.  I think I really hurt their ears.  I felt so bad.  But that was my day ... simple but true.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2012, 12:58:13 pm »
A Nurse!  I got to be a nurse!  And I watched them stick all these long pointy sharp needles into the body and then they cut away this dark layer of skin, blood oozing everywhere .... Everyone was helping, well, except the Boss.  HE was telling his life story.  Maybe it was to help lull the patient to sleep .. hehe .. nooo I'm kidding!  The patient wanted to hear it, it was about them!  But all went well.  I get to clean and change the bandages every couple hours and make sure the patient is comfortable!  So no funny jokes or songs to make them laugh or the would might split open and not heal right.  Wouldn't want a scar on that pretty shoulder!  

Been working hard hard hard on my musical item making.  I'm getting better but I need more oak.  Someone should petition the merchant guilds to make hatchets so us little folk can cut some wood.  I mean, sure, we can only cut branches down .. not a full tree.  Or cut up fallen limbs.  But at least we are pruning only the dead limbs.  And we can saw too!  You take a special cutting wire and tie it in the middle of a rope, toss it up over a branch and pull it so both ends are hanging on either side with the cutting wire draped over the limb.  Then pull each end of the rope, alternating, keeping pressure and you saw the limb!  Who says us little folk can cut wood?  I'm lucky if I can drag 10 branches around without making a deep rut in the dirt!  Discrimination I tell you!

Oh, I gotta go.  Lunch time for the patient.  Gotta balance the tray properly or I'll make a mess like Ms Jetta did.   And during an operation too!  She's security not a doctors assistant.  What if Ms Elly didn't catch that jug?  Put that poor poor poor patients life in jeopardy ... yes yes yes. Oh!  Yes, Lunch!

Jilseponie Wyndon

The Manuscripts of Melodius (Melody) Widgeweaver
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2012, 10:05:07 am »
A pie eating champion!  Me!  All those years traveling the seedy Inns and Taverns has paid off.   A man there called Stephen, thought he could make me drop out by blowing a chunk from his nose into the middle of my pie.  Little did he know some of the things I've been introduced to in the past. *sighs* Good days and bad days.  Nothing I am proud of, No no no.  But no gnome has come up with a way to pop into the past and change things, though those instances are the things that make us.  But I won this fabulous magical serving tray!  Guaranteed to never tip or spill!  It'll be fun to test out on some of the drunks the Buckle pulls in!  

Armand was there and was acting strange.  He kept speaking about some disease he had.  He had some odd emotional reactions that caused him to stutter and blush ...I haven't seen him in quite some time.  I do miss chatting with him over his constructs.  He is soooo intent!  

And I been having some odd dreams lately too.  I wake up wit ha pitch that borders on .. ear splitting.  Even a poor cow below a loft I slept in had a bit of blood coming from its ears!  I felt sooo bad!  Of course I immediately tended to it .

Thats it for now!  Ta ta!


