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Author Topic: The path to Acceptance  (Read 232 times)


The path to Acceptance
« on: July 06, 2008, 03:03:11 pm »
**chronicaled by a bard over a many year period**

Arke sits across from me at the table in one of the many non-descripted bars we have frequented together over the years.  My job, one of my lifes ambitions is to find out about and journalize the life of this amazing large fellow.  Unlike many of his raucus kin, he is almost docile in mannerisms.  Most treat him with wariness and distrust, not allowing them to learn of the wisdom he holds behind his gruff exterior.

He has been spending his days trying to teach others of Grannoch, his lifeblood, his being.  Truly there is nothing else that gets him going then those who do not know of her.  Most he speak to do not even know she is the Mother of all Giants.  Then when they do find out, they are frightened and distrustful, not knowing much about her.  Arke has said many times "If only dem take times listen to voice, dem may learns".  His wish is only to pass on her teachings as best he may.

There are those out there who only wish to tear apart that that is the foundation of his life, while there are others who help to bring it to fruition.  Those who guard the town of Hempstead rankle Arke to no end.  There is nothing more then the wish for acceptance and here at this town they not only do not listen but ridicule and bemean many who he calls friends. He can not understand why those who are his friends would even put up with such treatment of others.

He also speaks to me of a lady in purple whom attacked him, though he did not have much to say about her, but he did have much more to say of some fat woman he called Noone.  I didn't have the heart to tell him that she said she was No One, not even giving her name.  But he did say she followed one whom she called the Father.  She lived just outside Hemp and had a large statue with flames upon it outside her door.  This lady called Grannoch a false god and attacked Arke with flames that burned about the lands.  He in turn brought down Grannoch's lightning blowing apart her false gods idol.   If only he knew more about this woman and how to bring her and her god to thier knees and teach them the true way, the way of Grannoch.

There was much more we spoke of but it was little things of gathering and making friends and eating "fruit in bread" which is what he calls pie.  Not much was said at this meeting though there was so much more to come upon our next.
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Re: The path to Acceptance
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2008, 11:05:12 am »
*much time has passed since the last entry and it took much of two days to decipher and be able to put this together*

As we sit down to begin our talk, Arke has a smile on his face and says "It good Arke find so many friends of Grannoch around"  This kind of sums up just about everything that makes him who he is.  He still moves forward in trying to get a new temple constructed but is frustrated to no end at how he can even get the ball rolling in the right direction.  

It seems he has been involved in a trial recently.  A man named Aerimor had killed both Jaelle, whom Arke described as a misled bad woman who follows Mist, and Elohanna whom he described as a great great friend of Grannoch who follows Aeridin.  It was soon after Aerimor killed them that Grannoch lent Arke the strength to bring Aerimor down himself.  That was when the miracle happened, even though Arke is not of the strength or of the ability, he was able to raise Elohanna back from death with the aid of Grannoch.  Thus he says he was shown that Grannoch was pleased by Elohanna and his own actions.  At the trial Aerimor was found guilty of murder and beheaded.

After listening to this, I had to take a break as the telling of this single tale took up most of a day.  I will finish with this entry soon as there is much more to be told.


Re: The path to Acceptance
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2008, 11:55:56 am »
*again much time has passed on*

Arke's time has been spent alot at the temple outside of Ft. Vehl up in the mountains now.  Less and less is he being harassed on sight for what he is, although some still look askew of him when they first meet him or sometimes do not even take the time to meet him.  He has made many forays into the lands and even has become friends with a dark elf.  But who is he to judge when so many judge him already.  This is really it for now... but soon perhaps I will have the air for a longer telling.

*the bard goes back to his musings*